
Harem pirates

The setting moves out to the high seas for the second entry in the Harem Series: Harem Pirates

Jonas89 · 奇幻
12 Chs

Harem Pirates 2: Chapter 6 - Collusion

"I see. So Admiral Dartanis is dead."

With the ghost ship hunt complete, Ricardo returned to the sea near Brakia before heading home. Governor-General Vanessa immediately boarded his ship via a tugboat.

They had avoided the port just in case Carlotta tried to retaliate for their sinking of the Soaring Spirit.

Ricardo met Vanessa in his cabin with Evaline and Rose by his side. He gave her a report on the sinking of the Soaring Spirit.

She gave a quick silent prayer after she heard him out.

She understandably felt differently about her own kingdom's admiral and sailors being slaughtered as pirates.

Ricardo felt no sympathy for the crew of the Soaring Spirit, but kept a quiet expression out of respect for Vanessa's feelings.

"If Carlotta's betrayal becomes public knowledge, it could create a rift in the anti-Double Kingdom alliance, so it is for political reasons that we will be treating the ghost ship and the Soaring Spirit as two separate ships. Please try to understand."

"I do understand. The Soaring Spirit has gone missing. Perhaps it was caught in a storm."

That would be the official story. Carlotta's leaders and others in the know would learn the truth sooner or later and some clever people both domestic and foreign would likely figure it out.

But politics was all about formality. There were things a politician had to insist were true even if everyone could tell it was a farce.

Vanessa bowed deeply.

"I apologize for all the trouble we have caused you."

"And I apologize for how much help we demanded from you."

"I must apologize to you as well, Princess Evaline."


Evaline gave an exaggerated nod where she sat next to Ricardo. Since this was an official meeting, she had left her battle axe on her own ship.

Vanessa grinned when she noticed the girl had casually pressed her left thigh against her fiancé's right thigh.

"Hee hee. Congratulations on making yourself the prince's woman, princess."

"H-how could you tell?"

Evaline was shaken, so Vanessa intentionally leaned in close and took a sniff.

"You've lost that virgin stench."

Evaline quickly sniffed at herself and Vanessa could not help but throw her head back and cackle.

Evaline's reaction was so cute Ricardo had to laugh as well.

She gave them both a confused look, but then she realized they were teasing her. She blushed and hung her head before glaring up at them.

With their mission complete, they settled into a pleasant conversation, but eventually Vanessa grew serious and looked straight into Ricardo's eyes.

"Prince, I have one question for you."

"What is it?"

Sensing her serious mood, he straightened up.

"What do you hope to accomplish by dedicating yourself to the navy like this?"

"Peace and stability for the Jade Sea."

His immediate answer made Vanessa smile. She shut her eyes for a moment of thought and then opened her eyes and mouth.

"Just between us, Carlotta intends to leave the anti-Double Kingdom alliance in the near future."

"Eh? Are people already talking about what happened to the Soaring Spirit?"

Ricardo and the others feared that sinking the Soaring Spirit had been a political misstep after all.

"No, this has nothing to do with the sinking of the Soaring Spirit. It seems Dartanis's activities had already inspired the higher ups. This is beyond my ability to stop."

"Wh-why not!?"

Ricardo knew Vanessa was a powerful figure in Carlotta's anti-Double Kingdom faction, so he nearly stood from his chair as he shouted back at her.

He wondered if she held a grudge after that torture-adjacent interrogation.

She accepted his anger with a straight face and continued.

"I am sure Etruria will send a punishment force once it happens, so I would like for you to command that force."


When a major military force was dispatched, a royal was often placed in command, even if it was only for show.

Ricardo was in fact the member of the Etrurian royal family with the most naval experience, so it would not be difficult for him to nab that role.

But he did not like the idea of fighting against a woman he had slept with. He could not find the words, but Vanessa pressed on.

"When the time is right, I will betray Carlotta."


Her suggestion left Ricardo speechless.

"Carlotta has already lost Admiral Dartanis, so if I also betray them at a critical moment, they cannot survive. They will kneel before you in the end. And then you will be a military hero."


He could not ask for a better deal, but it sounded too good to be true.

He tried to figure out what to say when she gave him a challenging look.

"And then you can move your own plans on to the next phase."

Realizing what she was hinting at, he began to sweat like a prey stared down by its predator.

"I hear Sigrain has been making some ominous moves back in your home kingdom."

"Ominous how?" asked Ricardo, his throat going dry.

She took a sip of her tea before continuing.

"Etruria is also a Jade Sea kingdom. I get the feeling your people are growing frustrated with all the attention being given to your land war of late. And the best way to change national policy in a hurry is to replace the leader."

He could see how this woman had earned the position of governor-general at such a young age. Once she found an opening, she quickly dug up the whole story.

Her monocle glittered as she calmly analyzed the situation.

"Currently, the only coastal kingdoms on friendly terms with the Double Kingdom are doing so as a reaction to their neighbor's stance. They are only trying to gain a slight edge over their neighbor. None of them have the guts or the strength to use the Double Kingdom to conquer the Jade Sea. But Etruria is different. If you had the Double Kingdom's backing, you could easily make the entire Jade Sea yours."

