
Harem king System

I died ......... but that was not the end, they offered me a chance to live again but not in my world, in a different one with a system of my choice. obviously I accepted, but not everything went well ..... because there are ghost beings, warriors, Yokais angels and many other beings in this place ?? !!! I want to go to a world with beautiful women and without dangers and make a harem in that world !!! but now I not only have to live in a world with many dangers ..... now I also have to travel to other worlds and save them from destruction ........ but I will not give up on my dream of doing a Harem !!!! I will achieve it with the help of The System King of the Harem

21 Chs

I am looking for a teacher? and Blessings of the gods from romantic comedy?

Hello my dear readers,

I am the author, and I'm here to apologize for not posting a chapter Yesterday, but in my defense, I was very busy because I had to attend 2 lectures at the university and take a pop quiz on Industrial Drawing,

I also don't know what happened but I had written a boat of a chapter Based on the world of OTOME DORI, ... but for some reason I couldn't find it in my archives

I took that problem as a sign from the spirits of heaven, who told me that they will not publish that chapter .....

I don't want to relive my traumas including that story here, ... The original idea was to make Maiko powerful with a reward for saving the world from OTOME ... but that will not happen anymore, ..... for that reason, I will make Maiko have to train to get stronger .... and this chapter will be based on Maiko looking for a teacher to get stronger

that's all, thanks for reading this message,

without more to say, we begin with the chapter


Another quiet morning ...

I spent the whole night trying to learn to use at least the basic level of HaKi… .. but, It is more difficult than I thought !!!

Now I understand why it took Luffy 2 whole years to learn.

At least it was not a complete failure… .. thanks to the rapid learning of the Title [CHEAT] I managed to feel Tohru's presence slightly ... .. but she is a dragon, it is normal that it is easy to feel her powerful presence….. and no I don't even want to remember my progress with the armor HaKi ... I couldn't do anything…. Not the slightest change in the color of my skin ...

I thought that with the system I could easily become powerful…. Now I realized that it is not so.

[The system recommends to the host that if she wishes to become physically stronger, find some teacher to train her, ... So the skill [good student] would increase her progress in training….. or the host can not do that, and hope to get a powerful Item in the lottery]

"...… I would like to Avoid training… .. but, now there is a girl with a gun chasing me,

and I am the best friend of the son of a Yakuza Chief… .. I urgently need to become strong .."

"Haaa ... (sigh) ... System uses today's lottery ticket."

[Loading ...… loading .... Loading....]

[Congratulations, you got [Skateboard] -Death the Kid (Soul Eater)]

"... a skateboard ...… ..I am not very lucky today ... I have no other choice…. After all I will have to find a teacher to train…. "

Haaaa (sigh) ... today is Saturday, that means I don't have classes ... Today I will use it to find a teacher.

I left my room and took a shower, Tohru wanted to take me to the nearest stream but I explained that in this place the water comes out of the taps.

That led me to talk to her to find out what she did not know about this place.

As in the anime I put her to the test as a Maid, ... it was a disaster… ..In the end I had to explain to her how to do household chores…. I also taught him to use the computer to investigate what he did not understand ...

All of this gave me a new ability.


[it is easy for you to give explanations easy to understand for others, ...]

It is not a very useful skill…. But maybe it will help me later.

When I was sure I could leave Tohru alone in the house, only then did I go out looking.

"... .Haaa (sigh) ... that was exhausting ... I must have imagined that a dragon wouldn't know how humans live… .."

"…. System, give me the location of the best place where I can train to become stronger ... "

[Loading ...… loading .... Loading....]

[Considering the many options, the place where the host is most likely to become strong in the shortest amount of time is 40 minutes away heading south.]

"Give me its location on the map ... .. I'm going to that place."

And so, I went to find a teacher to become stronger ...… .. but when I got to the location that the map marked… .. I found myself in front of a Do-jo with big doors in a way….

That did not surprise me, it is normal for Do-jos to be built with this style ... what surprised me was the name of the Do-jo… ..


