
Chapter 43

Harry then turned towards Rias with a glare on his face "Mind explaining why was a fallen angel allowed to walk around in Kuoh and why wasn't it reported to the Yokai faction?".

Rias just stared in silence upon hearing Harry ask her that question, Sona and she were notified about how the Yokai faction and Japanese government were not allowing any fallen angel into the country without a special permit so they both knew that they had to report but she was able to convince Sona not to do so or at least wait until she was able to add Issei into her peerage.

Harry just stared directly into Rias's eyes as she stayed silent "Well? I don't have all day Gremory, I want to know why was a fallen angel allowed to remain in our territory, and why that same fallen angel was even able to harm a Japanese citizen in the town the Sitri heir and you are supposed to protect?".

Rias was shaking, Harry might be calmly speaking to her but his energy was slowly raising in response to his anger "W-we weren't sure what the fallen angels were planning... we just didn't want to cause a conflict between factions..".

Harry glared and his energy cracked the floor causing Rias to cover her face from the force released by Harry's outburst of energy "Do I look like I'm stupid to you? No fallen angel is allowed on Japanese soil they have a kill-on-sight order, I know for a fact that Serafall told her sister and you to immediately report to the Yokai faction of any fallen angel activity in Kuoh, it was one of the conditions placed upon the Gremory and Sitri families so they could rent this town".

Rias took a step back in fear while Harry's continued "But no... we have to find out from our sensors about this and not only that, we're well aware of your plan to get Issei Hyoudou into your peerage, both you and Sona Sitri were told that you can add Japanese citizens into your peerage as long as you speak and negotiate with them... but like I said before, you wanted Issei dead because his value would drop and you would be able to easily reincarnate him...".

Rias winced at the reminder that Harry had already deducted her plans and looked down "Devils and their greed... this is the reason a bunch of you died years ago when in their greed they sought to add Kunou the daughter of the leader of the Yokai faction into their peerage by force".

Rias could only look down in horror at the reminder of that event "Tomorrow I'll be visiting Kuoh academy after school to meet with you and Sona Sitri, I'll be giving you a long list to both of you, of all the things we have found you have been doing that, violates the contract between the Yokai faction and the Sitri and Gremory families".

Rias looked up with wide eyes and stared at Harry who just huffed in annoyance and opened a dark corridor with a wave of his hand and walked through it, the dark corridor dissipated as soon as Harry stepped through leaving Rias alone with both Akeno and Koneko unconscious in the ground "... I have to call Sona immediately and let her know what happened today... She's not going to be happy..".


Harry arrived back at his new home and watched as everyone was already interrogating the fallen angel who was being lifted in to air by Jean's telekinesis while Luna was using dark fire to burn her legs and feet needless to say that the fallen angel was singing like a canary, he then walked towards them and stopped right besides Ereshkigal's side "Where's Morgan and Hope?".

Ereshkigal turned her gaze and looked at Harry with a smile on her face "Hela took them to their room to sleep, the poor dears seemed very tired after eating dinner, Le Fay silenced this room so we wouldn't wake them up".

Harry nodded and then spoke up again "What have we found out so far?".

Hermione spoke next "Apparently Azazel sent this fallen angel, her name is Raynare by the way, to watch over Issei Hyoudou which means the Fallen faction was aware that the pervert had a Sacred Gear, on that point it also means that Azazel doesn't care about fallen angel ban in Japan since he sent this one and three others to watch over Issei".

Harry growled, "Azazel has been very nonchalant about everything going on with the Yokai faction and his faction, more than like these four are common fodder that he wouldn't mind losing them, looks like I'm going to have to do something about this in the future...".

Hermione nodded in agreement with Harry's assessment and continued on "Yes but and this is where things get interesting, according to Raynare the orders recently changed to kill Issei instead of watching over him".

Harry raised an eyebrow "Sounds like someone is looking for conflict, it's pretty obvious that whoever changed the order wanted to provoke something either with us the Yokai faction, or the devil heirs".

Hermione nodded, and Kunou spoke next "Yeah and we know for sure that it wasn't Azazel who ordered these four to kill Issei he might be an irresponsible pig but he,s not one to provoke a faction so deliberately".

