
Harem in a Labyrinth

A man dies and takes place of Kaga Michio in another world with an extra op cheat. The plot will follow loosely on the manga, novel and anime of Harem in the labyrinth of other world. The story is me mainly "rectifying" the oozing ball of negativity that is Michio. The world and system has loads of potential but I will see how far it goes. Lastly Roxanne bestt girl!! Support me if you can!! The Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/avi2112 The Pa-treon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Avi2112 The Discord server Link: https://discord.gg/Rbja9sKV8Y

Avi2112 · 漫画同人
75 Chs

Chapter 23: Villager Level 5


As the demon's brown body disappears in smoke it leaves behind a branch.

This branch has no other use than becoming firewood. And even then the fire produced by it is too much for household use, so it's only used by a Master Smith. You can sell this branch at the guild for 13-14 nars, basically chump change.

I take the branch and keep it inside the backpack.

"Roxanne take a look at this" I get her attention and show her the magic crystal.

"Ehh! It's Red already but we just defeated a single demon?" Roxanne takes the Red crystal in her hand and even checks her crystal out which is still black.

"Roxanne, I told you that my noble blood gives me some Powers. One of these Powers is to accumulate Magic power faster. So I can accumulate more magic power when we defeat a demon. Because of that the Magic Crystal changes color faster and we will also level up faster. Right now this specific Power of mine is still a bit weak and I am focusing this power on both of us and the magic crystal, so it is divided and a bit slow. As I get stronger and unlock more of the bloodline Powers, the magic gathering rate will keep increasing" I patiently explained to Roxanne how my system works in a way that she can somewhat understand.

"Master is Amazing!" Roxanne looks at me full of admiration. Id on't know how much of it she understood but it feels good to show off in front of a pretty girl.

"But Master I am already a Beast Warrior we don't have levels, so you should only use that power on yourself and the magic crystal" Roxanne tells me earnestly.

"In this world there are some secrets which only a few ancient noble families know about. One of those secrets is that every Job has levels, not just Explorer. Even Villager has levels, it is just that you can't see those levels in the Intelligence cards, so every one believes that there is none" I told Roxanne in a sagely tone.

"B-but Master" Roxanne looks at me in disbelief.

"You can think of it this way, in your tribe the older Beast Warriors or the ones who have defeated many demons must have been stronger than the young people who just got this job. So we could deduce that the Beast Warrior Job must be leveling up even if we can't see it."

Honestly people of this world have no interest in uncovering secrets about the different Jobs and their abilities, otherwise anyone with a bit of digging can hypothesize this kind of stuff.

"Hmm" Roxanne takes a moment to seriously think.

"I know that it's hard to believe, but it's the truth. My Powers can even let me see other people's Jobs and their levels with just a look without even looking at their Intelligence cards. Like your Beast Warrior is Level 6 right now"

Well with my boosts she won't be a Level 6 for long.

"So my Beast Warrior really does have levels?" Roxanne asks me, surprised at hearing her level.

"Yes, but don't focus on this stuff for now. Just remember that this is all a secret" I tell her in a serious tone as I rub her head, but as she was wearing a cap I could only rub that.

"Yes Master" She nods in acceptance.

"Okay let's go ahead and hunt another demon. I am relying on you, Roxanne" , I take my hand back and get ready to move

"This way, there is a demon straight ahead"

I could see her tail moving, she must be really happy.

We keep moving and find another demon instantly.

The labyrinth, especially an uncharted labyrinth like this one, is basically a maze. It will be full of dead ends and mostly you will spend 15-30 minutes finding the next demon. So Roxanne alone is helping me as much as the system.

I rush ahead, the demon tries to use its branches but I slash Gram through it before that. Another branch is dropped as its body disappears.

"Roxanne is really useful", I comment thinking of how fast we found the second demon.

"Thank you very much but I think its Master who is amazing" Roxanne looks at me in admiration for taking out the demon in one hit again.

I added one point to the Job setting temporarily.

[Job Setting

Acquired Job: Villager Level 5, Thief Level 3, Hero Level 2, Farmer Level 1, Explorer Level 3, Swordsman Level 1, Warrior Level 1, Merchant Level 1

Set Job: Villager Level 5, Hero Level 2, Explorer Level 3]

At last my Hero Job leveled up. I had 400x exp points activated and I killed 2 demons so normally someone would have to kill 800 demons if they want to go from Hero Level 1 to Level 2.

My Explorer Job also leveled up twice. And the best thing was that my Villager leveled up twice to Level 5 too even though it was at a higher level.