"...…. When I thought of finding a teacher, I never imagined that the map would lead me here ... System… .. is it the same Ryosampaku that I know? ... "

[Affirmative, in this Do-jo part of the story "The strongest disciple" takes place]

"...… .yes… .. I already imagined it .... I liked that anime…. Too bad it wasn't completed ...… what do I do now? ..... Should I take Kenichi's place? ..... The idea is tempting…. "

The system decided to motivate me a bit with my decision.



[steals the place of Shirahama Kenichi, as the strongest disciple in history, and as you do so, conquer the hearts of 3 beautiful warriors from the Martial world.]

Without time limit

Reward: 1 Gold Ticket and 1 Silver Ticket


"I'm sorry Kenichi, but this will no longer be your story…."

Ha, ha, ha, ha !!!

"Well, go ahead !! ..... It's time to start my new mission !!! .."

With all the spirit in the world I got ready to enter the Do-jo .... There was only one problem ...…

I can not open the door!!!!!!

The doors are very heavy !!!


And so our beloved protagonist spent 30 minutes trying to open the door…. Until he gave up

Then he spent 10 minutes thinking about another way to enter until he remembered that he could simply use "Room" to move inside, or he could use his Danger Duck powers to teleport inside ... ..


"...… I already entered !!! ..... HA, HA, HA, HA !!! .... NO DOOR CAN STOP ME !!!."

"… .Apa? ... who are you talking to? ..."

A childish voice stopped my celebration,… .. I looked for the owner of the voice and as I imagined there it is,… .. one of the masters of this place, the Muay Thai Expert, Apachai Hopachai, and despite how it looks he has a mentality of a child.

He looks very imposing with that big size and those huge muscles ...

Well, when you are in front of very powerful people it is best not to show fear ... first I will introduce myself.


"...… Hi.... I am Maiko ...… I heard that here I could become strong and I came to visit…. "

"...Apa? ..... a visitor? ... Yei !! (celebrate) ... Then I'll take you to the old man !! .."

"Very well, take me to Him."

Apachai took me by the shirt like a cat would with its babies and He took a big leap !!

"AaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!."

He was moving very fast while he was carrying me and at one point in the trip my jacket came loose

"AAAAAA !!!!! ....."

I couldn't react in time because of the fear, but before hitting the ground because of the fear I felt, I unconsciously activated one of my new powers, and I teleported to a safer place,

In the end I fell into a kind of Bath-Onsen.

"Splash !!!!!"



... glup .... glup ...

"Shuf… Cof ... Cof…. Cof… (coughing)… .haaaa ... that was terrifying ...…. "

(That was very dangerous,…. If I hadn't teleported to this place, I'm sure the blow would have hurt me a lot… ..)

"Now ... where am I? ....."


While Maiko was in the Onsen ... Apachai arrived with the old man.

"(Shock !!! ,, Fall !!)"

"... Apa ... ... Older !! ..... we have a visitor !!! .... "

"… ..Hoo…? ..... That's interesting…. We don't have many visitors around here ... and where is he? ... "

"... I brought it with me ... .."

Apachai checks his hand with which he was holding Maiko and sees that only his jacket remains, Maiko is not there .....

"... apa? ... isn't there? ...."

"Apachai .... I have already told you that when someone comes to visit you do not need to carry it… you just need to guide it inside ...… .. Let's find where this visitor is .... "


Apachai and El Older started looking for Maiko… .. But while they were looking for him, Maiko was in a difficult situation.


{Maiko Pov}

...… .for the first time since I came to this world I can safely say that if I die right now ... I will die happy.

Why? ... Why, Right now I am in front of the beautiful weapons master, Shigure Kosaka ... ..and she is completely naked !!! .... That means that I can see every part of her incredibly sensual body with nothing covering it !!!!….

"...…Da re ..? .... (who are you?) .."

(Haaaaa !!!! .... calm !!! ..... calm !! .... calm !!! ... I have to calm down !! ! ... she is the kind of girl who would thrust her sword through any man who looked at her lustfully !!! ... ... I have to calm down !!! ..... Poker face !! Pokerface !!! .....)

