
Harry Potter and the Nexus of Worlds

AI Written Before receiving his Hogwarts letter, eleven-year-old Harry Potter stumbles upon a mysterious book that grants him the ability to draw objects and knowledge from other books. Armed with this newfound power, Harry explores magical worlds beyond his imagination, uncovering secrets and mastering skills that prepare him for the extraordinary journey ahead. As he delves deeper into the art of libriomancy, Harry discovers a hidden library that could change his life forever. AI Written

Mickael_Alraek · 作品衍生
18 Chs

Chapter One: The Book in the Alley

Running had become second nature to me. It was the best way to escape Dudley's gang, who always seemed to have a new reason to chase me. Today was no different. My lungs burned as I darted down the narrow streets of Little Whinging, my footsteps echoing off the brick walls.

I turned a corner, hoping to lose them, and found myself in an alley I'd never noticed before. It was narrow and dimly lit, with shadows that seemed to move of their own accord. My heart pounded in my chest as I pressed myself against the cold, rough wall, trying to catch my breath and listen for the sounds of pursuit. But Dudley's gang had lost interest, their laughter and shouts fading into the distance.

As the adrenaline began to ebb, curiosity took over. The alley was unlike any I'd seen in Little Whinging. It felt... different. There was a strange energy in the air, something that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I took a cautious step forward, my eyes scanning the dimness for anything unusual.

That's when I saw it: a small, weathered book lying in the shadow of a dumpster. Its cover was tattered, and the pages looked as if they had been thumbed through countless times. Something about it called to me, an inexplicable pull that I couldn't resist. I picked it up, my fingers tingling as I brushed the dust away.

The title was almost unreadable, but I could just make out the words: "The Art of Libriomancy." I frowned, puzzled. Libriomancy? I'd never heard of such a thing. I opened the book, my heart racing with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The first page was filled with intricate drawings and strange symbols, but it was the words that caught my attention.

"Libriomancy," it read, "is the magical ability to draw items and elements from books into the real world. Those who master this art can access countless worlds and wield unimaginable power."

My breath caught in my throat. It couldn't be real... could it? I turned the pages eagerly, my eyes devouring the text. The book explained how libriomancers could reach into any book and pull out objects, creatures, even pieces of other worlds. My mind raced with the possibilities. What if I could do this? What if I could escape the Dursleys and Dudley's gang forever?

I needed to try it. The book said the first step was to find a quiet place and focus on a specific object from a book. I clutched the book to my chest and looked around. The alley was still deserted, the perfect place for an experiment.

I closed my eyes and thought of the only book I'd read that seemed like it might work: "His Dark Materials." I remembered a scene from "The Subtle Knife" where the titular knife could cut through any material, even the fabric of reality itself. My hand tingled as I imagined reaching into the book and grasping the knife's hilt.

I took a deep breath and concentrated, picturing the knife as vividly as I could. My hand felt warm, then hot, as if it were immersed in a beam of sunlight. I opened my eyes and gasped. There, in my hand, was the Subtle Knife, its blade gleaming impossibly bright even in the dim light of the alley.

It worked! I couldn't believe it. I turned the knife over in my hands, marveling at the intricate details. It felt real, solid, but there was an otherworldly quality to it, as if it didn't quite belong in this reality. My heart pounded with excitement. This was my ticket out. With this power, I could go anywhere, do anything.

I didn't know how long I stood there, just staring at the knife. Eventually, the distant sound of Dudley's voice brought me back to reality. I couldn't stay here. I had to move, to find out what else this book could teach me. Clutching the knife and the book tightly, I slipped out of the alley and into the unknown, my mind buzzing with possibilities.

The next few days passed in a blur. By day, I did my best to avoid Dudley and his gang, hiding the book and the knife under the loose floorboard in my cupboard. By night, I delved into the secrets of libriomancy, pulling objects from books and practicing in secret.

Each night, I grew bolder, experimenting with different books. I drew a silver coin from "Treasure Island," a piece of bread from "The Secret Garden," and even a small flashlight from "The Hardy Boys." The more I practiced, the easier it became. My room slowly filled with these magical artifacts, each one a testament to the power I was beginning to wield.

But it wasn't just objects I could pull from the books. The Art of Libriomancy detailed how a skilled practitioner could draw knowledge and abilities as well. My mind raced with the possibilities. I could learn anything, become anyone. The idea was intoxicating.

One night, as I was flipping through the book, I found a section about a secret library that was said to contain the most powerful books in existence. According to the text, the library was hidden in a place called The Nexus, a point where all worlds converged. My heart raced as I read. If I could find this library, who knew what wonders and powers awaited?

The instructions were clear but daunting. I needed to use the Subtle Knife to cut through the fabric of reality and step into The Nexus. It sounded impossible, but then again, so did pulling a magical knife out of a book.

That night, I waited until the Dursleys were snoring loudly. I slipped out of my cupboard and crept to the back garden. The cool night air prickled my skin as I held the knife, concentrating on the idea of cutting through reality. I pictured The Nexus as described in the book, a place of infinite doorways and endless knowledge.

Taking a deep breath, I slashed the knife through the air. To my astonishment, a shimmering tear appeared, like a window into another world. Beyond it, I glimpsed a vast, dark space filled with floating doors. My heart pounded with a mix of fear and exhilaration. I had done it.

Stepping through the tear, I found myself in The Nexus. The air was thick with the scent of old books and something else, something magical. Doors floated all around me, each one unique. Some were grand and ornate, others simple and unadorned. I felt a strange sense of belonging, as if this place had been waiting for me.

I wandered through the endless expanse, my eyes wide with wonder. Eventually, I found a door that called to me. It was made of dark wood, with intricate carvings that seemed to shift and change. I pushed it open and stepped inside.

The room beyond was a library unlike any I had ever seen. Shelves stretched up to the ceiling, filled with books of every size and color. A warm, golden light bathed the room, and a sense of peace washed over me. This was it. The secret library.

I spent hours exploring, pulling books from the shelves and reading passages about worlds beyond my imagination. Each book was a doorway, a new adventure waiting to be had. I knew I could stay here forever, but I also knew I had to go back. The Dursleys would notice if I was missing for too long.

Reluctantly, I returned to The Nexus and used the knife to cut my way back to the garden. The tear sealed itself behind me, leaving no trace of my journey. I hid the knife and the book once more, my mind buzzing with the possibilities.

I had found a world of magic beyond anything I had ever dreamed. And I was just getting started.