
Chapter 3 –

Harry was now eleven years old and walking up Diagon alley with Sirius and Regulus and Kreatcher, he had received his Hogwarts letter and they had all decided to go shopping. Harry had to convince his parents that they could go on their own without help, well, he had to convince his mother and Kreatcher assured that he would look after them.

"Okay" Harry said "First stop is Gringotts bank" The four walked up to Gringotts but Harry stopped everyone before they entered.

"What's up Harry?" Sirius asked

"Listen up, we're about to go into the bank, remember when I told you it was run by goblins?" The brothers nodded "Good, now the first thing you need to know is that goblins are very smart, they love money and they're also very dangerous. Most people forget what the goblins are capable of, and treat them like they're nothing.

When we go inside I want you two to stick with me, be respectful and don't talk unless you're spoken to or I tell you to talk. The goblins deserve respect and we're going to show them it, understand?"

"Okay" Regulus nodded


"Fine" Sirius sighed "don't talk and be good"

"Good, now come on" Harry led them inside.

He saw Sirius and Regulus take in the interior and look at the goblins with interest, Sirius looked like he wanted to make a comment about how the goblins looked like but refrained from doing so. Regulus held onto Harry's hand as he was a bit nervous, not that Harry minded, Sirius wasn't as nervous but still held onto Harry's sleeve.

They stopped in front of a teller and Harry greeted him using the goblin language Gobbledegook. Sirius and Regulus looked at their eldest brother like he was crazy but then they saw that the goblin looked quite surprise.

"I hope you don't mind but I will revert back to English" Harry said with a smile "as it seems that my brothers are unable to understand us"

"Yes" The goblin smiled "that would be wise, I've never seen a human bother to learn our language or treat us with respect. Especially the pure-blooded heir to the Black family"

"Well" Harry chuckled "how about this? I will not judge you based on your race and I will treat you with the respect that you deserve and ensure my brothers do so, in exchange you don't judge me or my brothers by the actions of our parents and ancestors."

"You are an interesting human" The Goblin commented "but I will accept your deal, I cannot accept on behalf of the other goblins however. My name is Redstop"

"I am Hadrius Black, with me are my younger brothers Sirius and Regulus, along with our house elf Kreatcher. We'd like to visit my trust vault and I would like to open another vault"

"Open another vault?"

"Yes but I'd like this one to be apart from the Black family, I'd like it if nobody except me and my brothers could access it. You can take the setup cost out of my trust vault."

"That can be done, anything else?"

"Yes, I'd like for my family not to know about it. Any information regarding it should be sent to me and me alone and I request that you disguise them as normal letters to throw off suspicion."

"May I ask why?"

"In the interest of our new...relationship, I will answer honestly" Harry replied "I want this to be a back up vault, just in case me or my brothers no longer have access to the Black family vault or trust vault. With that being said, I'd like it if you can move half of my trust vault to this new vault."

"This is a very unusual request from one as young as yourself but I will do it"

"Thank you"

"I will have a goblin escort you to your trust vault"

"Thank you Redstop" Harry said with a small bow "may your gold multiply"

"And may your victories never end"

A goblin came and led them to the cart, Harry took some money out for his supplies and a bit extra to buy something for his brothers. On the way out his brothers began talking again.

"What was up with those noises you were making?" Sirius asked

"And why did you make another vault?" Regulus added

"That was the language of the goblins, all I did was say hello and tell him my name." Harry answered "As for the vault, it's for the three of us. Don't tell anyone about it, in the future we can put as much money as we want in it. So if mum ever kicks us out or something then we can have some back up money. Don't take anything from that vault without my express permission and only spend money from that vault if you have to. Kreatcher, you're not to talk about the vault to anyone but me, understand?"

"Yes master Hadrius" Kreatcher nodded

"Good, now I have to go buy my supplies. I already sent off my measurements for my robes and we can get them later. Kreatcher, please take the two trouble makers to the ice cream shop while I go and buy some books"

"Ice cream! Awesome!" Sirius exclaimed

"Just don't wander off and listen to Kreatcher. Call me if immediately if there's any major trouble " Harry said to Kreatcher before walking off.

Kreatcher took the two boys to the ice cream shop, and the two ordered ice cream. Kreatcher went off to pay for the ice creams, when the boys noticed the quidditch shop. They stood up and walked over to take a closer look, when suddenly they felt someone pull them.