My efforts to suppress my impulses were rewarded by the system.

[Congratulations !! ... due to your continuous efforts to control your expression you have obtained the [poker- Face] skill.


[No matter what situation you are in, if you put your mind to it, no one will change your calm expression]

[note: a king of the harem, sometimes has to look great and be of few words, .... this skill makes it easy for you to relate to people with few words.]

(... .. great… .. now I'm a Kudere ....)

"...…. Hello ... I am Maiko Shuu,… .. I came to visit the Do-jo ... .. "

She didn't change her expression or try to cover her body… .. she just looked at me for a moment.

"...…..What are you doing here?....."

"…. Apachai-san, I was taking to the Do-jo but I fell down and ended up here ...…. I'm sorry to make you feel uncomfortable but ... .. could you cover your body please? ...… I have a hard time keeping my gaze away from you .... "

She takes time to process my words…. But after a moment she gets up from the Onsen letting me see her whole body much more clearly ...


Shigure, takes a towel, dries her body and begins to dress…. After a few minutes she is fully dressed and stares at me….

(Why does she look at me so much? !!! .... is she going to kill me for seeing her naked !!! ?? ...)

"... You are not going out?..."

Her words make me realize that I am still floating inside the Onsen ... .. I was so focused on seeing Shigure's sexy body that I forgot that I was still in the water… ..

"...…If I'm going out….."

I swam to shore and got out of the water… Shigure offered me a towel and started walking in one direction.

"... follow me ..."

How always she is of few words ...

But I can only think of one thing right now.

(Yeah !!!!! It didn't kill me !!!! ..... I watched every inch of her sensual body and survived !!! ..... Thank you gods of romantic comedies for giving me this blessing !!! ..... I swear that I will never forget this precise gift that they gave me !!!!.)

While celebrating in my mind Shigure continued walking and I followed her.

Some time later we met Apachai and the leader of the Do-jo ... the superman Hayato Furinji ...

the 4 of us entered the Do-jo

The Older is bigger than I imagined ... and all those muscles make him look incredibly awesome ....

It's a blessing that I have the [Poker-Face] ability because without it, I'm sure it doesn't matter how good a liar or good at acting I am…. Fear would show on my face ...

(He scares me more than Tohru in her dragon form !!! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE !!! ?? ..)

"..Ho, ho, ho… .. I'm very sorry about what you had to go through young man .... Apachai gets very excited when we have visitors ... "

"My name is Hayato Furinji,… and I am the Leader of this Do-jo,… .."

(Well… .. here I am… .. I cannot show that I am afraid of him…. I have to appear calm and impress them so that they agree to train me…)

"… Don't worry sir... it was my fault for not holding onto Apachai-san…. Also, I fell into a safe place ... and this beautiful girl helped me. - I said that pointing to Shigure. "

" HO HO HO,…. Yes… .. Shigure already told me everything…. You are very lucky young man,… .. if she had believed that you were spying on her while she was taking a bath…. She Most likely I would have cut you into pieces .... Right Shigure? ... "The old man asked Shigure.

"... yes, ... his Look ... ..I didn't have…. Lust…."

(Poker-Face Skill, I love you !!!!! ... if I didn't have you with me I would be dead !! ....)

I turned my gaze to Shigure and bowed slightly

"...… .Thank you for not cutting me to pieces, Shigure-san ..."

She just nodded her head.

"..Ho, ho…. What a polite young man ... well? ... tell me, why did you come to visit our Do-jo? .... "

"…..yes,…. I want to become a disciple of this Do-jo !! ... At first she just wanted to see what they could offer, but after seeing everything I saw today, I am sure that being a disciple of this Do-jo is what Right !! ... ".

"... ..? ... And tell me young man, ... what did you see today? ..."

"… .I saw a man with the ability to jump to incredible heights and move at surprising speeds, a girl with the ability to cut me off her with just one movement, and you ... a Man who just because of her presence is intimidating how hard to breathe in front of you

"... .., Ha, ha, ha !!! ... I didn't expect you to be so sincere with your answer, young man !! ... Normally everyone tries to pretend not to be afraid of me and they completely fail !! ..... You are the first to admit that you are afraid of me even though you don't appear to be… ..Ha, ha, ha, ha !!! .. "

The Older laugh strongly,… .. and his laugh is so strong that it releases a strong air pressure that completely disheveles me… ..

