
Harem Castle2

The young boy Felix, who admires the Kingdom’s Knights, is suddenly on a certain day set up as the Kingdom’s crown prince, unanticipating that he would live a life immersed in s*x. There is a queen who is also a mother, there are maids, and an ex-boss female knight, but other cougars approach! The innocent boy’s reasoning is on the brink of destruction.

Jonas89 · 奇幻
12 Chs

Harem Castle 2: Chapter 2 - High Society

"Please welcome Crown Prince Felix," announced the protocol officer.

"C'mon, stand up straight. You're the star tonight."

Felix was reluctant, but Magali gave him a push on the back and he stepped inside the high society event.

The higher your position in society, the later you arrived at events like this. When Felix entered as the very last guest, all the boys and girls already inside turned toward him.


A chandelier hung from the tall ceiling and the floor was polished like a mirror. Over a hundred young ladies and gentlemen were gathered and the tables were piled high with a wide variety of delicacies. A large space was left clear in the center, presumably for dancing.

No one was dancing now, but only because they had stopped to show the crown prince the highest courtesy.

(I don't belong here.)

Felix suppressed the urge to bow, apologize, and leave. Instead, he gave a simple greeting in return.

Everyone took that as a signal to resume the party. The noble sons and the noble daughters lovely enough to be known as the belles of high society were chatting and dancing to an elegant tune.

Felix stood awkwardly over by the wall and gawked over at the beautifully-dressed nobles dancing.

Ambitious and expectant gazes gathered on him from a distance.

"He's just as good-looking as they say. Oh, he looked at me. Kyah, he's so cute♪"

"Yes, and he has a solid gait. He has obvious training."

"But what kind of training? He has a cute face, but I hear he is very impressive downstairs, if you know what I mean. Oh, dear. How indecent of me."

Their appraising voices hit him like small waves, so he felt even more awkward than before.

(I'm like a rare curiosity to them.)

Tonight's party was meant for the youths of high society and Felix was indeed the star.

The boys hoped to establish a friendship with the crown prince and impress him. The girls hoped to claim the position of crown princess. Then they could be queen one day. But even if that didn't happen, they would still benefit if he decided to sleep with them.

He had been told in advance that the daughters of Ishtar's influential noble families would be in attendance, as would some important girls from the nearby kingdoms of Cleonlese, Persephone, Dalisin, and Shelfaniel.

"I am not asking you to choose a bride right away," Queen Gloriana had said with an alluring smile after she ordered him to attend. "Just have some fun with those silly ambitious girls and then throw them out."

He could not believe his stepmother would suggest something so awful.

(These are all proud princesses and noble girls. They wouldn't spread their legs just for the off chance of gaining greater status.)

He had been raised as a knight, so he felt out of place among all these noble sons and daughters. He considered slipping out at some point, but then a lady in a bright sky blue cocktail dress appeared in front of him.

"Prince, do you have a moment?"

"Eh!? Sasha, what are you doing here?"

Sasha had an impeccably beautiful face, but a somehow relaxed vibe. She was the oldest of his maids, not counting Louise.

"Oh, did you forget? I am a noble's daughter, so I am more than qualified to attend this party. So how about a dance?"

"S-sure…of course."

This young woman had a tendency to strip naked and crawl into his bed in the mornings and evenings if he let his guard down, so she could easily be described as the greatest threat to his chastity. Felix did not want to be the kind of guy who used his social status to get laid, so he mostly stubbornly refused to sleep with her. But she was undeniably attractive, so he had succumbed to her temptation on more than one occasion.

But if she was asking him to dance, he would gladly accept. They took each other's hands and began to dance in the center of the party hall.

He was always dodging her advances, so she smiled happily as she pressed her chest against his.

"Prince Felix, your common upbringing seems to have given you some delusions about princesses, but believe me – women are women no matter their social status."

"Um, what's that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see soon enough. Heh heh heh."

After some ominous laughter, Sasha ended their dance.

Another dancing partner soon took her place. A doll of a girl walked slowly over in a frilly yellow dress.

"Prince, please dance with me next."

"Oh, you're here too, Carol? That dress is really cute."