Vanessa stood from her chair and kneeled.

"This incident has been a painful but useful lesson. I now know that the only way to end the conflict between our coastal brethren is to bring them all under a single unified regime. I will play a role in creating a Pirate King of the South Sea, so please give me some minor position of power."


Ricardo appreciated the thought, but it all came so suddenly he was unsure what to say. He glanced over at Evaline, but even that frank girl looked just as unsure as him for once.

Rose, who served by his side as unobtrusively as a shadow, responded for the two royals.

"We cannot trust the words of a woman who would abandon her colleagues and betray her home kingdom."

"You need to trust me? Then how about I gouge out one of my eyes and give it to you?"

Vanessa grinned as she removed her monocle and placed her index finger, middle finger, and thumb around her right eye.

"P-please don't do that!"

Ricardo quickly grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Then will you trust me?"

Vanessa had a desperate look with some tears in her eyes.

"…I will."

Ricardo was so surprised by her tears he agreed, earning him the anger of Evaline behind him.

"Wait, Ricardo. She was only pretending there. And I hate to say it, but she can end you with a single letter to Etruria."

"Hm, now this is a pickle. How am I supposed to prove myself to you?"

Vanessa's tears immediately vanished, replaced by a bright bold smile of ambition. Ricardo was more impressed by her intimidation and conviction than he was angry she had tricked him with an act. He felt like she was ready to do anything if it would win his trust.

But he could not let her gouge out an eye or chop off a finger.

Rose came to his rescue there.

"First, swear on the name of whatever god it is you believe in. Then let him shave you."

"Shave me? You mean down there?"

Even Vanessa's eyes widened at that one. Ricardo also turned toward his trusted advisor in shock.

"Hold on, Rose. What are you talking about?"

She turned her glassy eyes toward him and explained in a businesslike fashion.

"Shaving a subordinate woman is a good way of teaching her her place."

In the Jade Sea culture, the average man would be hesitant to share a bed with a shaved woman. It was seen as proof that she belonged to another man.

That made it more difficult for a shaved woman to cheat. Some women still did so, but it created another psychological barrier.

It was something jealous men used to psychologically restrain a woman, but Rose was suggesting a somewhat different use of it here.

"Very well. I have decided to bet on your success, so I will do whatever it takes."

Vanessa knelt and held out her baton with both hands.

"Divine Sea Dragon, my name is Vanessa. I swear my undying loyalty to Prince Ricardo. If ever I break this vow, may I be drowned at sea."

Ricardo took the baton, kissed it, and returned it. It was a simple loyalty ceremony.

"And as proof of my sincerity, please shave my bush."

She brushed back her dark brown bangs, stood up, and lowered both her low-rise black pants and her skimpy reddish-purple underwear.

She had wide, teardrop-shaped hips. The dark brown hair in the center was kept trimmed in an upside-down triangle.

(Her bush is pretty and it really suits her, so this is kind of a shame.)

Ricardo was reluctant to shave it, but Marion, Martha, and Jimmy (who had been waiting in the adjacent room like servants) filled a washtub with hot water and brought in a towel and a razor.

Vanessa spread her legs on the sofa and placed a hot wet towel over her crotch to dampen the hair.

"It is time, Prince," urged Rose, but Ricardo was still hesitant.

"Eh!? I have to do it myself?"

"Of course. The entire point is for her master to shave her."

"And if anyone is going to shave me, I want it to be you♪"

Vanessa's sweet request finally convinced him.

He accepted the razor and sat down in front of her crotch. Rose removed the wet towel and he placed the blade next to her damp, dark brown hair.

Her inner labia stuck out a bit from the outer labia, so he had to be careful not to cut them as he shaved away the hair with the cold blade.

Evaline, Marion, Martha, and Jimmy gathered behind him to watch as he shaved the longer hairs of her pubis, the shorter hairs on either side of her labia, the curly hairs on her perineum, and the peach fuzz around her anus.

"Ahh…y-you're doing it there too?"

Even she blushed bright and cried out when she realized he was shaving there, but there was such a heated sexuality to her voice.

He had not actually needed to shave that much, but he had started to enjoy it and gotten carried away.

Embarrassment acted like an aphrodisiac for some people. She was clearly one of those people since her vulva began to tremble and flowed with love juices that dripped down toward her ass.

"Phew. All done."

Ricardo ended it by wiping down her crotch with the wet towel. He kindly also wiped away the love juices.

"Take a look."

Martha pulled out a hand mirror hidden in her purple robe to let the woman see her freshly shaved pussy.

Vanessa took a hesitant look, let out a quiet shriek, and covered her face with her right hand.

"Th-this is far more embarrassing than I thought. I feel so exposed down there. It's like I've turned into a baby."

"Babies don't have their inner lips sticking out like that," said Marion, laughing like a mischievous child.

Vanessa blushed again, but she also ran some fingers lovingly along the smooth mound down there.

"This proves my loyalty to you, but it also makes me your servant." She looked up and asked Ricardo a question. "By the way, do you have a habit of shaving women?"

