
Harem Hero

(Male Reader x Multiverse Harem, second person POV) Support me for up to 7 early chapters! https://www.patreon.com/DeadShin Your best friend in the whole world is Mitsuru. A mad scientist genius who has recruited you to be her first and only assistant. One day at the lab she reveals her latest invention, an incredible gun that can shatter the barrier between realities and summon powerful warriors from other times, places and dimensions. The world is in danger from deadly invaders, and by leveraging a multi-universal love of an anime franchise starring you as the main character, you can summon dozens of women who are madly in love with you to fight back.

DWS · 漫画同人
83 Chs

Harem Member Suggestions

I've decided to make things easier for myself and make a dedicated chapter for this. If you're just interested in reading the story, go ahead and skip this.

I have a table of 40 or so girls who are planned to appear in this story, but I'm still looking for more. They might take a while to show up due to how I write things. Instead of scattering ideas to the four corners of the chapter table like I used to, I'd like for all of them to be contained here!

Here are a few pointers that I consider when selecting them.

- How familiar I am with them. This isn't something I can realistically quantify or provide to you, but it is a factor. That doesn't mean characters I haven't seen are automatically disqualified. Even a dedicated anime watcher/game player like me doesn't have time to get around to everything ever made. I'll try my best to make them show accurate.

- How prominent their role in the respective original story is. Characters that provide more personality are easier to include.

- Characters may be aged up and be canon divergent, but I don't generally include genderswaps.

- At the present moment in the story, MC and Mitsuru are summoning characters who are good at fighting or can help with research, healing etc. This will change in the future as the technology level advances and you get the freedom to indulge yourself by summoning anyone you please.

- Worlds of magic or technology, it doesn't matter. I'll come up with en excuse for them to read manga no matter what it takes.

That's pretty much it! Go nuts, throw some names at me in the comments. Let's say ten at max just so everyone can have a chance. I don't need a rationale or thesis paper behind your picks. If they're from a series with multiple good choices I may just lump all of them into one submission.

I can't dedicate the time to respond to every comment, sorry! I do check these for ideas on a regular basis. So rest assured that your submission has been noted.