Before they could register what happened they realized they were in Knockturn alley, memories of Hadrius telling them not to come here without him ringed in their heads. They found themselves standing against a wall, on their right was a tall man and on their left was a fat man. In front of them was a very ugly old witch, she looked like the image of a witch that muggles would have.

"Hello" She said "such pretty boys, where are your mummy and daddy?" Sirius and Regulus stayed silent, 'don't talk to strangers' was echoing in their mind.

"Did you two hear her?" The fat man asked

"I think the kiddies are scared" The tall man chuckled

"Oh, well we can't have that now can we?" The witch said with an evil look in her eyes "Perhaps we should take you home with us"

She reached a hand out, the two brothers tried to move back but were blocked by the wall. Her bony and pale hand came closer, her long and yellow nails were inches away and then it stopped. It did not stop of its own will, it was stopped by the small hand that was wrapped around the witch's wrist.

The brothers saw Hadrius standing in front of them, holding the witch's arm with his hand. He looked emotionless and was staring at the hand he was holding, the two brothers were scared but they were also curious. Neither had ever seen Hadrius get angry, at times they wondered if he was even capable of being angry.

"Ah look, we found another one" The witch laughed

"I'll give you one chance" Harry spoke in a slow voice "walk away on your legs or be carried to Azkaban on a stretcher"

"Oh look, a comedian" The fat man laughed, and the tall man laughed alongside him.

"Aren't you funny?" The witch sneered, before she could say anymore she yelped in pain. The grip on her wrist tightened, she tried to pull away but it was a fruitless attempt as the boy was not letting her go. She fell to her knees and tried to use her other hand to help get out of the boy's incredible grip.

"Hey" The fat man shouted. The tall one took a bottle and he smashed it across the back of Hadrius's head. The brothers gasped in shock, but all Hadrius did was let go of the witch who stumbled back and fell on her back.

The brothers saw Hadrius stand as if nothing had hit him, they were amazed at how calm their brother looked. They took a closer look and nearly leapt back out of fear, Hadrius's calm grey eyes had turned a blazing green. They knew Hadrius would never hurt them but he was still pretty bloody scary.

The men and the witch suddenly got an urge to run, they were looking at this kid and he seemed bloody terrifying. He felt like a demntor, no, he felt worse than a dementor. They felt like they were staring at death, his green eyes looked like they could kill in an instant.

"You were warned" Hadrius whispered, before he fired a cutting curse at the tall man's left leg and he fell to the floor, Harry then hit him with a bat bogey hex before tying him up. The fat man pulled out his wand and Harry fired a bone breaking curse at his hand which caused him to drop his wand as the bones in his hands broke. A stunner followed before Harry tied him up.

The witch got her wand out but was immediately disarmed and thrown against a wall before being tied up and hit with a curse designed to cause an intense itching sensation around all of her body which she couldn't scratch as she was incapable of moving.

The brothers were openly gaping at how Harry had just taken out three adults with minimal effort, he looked bored if anything. Harry looked back at them, he closed his eyes and seemed to be concentrating. He opened his eyes and revealed his usual grey eyes, instead of those deathly green ones.

"Master" Kreatcher popped in "Kreatcher has informed the aurors as master instructed"

"Thank you, get my brothers some blankets, they may be in shock" Kreatcher popped away before returning with two blankets which Harry put around his brothers. "Thank you Kreatcher, are you two alright?"

"Y...yeah" Sirius nodded

"Reggie?" Harry asked the youngest Black brother.

"I am but..."

"But what mate?"

"You were scary" Regulus whispered, worried he would hurt his brother's feelings.

"I know mate" Harry sighed "I'm sorry you had to see that, but I would never hurt you, you know that right?"

"I know, but I don't like it when you're angry."

"Nobody likes me when I'm angry" Harry smiled "but I'll do my best not to get angry in the future, now give your bro a hug".

Without a seconds hesitation, Regulus launched himself at Harry and hugged him tightly. Sirius soon joined in, Regulus was glad that his brother came. He already looked up to his brother and this just cemented his love for him.

Sirius was even more glad, he loved his brothers. Regulus was a bit shy but he was always a good laugh. And Hadrius, he had more respect for Hadrius or Harry as he told him to call him, than anybody else. His dad was always too busy working, his mother was unbearable and horrible. But it didn't matter, nothing mattered as long as Harry was there. Sirius would never admit it but he felt safe sleeping, knowing that Harry was there to help him at a moment's notice. They're family wasn't perfect but he wouldn't trade his brothers for anything.