"No, this is my first time."

The decadent sensuality oozing from the woman made his heart pound and she nodded in satisfaction at his answer.

"Hee hee. In other words, out of all your women, I am the only one you love enough to shave. Oh, how exciting♪"

Vanessa basked in this strange sense of superiority and the other women looked less than pleased.

Jimmy tugged on his clothes.

"Um…would you like to shave me too?"

"Eh!? N-no, that's all right! I don't have a preference for shaved women or anything."

"That's right. He only needs one shaved woman and that's me♪ Ahh…"

Vanessa stood up in a way that intentionally showed off her long legs and then she spread those legs to rub both hands along the bald mound.

This squeezed out the love juices built up inside the slit, sending them dripping down her inner thighs and from her fingertips. It was such a lewd sight no one knew quite how to react.

While showing off her sexuality to everyone, Vanessa noticed a hammock hanging in the room.

Ricardo had had it installed so he could take naps in here, but he had also used it to fuck Marion, Martha, and Jimmy on more than a few occasions.

Vanessa sat down in it and spread her legs provocatively wide.

"Prince Ricardo, don't you want to see what it feels like to fuck a pussy shaved just for you?"

Ricardo gulped.

The lack of the hair was not that big a change, but it made everything look oddly new.

(And this makes her officially mine.)

He enjoyed how the shaving had marked her as his.

When they had had sex before, it had always been a casual thing, not meant to last. But not anymore. Now she was his.

Her seduction worked and he started toward her, but Evaline blocked his way. She put her hands on her hips and glared at the seductress.

"Not so fast. You have guts trying to have sex in front of his fiancée."

"Oh, princess. You went on and on about how you weren't interested in him and now you're jealous?♪ How cute."

Evaline did not know how to respond to the teasing accusation, but she soon regained her cool and proudly brushed back her blonde hair.

"I-I am not jealous. To me, a mistress is no more than a poor fucktoy."

"Hee hee. That's right. So won't you grant this poor fucktoy just a little bit of your husband-to-be's love?"


Evaline was unsure how to proceed when the woman demonstrated a complete lack of shame.

Perhaps the girl had never stood a chance against the adult woman.

"Hurry, master♪"

Her intentionally breathy voice grasped at Ricardo's heart.

(Sorry, Eva, but I want to fuck Vanessa so bad. And if I don't do it today, who knows when my next chance will be.)

When she beckoned him over, he immediately pulled down his pants.

His dick sprang out and stood tall.

It had been ready to go since the shaving. Messing with a woman's pussy was enough to arouse most any guy.

He readied his rock-hard cock when Evaline shouted at him.

"Hold on! Don't just do everything this pervert says. I won't demand you remain perfectly faithful, but surely you can find a better mistress than this."

"U-umm, she seems like a high quality mistress to me." His erection dripping with precum, Ricardo was desperate to just get on with it. "She's hot and eager to fuck – what more could I want? Besides, Eva, you started stroking my dick out of nowhere when we first did it."

"O-only because…"

Evaline tried to make an excuse, but mischievous Marion cut her off.

"Ha, I just knew Princess Evaline dominated our poor prince when they did it."

"Yeah, it was amazing. First she gives me a handjob without me asking and then she demands I lick her feet."

"D-don't be stupid. That was only because you refused to make a decision."

With some details about her sex life revealed, Evaline blushed so hard she thought steam had to be rising from her head. Martha must have found it amusing because she joined in.

"Foot licking your first time? Whew, princesses really do it different, huh? We wouldn't dare demand a prince lick our feet."

"No, it's not like that. I swear I'm not a pervert!"

Meanwhile, Vanessa pulled up her black shirt to bare her large, sagging breasts and struck a sexy pose.

"Coooome and get it, my prince♪"

"U-um, Eva? So can I do it with Vanessa?"

He hesitantly asked the girl, who crossed her arms and looked away grumpily.

"Fine! Do it! See if I care!"

"Thank god. Here I come, Vanessa."

Now that he (sort of) had his fiancée's permission, the sex-loving boy charged in with his raging erection at the ready.

He grabbed Vanessa's legs and placed his dick on her slit that now had nothing to cover it up.


She cried out in a way that said she couldn't wait a moment longer and wrapped her arms around his head.

He shoved his dick inside her hot, mature vagina with a lewd wet sound.

He was standing up and doing her while she sat in the hammock. Her pussy was not as rough as Evaline's, but it squeezed at him with plenty of soft folds.

(Khh, Beautiful, smart, and hot would've been enough, but she also has an amazing pussy! And now she's mine!)

He felt like he was supporting her entire body weight with his cock.

That wasn't actually possible of course and the hammock was actually doing most of the work, but it made him feel that way, which put him in a really good mood.

He was so aroused by it he started pounding at her with his hips.

"Ahhn, yes. Ahh…ahh…s-so deep. You're pounding me so deep inside♪ I'm floating. My body is floating♪"

The elasticity of the hammock caused her to bounce up and down from the thrusting, which gave her a floating sensation. He felt like he was pounding her even harder than usual.