Harry nodded and looked at the still-screaming Raynare "Do we have the name of who changed the orders?".

Everyone shook their heads, while Susan spoke next "She didn't even know she was being used but we did find out a few other things, apparently there's a bunch of stray priests inside the abandoned church that Gabriel mentioned we could use in case of an emergency and get this, Asia Argento will be coming here in the next few days!".

Harry turned to look at Susan in shock "This can't be a coincidence... just what is going on here in Kuoh and why do I feel that things will get even more annoying soon".

Milim spoke next "Well then it's a good thing we're here right? We can deal with anything that might happen, Yasaka was really clever to ask us to supervise Kuoh, especially since those silly devils weren't doing a good job anyways".

Everyone nodded, Fuu then decide to ask Harry "So what's the plan? I'm sure you're not just going to let this go on".

Harry nodded "First let's deal with the fallen angels and stray exorcist tonight then we'll keep an eye for Asia, tomorrow I'll be going to meet with the Sitri and Gremory heirs after the school day ends, whoever wants to go with me be ready by then".

Everyone nodded and Jean then telekinetically snapped Raynare's neck killing her, Harry then dumped her body into his inventory to deliver it to Azazel later, after that he opened a dark corridor and he stepped through it, Kunou, Susan, and Luna following him close behind while the rest decided to wait for them.

They knew that with those four everything will be settled quickly enough.


In an abandoned church three fallen angels have been waiting for the leader of this little squad to report back while a stray exorcist with white hair and a crazed look on his face was pacing back and forth in exasperation.

A petit blonde-haired fallen angel suddenly spoke up to the pacing stray exorcist "Freed! Would you stop pacing around!".

The now-named stray exorcist stopped pacing around and glared at the petit fallen angel "Fuck off! all mighty angel, I'm bored and that other black winged whore is late! I bet she's fucking that boy just before gutting him! Hahaha!".

A blue-haired fallen angel spoke up in annoyance "Just ignore him Mittelt, he's insane but I do wonder what's taking Raynare so long?... Dohnaseek maybe you should go and check it out?, I have a bad feeling about this".

Dohnaseek turned to the blue-haired fallen angel "You think something went wrong?".

Mittelt turned and asked "Hey Kalawarna?" the now named blue-haired fallen angel turned towards Mittelt and the petit fallen continued "Maybe we should split? Nothing about this seems okay".

But before Kalawarna could even say a word a pillar of darkness erupted from the ground by the entrance to the church.

From that pillar a person no fallen angel ever wanted to see emerged, the three fallen angels stood in a panic the moment Harry Potter arrived at the little headquarters in Kuoh.

Behind him three of Kyoto's elite squad also emerged from the pillar of darkness which dissipated as soon as the last girl walked out of it.

Freed the crazy bastard started to laugh maniacally and lunged forward with a crazy look on his face "Finally some entertainment! It'll be fun to carve those sexy bodies!" but Luna met him half way and slammed End of Pain in his abdomen sending him flying and crashing against one of the marbled pillars of the church.

Freed didn't even get a chance to move when Luna pointed her Keyblade at him and sweetly smiled at him "Dark Firaga!".

I black fireball empowered by darkness shoots out of the tip of End of Pain and hits Freed right in the chest, he couldn't even scream since he was incinerated instantly, the black flames burned away both his body and soul.

After that Luna skipped towards the open basement door with Susan running after her "Luna! Wait for me!".

Harry turned towards Kunou after witnessing Luna being so ruthless, Kunou chuckled awkwardly "Yeah... Luna has been very... bloodthirsty? Whenever she fights she gets like that, the most disturbing thing about all of this, is that she's always smiling while doing things like this..".

Harry stared at Kunou "Okay... let's ignore Luna's new... tendencies... and just deal with this okay?".

Kunou nodded and walked forward toward the fallen angels, screams of pain and agony began to echo throughout the church and it was obvious that they were coming from the basement but Harry and Kunou ignored it.

The fallen angels though? They were terrified but Kunou didn't care "You three are trespassing upon Yokai faction territory, as per law you're lives are forfeit!".