A short while later the brothers were taken to by aurors and questioned extensively, their parents arrived and Harry had to take responsibility to stop his mum from hurting Kreatcher, although that now meant that she was trying to shout his ears off.

The brothers were sitting and waiting in a hallway, Regulus leaned on Harry's left shoulder while Sirius did the same for his right. Their parents were currently conversing with the aurors inside and the brothers were told to wait outside and they were incredibly bored.

"Good afternoon" A voice caught their attention, the three looked up to see none other than Albus Dumbledore smiling his grandfatherly smile at them. Harry took all of his control to keep acting emotionless "I am Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts"

"I know who you are" Harry replied "and you know who we are, so if you don't mind me asking, what can we do for you?"

"I was hoping you could tell me what you're here for"

"We could, however we won't" Harry replied

"Why ever not?" Dumbledore said, whilst still smiling.

"I don't know you beyond reputation, so I don't trust you. If you want information then ask the aurors here, if they're willing to provide you with information then I won't complain."

"Of course, you're part of an investigation, aren't you? I understand perfectly, you can't provide information without getting in trouble, am I correct?"

"Yes" Harry nodded "now, is there anything else I can help you with?"

"As a matter of fact, there is" Dumbledore said and Harry mentally groaned "I've heard rumors that the eldest black child is capable of performing the patronus charm, is that true?"

"It might be" Harry answered

"Would you be willing to show me?"

"Do I look like a performing dog to you?" Harry responded "If you want to see me perform such an advanced charm then you should at least offer me something worth me putting in the effort"

"Oh?" Dumbledore raised an eyebrow "What would you like?"

"That depends, what do you have?"

"You have a quick tongue my boy, I'm sure you'll be in Slytherin"

"Careful, I may join Hufflepuff just to prove you wrong" Harry joked

"Yes, I'm sure. Now if you'll excuse me then I shall take my leave" With that Dumbledore smiled and left

"Harry" Sirius whispered "that was Dumbledore!"

"I know who it was" Harry replied

"But why were you talking to him like that? I know mum and dad don't like him but I would've thought that you liked him."

"Nah, I have different reasons but me and our parents agree on keeping clear of Dumbledore."

"Why?" Regulus asked curiously

"Our parents hate him because he is the 'leader of the light'" Harry answered "but I hate him because I have no reason to trust him. Maybe he did beat Grindelwald but where is the body? He also claims to be the leader of the light yet he does nothing as all the muggleborn get bullied in Hogwarts. I have a few more reasons which I'll tell you when we're older but the bottom line is I don't trust him."

Eventually their parents left the office and took the boys home, the auror in charge of the case sat at his deck and sighed as he filled out the paper work for the case. Suddenly he heard a knock on the door, he invited whoever it was in and to his surprise it was none other than the great Albus Dumbledore.

"Hello my boy" Albus greeted him "I was wondering if you could possibly tell me about why the Black family was here?"

"Well...ok sir...but I'm sure that it'll probably be in the newspaper by tomorrow seeing as a few people saw the aurors arrive."

"Of course, I was merely curious"

"Not a problem sir, err...if you really want to know then I can tell you."

"That would be marvelous" Dumbledore smiled.

"Well, the children were out shopping in Diagon alley, and the eldest left the youngest with a house elf just so he could quickly go and buy his Hogwarts supplies. He was held up at the shop and once he got out his house elf informed him that the two younger children were dragged into Knockturn alley.

Two men and a woman had taken the two, lord knows what they were planning to do to them but their interrogation has been slightly delayed as they are in St Mungo's."

"St Mungo's?"

"Yes, the eldest child found his brothers before any harm could be done and he single handedly beat the three"

"On his own?" Albus asked in amazement

"Yes sir, it was amazing. He defeated the three easily, I've seen the pensive memory of it"

"May I view it, please?"

"Err...of course sir" He gestured Dumbledore to the pensive in the corner, Dumbledore stuck his head in and viewed the memory. He eventually came out of the pensive, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Dumbledore had heard all sorts of rumours about the Black family heir, from what he had heard the boy was the next heir and was named heir by his grandfather. The boy was capable of summoning multiple patronus's without a wand and had managed to trick Hugo Brownwood into giving his father all of his businesses while also giving himself half a million.

It was clear that the boy was smart, he was also very powerful. He'd be a valuable asset; perhaps Dumbledore could train him to be his apprentice. Hopefully he'd work a lot better than Tom and Dumbledore would look brilliant with him by his side.

