

Just as Harry was teleported from the Dursleys by Cosmos it left of such a magical shockwave that it alerted two people. The first was Albus Dumbledore who also felt the blood wards he placed collapsing and the other was a newly joined auror Kingsley Shacklebolt who was monitoring the muggle maps for any magical outbursts that would need the accidental magic reversal squad. Shacklebolt's eyes widened as he saw a big magical outburst happening at No 4 Privet Drive, he was even more shocked when he noticed who stayed in that house and immediately rushed to inform his boss about what had occurred as she would want to know the details.

Dawlish knocked and entered the room when he was given the permission to do so and he saw his boss Amelia Bones the Head of DMLE who was talking to the Head auror Alastor Moody, "What is the matter Auror Shacklebolt" Amelia asked.

"Mam, there was an strong magical outburst at Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging Surrey, Hadrian Potter's residence. It was too a heavy magical outburst and I doubt the boy could have did it" Shacklebolt answered her.

Amelia after hearing that quickly got up and she along with Moody and Shacklebolt apparated to Privet Drive.


Albus was sitting on his chair in the headmaster's office and doing some paperwork while having some sherbet lemon when he felt the wards around privet drive collapsing. He frowned as he thought that there might be some mistake with the instrument and took out some other silver and mithril instruments and inspected them. When he saw that all the instruments where showing the same result, he was worried as he thought that somehow young Hadrian was attacked. So he quickly drew his elder wand and apparated to privet drive, one of the perks of being the headmaster was that he could apparate or disapparate within Hogwarts and also create portkeys that could bring you straight to Hogwarts and out of it.

When he appeared at Privet Drive he frowned when he heard some popping noises and turned back to see Amelia Bones, Reagent of House Bones along with Alastor Moody his old friend and an auror he recognized as Kingsley Shacklebolt as a student from Hogwarts.

"What are you doing here Headmaster" Amelia asked him.

"I could ask you the same Madam Bones, as for why I am here I felt the blood wards I placed around the house collapsing" Dumbledore answered.

"We felt a big magical outburst from here and we wanted to check it out and no headmaster we will not return without inquiring about the situation here" Amelia informed him when Albus looked like he was going to protest.

"Fine, Let us go inside the house and check" Dumbledore sighed.

All nodded and drew their wand as they stepped inside, what they saw when they entered was the kitchen and the living room which looked like it was blasted by a bomb and also there was some blood spilled on the kitchen floor. Dumbledore cast a charm on the floor and fear shook him as he informed the others that the blood was of Harry Potter's. They heard some whimpering and some scared noise from the bedroom upstairs and they went there. As they opened the door they were almost attacked by Vernon Dursley who was about to hit Dumbledore with his golf club, but Dumbledore sensed the attack and banished him wandlessly.

"Hello Vernon and Petunia" Dumbledore said calmly as though he wasn't just attacked. Petunia starred at the Wizards and Witches in the room with such a look that, if looks could kill they would have been long dead

"You Freaks what do you want and why did you step into our home" Petunia spat

Amelia, Kingsley and Alastor were appalled at such behaviour while Dumbledore suddenly asked, "What happened to Hadrian"

"That good for nothing freak was taken by a freakish bird and we are glad, we will not allow the boy to return at our home" Petunia told them.

Dumbledore used Legilimemcy on Vernon and what he saw horrified him, he knew that the Dursleys were not fond of the boy but he held hope that they would not take their hatred of the boy's parents over an innocent child but clearly he was wrong. Dumbledore was now worried and felt guilty as he did not know where Hadrian could be or what the bird that had saved him was, he had hoped that the boy was alive and had gotten medical help as he was on the verge of near death. A gasp from Amelia made him turn his attention to her and he knew that she also used legilimency on Vernon. To say she was enraged would be an understatement, she was ballistic as she ordered Kingsley to start taking official statement and Dumbledore knew there was no saving the Dursleys now. No one had seen Amelia Bones lose control before as she always wore and emotional mask

"Dumbledore, you said that Harry would be safe here, is this what we call safe in your mind, Harry had almost died and was treated worse and an abusive household's house elf, he was basically their slave for all purposes. We also don't know he if he alive and where is he, The Blacks, Longbottoms and I also repeatedly told you that the boy should not be placed here." Amelia growled.

"Amelia do forgive an old man's mistakes, I wanted Harry placed here due to the blood wards that will protect him from anyone external meaning harm to him" Dumbledore requested.

"The wards did not protect him from the monsters inside Headmaster" Amelia coldly replied.

"Be it as it may now our priority must be finding young Hadrian" Dumbledore said as he had Fawkes teleport an instrument to him and he took some of Harry's blood from the kitchen and placed it on the instrument, but the instrument did not respond signifying that Harry was under some of the strongest wards and could not be tracked. He said this to the others in the room and all agreed to disapparate to the ministry to report these events. Just as they were about to leave Amelia sent two patronus messages to the Longbottoms and the Blacks informing them about the situation. All of them knew this information was going to cause massive panic and mostly a change of the government leading to more destability. After apparating to the ministry they filed a criminal case against the Dursleys and also organized a search party to find Hadrian James Potter.

Chaos, massive and widespread chaos that was what the ministry could be described as now. People were running around like headless chickens as all were preparing for an emergency wizengamot session. The reason for all this chaos and panic was an article posted today.

Boy who lived missing and was raised in an abusive household- by Barnabus Cuffe

That is right readers you read the headline correctly and there is no mistake in the printing. Yesterday Evening The head of DMLE Madam Amelia Bones in a emergency press meet call yesterday informed to us that the boy who live Hadrian Potter heir of House Potter was missing and was nearly on the verge of death when saved by an unknown bird. We also learnt of the shocking fact the young boy was abused by his muggle relatives with who he was living with. The extent of the abuse was not told to us but one can only wonder how much the boy suffered if he was on the verge of death. In fact The Lords of Houses Black, Longbottom, Lestrange and Malfoy and Lady Bones repeatedly fought for the custody of Heir Potter citing that that was what the late Lily Potter the boy's mother would have wanted and her sister hated all things related to magic. But they were denied the custody citing the blood ward that were meant to protect Heir Potter but what use is that protection if he could not be protected from the people inside. Why was the Minister so compulsive on placing the heir with his muggle relatives, all one can do is speculate, so much so that the minister had sealed the wills of late Lord James Potter and Lady Lily Potter citing sensitive information. But one definitely has to question the competency of the Minister and the Ministry. Madam Bones also informed us a search party was formed to search for the boy and if anybody had seen him are requested to come up to the DMLE to inform them. Also today there will be an emergency wizengamot session and lets all hope that those filthy muggles get what they deserve when they are brought before the hands of law. We will keep you informed regarding the updates of today's Wizengamot session and any lead on Heir Potter's case.

Know more about the Potters(page5) Know more about blood wards(page3) Know more about the ministers hand in placing Heir Potter there(page 4)

AN: Thank you guys for reading through it, hope you enjoy again sorry for the shorter chapter as I had to visit the clinic today, I promise tomorrow's chapter will be longer. Have a good day.

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