
Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Synopsis: Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix enters the school again. What will happen when Muggle wisdom, innovation and magic come together? PS1. Professor of ancient magic runes. PS2. Timeline, second year of the golden trio. PS3. MC don't know plot of the HP, other than it's adventure of three friends with 8 movies. === Author: Han Yousi === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://m.mbg.tw/novel/274500.html This is ongoing fanfic with more than 530 chapters, so you can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · 作品衍生
738 Chs

Chapter 98 Handling

Felix got serious: "What happened?"

He even wondered if Ron had been discovered by Lockhart and taken away directly from the scene in one set.

Lockhart is ultimately an adult wizard, and an adult wizard means that he has received seven years of a complete education in magic - even if his performance is ridiculously weak.

But that doesn't rule out the possibility that he is extremely well versed in a particular branch of magic.

Hermione's words put him at ease: "Ron is fine and unnoticed now. But at the detention on Friday night, Lockhart was acting weird."


"That's right, Lockhart suddenly jumped up and cursed Rita Skeeter during the night, and Ron said that look was something he hadn't witnessed before, with a very horrible expression." Hermione carefully said Ron's description.

In fact, Ron was on the verge of hysteria.

Lockhart vented for ten minutes, warned Ron not to tell anyone about the whole bloody thing that happened at the day, and shooed him away.

"Well ..." Felix pondered, from Lockhart's recent weirdness to his own run-in with a panicked Rita Skeeter, and the bitter hatred Lockhart had shown for Skeeter last night... ...

On the day after Christmas break, Minister Fudge visited the Basilisk, and he happened to bump into a flustered Rita Skeeter, who happened to be walking up from the underground of the castle, and in that direction, which happened to be where Lockhart's office is located.

He seemed to straighten out a line.

And obviously, she had done something to Lockhart.

It was possible that the two had talked it over and, afterward, they made a move.

Lockhart's memory is bad lately, his personality is Ansty, and his speech is upside down ...

So, an after-effect of the Obliviate charm?

Lockhart was under the Obliviate charm?

This explains why after nearly a week, Rita Skeeter did not mention a word about that day in the newspaper, and even the nemesis Lockhart was spared easily.

He himself only hinted at her not to bring the rhythm and distort the facts, but that didn't stop her from finding trouble with Lockhart.

That's not that woman's style.

"So, Weasley going to detention tonight?" Felix caught the point.

From the way Lockhart was acting, it's clear that he had recovered his memory. If Ron went up to the door, it is hard to guarantee that nothing would happen.

"No, he said he felt sick and took a leave of absence from Professor McGonagall," Hermione said.

Felix nodded, this approach is still very clever.

Whether it was the fact that Lockhart found out about Ron's theft of materials, or that he thought Ron had seen too many secrets, there's the possibility of overreacting.

"I see your point, I will communicate with Professor McGonagall and I will take charge of Weasley's next detention."

"Professor, is that okay?" Hermione asked.

"Of course, there is no mandatory rule on how detention is to be carried out, as long as I come up with a proper reason, for example, I am in dire need of some young wizards to test out my new teaching aids." Felix blinked.

"Some little wizards?" Hermione had doubts about the word 'some'.

"Yeah, can't make it too obvious, after all, the investigation will take some time. I'm going to ask all the little wizards who have been detained recently to come over."

Felix showed a helpless expression.

"Professor, you said the teaching aids it wouldn't be that?" The little witch stared at him with wide eyes.

"Oh, it's the one you saw over Christmas break. But if you didn't mention it, who knew when this had been completed unless I remembered it?" Felix smiled gently.

Hermione suddenly felt that Professor Hap had smiled wickedly.

When she left, Felix fell into deep thought.

A few minutes later, he wrote his speculation on a piece of parchment and then waved his wand to summon his Patronus, a Rain Swallow.

"Dumbledore, I think you need to see this."

The tiny silver rain swallow carried the rolled-up parchment in its mouth and flew out the window with its wings fluttering.

Felix leisurely tapped his fingers on the table, "Ta-da, ta-da." Just a few minutes later, a phoenix with golden-red feathers appeared abruptly in his room.

In its paws, it grasped a small note that read -

"Please give the materials to Fawkes and leave the rest to me."

Sending Fawkes away, Felix looked curiously at the place where it had disappeared.

The Phoenix truly deserved to be evaluated as a Class 4X magical creature, with all kinds of magical talents that made him very eager to study it.

Early in the next morning, Felix found Professor McGonagall.

When he mentioned that his research on new teaching aids is at a critical moment, and he needed the help of some students, Professor McGonagall showed great support.

"Do you need me to arrange Gryffindor students to help?"

"No, just give me all the young wizards who are currently detained, just so they can be involved in the process and learn something as well." Felix presented his idea.

With almost no effort, Professor McGonagall agreed.

She handed Felix a list, "This is the latest list of students detained, it's all on it."

Halfway through a garden, Felix ran into Percy Weasley, whom he happened to remember a little.

"Professor Hap?" Percy looked at Felix a little sheepishly, and he was accompanied by a girl.

"Mr. Weasley, Miss Clearwater. What are you doing?"

This place is really a bit out of the way, and few people usually come.

"Uh, Professor, Penelope and I... Clearwater and I are making the rounds and exercising our duties as Head of Grade." Percy stammered.

"Can you guys do me a favour?" Felix looked at the young couple without stirring, without poking fun.

"Sure!" Percy replied.

Felix took out the list of students, "Help me notify each of the names on this sheet to the corresponding Head of Grade and have them come to my office tonight for the future detention instead."

Percy nodded and the two of them quickly left as if they were thieves.

Gryffindor common room.

Yesterday Ron had been hiding in his dormitory pretending to be sick, in order to make the effect more realistic, he resolutely acted as a test subject for the twins and took the enhanced version of 'ice rat', his face turned iron blue.

The whole person looked like he was buried in the ice for a few hours.

As a result, he got really sick and spent the night in the clinic and just came back from the school clinic.

Ron is wrapped up tightly, and he is sitting at a table with Harry and Hermione.

Ron asked in a whisper, "Hermione, did Professor Hap really agree?"

Hermione said helplessly, "You've asked seven times, for the last time, yes!"

Ron said, "I really can't figure out what happened to Lockhart that night?"

Just as the few were discussing, Percy walked in.

He came to the trio and passed a message of Professor Hap to Ron.


Ron jumped up in excitement, his own trouble just gone.

Whether it is Lockhart himself, or Lockhart's fans, he is finally rid of them all!

Percy looked at his youngest brother in disbelief, thinking that isn't he frozen silly by the twins, isn't it detention anywhere you go?

And not a day less!


Thanks for all your support.

I am going to open P_atreon with 30+ Advanced chapters, if you have some extra pocket money Support me on P_atreon: www.p_atreon.com/Crazy_Cat.


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