The day before Harry had to leave, he decided to have a conversation with his family. His brothers were upstairs and Kreatcher was keeping them busy, he had got his mental shields up and began talking to his granddad and parents.

"Sirius and Regulus aren't joining the death eaters" He said

"What?!" His mother shouted

"You heard me, I'm not having any of you forcing your views upon either of my brothers. They will make their own choices and I will not have you force them to join"

"How dare you speak to us like that?! You ungrateful brat!"

"Careful mother" Harry warned "you had better consider the consequences of your actions"

"What do you mean?" Orion asked before Walburga could shout again

"I can produce a patronus charm, I've been using wandless magic for as long as I can remember and I'm a parsletounge. I'm pretty valuable even if you discount the family that I come from. How many people do you think would want me to be part of their family?"

"What are you saying?" Orion replied

"When I go, if I find out that my brothers have been harmed in any way or form then I shall sort myself into Gryffindor. Even if you slap one of them at the end of the year, I will march up to the headmasters office and demand to be transferred to Gryffindor."

"Would you?" His grandfather asked, although he didn't look very upset.

"Yes, I imagine it wouldn't look good for the family if it's heir was sorted into Gryffindor. Dumbledore would jump at the opportunity, the old coot would believe that I want to transfer to the light. As I was saying, you will not harm them and when I come back I will inspect both their physical and mental health. If I find out that you've been training them to be death eaters behind my back then I will leave this family and take the both of them with me."

"Crucio!" His mother had lost her patience and fired the spell at Harry, the spell hit him but he did nothing more than take a stumble back.

"That was cute mother" He said as the adults looked at him with dropped jaws "let me show you why it is called the torture curse" Harry aimed a finger at her "crucio" he whispered and he held it for about two seconds. At the end of those two seconds his mother was on the floor, twitching and looking at him in fear.

"Orion!" His father screamed, more in surprise than anger "What are you doing?"

"Teaching mother a lesson" Harry replied "you see mother, the thing about curses is they are fun to use but not to experience. Now, let me make one thing perfectly clear, I value the ones I care about more than anything.

I will attend Hogwarts but if I find even something that remotely suggests that my brothers have been harmed in anyway then I will bring down hell on you."

"Would you really?" Arcturus asked "Would you really do all this for your brothers?"

"Grandfather, I would move mountains if it meant helping my brothers. I don't make empty threats, if my brothers are harmed then you will find people wondering why the eldest black child is a Gryffindor and if I am really angry then you will be asked why you have three less members in the family."

Harry walked out of the room and went upstairs into his own, he opened it to see his brothers sitting on the floor reading a book and looking innocent. Harry shook his head and laid on the bed.

"So" He said "how much of that did you two here?"

"All of it" Regulus answered, knowing it was pointless to lie. "What was 'crucio'?"

"It was the torture curse" Harry answered "it's an illegal curse, it is illegal and if anyone found out that me or mum used it then we'd both be thrown into Azkaban"

"Then why did you use it?!" Sirius was now very worried, Hadrius couldn't go to Azkaban!

"I wanted to make it clear to mother what would happen if she did it to me again or did it to you two. Don't worry about me, I did it without a wand so nobody can prove I did it and mum can't report me without getting herself in trouble."

"Bloody Slytherin" Sirius mumbled

"That curse was one of the ones that you two should never use, ever"

"But you used it" Regulus pointed out

"Do as I say, not as I do" Harry replied "I've done things I shouldn't have and I'll do things I shouldn't do but I do them so the two of you don't have to. I don't mind doing bad things every once in a while as long as you two stay fine"

"But...but why do you have to do them?!" Sirius demanded

"The world isn't perfect, despite what people tell you, mother is too focused on the family name. My priority is you two"

"But you don't have to look after us"

"I don't, but I will. Even when you're older and want to be left alone, just call me and I'll come running to help you"

"Oh merlin, would you stop being a noble prat?" Sirius said, but inwardly he was smiling a little.

"I'll consider it, just promise me that if I tell you not to do something, you won't do it unless you have to. I'm serious about that curse, it'll get you life in Azkaban."

"Sirius, just agree" Regulus said "we both know he could make us agree if he wanted"

"Fine but it's not like I was planning on doing it anyway"

"I should hope not" Harry smiled "when I go to school, I want you to keep those mirrors I made you on you at all times, if you can't send me a letter than contact me with those. Remember, if mum even hits you then you call me and I come straight back and help you".