(Kh, this is the best. The harder I fuck her, the more her pussy squeezes.)

It pleased him to know he was pleasuring her, so he used his knees instead of just his hips to thrust up into her.

Behind him, Evaline covered her face with a hand like she couldn't bear to watch.

"I can't believe you. How can you do this in front of people?"

She had a point. Rose, Marion, Martha, and Jimmy were all watching with flushed faces.

Even Ricardo felt kind of awkward once he noticed.

"Eh? But…but everyone here is…well, I've had sex with you all, so what do I have to hide, right?"

He was so used to living a life of open sexuality that he had forgotten it wasn't normal until Evaline pointed it out.

Evaline looked exasperated and exhausted when she realized what this meant.

"I never even guessed you were this much of a womanizer."

"Yes, yes, yesssss! Prince Ricardo's cock is the perfect match for my pussy! Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Vanessa intentionally shouted and moaned as loud as she could, earning an irritated look from Evaline.

"Don't go on about how good it is with his fiancée right here. You are a master at getting under people's skin, aren't you?"

Bandanna Girl Marion gave a cheerful suggestion to Evaline.

"If you don't like it, you can always join in, Princess."


The thought had clearly never even occurred to Evaline, so strawberry-pigtailed Martha explained.

"There's no rule saying sex must be between only two people. The three of us have foursomes with Prince Ricardo all the time."

Evaline looked even more flabbergasted. Her royal upbringing must have failed to inform her that orgies were a thing.

"It's so much fun doing it as a group♪" innocently exclaimed Jimmy, who wore a white ribbon in her chestnut hair.

"I can't believe you. I vastly underestimated how much of a pervert you are."

Evaline was feeling faint, so she shut her eyes and held her head. Meanwhile, her other hand was clenched into a fist so hard it was trembling.

(Wow, she is mad.)

Ricardo feared the angry aura he sensed coming from behind Evaline, but he could not resist the pleasure of the pussy he was currently fucking and he kept moving his hips.

"Yes! Yes♪ Your cock and my pussy are a match made in heaven♪ I would do anything for this cock♪"

Vanessa's pleasure appeared legitimate, but her word choice was intentionally provocative.

(S-stop that, Vanessa. Don't provoke Evaline.)

She feigned being lost in the throes of passion, but she had an amused grin in her eyes. She was having fun toying with Evaline.

She stretched her upper body toward him, asking for a kiss, so he complied and she greedily devoured his lips.

(Okay, but don't blame me when she axe murders us.)

They tilted their heads and made sure not to bump teeth together as they sucked at the contents of each other's mouth.

Her pussy also squeezed and sucked at his dick like it was competing with her tongue and mouth.

The pleasure of her sucking at his tongue and penis was so great he could only focus on moving his hips while saliva dripped from their lips and love juices from their union, creating a puddle on the floor.


Evaline groaned and turned her back on her fiancée and his servant's sex.

(Oh, is she leaving?)

Ricardo was afraid of a jealous outburst, but it also saddened him to think she would just leave.

However, his selfish concerns were unfounded.

Evaline collected the baton Vanessa had dropped by the sofa and returned.

(Eh? What's she going to do with that?)

He panicked and pulled away from Vanessa's lips to make a desperate plea.

"Um, Eva! Let's avoid violence here, okay?"

"God, I'm not a barbarian."

She swung the baton down into her left palm, making a nice slapping sound, and grinned with her malachite eyes shining bright.

"But I do think your new servant requires some discipline."

Something about how she said that scared Ricardo into silence. Evaline viewed the male-female union in front of her, nodded, and crawled below the hammock.

She could see the sticky union through the netting of the hammock and some of the hot fluids dripping from it landed on her smug face.

"Even your asshole is twitching. Embarrassing. But probably appropriate for a mere servant like you."

Evaline wiped the love juices from her face in irritation and held up the baton in her left hand.

She passed the grip through a hole in the netting. Vanessa's ass waited on the other side.

"Eek! What!?"

She ignored Vanessa's exclamation of surprise and pushed the baton into the woman's ass.


Vanessa could not help but cry out.

Her vagina squeezed in response, tightening down on the penis. The flesh barrier between the two holes was also fairly thin, so Ricardo could feel it rubbing at the underside of his penis.

"E-Eva, what are you doing!?"

"Hee hee. Servants must be trained to take it in the ass, right? I am taking care of that for you."

He wanted to tell her that was far from standard practice for servants, but he decided it was best not to talk back to her right now.

(Also, I've already taught Vanessa to take it in the ass. She can handle a baton just fine.)

Unaware what Ricardo had already done with the woman, Evaline gave her a sadistic smile while moving the baton around.

"Eek! Yes, ahh♪ Ahn♪"

Fortunately for Vanessa, she had already learned, with Ricardo's help, that she enjoyed anal play.

For her, a cock in the front hole and a baton in the rear one multiplied the pleasure she experienced. Her mouth hung open and both drool and tears dripped down her face.

(Wow. Vanessa is looking super lewd.)

Ricardo was aroused by the highly indecent look on the woman's face, so he sped up his hips.

