
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · 作品衍生
162 Chs

Chapter 160: Lies

When Mike yelled, Professor Flitwick finally recovered from the shock of getting the crown, and said in an apologetic tone: "Sorry, Mike. I'm feeling a little out of control, so go ahead."

"I suspect that Voldemort made more than one Horcrux. The other may be in Percy's hands, and Percy may have been controlled by the Horcrux." Mike said in a shocking voice.

"Okay. Let's not investigate where you learned about Horcruxes, but how can you be sure that Percy is controlled by Horcruxes."

"Feeling! A feeling!" Mike vowed and said, "Percy has the feeling I felt in the crown. How do you say that feeling, it is evil. And it also has a deceptive ability."

Hearing that Professor Flivy was silent, deep down he was unwilling to believe Mike. After all, Voldemort had caused too much damage to the entire British magical world. Flivy could not imagine if he returned again. What scene.

But Mike is his most valued disciple. Based on his knowledge of Mike, Mike shouldn't make fun of this kind of thing. If what Mike said is true, then continuing to deceive and deceive others is seeking death, and they must act immediately to stop Voldemort.

"Well, I believe you." Flivy said after a long time of thought. "This matter involves too many things, and I must tell Dumbledore right away. You just wait here for a while, and I will go back."

Watching Professor Flitwick leave the office in a hurry, Mike played with the wand in his hand and smiled on his face.

Mike had considered it very clearly before. Although it was already certain that Percy was the owner of the diary Horcrux, it was almost impossible for Mike to destroy them alone. Let alone whether Mike is strong enough, here is Hogwarts. As long as Percy is low-key enough in the days that he takes over, then Mike will hardly have any chance to attack him.

So the only way is to use official power.

With the current attitude of the wizarding world towards the second-generation Dark Lord Voldemort, as long as Dumbledore and others know the truth about the Horcrux, then Percy and the diary Horcrux will become street rats, and everyone shouts and beats.

So Mike half-truthed that the crown was a Horcrux.

On this point, Mike is also well thought out.

The first is Flitwick's trust. Professor Flitwick, who had been childless in his life, treated Mike to the utmost, almost treating Mike as his own child. At the beginning, Mike had some doubts whether Flivy was so good to him or not if he had any other intentions, but as time passed, Mike has also regarded Flivy as his relatives. Mike believed that Professor Flitwick would believe everything he said.

And what Mike said was not entirely a lie. Such half-truth lies are the least likely to be exposed. Mike believed that even if he confronted Dumbledore, he could convince Dumbledore to believe his words.

Not long after, Professor Flitwick led Dumbledore into the office violently, and behind them, he followed Snape and other Hogwarts professors.

"I've heard about it on the road, but I still have to ask again, Mike, are you sure that it is Voldemort's Horcrux?" Dumbledore said straight to the door.

"I confirm!"

"I have to warn you, Mr. Townley." Snape said suddenly. "It is legally responsible for creating rumors and spreading panic. If afterwards we discover that you are telling a lie, then you will not only be expelled from school, but also May be going to Azkaban to serve his sentence!"

"I'm ten thousand percent sure!" To Snape's semi-threatening warning, Mike was right.

After getting an affirmative answer, everyone present showed shocked expressions, and only Lockhart looked dumbfounded.

"Who can tell me what a Horcrux is?" Lockhart asked.

As soon as these words appeared, they fell into weird silence, and everyone looked at Lockhart as if they had seen some monster.

"Please! Don't look at me like that!"

At this time, Dumbledore, who couldn't stand it anymore, explained:

"The Horcrux is a very evil black magic. Through the evil ritual of murdering one or more people, the caster can separate a part of his soul and attach it to an object separately. Such an object is called Horcrux.

And the person who made the Horcrux would have two lives and an infinite lifespan, because even if his subject died unexpectedly, he could still be resurrected through the split soul on the Horcrux. "

Hearing that Lockhart's mouth was so startled, he stammered and said: "Okay, okay. That's a terrible thing. Wait, you just said that it was a mysterious man's Horcrux. In other words, the mysterious man is not dead yet!?"

Lockhart figured out about halfway through, and covered his face in horror.

If Lockhart did this kind of behavior in the usual way, it would definitely attract Snape's ridicule, but now, no one can laugh.

"Well, everyone. It's not the time to be in a daze. We have to act now." Dumbledore saw that everyone was depressed, and said decisively, "Mag, you check Percy right away, but be careful not to let him. Found.

Felius, go check the fragments of the crown to see if there is still the breath of Horcrux on it..."

As Dumbledore issued orders after order in an orderly manner, everyone in the office began to take action. Only Lockhart did not believe in Horcruxes, clutching Dumbledore's robe with hope and authenticity:

"The mysterious man is dead, right? He won't come back! That kid must be a lie, right?"

"Lockhart, I can't give you an accurate answer." Dumbledore looked at Lockhart with compassion on his face~www.mtlnovel.com~ But whether Mike is telling the truth or not, we must do it well. Mental preparation. "

Dumbledore shook Lockhart's hand after saying this and left the office.

As everyone left, Lockhart was left alone in the office sitting on the ground in despair. The news that he had just received was really shocking.

In the hallway, Professor Flitwick looked at Mike, who was already taller than himself, silently.

"Mike, don't continue to interfere with this matter, we will deal with it." Professor Flivy said in a deep voice, "I will go to the Raven's Nest in the next few days to confirm the authenticity of the crown fragments. , You must be careful yourself."

"I see, Dean."

Seeing Mike nodded and agreed, Flitwick stopped talking and took Mike towards the Ravenclaw Tower. He still couldn't worry about Mike and wanted to take him back personally.

And just when the two of them were just a few steps away, they found that at a corner in front, Franklin and others were sneakily observing the direction of the office. Seeing Professor Flitwick spotted them, Franklin and others hurriedly retracted.

"Franklin! What are you guys doing!"

"Uh, Professor Flitwick, we just can't worry about Mike."

Seeing Franklin and the others lowered their heads in a convincing manner, Mike said aloud: "Dean, I can go back with Franklin and the others. You can go ahead."


"Don't worry, don't you know my strength?"

Maybe it was because he really had confidence in Mike's ability, or because Professor Flivy was really busy. Professor Flivy struggled for a while and finally relieved.

"Well, be careful all the way. Remember, don't continue to interfere in this matter!"