"But what if you can't?" Regulus asked

"Unless Merlin comes out of his grave, I doubt there is anyone who will be able to stop me, not anyone who values living at least. Even then Merlin had better bring his best"

Sirius and Regulus weren't sure if it was the words or the delivery or the fact that physically impossible usually doesn't apply to Harry but at that moment they were praying for the poor soul that would be stupid enough to stay in their brothers way.

The next day Harry hugged his brothers tightly at the platform, after forcing promises to write and regularly contact him, he got on the train and said goodbye. He found himself an empty compartment and stowed his trunk overhead,

He sat down, taking in the view as the trains started moving. He felt amused at the fact that while he was off to Hogwarts, Ginny was living another year as a muggle. But from what he knew, she was treated well by them so he couldn't complain. Although he was more than ready to hurt them if they had hurt her.

"Excuse me" A voice brought his attention back to the present, he saw two girls standing by the open compartment door. One of the girls had brown hair and brown eyes while the other had blonde hair and blue eyes "do you mind if we sit here?"

"No, please" Harry gestured to the empty seat across him "first years too?"

"Yes" The brown haired girl answered "I'm Lucy and the blonde beauty over here is Roxanne" Harry remembered Roxanne as Daphne's mother, she was always such a nice woman.

"Pleasure to meet you" Harry nodded to the two "I hope you don't mind if I skip over the whole traditional greetings"

"No worries" Roxanne smiled while Lucy looked confused "I hate them too. What did you say your name was?"

"I didn't but since you asked, it's Hadrius Black" Roxanne immediately tensed, Harry saw her shoulder move back slightly, it looked like she was prepared to take her wand out. "Calm down, we both know if I wanted to hurt you that you wouldn't be able to stop me"

"What are you talking about?" Lucy asked, a bit confused by the tension

"Lucy, he is that boy I told you about. The magical genius"

"Is that what they call me?" Harry said with amusement in his voice

"Yeah, didn't you know that?"

"No, I've been called many things but not that. Let's see, I've been called cocky, arrogant, smug, a show off, ridiculous, a git and about fifty other insults but never genius. It's nice to know that I'm appreciated" Roxanne was very confused, this was not how she was expecting THE Hadrius Black to act. He was known for being ridiculously powerful for his age and admittedly she expected him to be an arrogant showoff.

"Tell me Lucy" Hadrius continued "are you a muggleborn?"

"Yes" Lucy answered

"Is that a problem?" Roxanne said defensively

"Maybe if I was an idiot" Harry responded "how long have you two known each other, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Since we were five but I only found out I was magical recently and Roxanne explained everything to me"

"Hmm, do you know much about purebloods?"

"Roxanne just said that some would judge me"

"Some would, I'd recommend you read up on pure-blood etiquette. It might not help too much but it'd earn you at least some respect"

"Why are you offering her advice?" Roxanne asked "You're a member of the Black family, shouldn't you hate all muggleborns?"

"Roxanne!" Lucy scolded

"It's alright" Harry said "a decent question when you consider my family history, and yes my mother has tried to drill into my head to hate muggles and muggleborns. But she forgot one important thing"

"What's that?" Roxanne asked. Harry leaned towards the girls, as if he was about to tell them an important secret.

"I'm a bit of a rebel" He whispered with a smile before sitting normally "I judge people by their actions, so as of the moment I have no problem against either of you. All you've really done is introduce yourself, and you are just trying to defend your friend. Something I rather admire"

Roxanne eyed him, trying to determine if he was being untruthful. A minute later she began relaxing and the three started talking.

"Now, I have to be in Slytherin just to avoid my mother's screams. What about you two? What house do you think you'll be in?"

"Ravenclaw or Slytherin" Roxanne answered

"From what I know, I'll probably be in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff" Lucy added

"Don't worry about it, you'll be fine in either of those" Harry assured her "Although, I'd go into Ravenclaw if you want your own room. It's the only thing the Ravenclaw and Slytherin dormitories have in common other than being dormitories and having the necessary stuff to be dormitories. What about subjects?"

"Transfigurations is what I'm looking forward to" Roxanne said "Lucy is interested in charms. What about you?"

"I like most things and I'm good at most things"

"What aren't you good at?"

"Divination but that's just an option at third year and beyond and I'll never take it. I also can't sing much but other than that, I'm perfect, not that I don't sympathise with you mere mortals" Harry said with a smile on his face.

"Mere mortals?" Lucy said, her face betraying signs of amusement.