The trio of fallen angels jumped and tried to fly to run away but Kunou disappeared in a flash of light and then appeared behind them holding her Keyblade, Vulpes Union in her hand in a reverse grip, She then softly said "'Zantetsuken...'".

The Fallen angels stood still frozen for a second before they dropped to the ground dead, Harry smiled and clapped causing Kunou to blush, then Luna and Susan came back up, Luna had a soft smile while Susan was patting her clothes to get rid of the dust that had landed on her.

Harry turned towards them "all done?".

Susan nodded while Luna hummed a bit before responding "They were quite weak but then again exorcists are just plain humans with a minor blessing so we finished fast, we incinerated the bodies, was that okay?".

Harry nodded "That's fine, we really only need to send the fallen angel's body to Azazel " Harry then walked towards the dead fallen angels and dump their corpses into his inventory.

Harry nodded to himself and then said "Well-done girls, you dealt with this situation fast and clean".

The girls brightly smiled at the pride in Harry's voice, while Harry gave them a grin "Now let's go home, we have things to do tomorrow and we need our rest " the girls nodded and Harry created another dark corridor which they immediately walked through.


The next morning while everyone was eating breakfast and talking about random things, Harry found out something very interesting about his good friend Hagrid from both Sirius and Remus who came to visit them to see how the move went "So Hagrid not only created a guild for monster tamers but he's also in charge of his very own familiar shop?".

Remus who was the one who told him about this nodded "Yes apparently at first he just wanted to keep the monsters he tamed but it turned out not only very expensive but dangerous as well because most monsters out of the Natural Dungeon are very powerful so he spoke to Yasaka about what he could do".

Harry nodded in understanding, Hagrid is a very sweet and caring guy and he loves magical creatures so it makes sense for him to have started a monster-taming guild and that he himself has a lot of monsters, though... knowing him he probably keeps some of the most dangerous monsters found in the dungeon in his house.

Remus completely unaware of Harry's inner realization continued "Yasaka was at a loss as to how to help Hagrid but Le Fay came up with an idea of her own".

Harry turned to look at Le Fay who was sleepily eating her breakfast and turned back to Remus who grinned and continued "You see she told Hagrid about how the devil faction had a forest full of monsters and magical creatures where devils could go and get a familiar, so she suggested that with Hagrid's expertise in caring for magical creatures and her creating a giant pocket dimension which was later filled with plant life by her, Kunou and Yasaka and now the Yokai faction owns it's very own Familiar Forest where anyone in Kyoto can get a familiar".

Harry raised an eyebrow "Hmm that sounds cool I'm guessing that Hagrid gets paid by the Yokai faction to care for this forest and the creatures living there right?".

Sirius was the one who spoke next "Yup! now not only does he has the money to take care of his own monsters but he's allowed to keep his monsters in the forest too! The place is very popular with children since the monsters there have been tamed and are very friendly plus children can get a familiar/pet from any of the monsters there!".

Harry rubbed his chin deep in thought and turned towards Tony who was drinking some coffee and speaking with Hermione about the future projects "Hey Tony!".

Tony turned towards Harry "Hm? What's up Harry?".

Harry grinned "What do you think about giving Morgan a familiar? She'll get a cool pet and she'll have a magical creature protecting her at all times a win, win for everyone involved".

Tony raised an eyebrow and looked up in thought for a minute and then turned towards Pepper who was listening, Pepper just smiled and nodded "I don't mind, you're going to be busy with research, and Harry will be occupied overseeing this town so she might get a little lonely, a pet will keep her busy and happy".

Tony grinned and nodded at Harry "You heard the lady! We're okay with it but what do you have in mind?".

Harry smiled and the turned to where Morgan was eating her cereal while hugging one of Kunou's tails like a teddy bear "Morgan?".

Morgan looked up from her cereal and looked at her uncle Harry and immediately smiled at him, Harry smiled back at her and then asked her "If you could have any animal or creature as a pet, what would you choose".

Morgan didn't even think about it for too long, she fist pump both of her hands and loudly proclaimed "A dragon like you uncle Harry!".

Harry grinned and everyone got nervous because that grin usually meant Harry was about to do something ridiculous again "Good choice and I have the perfect dragon! I just need to make a few changes!".