He had guessed Carol was probably here after Sasha had shown up. After all, Carol was the granddaughter of Ishtar's Prime Minister Canberra who had been killed recently. She was of course from one of the kingdom's leading noble families.

"Thank you♪"

She smiled bright and politely curtsied when he complimented her dress.

Her precocious behavior had a way of putting a smile on your face.

After he danced with Carol for a song, the real princesses made their move.

The daughter of the king from Cleonlese, which bordered Ishtar to the north, the niece of the king from Dalisin, which bordered Ishtar to the south, and the adopted daughter of the king from Shelfaniel, which bordered Ishtar to the west, were among them. There were also girls from Ishtar's largest noble families, including one from Gloriana's own Kriemhild family. One after another, the girls of high society asked him to dance.

Felix saw it as his job to dance with them, but they pretty much all made sure to press their chest up against him. The bolder ones would place his hand on their breast while they danced and the boldest ones reached down and rubbed his crotch through his pants.

And when they left, they all whispered something along the lines of "come visit me in my room later".

For a teenage boy, this made it extremely difficult to think straight.

"Okay, I will take the last dance."

A dashing voice parted the crowd of beautiful girls like a sword slash parting the ocean.

The person who stepped through wore a dark green military uniform over a slender body.

(A boy? No, their build is too delicate to be a boy.)

Based on their uniform and height, he initially thought this was a boy close to his own age. With short, silky, silver hair and a handsome face, they would have made for a breathtakingly beautiful boy. But a closer inspection showed some size to their chest.

(This…is a girl, right?)

She must have preferred wearing men's clothing.

While he unintentionally stared down at her chest for confirmation, the boyish beauty bowed in a way that felt more pompous than elegant.

The graceful movement showed signs of knight training and Felix guessed she was quite skilled.

But she was not a rough fighter. She instead felt like a refreshing early summer breeze. Place her on a white horse and you would have the ideal storybook prince that girls fell in love with.

"I am Cornelia of Persephone."

"Persephone? So you're a royal princess."

Persephone was the kingdom to Ishtar's east. They were quick to war, and had fought against Ishtar more than a few times in the past. Even now they were actively battling the Orsini-Sabrina Double Kingdom to the east.

"I hate being indirect, so come with me."

"Eh? Wh-where to?"

Felix was too busy being embarrassed and afraid she might notice the erection he had gained from the other girls' bold seduction techniques, but then she took his hand and guided him to an empty room nearby.

The room was meant for VIPs to hold private discussions at formal events like these, so it had a solid ebony desk in the center.

"No boys allowed in here. All of you girls trying to get in the prince's pants, come with me."

The Persephone princess's call was answered by the royal girls from Cleonlese, Dalisin, and Shelfaniel, the Kriemhild girl, and more noble girls, including Sasha, for a total of 10. Carol tried to follow them into the room, but Cornelia said "no children" and slammed the door in her face.

"Now, then. All of you are prepared to spread your legs for the prince, correct?"

Cornelia locked the door to keep the noble boys and wait staff out and then addressed the girls inside the room.

"You make it sound like something filthy," protested the Cleonlese princess in an old-fashioned white dress. "I merely wish to build a bond of love with Prince Felix."

"But you only just met him today," retorted the crossdressing beauty. "And the quickest way to build intimacy between two people is sex. Your aides told you to share the prince's bed for precisely that reason, didn't they?"

"Yes, of course they did."

The Cleonlese princess agreed like it was the most reasonable thing in the world and the other girls followed suit. Felix could not believe what he was hearing.

"W-wait, but that's wrong. How can you do that with someone you don't even love!?"

"Hmph," snorted Cornelia. "Ridiculous."

"You build love with them through sex," agreed the seemingly strong-willed Kriemhild girl.

They had it all backwards and Felix wasn't sure what to do about it.

The commoner way of thinking appeared to be incompatible with the privileged class's way of thinking. These princesses and noble girls had been raised to think of political marriages as the norm. There had always been a decent chance they would be told to marry someone they had never even met before.

"I invited you all in here because I have a suggestion. It would take forever for each of us to do him in turn and that would be difficult for him to pull off regardless. So how about we determine our physical compatibility with him in a more efficient manner? We can also see what happens with the others and know to give up when he has chosen someone else."