The whole scandal attracts the attention of the other teachers at the Do-jo, and they gets here in no time.

"... ... what? ... what? .... now what happened? .... Akisame, did you tell the old man a joke again? ....."

"... ... what is all this noise? ... Can a man read his magazines in silence? ..."

"… .Hoo…, Hoo… .although I know my jokes are incredible, this time it wasn't me who caused the old man's laugh ... Oya?… Who is this young man? ..."

3 Men arrived, one wore a typical Chinese costume of green color and a black hat on his head,

The other wore a white training Haori and the last wore a brown leather jacket and denim jeans.

The old man finished laughing and sees that all the teachers are here.

"Ha, ha, ha ... ..ha !! .... it's good that everyone is here, ... we have a new person who wants to be a disciple ... What do they say? .. is anyone interested? ..."

"... ..Haaa ?? .... Only for that reason do you make me come here? .... you know my motto, old man, ... I do not take disciples ..."

"… ..I'm busy reading my magazines during the day, I pass."

"…. Come on, let's not be rude to the young man ... "

"Akisame, you're right…. First see what it can do…. "

Apachai brings in the conversation to try to support me.

"Apa,…. Yes, Grandpa is right…. Maiko-san is a good person ... she wasn't scared when she saw me for the first time. "

That seems to have piqued the interest of teachers.

"... .Hoo? ... that's interesting ...… let's see what it can do… .."

"..... very nice young man, my name is Akisame Koetsuji, I am a jiu-jitsu master"

Akisame points to the man in Chinese clothes.

"This Man is Ma Kensei, a Chinese Kempo master,…."

"..... Hi,..."

"... .. nice to meet you ... I'm Shuu Maiko…."

After introducing me, Akisame points to the other man.

"… .And this man who looks like a gang member is Shio Saki, a karate master .... He always seems to be angry,…. Do not take it personally.."

"...Hi,…. I am Shuu Maiko…. Nice to meet you…."

I offered him my hand to greet him but he just looked at me for a moment and I started to feel an incredible pressure on me that was increasing rapidly.

I knew what was happening, Skaki was sending strong pressure on me so that I would leave him alone…. So I desperately started repeating the basic exercises in using The King's HaKi in the hope that my mind wouldn't collapse from the pressure.

(I have to endure it !! .... If I do I am sure they will accept me as a Disciple !! ..... resist ... resist !!!!!)


Akisame realized what Sakaki was doing, but before he could stop him, something unexpected happened.

The young man who was feeling all that pressure, stopped shaking and for a few seconds released an aura that repelled Akisame's pressure a bit ...

no it was a long time but it was long enough for Maiko to speak.

"... Excuse me, Sakaki-san ... could you please stop doing that? ... ... if you continue I won't be able to stand."

"… .Hoo…? ..."

"... Oya, Oya? ..... Interesting"

Sakaki seems a little surprised because even though he was receiving all that pressure I will make him talk. What he does not know is that he was not joking when I said that I could not stand, ... my knees are very weak from all that pressure !! .... But again my effort was rewarded !!!

[Congratulations you have obtained the [King's HaKi] skill (basic level)]


hello 👋

I am very sorry if the chapter has some confusing parts, but I have not had time to review it completely, ..... Please if you see any spelling errors let me know to fix it, ....

I also want to thank you for all the support you are giving to this story, I did not post a chapter Yesterday but you continued to leave Your stones of power ... really thank you for that.

Seeing so much support for the story motivates you to keep writing.

that's it,. goodbye 👋

you show all that happened in that world

far away in another dimensional plane a God was feeling someone thanking him

"?? ..... It seems that finally someone gives me the respect that I deserve !! ..... Don't worry little friend, I, the god of romantic comedies, will continue working to offer beautiful moments for all men of the multiverse !!!"

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