Harry immediately took out the Boosted Gear out of his inventory and used his power over reality and creation to change and evolve it.

Everyone watched in awe and curiosity at what Harry was doing to the ridiculously large red gauntlet until the gauntlet itself cracked and broke becoming an orb of red light.

As Harry worked on the Boosted Gear he got rid of the locks on its power and those annoying souls trapped in it, well except for two who watched from inside the Boosted Gear in horror at how the other souls that had been housed for centuries were pulled out.

Harry then consumed the souls and then stood up from where he was sitting and walked towards Morgan who was excitedly watching her uncle do cool magic, Harry as soon as he got close to Morgan pushed the red orb of light into her chest and watched as a crimson aura flared around her body for a second before settling down.


From inside the Boosted Gear Ddraig awaken, he immediately felt that something was different with his Sacred Gear but before he could even try and check he was suddenly blinded by an intense light.

When he opened his eyes he was surprised to be able to see that he was outside, that he was able to smell food and could even breathe, which he did, he took a big breath and exhaled he then look around his body and grinned when he confirmed that he did indeed have his body back.

Ddraig couldn't help but bark out a loud laugh "I'm free! Watch out world! The all-powerful Ddraig the Red Dragon Emperor is back!".

But his laughter died when he was suddenly picked up and hugged tightly "What?! What is happening!? Make it stop! I'm scared!".

The poor dragon was completely caught off guard by an excited Morgan who picked him up and hugged him tightly "He's so cool! Thanks uncle Harry!".


Everyone native to this world gaped at what Harry had done, Hermione couldn't help but to point out "Harry... did you just give the Boosted Gear to a five-year-old!".

Kunou spoke up next "You gave a Longinus... A god killer to Morgan?!".

Le Fay couldn't help but also chip in "And not only that! You changed the Boosted Gear from a State Change Sacred Gear to an Independent Avatar Sacred Gear! How!?".

Tony, Remus, and Sirius stared at the teddy size red dragon and only had one thing to say "Neat!".

Pepper just shooked her head but the smile on her face told that she was amused "Boys and their toys".

Ophis who had intently watched all of this happen floated up from her seat onto Harry's back and hung there from his neck, she then spoke to Ddraig who was finally free from Morgan's hug and was laying on the table breathing hard after being crushed by a hug "Welcome back Ddraig...".

Ddraig who was able to finally recover all the oxygen that was pushed out of him looked up "Huh? Who!? Oh it's you Ophis... Can you tell me what happened, and who did this to me!?".

Ophis nodded and then floated and sat on the table beside Ddraig who sat up on his hunches, Ophis then pointed at Harry "The Sacred Gear which you were sealed in... was changed and evolved by my mate... Harry Potter Dragon God of Death, Chaos, and Creation...".

Ddraig stared at the young man being pointed at by Ophis and began to nervously sweat when he finally sensed the power of this individual in front of him, Harry just grinned and waved "Yo!".

Ddraig sweatdrop but then sighed "... so why did you change my Sacred Gear? I mean I'm not complaining about having this much freedom but being this size is a bit humiliating...".

Harry just smiled and pointed at Morgan who now started to poke Ddraig in the belly making the dragon grunt "My niece here wanted a dragon familiar and since I had taken you away from your previous host I decided to make use of you instead of just sealing you away for all eternity, so I changed the Boosted Gear and gave it to her".

Ddraig frowned, he could feel the all-familiar bond of his Sacred Gear to his new wielder, she was young but she seemed to be different than any of his previous wielders she was powerful but how? she was just a young human child but then it clicked "You blessed her... you blessed this child with your divinity that's why she seems so different... so powerful...".

Everyone gaped, being blessed by a god was one thing but being blessed by a dragon god with three powerful domains was unheard of, even Ophis looked flabbergasted at this news, she has never given her blessing to anyone not even in the Khaos brigade, for a dragon god to give a blessing to a human is an intimate thing but then again Harry treated Morgan like his hatchling so it made sense.