But even those girls paled at the Persephone princess's outrageous suggestion.

"Th-that may be true, but…it would be my first time."

"Mine too…"

All of the others revealed themselves to be virgins, so Cornelia smiled bitterly.

"Sounds like all of our kingdoms or families had the same idea. I suppose it would be unseemly to offer up another man's used goods when trying to lure in a crown prince. My kingdom chose someone as tactless as me for the role because they too felt a virgin was the best candidate for a crown prince's bride."

The Cleonlese princess responded by clasping her hands contained in long white gloves.

"Then it sounds like we are all in the same boat here. That means openly competing with our sexuality here would be perfectly fair, so I think it is an excellent idea. I second Princess Cornelia's suggestion."

"I have no objections either," added the Kriemhild girl.

Sasha and the others felt like they could not back out now, so they agreed as well.

"U-um, what exactly are you planning to do?" hesitantly asked Felix.

"You would know if you were paying attention to our discussion," said the crossdressing beauty while brushed up her silver bangs.

"B-but…you can't possibly mean that."

Sensing an indescribably threatening mood, Felix backed away with his cheeks tensing.

His mind told him he was only moving further from the exit, but he was overpowered by the strange pressure radiating from these girls.

Then his hips bumped into the solid desk.

"Strip him."

On Cornelia's command, the rest of the girls took action. A total of twenty arms reached toward him at once.


A stiff shriek left Felix's throat.

He had been raised as a knight from a young age, so he may have been physically capable of breaking free of the girls' arms. But due to that very upbringing, he could not treat them so violently.

The next thing he knew, his limbs were pinned to the top of the solid desk and all his clothing, underwear included, had been removed.

(Th-this can't be happening. I'm dreaming. Yes, that must be it. This is a nightmare.)

He had believed his entire life that princesses were pure and noble, so he had trouble accepting what was happening here.

His penis, on the other hand, was impressively erect.

The virgin girls gulped when they saw it.

"Heh heh heh. That is a mighty fine penis you have there." Cornelia hopped up onto the desk and placed her feet on either side of Felix's hips. "Since this was my idea, you can get a taste of my body first."

No one protested.

They all knew that their target was not a virgin, but they were virgins themselves. They wanted to watch someone else do him first so they would feel more prepared.

Cornelia had figured all of that out and decided to be that "someone else" herself. Her eyes shined sharply as she stripped off her tight-fitting dark green pants. Then she lowered her light green high-leg panties.

Even she blushed some with all her rivals' eyes on her, but she did her best to feign calm as she placed her index and middle finger on either side of her labia and spread them.

(Oh, it's her pussy. She really is a girl. And her pussy is such a pretty pink.)

She was bottomless now, but she still wore the full men's uniform up top. That filled Felix with a perverted thrill, like he was about to be raped by a breathtakingly beautiful boy.

She lowered her wet labia to the head of his erection.

"Now, please enjoy my virginity."

Her voice was a little scratchy as she prepared to lower her hips.

But then the window shattered.

Shards of glass poured down like a waterfall of light and a warrior woman in silver armor dropped down through it.


She slowly stood up while the shocked girls watched on in a daze.

She must have used a curtain as a lifeline to jump down from the floor above and break through the crystal glass like a swinging pendulum.


Relief covered Felix's face, but Ursula's cheeks stiffened when she saw the scene in the room.

Her prince was pinned to the ebony desk by a group of princesses while one was about to rape him.

Cornelia did not have it in her to keep going now, so she glared sharply over.

"Isn't it rude to intrude on your master when he is with a lover?"

"Oh, is that what this is?" Ursula exaggeratedly widened her eyes and shrugged. "There are any number of ways of winning a man's love. But, Miss Proper Princess, doesn't this seem a tad uncivilized for an unmarried girl?"

Ursula walked past the girls who were furious with her rude behavior and she grabbed the doorknob.

"But if you truly believe this is socially acceptable, then why not continue with the door open?"


The girls knew being seen like this would harm their reputation.

