
A Heads Up Would be Nice

" There yer are yer brat. " The dark hoarse voice says behind the two looking at the map.

" Wait a moment. " Louis says without thought as he raises his hand up. " Gideon, what do you suppose this means? " He asks the Griffin who was also pondering.

The pirate captain no longer has any patience to give the young boy, and just aims to shoot at the ceiling to grab the boy's attention.

Gideon turns around and breaks into a series of huffing and inhaling in laughter at the sight of the captain. ' I CAN'T! HIS FACE, IT'S TOO HILARIOUS! ' He says as he stomps his front legs laughing even harder the more he looks at it.

" Who's face - PFFFT!!! " Louis immediately breaks into laughter the moment he turns around and focuses on the pirate's face.

due to Gideon's kick that sent him flying, the poor, poor captain's face was completely swollen on the left side as if it was repeatedly stung by a nest of bees.

And the right side wasn't faring any better either, as it was completely and utterly disfigured to the point that even the poor man's mother would have trouble recognising him.


The young Princeton's laughter rang throughout the ship and it did not make the captain happy in no way, shape, or form.

" That's IT! GET OFF ME SHIP. " His anger - though explosive - did not frighten Louis one bit.

In fact, his anger only made his face redder and more hilarious resulting in Louis laughing even harder.

" What happened to feeding us to the hyenas? " Louis asks after calming down enough to get some words out properly, but he did have to avert his eyes away from the pirate's face to do it.

' Louis, I've got everything let's go. We can see hyenas some other time. ' Gideon says as he swiftly kicks a hole through the wall of the ship and smoothly hops out the hole.

" Okay then, see ya! " Louis waves cheerily as he jumps out the hole and safely lands on Gideon who was waiting for him.

" NEVER COME BACK! " The captain hollers out as he randomly fires a few shots at the two in the sky.

" In your dreams! " Louis childishly exclaims as he waves goodbye at the crew of salty pirates on the ship.

• • •

" The older he gets, the situations he gets himself in start to become more and more ridiculous. " Richard groans in agony as he thumps his head against the table.

" If things keep up as they are, I'm afraid we won't be able to catch a break. " Annie solemnly agrees as she pats the back of Richard in order to soothe his stress.

Draco was also getting worried for both Louis and himself.

If what Richard and Annie said was true, then that would mean that at some point in the - hopefully far away - future, Louis will just throw himself in willingly at the first sign of danger.

" Hi guys, so what did I miss while I was gone? " Louis asks as he takes his seat at the table for dinner.

Ever since the little encounter with the pirates - that was a little over a week ago - Louis had shut himself in his suitcase for the first three days before leaving it, and headed straight for the forbidden forest for the remainder of the week.

" Not much really. Not much drama can happen in the short span of a year. " Richard remarks as he takes a chicken leg and digs in.

" Okay then. On to a different topic, I'm going to need someone to accompany me out tomorrow. " Louis says while grabbing a cup of Jello.

" What for? " Annie asks curiously.

" Meister says he has something to do back in his home land so he's bringing me along because he claims that I can make sure no internal warfare happens. Whatever that means. "

" You do know your like the peace bringer whenever you run off to visit your friends home countries, right? " Annie asks.

" Really? Since when? " Louis asks incredulous.

" The fir- forget it. Explaining these things to you would be the same as talking to a brick wall. " Richard states going back to his dinner.

" Draco! Let's go tomorrow! " Louis conveniently ignores Richard's remark and happily chooses the young Malfoy making him choke on his food violently.

" Why me? Can't Annie or Richard go? " He says in between his coughs.

" They've gone to countries similar to Meister's plus, I can bring them anytime I want to. " The two cousins have the sudden urge to strangle the young Princeton.

" But you've never visited a different species homeland before, so I'm dragging you with me whether you want to or not. " The young Princeton says cheerily.

Draco gives his friend a flat look " It's a school day, I'm not going out of the school grounds with you tomorrow and risk mother and father finding out. " Louis waves his hand in the air.

" It's fine, I'll make sure attendance for your lessons are perfectly maintained while we're gone! " Louis remarks casually.

Draco let's out a sigh in defeat, " If you must stubbornly insist, then I'll go. " He reluctantly says, making Louis even more happier.

" Now all we have to focus on, is the rampaging Basilisk that's going after the students one at a time. " Richard says with a hefty sigh.

• • •

" We'll see you in a while. " Louis says climbing onto Meister's back along with Draco. " Remind me again why I'm sitting on a unicorn? "

The young Malfoy says shifting around to get into a more comfortable position.

" There's a barrier surrounding the kingdom that is heavily enchanted making it so that only a unicorn can pass through. " Louis explains slowly as Meister's horn begins to glow.

" If any other creatures want to pass through the barrier, they'll need the permission of the king or a unicorn whom the king trusts. "

The horn glows even brighter and the light is now engulfing the two boys.

" Good to know, now I have another question. " Draco nods his head, slightly blind at the brightness of the glow.

" Ask away. " Louis calmly says while Meister huffs and as a result, making the glow surrounding them become even brighter.

" Why are we not moving? "

" Oh that's easy, It's because Meister's going to teleport us there directly. "

Draco blanches at the words " Tele-what now? " Louis lets out a soft sigh " Teleport, Malfoy. "

" I heard you the first time, I'm asking WHY " He stresses on the word, wondering why he even agreed on leaving school grounds with Louis in the first place.

" From what I've been told, the unicorns live up in the sky. "

writer's block - Begone!

I shall continue on this perilous journey till the end goal is reached! :)

tree_sayscreators' thoughts