Harry raised an eyebrow and looked at everyone gaping at him "What? We were involved in many dangerous situations back when Morgan was born I wanted to keep her safe so I granted her my blessing that she could grow powerful and smart, you guys didn't think it was weird that she was running around and speaking almost fluently at the age of three?".

To those who were there, everything suddenly made sense, Morgan had always been very smart and very active, they had seen her fall and instantly get up, she's never been sick or hurt either now that they think about it.

Ereshkigal smiled "It does make sense, Harry and Morgan had been attached at the hip since she was born".

Morgan just smiled and grab hold of Harry's hand while Harry just smiled at her niece "The system let me know that I could grant my blessings to anyone I have a bond to and I did, as a matter of all of you have my blessing, no one noticed because it didn't grant you any significant boost in power since you're all very powerful now but it did grant you regeneration and protection from status effects meaning, no one will ever suffer from sickness or poison among a few other things".

Everyone stared at Harry for a second before they all stood up and rushed towards him and dogpiled him, Hope had floated Herself and Morgan to the top of the pile and both of them fist-pumped in victory.

Harry who was at the bottom could only moan in discomfort "Just why?..".

Everyone grinned at him and loudly proclaimed "Because we love you Harry!".

Harry just grunted, "Uhh... I don't feel loved right now..".

Everyone chuckled or giggle at Harry while Hope and Morgan floated down and began to pat his head to make the pain away.

Ddraig just stared for a second "What a strange group of people... I can feel that they're all extremely powerful but they seem so happy and carefree".

Ophis who was staring at everyone as they laughed and had fun suddenly smiled a small smile which caused Ddraig to widen his eyes in shock while Ophis just said "... I kinda like it..".

Ddraig closed his eyes and hummed, he might be smaller now but at least he has his freedom plus his new wielder seems to have a lot of potential.

That's how the first morning in Harry's new home went, laughs, smiles, and a bunch of dragons was now a usual sight in this home.


Kuoh Academy was in chaos this morning, the police had stormed into the school before class started and immediately arrested Issei, Motohama, and Matsuda for sexual harassment along with a few other things.

The girls who were constantly victimized by this trio almost every day cheered in celebration, it was about time someone did something about the perverted trio.

Sona who had watched the arrest tried to intervene, in her mind she thought this would make the school lose face but as soon as she got close a few members of the police revealed themselves to be members of the Yokai faction causing her to freeze in shock and fear.

Rias had called her last night and told her that Harry Potter along with two members of Kyoto's elite squad had appeared and stopped her from acquiring Issei into her peerage.

But Sona didn't really care about that, it was the fact that Harry Potter is capable of taking Sacred Gears from their host without killing them that had her interest, however according to Rias he wasn't happy with them and with the police showing up and arresting Issei she knew that they were aware that they have been manipulating Kuoh's police force.

This fact was confirmed when she was shown that there were members of the Yokai faction among the police that arrested the perverted trio.

She understood that they were there to prevent her or Rias from stopping this from happening so she was forced to step back and let it happen, but at this moment she was regretting letting Rias convince her of helping her protect Issei and his friends, especially since Harry Potter was coming at the end of the school day to speak with them.


Hours passed by and the two devil heirs spent their school day nervous and full of anxiety, the upcoming meeting could go south rather quickly and that made the young devils extremely anxious, they all have hear the rumors of Harry Potter's ruthlessness against but the Fallen faction and the Devil faction.

As soon as the bell signaling that the school day was over rang Sona and her queen headed straight to the school gates to meet with their visitors while Rias, her peerage, and her own were convening in the Occult Research Club building.

As soon as they stepped out of the school's front building they noticed that a crowd had gathered in front of the school gate, and it didn't take them long to find out why.

The crowd suddenly split in half and let Harry Potter in, following behind him were the members of Kyoto's elite squad and five unknown females but Sona and her queen Tsubaki could tell that all of them were extremely powerful.

As Harry approached Sona, she couldn't help but sweat in fear, his sheer presence alone was overwhelming and his glowing green eyes were intimidating with their eerie glow.

Harry soon reached Sona while ignoring the whispers from the students crowding the school gate, Sona and Tsubaki bowed while Sona greeted him "Lord Potter, it is an honor to host your visit if you would please follow us".