Knowing his fiancée was watching from below provided a boost to the arousal coursing from his balls to his ass since that had to be what she could see from down there.


He moaned in a way he hadn't before when he felt something soft and sticky on his ass.

He looked back to find Rose seated behind him and licking at him from behind.

"R-Rose, what are you doing?"

"Now that you have made me one of your partners, I refuse to stand on the sidelines while you have sex."

She licked at him with her obsidian eyes directed up at him.

(Wait, is she actually jealous?)

The girl was as hard-faced as ever, but he had spent enough time around her to read her more subtle facial expressions.

He was surprised to find she was jealous, but it was a happy surprise. He saw no reason to refuse her.

"B-be gentle, okay?"

He felt guilty having such a pure-looking girl licking him in such a dirty place, but it was also an erogenous zone for men and women both.

The tingling guilt joined with the trembling pleasure to envelop his body.

(Come to think of it, Scarlet would do this for me too. If she taught Rose how to do this, then I know what's coming next.)

Rose pushed her tongue inside his ass.


His entire body shook from the pleasure and he thought his hips would give out, but he managed to pull through by focusing on thrusting inside the woman in front of him.

His dick danced within the woman's mature honeypot. He could also feel the solid object inside her other hole. That would have been stimulation enough, but he also had Rose's tongue.

(Th-this is way too good.)

Through the pleasure, Ricardo was surprised to notice that Marion, Martha, and Jimmy – the three who always joined the partying first and foremost – were seated on the sofa and leaning forward excitedly to watch it all play out.

Vanessa would be remaining in Brakia, Evaline would return to her home kingdom of Laurance, and Rose would be returning to the Salamander where her beloved Scarlet waited.

He knew he would see them all again, but they wouldn't be able to have sex for a while.

Meanwhile, those three girls would remain by his side.

(B-but…I-I'm about to cum.)

The semen surged from his balls and up his shaft. He felt it approaching the tip, but it felt so good he forced it to stop so he could enjoy it longer.

Evaline gave his trembling face a look of scorn while she worked the baton.

"Wow, talk about pathetic. If this guy ends up conquering the Jade Sea, we truly are lost."

"But it feels so good…"

He had his dick inside a beautiful woman while a beautiful girl tongued his ass. He had a hard time believing any guy could look dignified under those circumstances.

As aroused as he was, the haughty girl's insults were just another source of pleasure.

"Guys like you always screw things up with women."

"A-are you sure? Because I think I'm doing pretty okay on that front…khh."

He did his best to respond while resisting the urge to ejaculate and Evaline sharply angled her shapely eyebrows.

"Anyway. Once we're married, you will be letting me know about all of your mistresses. At the moment, I know about everyone here plus Sigrain, Scarlet, and Isis. Surely you don't have more than 10 of them."

With the sailors of the South Sea Falcon and the pirates of the Salamander, he had slept with more than 200 women, but he wasn't about to come clean about that right now.

"Um, Eva?"

"What? A wife needs to keep tabs on her husband's mistresses."

Her tone said she wasn't taking any complaints, but he was talking about something else altogether.

"I'm…about to cum. May I?"

"Ahn♪It just got bigger again. Are you going to cum? You are? Yes! Please do! Shoot all that cum inside me♪"


Vanessa moaned in pleasure while feeling the trembling of his cock directly in her pussy.

Evaline's view from below would have let her see how his balls tightened.

She initially looked like she had swallowed vinegar, but then she exploded with anger.

"Wh-why would you ask me that!? I don't want to be your penis's chaperone! I don't care when you cum if you're not doing it with me!"

"Oh, okay. Then I'm going to cum."

Through the melting pleasure, he gathered the last of his strength to thrust deep inside the woman.

Evaline used the baton in her hand to express her anger.


Vanessa writhed in pleasure and tightly squeezed the cock in her pussy.

Not wanting to be left out, Rose worked even harder to stir up his ass with her tongue.


The surges of pleasure from both his weak points crashed together, sparking through his body.

The pleasure blanked his mind and his dick exploded deep inside her.

"I-I'm cumming tooooooooo!!!"

Vanessa arched her back and orgasmed from the bliss of being cummed inside.


After pumping her full of semen, Ricardo breathed a sigh of relief, felt his legs and hips go weak, and fell to his knees. That naturally pulled him out of her and Rose embraced him from behind.

Vanessa was lying on the hammock with her legs spread wide and a white fluid flowing from the red flower petals that would not close back up right away.

The male residue dripped down through the hammock and onto Evaline's face.


She had been so mesmerized by the spectacle of sex so close up that she entirely forgot to move out of the way.

After a bit, Ricardo stood up, picked up Vanessa, and carried her to the sofa.

He also grabbed an unused towel prepared as a spare for the shaving and wiped off Evaline's face.

"Are you okay?"

Sigrain had taught him that it was a man's duty to clean up the woman after sex.

Once she finally came back to her senses, Evaline shouted at him.

"No, I am not okay. That was gross!"

She couldn't stand it any longer, so she sprang to her feet and pointed at the empty hammock.

