
Chapter 37

As one, the pair woodenly turned their heads to see Perenelle standing in the hallway with an irate look on her face as she glared at her husband. If looks could kill, Flamel would have combusted into flames long ago.

On a side note, Harry noticed that she was definitely sprouting feathers around her neck.

"A-ah, h-hello, dear," Flamel stuttered out as the woman took a step towards them. He and Harry took a step back. "How was your day?"

"My day was just fine," Perenelle smiled a truly unpleasantly pleasant smile as she stalked towards them, her grace as she moved making her look like some kind of bird of prey. "I got up and made love to my 'usband (Harry gagged. He did not need to know that!), I went out and did some shopping, managed to convince your apprentice to relax, and zen got called an overgrown feline by my 'usband. Why, zis day has been positively glorious."

"Now, Penny," Flamel held his hands up in a defensive fashion. "I was only trying to impart some of my wisdom on the fairer sex to young Harry here."

"Zen you should 'ave kept your mouth shut," Perenelle said, hiking up the sleeves to her white, long sleeved shirt. "'arry, why don't you 'ead into Paris for a while before using ze time turner and heading back home. The nightlife in Paris iz absolutely to die for."

"Of course," Harry muttered, scrambling away as quickly as he could. There was absolutely no way he was staying anywhere near that woman when she was angry.

He could hear Flamel pleading with him to stay, demanding he take his punishment with his master, but even he knew better than to get in the way of an angry wife. Soon enough, the pleading of his teacher turned into screams of pain, causing thousands of horrible images of what may have been happening behind him to appear in Harry's mind.

Sorry Flamel, but it was the duty of a Master to protect the apprentice, not the other way around.


When Perenelle Flamel said that the nightlife in Paris was 'to die for' Harry was pretty sure she forgot he was only eleven years old. Even though he would be twelve in just a little over a month, that made very little difference in the grand scheme of things.

The truth was, the night of Paris really did seem quite lively. Harry could see a number of bars and clubs where young adults were enjoying themselves dancing and drinking. Everyone looked like they were having a blast from what he had seen through his view in the windows of various bars, clubs and pubs. Unfortunately, even if Harry were disinclined to take part in the partying, he wouldn't be able to.

Still, Harry had to admit now that he was out of the Flamel's small mansion his mind felt a lot more clear. Maybe it was the cool night air? The breeze definitely felt soothing against his scalp as it ruffled his hair.

Harry found himself walking down Boulevard de Clichy, where the Moulin Rouge was located. The Moulin Rouge, a famous cabaret known for their "can-can" dancers. The house had been co-founded by Charles Zidler and Joseph Oller in 1889. It might not have been a national landmark like the Louvre or the Arc de Triomphe, but it was a place that had quite a bit of history behind it.

The Moulin Rouge was easily distinguished from the rest of the buildings by the large windmill. Of course, it wasn't really a windmill, just a large red cylinder with a traditional pointed roof, classic pentagon framed stained windows with diamond shaped windows above it and four large, glowing, neon red sails set into the top of a rectangular building. To the left was more neon red lighting that curved around a half circle built above the entrance with the name of the building on it, and on the right side of the entrance were large posters featuring the routine that would be showing that night like large billboards.

For a moment, Harry thought about catching a show. He had read what kinds of shows there were in the history books, but reading about something and seeing it in person were always two completely different things.

True, he was not of age, but that mattered very little when you were a wizard. Harry had been getting a bit better at the mind arts, using random non magical beings and a few witches and wizards he saw whenever he went to Diagon Alley to practice his Legillimency.

He didn't think he was that good, as most people didn't even bother shielding their thoughts, but he was positive he could use some basic Legillimency to confund people into thinking he was older than he really was. It shouldn't be too hard.

On the other hand, he wasn't really one for breaking the law without their being some kind of benefit towards him. And satisfying his curiosity was not a large enough benefit for him to risk it.

Besides, he didn't want to have to confund everyone in the building. That would just be a pain.




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