The three continued talking, Roxanne and Hadrius began teaching and explaining pureblood greetings to Lucy. Soon the train stopped and they made their way out to the boats, the three found a boat and nobody else wanted to join them.

"I thought it was four to a boat" Lucy said

"It is but they don't want to join our boat" Roxanne replied

"Why not?"

"Well, it's because of who we are" Harry responded "we're sort of a mix of different people and they're not sure how to react. Roxanne is a pureblood from a neutral family while you're a muggleborn and I'm quite famous for my magical skill and am descended from a family that usually hates muggles. They think it's a bit weird but who really cares what they think? You're my friends and I will hang out with you if I want"

"Friends?" Lucy asked

"Unless I'm not good enough for you"

"No! No that's not what I meant! Really I..."

"Lucy!" Roxanne interrupted with a big smile on her face "his messing with you!" Lucy turned to see Hadrius trying his best not to smile.

"Prat" She slapped his arm "I don't know why I'm accepting, but fine, I'll be your friend."

"Me too" Roxanne said "when I first saw you I thought you'd be some spoilt prince, but you're alright."

"High praise" Hadrius replied "and I thank you for it. Tell you what, as my friends you can call me Harry"

"Harry?" Lucy asked

"Yeah, my name is Hadrius and you'll have to call me that on formal occasions but you can call me Harry the rest of the time."

"Excuse me" A voice called out "may I sit with you?" The three looked up to see Cyrus Greengrass staring at them, Harry remembered him as a tough but caring man.

"I don't mind" Harry shrugged "girls?" The two shook their head and Cyrus entered the boat, soon the boats started moving towards the castle.

"I am Cyrus Greengrass, may I ask your names?"

"I'm Roxanne, Roxanne Lawson"

"And I am Lucy Smith"

"Hadrius Black, pleasure to meet you"

"Wait, Hadrius Black?" Cyrus did a double take "as in the wandless genius Hadrius Black?"

"That's two times I've been called a genius today, thank Merlin it's so dark otherwise you'd all see me blush"

"Careful, I don't want to deal with you if you start getting a big head" Roxanne warned

"A big head? Me? Never!" Hadrius said but he was betrayed by the grin on his face.

Everyone arrived at the castle, and were brought into the great hall for the sorting. Some of the students recognised Harry, who seemed resigned to always being famous no matter what life he was living.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were famous" Lucy whispered "I'm a little jealous"

"Don't be, fame just means being known" Harry replied "it's a fickle thing, I could be loved one day and hated the next, plus everyone has to have an opinion. People don't even know me but already decide that I must be a spoilt and big headed, muggle hating brat or a magical genius who has been studying non-stop since he was three."

"I never thought of it like that"

"Most don't, just be who you are and forget what other people say. If they can't appreciate who you are then they're not worth your time."

Suddenly they stopped, Lucy had a big smile on her face as she was very pleased by Harry's words. Soon the sorting began, after a few had been sorted it was Hadrius's turn. He walked up confidently, but not in a way that was showy. He took his seat and the hat was placed on his head.

'Hello' The hat spoke to his head 'oh my, I've sorted you before, Mr Potter? Soul bond as well? Master of death?" Aren't you interesting?'

'I trust that the beloved headmaster won't know of our little conversation'

'You know he won't, now, where to put you? Although I believe he would probably have a mental breakdown when he finds out, sort of makes me want to tell him, but let's get on with the sorting. Ah, I see you want Slytherin? Understandable, I wish you all the best of luck'

"Slytherin!" The hat announced, the Slytherin table cheered as Harry removed the hat and walked over. He was soon joined by Cyrus and Roxanne, but not Lucy as she went to Ravenclaw.

Harry's year was alright, he was constantly top of the class and made tons of new friend. The teachers all adored him, especially Slughorn who was treating him like he was Merlin. A few of the Slytherin's tried to cause trouble for him but he quickly put them in their place. He had even managed to make friends in all the houses and was becoming very popular.

He made sure to constantly contact his brothers and make sure that they were taken care of, he was looking forward to next year. It'd be the year he attends school with the marauders and his mother, or at least his original mother. He also wanted to make sure that Snape and the marauders never had their hatred for each other like they did in his world. At best they could become friends, but Harry could settle with not hating each other.

Dumbledore was also keeping an annoyingly close watch on him, Harry knew he was asking about his class performance and trying to find whatever information he could. But he'd deal with Dumbledore another time, as of the moment it's nothing more than an irritation. One constant thought appeared in his head, next year he could spend some time with Ginny.