"L-lie down there, you perv!"


He didn't know where she was going with this, but he decided disobeying her was a bad idea and lay down on the hammock.


She gave a snort as she moved her face toward the penis covered in cum and love juices and took a sniff. She immediately frowned.

"This thing stinks."


She was angry, but she could not seem to decide what to do next. That was when Rose suddenly poked her head up on the other side of the hammock and took his partial erection into her mouth.


The surprise attack had Ricardo writhing in the hammock. His penis was sensitive so soon after ejaculating, but it started to grow in her mouth.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" demanded Evaline when the penis was stolen out from under her nose. "How can you put something so gross in your mouth?"

"It is not gross. And he likes it when I do this," replied Rose, removing the sticky penis from her mouth and staring lovingly at it.

Then she resumed sucking it.


Evaline was dumbfounded and stared at Rose's blowjob in irritation for a while, but then she glared up at Ricardo's face.

"You asked me to suck that thing before, didn't you?"

"…I did."

"Do you still want me to?"

"I mean…yeah."

After glaring at him a while longer, she sighed.

"Fine. But don't say I never do anything for my husband."

She leaned toward the penis Rose was expressionlessly sucking and made a hesitant request.

"U-um…c-could you let me do that too?"


Rose nodded in a way that seemed annoyed despite her lack of expression, removed the cock from her mouth, and started licking at just one side of it.

Evaline looked down at the partial erection, hesitantly stuck her pink tongue out through her coral pink lips, and took a single lick of the head. The lack of confidence was weirdly cute.


She had been frowning, but then she followed Rose's lead and licked at the other half of the penis.

He lay on the hammock with Rose on his right and Evaline on his left, licking the head of his dick like mirror images of each other. He was back to full erection in no time at all.

"How strange. It really does stink, but it actually tastes kind of good♪"

Evaline had refused to do oral before because she insisted penises were gross, but she appeared to have changed her mind.

Her flushed cheeks and damp eyes made her look intoxicated while she both mimicked and competed with Rose's tongue. The mixture of semen, love juices, and saliva created sticky strings connecting the cock with the girls' lips.

(God, this is good. I never would have imagined proud Eva would suck my dick like this.)

Seeing his willful childhood friend's tongue running along his erection made him immensely happy.

At one point, the girls were essentially kissing with the penis head between them and their hot tongues rubbing at it.

Their saliva dripped down to join Vanessa's love juices and his own semen already coating it.

He was enjoying the double blowjob from a girl as expressive as a cat and a girl as inexpressive as a doll when someone else approached.

"Hee hee. I see you have learned to enjoy sucking dick, Princess Evaline."

Vanessa had recovered and she was already back to teasing Evaline.

"S-so what if I have? I'm not even going to try to keep this cheater to myself, but as his wife, I get first dibs."

Evaline held the base of his dick as if to claim it as her own.

The childish behavior made Vanessa smile.

"Hee hee. It would seem the innocent little princess needs a real woman to teach her what sex is all about."

Vanessa licked her lips and grabbed her already-bared, adult-sized breasts.

She pushed Rose and her smaller breasts out of the way and then held the penis between her large ones.


Ricardo looked down at his penis held between those soft mounds and cried out in pleasure.

"Hee hee. Men love it when you do this♪"

The look on her face clearly added "and a little girl like you can't do it" as she started stroking his manhood between them.

The surface of her breasts felt chilly at first, but they soon matched the cock's heat and then seemed to blaze even hotter.

The lewd sight made Evaline stagger half a step back, but then she stubbornly shouted back at the woman.

"I-I can do that too!"

She pulled down her light green dress's shoulder straps and bared her pearly breasts.

They were nowhere near Vanessa's in size, but they were plenty large given her age.

They jutted forward like the prow of a ship, with no sagging at all, and the pearl pink nipples at the tips were impertinently erect.

"I just have to hold it between these, right? Easy peasy."

She held her breasts in her hands and forced her way in on the other side from Vanessa. Her somewhat sweaty skin touched his red and swollen penis.

"Oh? Trying to compete, huh?♪"

Vanessa narrowed her eyes in amusement.

"Of course. I am his wife, so I am owed more of his love than anyone else."

Stubborn Evaline focused on moving her breasts and Vanessa massaged his dick with her tits.

The double titjob with two differently-sized pairs created a lot of sticky noises from the saliva, semen, and love juices coating his dick.

(Wow, now this is a view.)

He felt ecstasy from the pleasure of their smooth, warm, and soft skin plus the psychological effect of seeing them pleasure him with the feminine symbol of their breasts.

(Wait, what is Rose doing?)

Rose approached between his legs and leaned her head in close as well.

Rose was nearly 20, but her breasts were very small. She was unfortunately not equipped to join in here.

But his worries were unfounded. Rose instead used her tongue to pleasure the head sticking up out of the four boobs.


Tingling pleasure raced from the swollen head to his tailbone.

Some women would lick the head while giving a titjob, but that was hard to do with a double titjob. The other woman's head would get in the way. Rose's inclusion had solved that particular problem.