"I have a feeling your aides might just faint if they see you like this. And I am sure our Queen Gloriana will be most upset. I recommend returning to your rooms and cooling your heads. And if possible, I hope you will learn to take care of yourselves better."

The beautiful girls' faces were a mixture of anger and shame. The mission given them by their kingdoms and families was in conflict with their pride as women, but they finally reached a conclusion.

"Very well. You can have your way for today."

Cornelia had been mere centimeters away from having Felix's cock inside her, but she stood up and put on her underwear and pants as if to say the knight's intrusion had ruined the mood.

With the instigator of the gangrape backing down, the other girls fixed their own clothing and hair and moved away from the desk.

Once Ursula saw they were all presentable once more, she silently unlocked and opened the door.


Ursula bowed respectfully, but the girls only snorted and left. The only exception was Sasha who shrugged like this was all a prank that didn't pan out. She was always making advances as his maid, so this was nothing new for her.

With the terrifying army of princesses and noble girls gone, Felix and Ursula were alone in the room. Ursula shut the heavy door and Felix got up.

"Urs, Urs."

The manly hero rescuing the damsel in distress was as cliché as clichés came, but a dashing female knight rescuing a prince in peril was a lot less common.

Felix was so moved he hopped down from the desk in the nude. He had the tearful face of a rescued princess as he ran over to hug her, but his erect penis bouncing around was a different matter.


Ursula accepted the prince's expression of thanks with no emotion on her face and she threw a kick with her armored boot without speaking a word.

The kick flew straight into his crotch.

"Agh! Ahh…wh-why?"

He curled up on the floor after the kick.

He had been transported from heaven to hell. Well, maybe it was up for debate which was worse between being nearly gangraped by a bunch of girls he didn't know and being kicked in the balls by a woman he loved.

"This would not have happened if you had been more careful." The knight glared coldly down at the crown prince holding his crotch on the floor, drool dripping from his gaping mouth and a cold sweat drenching his body. "You let a bunch of girls capture you and nearly gangrape you!? How pathetic can you get?"

"B-but…I thought princesses were too pure and sophisticated for this…"

His desperate excuse did nothing to make Ursula's glare any less cold.

But when he continued holding his crotch in agony, she must have decided she had gone too far. She frowned worriedly, crouched down, and gently patted him on the back of the hips.

"C'mon, straighten up. You're a boy, aren't you?"

Being a boy was what made this hurt so bad, but her lack of testicles apparently made it hard for her to imagine what he was feeling. He really wished she wouldn't do that just for a pep talk.

He tearfully pleaded with her.

"I'm sorry, but…kh, the pain won't go away. Y-you may have crushed my balls."


Now Ursula started to panic, reaching for his crotch and feeling the contents of the sack between her fingers.

(H-her hand is nice and warm.)

Having her massage his balls made him happily narrow his eyes like a dog being groomed.

Finally, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry. They're both there. You were overreacting."

She started to pull her hand away, but he quickly held it in place.

"That feels good, so keep doing it until the pain fades."


She breathed an exasperated sigh, but she did continue massaging his balls. She must have really felt bad for hurting him like that.

"Ahh♪ That's so good. But I really can't believe it. They were all so beautiful, cute, and princess-y, so how could they do something like that?"

He shuddered at the thought of what could have happened if Ursula hadn't swooped in to rescue him. He also felt some disappointment that she had interrupted, but he suppressed that feeling and buried his face in her armored chest.

She said nothing about it. She only continued gently teasing his balls while rubbing his back in a soothing way.

"They were likely pushed into it by their kingdom, their parents, or their aides."

"Yeah, things do get complicated when politics get involved."

Ursula switched to the kind of tone used to tell a small child an old story.

"Speaking of politics, Tiger Knight General Dexel tells us Hilcruz is likely being sheltered by the Vermilion Bird Temple on the northern border. That temple is a nunnery and no men are allowed inside, so he was hoping I could take over command."

"Yeah, that makes sense. You'd be perfect for the job." After granting permission, Felix stared off into the distance. "Prince Hilcruz, huh?"

Felix had barely met that cousin rumored to be the true mastermind behind the rebellion.

But given their differing circumstances, he felt really awkward about the whole thing.

