
Harmony's Quest

Takeshi is a low affinity mage in the modern day who loses his home after being unable to pay rent. He is saved from the streets by a high school girl named Yumi who promises to give him a place to stay if he helps her find a dream caster(someone who can grant dreams). Takeshi with nothing left to lose accepts the offer and the two begin a quest to find a dream caster.

Edu_Bill · 奇幻
17 Chs

Bad Company

Takeshi found himself in a deep slumber, his mind wandering through the realms of dreams. In this realm, the boundaries of reality blurred, and desires danced with the subconscious. Images and sensations intertwined, weaving a tapestry of whimsy and desire.

Unbeknownst to Takeshi, his dream took an unexpected turn, venturing into the realm of the perverse. His mind conjured up vivid and tantalizing scenes, where Yumi and Nana occupied center stage. Their forms entwined in a seductive dance, their laughter echoing through the depths of his imagination.

As the dream intensified, Takeshi's murmurs grew louder, his words escaping his lips in hushed whispers. The room filled with mumbled confessions and imagined delights, painting a picture of his subconscious desires.

Suddenly, the sound of a voice, sharp and indignant, pierced through the veil of his dream. Takeshi's eyes snapped open, his heart pounding in his chest. He found himself face to face with Nana, her fiery gaze burning with fury and disgust.

"You pervert!" Nana exclaimed, her voice a mix of anger and embarrassment. "How dare you mutter such things in your sleep!"

Takeshi's cheeks flushed crimson as he realized the gravity of the situation. Stumbling over his words, he tried to explain, but his attempts only seemed to further incense Nana.

"You're lucky I didn't call the authorities!" Nana scolded, her voice dripping with disdain. "You better keep your twisted thoughts to yourself!"

Takeshi's heart sank, a profound sense of shame washing over him. He had never intended for his dreams to encroach upon the waking world, let alone offend or hurt anyone. He mumbled a weak apology, his voice laced with genuine remorse.

As Nana turned to leave, her footsteps resonated with a mixture of anger and disappointment. Takeshi sat up, his face buried in his hands, grappling with a wave of embarrassment and regret.

Takeshi emerged from the bathroom, feeling refreshed and determined to embark on the day's adventure. As he made his way to the dining area, he was greeted by Yumi's warm smile, which instantly lifted his spirits. The scent of a delicious breakfast wafted through the air, enticing his hungry stomach.

Seated at the table, Yumi motioned for Takeshi to join her. Nana, still wearing a slightly disapproving expression, cast a brief glance his way, mouthing the word "pervert" with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Takeshi winced inwardly, feeling the sting of her playful accusation.

They began to enjoy the meal prepared by Yumi, the flavors filling their senses and bringing a sense of comfort and contentment. As they savored each bite, Yumi broke the silence, her voice filled with anticipation.

"Today is the day, Takeshi," she said, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "We're going to start our quest to find a dream caster in the downtown area of the city."

Takeshi nodded eagerly, a newfound determination shining in his eyes. The thought of embarking on this quest, despite the challenges that lay ahead, filled him with a renewed sense of purpose. He understood the gravity of Yumi's desire to find her affinity, and he was ready to assist her in any way he could.

Nana, who had finished her meal, rose from her seat and adjusted her attire. With a concerned expression, she approached Yumi, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Be careful out there," Nana cautioned, her voice tinged with worry. "And Takeshi, you better protect her at all costs. No slacking off!"

Takeshi nodded earnestly, acknowledging Nana's words. He understood the responsibility that came with this journey, knowing that Yumi's dreams were at stake. He was determined to prove himself, to be a reliable companion and protector.

After breakfast, Nana bid them farewell, heading off to her own obligations for the day. Left alone with Yumi, Takeshi felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. They ventured out into the bustling streets, their steps synchronized as they navigated through the city's vibrant tapestry.

As they delved deeper into the downtown area, Takeshi couldn't help but steal glances at Yumi. Her determination and vulnerability resonated within him, reminding him of his own dreams and the possibilities that awaited them. Side by side, they walked, ready to face the unknown and discover the elusive dream caster that might hold the key to both their destinies.

They come across a dubious looking man and Yumi approaches the man to ask him if he knows where to find a dream caster.

The man's words hung in the air, enticing Yumi with the promise of a dream caster. Her eyes sparkled with hope, but Takeshi couldn't shake his skepticism. The man's appearance seemed dubious, and his sudden appearance raised a red flag in Takeshi's mind.

Taking a deep breath, Takeshi turned to Yumi, concern etched on his face. "Yumi, I understand your eagerness, but this doesn't feel right. We barely know this man, and following him down this unfamiliar path seems dangerous."

Yumi's smile wavered for a moment, but she placed a reassuring hand on Takeshi's arm. "I understand your worries, Takeshi, but sometimes in life, we have to take chances. If there's even a slight possibility of finding a dream caster, we shouldn't let it slip away. Besides, we're together, and we'll watch out for each other."

Her words resonated deep within Takeshi's heart, soothing his doubts. He knew Yumi's unwavering determination and her belief in the power of dreams. Reluctantly, he nodded, a mix of caution and determination in his eyes.

"All right," Takeshi said, a hint of worry still evident in his voice. "We'll follow him, but let's stay alert and watch each other's backs. We can't afford to let our guard down."

With their resolve strengthened, Yumi and Takeshi trailed behind the mysterious man, their footsteps echoing down the dimly lit path. The atmosphere grew increasingly eerie as they ventured deeper into the unknown territory, the surroundings casting long shadows that seemed to whisper secrets.

Takeshi's senses were on high alert, his instincts warning him of the potential dangers that lay ahead. He discreetly tightened his grip on Yumi's hand, silently pledging to keep her safe amidst the uncertainty.

As they continued to follow the man's lead, Takeshi's skepticism intensified. He couldn't shake the feeling that they were being led astray, that the dream caster they sought might remain nothing more than a distant illusion. Yet, he couldn't ignore the glimmer of hope in Yumi's eyes, nor the strength of their friendship that had carried them thus far.