A governor-general who couldn't get enough of the cock, a bisexual pirate girl whose heart belonged to a woman, and an aggressive princess were all gathered around his penis for a double titjob plus a blowjob.

Their body heat made it feel like his cock was going to melt like a popsicle.

That combined with the swaying of the hammock made him feel like he was floating on a cloud.

(Ahh, now this is paradise.)

He looked down at their handiwork in ecstasy, but then Marion finally spoke up.

"Prince Ricardo, do you mind if we join in?"

Evaline looked back and answered before he could.

"Of course you can. Two mistresses or five – it doesn't make much difference."

She had an oddly refreshed look on her face like she had gotten over something.

Marion whistled in delight.

"Gotta love a generous princess."

"I'm glad he has a kind wife," said Jimmy with a relieved hand on her chest.

"I was worried she might be the jealous type and have all of his mistresses executed," said Martha with her own sigh of relief.

(Eh? They were worried about that?)

Surprised, Ricardo made sure to speak to these girls he so loved.

"Don't worry. I'll protect all of my women no matter what, so don't worry about any of that."

"Also, I might blame him for being an incorrigible womanizer, but I'm not going to blame the women. We can get to know each other better by milking him of every last drop."

Evaline smiled cruelly down at him.


He was suddenly afraid, but he could not oppose her suggestion when she gave it such a benign justification.

"Aye, aye, ma'am!"

Marion, Martha, and Jimmy replied in perfect unison. They seemed to operate on a similar wavelength to Evaline, so they hit it off in no time.

The three moved toward his upper body and stripped off his clothes.

That left him lying naked on the hammock with Vanessa and Evaline giving him a double titjob and Rose licking the tip.

Then the three girls kissed his chest and ran their tongues along it.

Three trails of saliva formed on his flat chest.

They licked his collarbones, sides, nipples, and navel before lifting his arms overhead and licking his armpits.

"Ah…th-that tickles. Ahh…"

He writhed in the hammock as they licked all over his body, but they were not about to stop.

Martha sucked at his right nipple like it was a girl's and Jimmy did the same with his left one.


As a man, he was loath to admit it, but he felt pleasure having his nipples sucked.

The pleasure from his dick and nipples sent waves of trembling ecstasy across his body.

And Marion kissed him on the lips.



Marion had done a lot of kissing with him already, so she was good at it. Once her wet tongue was in his mouth, it tangled with his tongue and licked at the seam along the roof of his mouth.

(This feels amazing. It's like finding paradise within paradise.)

He felt intoxicated with so many girls surrounding him.

He felt like his entire body was one giant penis being teased by them.

He felt like he was floating up to heaven and could not last long. His instincts demanded his hips thrusted up.

"Kyah! How is it even possible for it to get even bigger?"

Evaline expressed surprise at the penis's reaction between her breasts, so Vanessa laughed across from her.

"Hee hee. That means the cum explosion is imminent♪"

"I-I see."

Evaline had given into her teenage lust and had sex with him all night long, but she still had a lot to learn.

Her eyes widened in surprise at the change in the cock before her eyes.

(Agh, I really am cumming.)

He still felt like his entire body was a giant penis, so the tremor spread from his dick to the rest of his body.

Eventually, the tremor gathered back in the erection held between the two different sizes of titty. His throbbing cock swelled out and the hole in the tip opened wide.


The girls gulped and watched as Rose's tongue tip licked at the urethral entrance. That acted as the finishing blow.


He arched his back and shook while a pathetic cry escaped past his and Marion's lips.

Semen erupted into the air like a spouting whale.

The powerful ejaculation splattered across Rose's face, Vanessa and Evaline's face and tits, and even on Martha, Jimmy, and Marion's heads while they sucked his nipples or kissed him.

"Pant, pant, pant."

Once the ejaculation was over, Ricardo tried to catch his breath, but his dick was still hard. Or rather, it was kept hard.

Evaline and Vanessa continued their double titjob and Rose continued licking the head. Martha and Jimmy were still licking his nipples while Marion kissed him.

He was not allowed to go soft after cumming. Well, he did go a little soft, but he was fully erect again in no time.

Marion finally released his mouth and spoke to Evaline.

"Princess, how about you fuck him next?"

"Eh!? Well, I-I suppose I could."

Evaline had found the idea of an orgy unbelievable earlier, but she must have decided it would be silly to feel embarrassed now. She reached below her light green slip dress and lowered the kind of fancy silk panties you would expect a royal to wear.

The sticky string stretching between her thighs showed just how turned on she was.

She nimbly climbed onto the hammock.

After a heated sigh, she straddled Ricardo's hips and caught the edge of the hammock with her feet.

She pulled up her skirt to let him see her wet labia.

(Huh, I thought she was being weirdly obedient, but she's just too horny to wait any longer, isn't she?)

Her face was flushed and her mouth hung partially open while she breathed heated sighs and slowly lowered her hips.


His soaked penis touching her soaked labia was enough to make her moan.

"Ah, ahh, ahhh…"

Her weight caused her hot and tight flesh gate to swallow his cock. Once its full length was inside her, she looked down at him and frowned.