Harry just nodded and then followed the two young devils towards a far-off building close to the school, the building itself made Harry narrow his eyes "Is that building part of the school?".

Sona nodded "Yes, right now it serves as headquarters for Rias's peerage, it served as dorm years ago but it has been unused until Rias's family fixed it up and took over".

Harry nodded and was glad that the building wasn't just taken for their use.

Soon they reach the building and stepped in, they immediately headed to the second floor and go through some double doors and step inside what Harry believes to be Rias's office.

Once everyone stepped inside Harry couldn't help but notice how every devil was against the walls surrounding the two couches in the middle while Rian was sitting behind her desk with Akeno by her side {An intimidation tactic? How cute}.

As soon as everyone stepped in Rias's smiled "Please take a seat, Akeno has made tea and snacks".

Harry closed his eyes and sighed "No thank you, this isn't a social visit Gremory".

Rias frowned but nodded while Sona walked forward and stood to the side of Rias's desk Tsubaki followed her and stood by her side

Harry then opened his eyes "Let's get the introductions out of the way, I'm already aware of who you are, Serafall told me about all of you".

Sona and Rias looked at each other, the fact that maou Leviathan had freely given information to Harry was bad news to them, now he might know things about them while they still know nothing about the man before them.

Harry then spoke "I'm Harry Potter, behind me are Kunou daughter of Yasaka and princess of Kyoto, Luna Lovegood a master of darkness, Le Fay Pendragon one of our most powerful magic users and a master swordsman, Valerie Tepes vampire princess and expert marksman, Hermione Granger head of the Magical Creation Research branch of Kyoto, Susan Bones high ranking member of the Warriors guild, Ereshkigal goddess of death and queen of the underworld, Milim Nava dragonoid and true demonlord, Fuu shinobi and sage, Jessica Albert master mage and hero, Jean Grey a powerful psychic and wielder of the Phoenix Force and finally Ophis the Dragon God of Infinity" all the young devils in the room gaped at the information just shared by Harry.

While Harry was introducing everyone who came with him to this meeting, he was also sensing out everyone in the building.

Sona's peerage is all normal and besides being devils none of them had any darkness in their hearts, Rias's peerage was a mess, the darkness in their hearts was telling of dark and unhappy pasts.

Fear, hate, and self-loathing were the source of such darkness in their hearts, he then noticed the blond boy among Rias's peerage glaring with hate towards Le Fay but he shelved that for later.

Akeno then decided to speak to try and disperse some of the tension in the air "Ara, Are you sure you don't want at least some tea?".

Harry moved his gaze towards Akeno, who jumped slightly in surprise at those soft glowing green eyes, Harry then spoke "No, thank you but we're not here to socialize, have the police arrested Issei Hyoudou and his two other friends yet?".

Akeno frowned but didn't say anything, Sona answered Harry's question "Yes... they arrived early in the morning and arrested them before class started, was that really necessary?".

Harry glared at Sona "Of course it is, they have been sexually harassing the female populace of this school for almost two years, this should have been dealt with as soon as the first offense happened".

Sona nodded and looked down, Rias spoke up "It was just some harmless peeping...".

Harry frowned "In Japan, that sort of behavior is frowned upon and if it's happening as many times as those three have been doing then it becomes a crime, if devils are okay with letting strangers peek at them while they shower or change that's fine but you live in Japan! and in Japan you follow the laws, how do you think those girls felt at being seen naked like that!".

Rias jumped from Harry's raised voice but Harry didn't stop "How do you think their parents felt at having their daughters sexually harassed like that!? but wait... they couldn't even do something about it because both of you were manipulating them with devil magic...".

Every reincarnated devil looked down in shame, as former humans they know Harry is right but they were just following orders, the girls in the peerage were the ones feeling very ashamed knowing full well how creepy it is to have some peep on them like that on an almost daily manner.

Harry then pointed a finger at Rias "You even manipulated the police, did you think no one would know or notice? Did you think that the Japanese government and the Yokai faction would just let it slide just so you can get a powerful peerage member?".

