
Harem System: An Implosion on This Wonderful World


Geraint124x · 漫画同人
360 Chs

Chapter 29: Owari no Seraph 6

Chapter 29: Owari no Seraph 6

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

In the exit of the outside world, Krul sat up from the floor with furious expression. I doodled her face just to tease her out of my whim.

Now that I realized it, she even more cuter when she has a mad expression. I want to tease her more, but unfortunately she might hate even more if I overdid it. It's really such a waste that someone as cute as her turned into a undead vampire. Damn that Sika Madu, I going to kill him if I meet him in the future.

Krul glared at me,

"You insolent human brat! How dare you mess with me, the Vampire Queen?!" she spoke with very angry tone.

(Angry Krul pic<<<)

I just smirked at her and said,

"Oh, but all I can see is a cute little girl who's yearning and looking for her big brother for a long time."

She was surprised when she heard what I said,

"You!... How much do you know?"

"Everything about you and this dark world..." I answered with smile.

"Do you know where's my brother right now?" she asked me calmly.



She was about to say something, but she suddenly disappeared,

"It's useless, Krul. All your sneak attacks will just be in vain."

I spoke as I noticed her appeared behind me.

"Let's see about that when my fangs planted on your wide open neck."

She flung herself behind me, she locked me and forcefully bit my neck.

Feeling a sharp pain on my neck, means she was successfully done it.

All of sudden, I heard a sizzling sound from around her mouth as it's burning from drinking my blood.

I started to panic and get worried about her,

"Let go of me, Krul! Your going to die if you continue to drink my blood." I said.

"I won't..."

Before she can even finished what she about to say, she got weakened and fell on the floor.

I immediately move towards her and tried to wake her up,

"Krul! Are you okay? Say something!" I worriedly said, tapping her cheek,

I noticed that she fainted and slowly turning to ashes, I panicked.

I have to think a way to save her quickly before she completely turned to ashes and die.

I can't use a High Healing Potions on her because of it has a holy attributes, she'll die if I used on her.

Suddenly, I remembered the Cure All Potion that I invented, but it's still a prototype and has not been tested. I made that potion for Lalatina's Mom and Sylphina's Mom to completely cure of their illness. It has a ingredient of a nail's of a high-ranking devil so it should not be dangerous for Krul's undead body.

I immediately opened my dimensional storage and took the small bottle of Cure All Potion.

I'm going to risk it by making her drink this potion, but the problem is that she's unconscious right now.

I suddenly thought a way for her to drink it,

"Sorry about this Krul."

I took the liquid of the cure all potion in my mouth then made her drink and swallow it mouth to mouth.

While I'm doing it, her body started throbbing strongly and her body stopped turning to ash.

After that, I placed my ears on her chest and checked the pulse of her heart.

I heard the regular beat of her heart.

It means, she's alive.

I became calm and felt relief that I was able to save her from death in time.


I sighed.


Wait a minute.

Does the heart of a vampire beating in the first place.

She's an undead right?

I checked the pulse on her wrist,

I felt a pulse and it was beating steadily.

She really alive.

Suddenly, a notification message appeared in front of me,

[You have successfully formed a contract.]

[Congratulations, you've got a familiar.]

[Krul, The Demi-Vampire has become your familiar.]

[You gained a new skill "Summon Familiar"]


I was speechless when I read the notifications.

Hearing Krul groaned, I glanced at her. Her consciousness returned as she slowly opened her eyes, she glanced at me.

"What happened to me?"

She became surprise when she recognized me, she immediately moved away from me.

"You human brat! What did you do to me?" she angrily shouted.

"No, I just saved you from dying." I replied.

"Don't lie to me! A human who just killed my comrades, saving me. That's ridiculous!" She spoke with doubt on me.

"It's true that I saved you, you nearly died when you drunk my blood just now." I explained at her.

"Why would I die, if I drink your blood." she asked.

Since, she became my familiar, I can explain to her about my power.

"It's because I have a magic called 'Sunshine', it allows me to create and manipulate a minimized sun and also make me become stronger with the rise of the sun where they can become almost invincible, but will also weaken the user as the sun sets. Drinking my blood is same as drinking a deadly poison for vampires.

She gritted her teeth in anger,

"So that's why, you can easily killed my comrades without to much effort... but, that doesn't mean, I can't take you on."

She said as she started to walk then charged towards me.

This girl is really such a pain.

"Stop it! Krul... All your attack against me are totally useless..."

Suddenly, the attack that I've been waiting for didn't come.

I glanced at Krul and saw her stopped in the middle her attack.

"Why did I suddenly stopped? What's happening to me? I can't control my body." she spoke while being confused.

She glanced at me and furiously shouted,

"Human brat! What did you do to my body?!"

An idea went to my head and tried it on her,

"Krul... move!" I ordered her.

She can move all of sudden,


She was about to attacked me again, but I ordered her immediately,


She immediately stopped moving,

"What? Why did I stopped again?"


She can move once again, but still tried to attack again.


She stopped moving.


Krul moved, but she was swaying her body, dancing around.


"Stop this! You insolent brat!" Krul yelled angrily.

"Sexy pose!"

Krul body moved quickly and made a sexy pose,

Her body is following my command on it's own, then...

"Krul, I command to never ever attack me, my loved ones or any innocent people that you'll meet." I ordered her.

"Do you think that I will follow what you ordered. That's totally impossible." she spoke with proud tone.

"Move!" I said as I released her from being able not to move.

She move quickly and dashed towards me, she tried to attack me again by punching my face.

When she threw her fist towards me, it suddenly went back to her face itself.

"Ugh!" she groaned and knocked down on the floor.

"What's happening? Why are my attacks returning to me." she said while being more confused.

"... The truth is... you just became my familiar after I saved from death... Check your pulse right now." I said to her.

She placed her middle and index fingers together on wrist to feel her pulse.

Her eyes widened in surprise when she felt something beating on her wrist, she immediately placed her hand between her chest. Using her natural abilities as a vampire to sense sharply, she can clearly hear the steady beat of her heart.

"How did you do this?" she asked me.

"I was able to save you, but in return, you became my familiar and turned into a Demi-Vampire. As my familiar, you're going to follow my orders from now on... Don't worry, I might order you something that teases you but, I won't let you do anything immoral." I answered.

(To be continued.)

(Z z z zzz...)