"Why do you have such a ridiculous look on your face?"

"I can't help it. Your pussy has so many folds that rub me in just the right way."

"Y-you idiot…"

The praise for her vagina made her embarrassed but happy. She insulted him a little, but her cheeks were pink and she turned her head away.

"You next, Rose. You can sit on his face."

The three girls helped lift short Rose onto the hammock where she placed her butt on Ricardo's head for some facesitting.

Her small labia were already soaked, so he went ahead and started sucking them.

"And you sit here, Vanessa."

"Eh? Me too?"

Jimmy had Vanessa sit sideways on Ricardo's stomach.

It was heavy having all three sitting on him and the hammock drooped down like it was about to reach the floor.

Then Ricardo realized the baton was still sticking out from Vanessa's crotch.

(Did she leave that in there after Eva put it in her? She really does like anal stuff.)

Delighted, he grabbed the baton and stirred her up inside with it.

"Ahh, ahn, yes."

He thrusted his hips up inside Evaline, licked Rose's pussy more with his entire face than just his tongue, and stirred up Vanessa's ass with the baton.

"Ah, the bouncing, ah, of the hammock is, ah, pushing it, ah, even deeper."

"Ahh…Prince Ricardo, hh…your tongue is…almost as good as my mistress's."

"Ahhn, my ass, my asssss!"

Evaline, Rose, and Vanessa all moaned in pleasure.

"Enjoy it, you three♪"

Marion took up position behind Evaline, Martha behind Rose, and Jimmy behind Vanessa and then they all reached around their person to pinch their nipples.

"Ahhhhhhh!?" shouted Evaline.

"Having your nipples teased with a cock in you is the best, isn't it?"

Marion went after the princess's nipples mercilessly.

"Hh, ahh, ahhn, yes. That's so good♪"

"Hey, Vanessa, I bet you could lick the princess's nipples from your position."

While already making the princess cry from pleasure, Marion peered mischievously out from behind her back and pushed the princess's nipples out in front of Vanessa's mouth.

The woman was overwhelmed by anal pleasure, so she licked and sucked at the nipples as asked.

With Vanessa taking care of the nipples, Marion nodded happily and lowered her left hand toward Evaline's lower body.

She found the clitoris just above the sexual union.


Marion's fingers grabbed and kneaded the clit through its hood.

"Ahh, ah, ah, ah…wait, please, ah, ah, ah."

Evaline's moans and the moans of the other two helped arouse Ricardo further.

(Having sex as a group really helps everyone come together while we cum together. On that note, I want to make sure Eva, Rose, and Vanessa all cum at the same time.)

He thrusted even harder inside Eva, devoured Rose's sexual flesh, and manipulated the baton inside Vanessa's ass.

"Y-you idiot, that's so rough, ah, it's so rough I-I'll…ahhhhh!"

Evaline let out a tearful cry.


Rose's moans were growing louder.

"Eek! Y-yes, that's so good♪"

Vanessa didn't care who heard her pleasured cries.

Those three seemed to be in heaven, but he knew he never could have accomplished this without Marion, Martha, and Jimmy's assistance.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

The trio of moaning voices filled the cabin while his dick throbbed inside Evaline's tight pussy.

"It's so big and it's getting bigger again! How is it still getting bigger!?"

Evaline's cries told Marion's group what was happening, so they exchanged a knowing glance.

They all knew what to do, so they worked to make their person cum as soon as possible.

Ricardo similarly worked his hips, lips, and the baton.

(They're all mine, so it's my duty to pleasure them.)

He did everything he could to fulfill that duty here.

"Ahhh, wait, I'm, I'm about to…"

As his penis swelled larger, it stirred Evaline up inside.

(This is so good. I'm going to cum again.)

He pushed his cock as deep as it would go, sucked at the clit in front of his eyes, and used the baton.


They cried out just before he let loose a torrent of cum far too great to be a third time.



Evaline's cry seemed to spread to Rose and Vanessa as all three of them climaxed simultaneously.

Love juices splashed all across his body.

The small cabin was full of that female sex scent, but this only signaled the beginning of the orgy. The girls were soon forcing him to continue.

"Pant, pant, pant."

In the captain's cabin, Ricardo, Evaline, Rose, Vanessa, Marion, Martha, and Jimmy lay in a postcoital heap.

Ricardo had somehow managed to satisfy all of them, but he was completely spent.

Evaline stole his lips and then whispered in his ear.

"Is this what you always do while out at sea? Well, if that's your way, we can do it on my ship next. Amanda, Milet, and all the others will join in, so you'd better be ready!"

She felt like his crew had ganged up on her here, so she would have her crew team up on him as payback.

The Sea Dragon Princess had an all-female crew that numbered close to 100.

He already had Sigrain, Isis, Scarlet, Marion, Martha, Jimmy, Vanessa, Rose, the 100+ crew of the South Sea Falcon, and the 100+ pirates under Scarlet's command on his list of mistresses.

This would add another 100 to the list.

(My dick might just fall off after this.)

Ricardo felt a cold sweat down his spine.