
Harry Potter and the Nexus of Worlds

AI Written Before receiving his Hogwarts letter, eleven-year-old Harry Potter stumbles upon a mysterious book that grants him the ability to draw objects and knowledge from other books. Armed with this newfound power, Harry explores magical worlds beyond his imagination, uncovering secrets and mastering skills that prepare him for the extraordinary journey ahead. As he delves deeper into the art of libriomancy, Harry discovers a hidden library that could change his life forever. AI Written

Mickael_Alraek · 作品衍生
18 Chs

Chapter Four: The First Clue

The following days were filled with anticipation. Every moment I could steal away from the Dursleys, I spent in my cupboard, poring over "The Art of Libriomancy" and practicing my skills. I needed to be ready for whatever lay ahead. The whispering shadows had given me a mission: find the scattered remnants of the libriomancers' knowledge.

But where to begin? The secret library in The Nexus held many wonders, but the answers I needed were not there. I had to find clues in the real world.

One evening, as I was turning the pages of "The Art of Libriomancy" yet again, a passage caught my eye. It described a spell for locating magical objects, a kind of dowsing that could lead me to hidden artifacts. My heart raced as I read the instructions. This was exactly what I needed.

I decided to try it immediately. The Dursleys were out for the evening, and I had the house to myself. I grabbed the Subtle Knife and slipped into the back garden. The air was cool and crisp, and the stars shone brightly overhead.

I closed my eyes and focused on the spell, chanting the words softly under my breath. I imagined a pull, a tugging sensation that would guide me to the nearest magical object. Slowly, I felt a warmth spreading through my chest, then down my arm and into my hand, where the Subtle Knife rested.

When I opened my eyes, the knife's blade was glowing faintly, pointing towards the edge of the garden. I followed the pull, my heart pounding with excitement. The knife led me to a patch of overgrown bushes near the fence. I knelt down and began to dig with my hands, the dirt cold and damp under my fingers.

After a few minutes, my fingers brushed against something hard. I cleared away more dirt and unearthed a small, ornate box. It was old and intricately carved, with symbols that matched those in "The Art of Libriomancy." My hands trembled as I opened it.

Inside was a small, leather-bound journal. I carefully lifted it out and opened it, the pages crackling with age. The journal was filled with notes and sketches, all written in a neat, flowing script. As I read, my excitement grew. This journal had belonged to a libriomancer named Alaric, who had hidden his knowledge in various places around the world to protect it from those who sought to destroy it.

Alaric's notes described several locations where he had hidden books and artifacts. Each entry was detailed, with descriptions of the places and the spells used to conceal the items. My mind raced as I realized what this meant. I had a map, a guide to finding the scattered remnants of the libriomancers' knowledge.

The first entry described a hidden book in an old, abandoned mansion on the outskirts of Little Whinging. It wasn't far, and I knew I could get there without too much trouble. My heart pounded with a mix of fear and excitement. This was it. My first real adventure.

The next morning, I slipped out of the house before dawn, the journal tucked safely in my jacket. I followed the directions in Alaric's notes, making my way through the quiet streets of Little Whinging. The mansion stood at the edge of town, surrounded by tall, overgrown hedges. It was old and decrepit, with boarded-up windows and a sagging roof.

I slipped through a gap in the hedge and approached the mansion cautiously. The place had an eerie feel to it, as if it had been abandoned for centuries. I pulled out the Subtle Knife, feeling its reassuring weight in my hand. According to Alaric's notes, the book was hidden in a secret compartment in the library, behind the fireplace.

I entered the mansion through a broken window, the glass crunching under my feet. Inside, the air was stale and musty, and the floorboards creaked with every step. I made my way to the library, a large, dusty room filled with cobweb-covered shelves.

The fireplace was massive, taking up nearly an entire wall. I examined it carefully, looking for any sign of a hidden compartment. Alaric's notes had mentioned a specific sequence of bricks to press, and I followed the instructions meticulously.

To my amazement, a section of the wall slid open, revealing a hidden alcove. Inside was a single book, its cover adorned with intricate designs and glowing faintly with a magical light. I reached out and took it, feeling a surge of energy as I touched the cover.

This was it. The first of many hidden treasures. I knew that each new discovery would bring me closer to uncovering the full power of libriomancy and fulfilling the mission entrusted to me by the whispering shadows.

With the book safely in hand, I made my way back to the Dursleys' house, my mind buzzing with excitement. This was just the beginning. I was a libriomancer, and I was ready to uncover the secrets of my destiny.