Without Felix, the late king's younger brother, Hilmedes, would have taken the throne and his son, Hilcruz, would have been the crown prince.

People said Hilcruz was a brave and brilliant boy.

Since he had kept fighting until he could escape the kingdom, he clearly possessed an indomitable fighting spirit.

"I really wish he would surrender and work for Ishtar. Then I bet the former Hilmedes faction would feel more comfortable here."

"It's a nice thought, but it isn't happening. His ideology is incompatible with Ishtar's current leadership. Worse, he refuses to let anyone else rule over him."

Ursula easily threw out her prince's naïve idealism.

"Maybe so, but…but I still hope you can bring him back without killing him."

"Understood. I will do what I can. But do not get your hopes up. So have you calmed down yet?"

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt anymore."

When he expressed his satisfaction, she let go of his balls.

"Now, I should be leaving as soon as possible."

Ursula stood up to depart immediately, her cape fluttering behind her, but Felix grabbed the end of the cape.

"Hm? Do you need something?"

She gave him a curious look and he made a hesitant request.

"Um…Urs, uh…let's…have sex."

"I thought tonight was Louise's turn."

"It is…but I won't be able to do it with you for a while, right?"

She had rescued him just before a group of beautiful girls gangraped him and then she had massaged his balls.

His dick was hard and throbbing with precum dripping from the tip.

Ursula looked down at it, blushed a little, and asked a question of her own with her eyes wandering.


"Is that a no?"

He hesitantly looked up at her, afraid she was mad.

"Sigh… You know I can't say no when you give me that look."

A troubled look remained frozen on her face for a bit, but she finally sighed and relaxed her shoulders.

Both Ursula and Louise tried to be strict with Felix but usually caved in the end.

They particularly had trouble saying no when he wanted their bodies.

"Yay! That's why I love you."

She turned her head away, as if to say she could not bear his honest affection.

"Okay, Urs. Place your hands against the wall and stuck your butt out this way."

She placed her hands on the wall as told, spread her legs a little, and stuck her butt out.

"Like this?"

"Perfect. Thanks."

He approached her from behind, lifted up her dark blue cape, and pressed his rock-hard thing against her.

She wore black panties below her silver hip armor. They were designed to be visible since the hip armor did little to cover them, but they still showed off the texture of her plump adult ass. He pushed that thin fabric into the crack while rubbing his dick against her butt.


She arched her back when she felt his arousal on her butt.

Delighted, he reached his arms around to the front of her body, loosened the clasp on her silver chest armor, and pulled it down.

The chest armor doubled as her bra, so her weighty melons jiggled out fully bare. The cup-shaped mounds looked like they were made of solidified condensed milk, the nipples at the tips were a bright pink, and the areolae were fairly small. Felix immediately grabbed those sweet and beautiful melons in his hands.


They were too big to fit in his hands, but hers were actually the smallest of the women he had experience with. It just so happened that Gloriana and Louise's were obscenely large. By ordinary standards, Ursula's were plenty big.

More than just being big, they were shaped by just the right riot ratio of fat and muscle to make them soft yet firm. To Felix, they seemed designed for sex.

He knew how they felt so well and he loved how the skin seemed to suck at his hands when he touched them. Groping them always put him in a good mood.

So he enjoyed distorting their shape in a variety of ways between his fingers.

"Ahn, nhh, ahh, nhh."

Sexual sighs began to escape Ursula's lips.

She could seem like a strict woman with no interest in sex, but Felix had discovered an extremely sexual side to her.

He could feel her nipples stiffening in his hands.

He knew a woman's nipples were more sensitive once they were erect, so he started teasing those stiff nipples.


"Ahh, w-wait."

She must not have liked for things to be so one-sided because she made a bitter comment while he massaged her breasts and made her nipples and areolae grow.

"You're always playing with my body whenever you find a chance, whether it's my day or not. Aren't you going to get bored of me before long?"

"Of course not. A woman's body brings you more pleasure the more you sleep with her and you always discover new things about it. Here's what you get for even suggesting that."

He licked his lips, held her erect nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and stroked them hard.

"Wait, th-that's too- stop, stop, stoooop!"

She asked him to stop, but he continued teasing her nipples.