Rias widened her eyes, she had to admit, at least to herself that she didn't think about the consequences of her actions Harry went on "Both of you violated the conditions in which the Sitri and Gremory families were allowed to rent Kuoh, not only did you manipulate innocent civilians but government employees too...".

Every devil stared at Harry in shock "...but that's not the worse thing, you endangered the mundane population of Kuoh by allowing fallen angels to run around freely in this town, now my question is why? Why not report the fallen angels to the Yokai faction knowing full well that we don't want them in this country and all of them are on kill-on-sight orders from the government, the Shinto, and Yokai faction? The fact that you allowed them to kill a Japanese citizen just so you could cheaply reincarnate him gives me leeway to declare a feud against the Sitri and Gremory families...".

Rias and Sona winced from Harry's words while the rest of the young devils gasped Harry however went on "This could have been prevented if you would have done your duties, Sona Sitri you should have dealt with Issei and his cronies from the moment they first harassed the female populace as Student Council president the students are your first priority... and you Gremory just because you an overseer of Kuoh doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want!".

Sona looked down, Harry was right and she knew that but it seems that she grew too cocky during her time in Kuoh and forgot about her duties "I just wanted to help my friend, Rias is going through something difficult, and wanted to support her".

Harry looked at Sona "I can understand wanting to help a friend but your not kids anymore, lives are at stake here, you can't just run around and do whatever you please without consequences".

Rias however frowned, she really didn't see anything wrong with what they had done, in her head nothing had happened so everything was okay, and besides, right now she had more important things to think about and Sona was just helping her.

Harry glared at Rias sensing her inability to realize that what she did was wrong, he knew that Rias was spoiled quite heavily by her parents and her brother but to see it be to this extent was unbelievable, Harry then sighed and decided to go ahead with their punishment "... per orders of Serafall Leviathan the Sacred Gear Boosted Gear was taken from Issei Hyoudou and as of now, is in my permanent custody to do as I please with it, Yasaka leader of the Yokai faction and the Japanese Government has decided to report this to the Sitri and Gremory families along with a fine of a heavy sum for breaking the contract between them and the Yokai faction".

Rias stood up from her chair and gaped at their punishment along with Sona but Harry wasn't done "As of now Kuoh is under my supervision and the people you see with me, any further violations of the contract will be responded with me kicking you back straight into the underworld and possible annihilation of both the Sitri and Gremory families!".

Rias couldn't believe this, Issei had the Boosted Gear and it slipped through her fingers, in a fit of anger she raised her voice at Harry, it seems like all she cared about her right now was her situation and completely ignored the fact that Harry had just threatened her family and clan "You can't do that!".

Sona widen her eyes and turned her head towards Rias" Rias what are you doing!?".

Rias glared at Harry while she spoke to Sona "I need that Sacred Gear Sona you know that and besides are we just going to let him take over the town we have been taking care of for years?".

Sona gaped and for the first time in her life, she couldn't believe Rias had said that, she knew she was arrogant but this? this was foolishness.

Harry just raised an eyebrow "I think you're forgetting who your speaking to Gremory".

But Rias was desperate, she needed that Sacred Gear to escape from Riser and she wasn't about to just roll over and lose control of her haven and so she spoke "No I know who you are but most of what's being said about you are rumors, all we know is that you killed a bunch of vampires and fallen angels but then again they're aren't the strongest".

Harry stared incredulously at Rias while the girls glared at Rias, Luna decided to cut in "Then would you like to try your luck Gremory? Will you risk yourself and your peerage for what you desire? If so I'm sure Harry will be willing to put you in your place..".

The rest of the girls nodded while Harry raised an eyebrow towards Luna, this was the first time he's seen her so angry and it surprised him.

Rias grinned like she had won the lottery, she didn't understand why her brother was so scared of this man before, he didn't seem like much anyway and so she spoke "Alright then how about it Harry Potter, you against myself and my peerage? if I win you leave and give me the Boosted Gear".

Harry stared at Rias for a long minute "You must be very desperate or very stupid... but fine I'll pay your little game Gremory..".

Sona was panicking and was thinking about what to do to stop her foolish best friend from being killed.

Rias Gremory, a desperate young woman just challenged Harry Potter to a fight, what will the outcome be?