
Harry Potter and the Invincible Bookworm

This is not my book, i am simply translating another for writing practice.

Daoistmz6tiS · 作品衍生
19 Chs

Chapter 7

The vacation seemed to pass in a flash, and Aaron found himself immersed in his studies, with time slipping away quickly.

Based on the performance of the first-year young wizards in the original storyline, Aaron estimated that his theoretical knowledge of magic spells should far exceed that of almost all of them. He hadn't been able to acquire his own wand yet, and the young wizards were legally restricted from casting spells at will. Being found by the Ministry of Magic's enforcement officials, the Improper Use of Magic Office (IUMO), was a real concern.

Silently casting spells and accurately utilizing them without a wand, as Voldemort's daughter had done, was exceedingly difficult. It was a skill far beyond the reach of a young wizard who hadn't even mastered wand use like Aaron.

"Aaron, hurry up, come down for breakfast, don't be late," his mother's voice called from downstairs.

Quickly stashing his textbooks, adjusting his attire from underwear to the uniform of the local public school in Little Whinging, and giving himself a final once-over, Aaron swiftly organized himself and rushed downstairs.

After downing a glass of milk, Aaron noticed Albert preparing to leave for school as well, accompanied by his younger sister Emily.

"Wait, Aaron, I'll be heading out with you today," Albert informed, leading Emily by the hand to halt Aaron.

"Hey, why didn't Dad give Emily a ride today?" Aaron raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Dad had something to attend to, so I'll take her today," Albert replied, a mysterious smile playing on his lips as he led Aaron and Emily to the magical lamppost.

"Okay, Aaron, you can head to class on your own. I'll take Emily first," Albert instructed Aaron, while holding Emily's hand.

Aaron nodded, bidding farewell to Albert and his younger sister.

At that moment, a group of burly boys rushed past Aaron, their sweaty odor trailing in their wake. They suddenly turned back, brimming with energy and bustling about.

"Yeah, why are you just standing there?" It was Peel, the brown-haired friend of Harry Potter's cousin Dudley.

"Oh, I'm watching a pig race," Aaron replied with a shrug, his hands casually tucked into the pockets of his school uniform, firing a playful retort.

"Where's the pig, kid? Are you joking?" Peel and Dudley looked around, realization dawning on them.

"Harris, aren't you looking for a thrashing?" Dudley sneered, extending a hand wearing a new pair of boxing gloves, gesturing toward Aaron with ill intent.

"Dudley, why don't you try out your new gloves? I'm sure they'll make mincemeat out of him," Moken chimed in, triggering raucous laughter from the others.

"I believe you wouldn't want to start the school day in the principal's office," a stern female voice suddenly interjected from behind Dudley.

"Oh, Mrs. Kelly, we'll head inside now," the students swiftly complied, their mixture of admiration and apprehension for their teacher evident.

Mrs. Kelly, draped in a long woolen dress and a black wool trench coat, commanded a presence of sophistication and precision. Her gold-rimmed glasses perched on her nose added to her air of dignity.

"Aaron, why the daze? Don't lag behind," Mrs.Kelly admonished with a stern gaze fixed on Aaron.

Quickly, Aaron followed the group inside.

This classroom was entirely different from the schools Aaron had attended in his previous life. The green walls were adorned with colorful artwork, the handiwork of the students. A purple bulletin board displayed various information, from class rosters to schedules.

Scattered throughout the room were books of all kinds, some neatly arranged and others lying open haphazardly. These books were clearly meant for the students to peruse.

"Aaron, over here!" Frank, his best friend and desk mate, waved him over.

Perfect, no need to search for a seat. Aaron strolled toward Frank.

"Aaron, Dudley got some new gloves and they went to pick on Harry Potter again. Even though Potter is a bit odd, Dudley's going too far. I got a new basketball as a Christmas gift. How about a game during break?…"

Why do my friends all have this kind of energy? Do I have a magnet for chatty people?

Though Aaron was a good listener, he sometimes questioned his ability to attract friends.

Amid Frank's continuous chatter, a thin boy wearing an extremely oversized sweater entered the classroom.

It was Harry Potter: with his gaunt face, knees jutting out awkwardly, jet-black hair, and emerald green eyes behind a pair of round glasses mended together with scotch tape.

Even with his messy hair obscuring his forehead, Aaron recognized him by these distinctive features.

"How pitiful," Aaron couldn't help but feel sympathy.

Coincidentally, Potter's seat was right in front of Aaron. "Fate has its way," Aaron thought fondly.

"Potter, how did you manage to escape Dudley and the others?" Frank inquired.

"Oh, I just gave them the slip, you know, I'm quite resourceful," Harry Potter always seemed to have a knack for evading Dudley and his gang, even though he couldn't quite put his finger on how he did it.

"Potter, join us for a game after class so that Dudley won't bother you," Aaron observed Harry's predicament and offered his support.

"Sure, sounds good!" Harry readily agreed, seizing the opportunity to make a friend. In a school where no one really wanted to befriend the "weird" Harry Potter, such an offer was welcomed with open arms.

As the classroom fell into a hush, Mrs. Kelly entered.

The room was suddenly hushed. "The atmosphere became quiet, as though the air itself had stilled," would be an apt description. It was Mrs. Kelly's arrival that caused the change.

Standing at the front of the classroom, she cast her sharp eyes across the room, and silence promptly settled over the students. This was the commanding aura of an experienced headteacher.

Among the students, who suddenly resembled chastened quails, Mrs. Kelly spotted Aaron immediately. In his eyes, Aaron could discern a mix of approval and satisfaction.

"The new semester has begun. First, let's discuss the proper school uniform. Dudley, put on your coat and stow your boxing gloves in your desk."

The burly Dudley hastily complied, donning his coat and placing his boxing gloves away at a speed that belied his size.

"Mary, remove the overly ostentatious red flower from your hair."

"Roger, tuck your shirt into your trousers."

Aaron noticed Harry in front struggling to tame his unruly hair.

"No use trying," Aaron mused.

He gave himself a mental prompt, "Fresh and tidy," and just like that, Wizard's Wonder Robe worked its magic – a convenient tool for both home and school.

"Aaron, please stand," Mrs. Kelly called out.

Aaron stood up.

"Look at Aaron, an exemplary model of the proper uniform. Take a good look at him, and then look at yourselves! It's high time to tidy up your appearances," Mrs. Kelly admonished sternly, offering a rare form of praise.

Potter cast an envious glance at Aaron. His own hair, a soft and pale shade of gold, seemed to obediently conform to his scalp. It possessed a pleasant fluffiness without appearing unruly, creating an appealing impression at a glance.

"Will such a good student become friends with me?" Harry was very unconfident. Aaron gave him a gentle smile. Potter's heart was warm, full of expectations during the break. After Mrs. Kelly talked about a lot of precautions in school, the students were obviously listless. "Next, I want to introduce the new science Teacher to you, everyone is welcome." The curiosity of the students was mobilized: "What kind of Teacher would it be?" A single thought emerged in most students' minds.