"Your nipples are so sensitive, Urs."

He grinned while she arched her back and trembled.

With her arms against the wall, she looked like a wolf howling at the moon, her long brown hair swinging behind her. She looked straight up, opened her mouth wide, and let drool drip out. Then she cried out loud.

"Hh, ahhhh, nh, ahhhhhh!"

Only when the beautiful war goddess's head slumped down did Felix let go of her breasts and whisper a question in her left ear while she tried to catch her breath.

"Did you just cum from only your nipples?"


She lowered her head in embarrassment and clenched her teeth in frustration.

"Man, you have a really naughty body. When you're this sensitive, I think it's called having a horny body."

He teased her and she glared back at him with her arms still against the wall.

"I-I object to that term. A-and even if it's true, you are the one who made me this way. I was never this sensitive before I slept with you."

At 24, she was in the prime of her life, but she had never bothered with men and opted to focus on her training as a knight. But once she had gotten a taste of sex, her body craved more.

"This horniness is all you♪"

He whispered in her ear, lowered his right hand down her smooth stomach, and slipped int into her black underwear.

He felt the hair and how damp it was.

He placed his hand over her mons pubis and her labia and gently massaged them as if returning the favor for the testicle massage.


The gentle stimulation had her sighing in pleasure.

(Ha ha. Her panties are already soaked with love juices. She really does get wet easily. My fingers are drowning in her hot juices.)

After giving her some time to rest after the nipple orgasm, he parted her wet flesh and slipped his middle finger inside up to the second joint.


She cried out and stiffened with eyes wide, but she did not try to escape. She accepted the boy's penetrating finger.

Her rough inner flesh sucked at his finger.

(Khh. She sure squeezes tight. I want my dick in there so bad, but I need to tease her more so she can really enjoy this.)

He had learned how great it felt to pleasure the women he cared for, so he thoroughly stirred her up like he was enjoying her vagina with his finger.

He intentionally made lots of lewd wet noises. Sticking his hand into her underwear must have created a gap because her love juices flowed from the leg hole and down her inner thighs.

"Ha ha♪ Can you hear that, Urs? You're completely soaked down there."

Being fingered had made Ursula's blush spread past her face to the top of her head and even behind her ears. It wasn't every day you got to see that strict young woman writhing in embarrassed pleasure. And Felix was the only one allowed to see it since she was his mistress.

He wanted to pleasure her even more to see more of this side of her, so he pulled his finger from her honeypot.


She let out a disappointed sigh and he held his nectar-covered finger in front of her face.

"See how wet you are?"


She looked away in frustration, but since he knew she would still be watching out of the corner of her eye, he leaned his head down and licked off the finger.

"Mm, your love juices taste great. Here, you try some too."

He held the nectar-dripping finger in front of her mouth and she obediently took the finger into her mouth.

(God, she's cute. She has the same look as when she gives head.)

She almost seemed to be fellating his finger as she sucked her own love juices from it and even licked at the gap below the fingernail.

Having to lick up her own love juices had to be humiliating for a woman. There was no way she would enjoy the flavor. But when he told her to, she happily did so.

The blush of her cheeks made it clear she was turned on by the situation and it warmed his heart to see how much she loved him.

She was only sucking his finger, but he almost felt like she was sucking his dick. Unable to wait a moment longer, he pulled his finger from her lips, crouched down, and pulled her black underwear down past her knees.

"Ahh, your butt is so smooth."

Turned on, Felix shamelessly rubbed his cheek against her butt.

Her muscular butt felt nice and smooth.

"Ah, ahh…"

It embarrassed her to do so, but Ursula spread her legs and stuck out her butt so he would have an easier time entering her.

Aroused by that unspoken request, he grabbed her butt cheeks in his hands and spread them.

(Wow, I can see her dripping pussy and her anus. Damn, Urs. Your calm face hides a really horny body.)

He licked his lips and kissed the tailbone at the start of her ass's valley. Then he ran his tongue down past her tightly-shut anus and all the way to her labia. He sucked at those and slurped up their juices.

"Kh, how did you get to be such a dirty boy?"

"What, am I supposed to let a woman's juices drip to the floor and go to waste?"