Now in this world certain Jobs are not so straightforward as you do an activity which is its prerequisite and you acquire them, sometimes the prerequisite is to be at a minimum level at some other Job.

Villager Level 5 is the prerequisite of many jobs. And as I already satisfied their other prerequisites I acquired them as soon as I hit Villager level 5.

I mentally click on the new jobs to learn more about them.


Effect: Increase Endurance (small), Increase HP (slight)

Skill: Rush]

You can attain this job, if you have fought in a battle and have reached Villager level 5.


Effect: Increase Physical strength (small), Increase HP (slight)

Skill: Slash]

This is a similar Job to Warrior, and you can attain this Job if you wield a Sword in combat and reach Villager Level 5. I satisfied one of the prerequisites of both Swordsman and Warrior Job in my first battle against the Thieves, even Roxanne has these jobs.


Effect: Increase Intelligence (small), Increase Spirit (slight)

Skill: Calc(Passive)]

You can attain this job if you sell something and reach Villager level 5. Well I should be considered a prodigy in selling stuff.

But more than attaining these Jobs I was happy at reaching Villager Level 5. As that is also a Prerequisite to a Job I have been eying from the start.

Before that I checked my Level up system. Yes, as expected it has a Red dot for an unread notification. I clicked on it mentally.

<Villager: 5 Level reward< p>

Accept: Yes No >

<Warrior: 1 Level reward< p>

Accept: Yes No >

<Swordsman: 1 Level reward< p>

Accept: Yes No >

<Merchant: 1 Level reward< p>

Accept: Yes No >

Four different blue windows appeared in front of me. Reading all the text boxes I was happy as well as a bit disappointed. I hoped that I would get a reward for Explorer and Hero leveling up but looking at Villager I know now that I will get rewards for every 5 levels only.

"Roxanne, I am trying to unlock a few more of my bloodline powers so please keep a lookout" Even though accepting all the rewards shouldn't take less than a minute I still warned Roxanne as you should always be a bit more careful in a labyrinth.

"Okay, Master" Roxanne nodded and started looking around, fully alert.

I could accept these rewards later too but they might be of help to me inside the dungeon right now.

First I clicked on the Villager reward. This will be my first Level 5 reward.

<Basic Villager Pack #2 acquired:< p>

-Constitution Upgrade (slight)>

I get a tingly feeling all over my body for a second and that soon goes away.

What did I get? I kinda feel like something definitely changed but I can't put my finger on it. Constitution upgrade must be related to my body right?

"Master, did you get taller?" Roxanne asks, looking at me in surprise.

Yes Roxanne must have been keeping an eye on me constantly so she must have noticed. I looked down at my body but this baggy clothes and the ever changing Equipment doesn't help me.

I go and stand beside Roxanne. Our height were similar before but now I am definitely taller than her by a few inches. I then reassured Roxanne that it was just my bloodline powers affecting my body.

So as there is no specific direction in Villager Job, the reward gave my body a bit of an upgrade. I clench my fist, but I can't tell if my strength has increased or not.

I mentally accept another reward.

<Basic Warrior Pack acquired>

There was a click in my brain and I felt like I remembered things which were forgotten. I think I gained some insights on how to fight, on when to attack, defend and most importantly how to notice or create openings in opponents.

I thought that this was a basic job and I wouldn't get anything very important, but these insights are very important for a battle noob like me. Looking forward to my next reward I mentally accept it.

<Basic Swordsman Pack acquired>

With a familiar click happening in my brain, I again felt like I remembered things which were forgotten. This time I gained memories of doing only 1 thing, slashing. I slashed with a sword repeatedly at an unknown opponent from different angles, just like shadow boxing.

Unknowing to me my grip with which I was holding my sword changed, it became more natural and relaxed.

Well that was odd, maybe because it was just a Basic Level 1 pack. I looked at the last reward and accepted it.

<Basic Merchant Pack acquired:< p>

-Gold coin x 10>

Suddenly I was holding a pouch in my left hand. I opened it and I could see that there were 10 gold coins inside. What was this, a starter fund?

Shaking my head I keep the coin pouch in the backpack. After accepting all the rewards, I go through the plan in my head again.

I had to be careful as a Wizard Job wasn't that easy to get.

For the people who were asking about Crystals, just wait for one more chapter. I was planning to explain about it in this chapter but it got very long already so I will try to add it in the next chapter. Just please be patient.

Avi2112creators' thoughts