He slurped at her honeypot with his nose against her ass.

There was no real smell, but just knowing he was smelling such a dignified woman's ass turned him on. He slurped up the love juices like it was his purpose in life.


A tremor ran through her body and she cried out in embarrassment, but he finally asked her the crucial question.

"Hey, Urs? Do you want my dick now?"

"I-if that is what you want…I will comply."

He didn't like that answer.

"Is that so? Then I'm happy sucking at your pussy forever."


He placed his tongue on her clitoris and kneaded it, he licked through every part of her vulva, he poked at her urethra, he sucked at her vagina, and he licked up to her ass again.

He pushed at her anus with his tongue tip.

"W-wait…s-stop. Th-that's dirty."

"Don't worry. If it's on your body, it isn't dirty."

She clenched her ass to try and resist, but it soon succumbed to his thorough licking.

"O-o-okay. Y-you…win. I just have to ask for it…right?"

He stopped when he heard that.

The dashing and beautiful woman was trying to catch her breath with her hands against the wall. Nectar was dripping down between her spread legs to form a puddle on the floor.

Her honeypot was twitching before his eyes.

She looked down at him with damp and heated eyes, repeatedly opened and closed her mouth without saying anything, gulped a few times, and finally squeezed out her voice.

"I want your…p-penis. Put your big, hard cock inside me. I'll go crazy if you tease me any longer."

The proud woman's request clutched at his heart.

His dick hopped in response.

He could not stop himself now. He stood up and brought his blazing hot erection toward her dripping pussy.

"I wouldn't want you going crazy, so I'll get started right away."

He held her hips and pushed his cock inside her.


Her honeypot swallowed his penis like it was devouring its favorite treat, so he was already fully inside her.

(Ahh…this feels amazing. Her pussy is so rough and tight and I swear it gets better every time I do her.)

This was the pussy of the woman he had adored since a young age. He had only started his physical relationship with her a bit over three weeks ago. She and Louise took turns accompanying him at night, but he had also had a lot of sex with her outside of that. He had probably pumped her full of at least three loads of cum every single day.

But it still hadn't gotten old.

She was the star of Ishtar's female knights and she was feared for being as strict as a demon, but she would strip the armor from her heart and reveal her more sensitive side when he held her in his arms.

(She's mine. No one else can have her.)

Driven by that sense of superiority, his thrusting picked up speed.

"W-wait, that's too rough. If you pound me like that- ahh!"

His hips loudly slapped against her ass.

It was more than she could bear, so she arched her back while hot female juices dripped endlessly from their union.

"I-I'm going to shout too loud…"

"Do it. I love hearing your sexy voice."

The unparalleled knight writhed in pleasure from his merciless rear attack.

"I-I can't do that here. Eek, anyone still at the party, gh, would hear."

"Then I'll just have to make sure you can't help but shout."

He teased her breasts with his left hand and sent his right hand down to rub at their union.

"Ahhh, n-not there, ahhhhhn!"

He had captured her clit. When he pulled the hood back and rubbed it directly, she shouted so loud she spat drool from her mouth.

A shower of hot juices landed on his dick while her entire vagina squeezed pleasantly tight and massaged it.

"Ahh, why is this the only thing you seem to get better at, ah, ahh, ahn."

"Kh, because you're mine, so I want to make sure I can satisfy you."

The clit teasing was a double-edged sword. It made her pussy suck at his cock so hard his semen had risen nearly to the tip.

But he worked hard to suppress it while he pounded his hips against her.

"Ahn, ahn, ahn."

In their everyday life, they tended to act more like an older sister and younger brother than a prince and bodyguard, but that power balance flipped when they were having sex.

Her dignity as a grown woman went out the window as the young boy fucked her brains out and she always ended up incapable of doing much more than receive his cock and moan.

Or maybe letting him go wild like that was her way of showing her love.

"H-hurry, give it to me. I-I'm…so close. I'm…about to cum!"

Her hands slid down the wall and her upper body sank down.


(Oh, she's really close, isn't she?)

Her pussy was trembling like crazy, as was her entire back. That showed her body was preparing for orgasm, but she was resisting it as long as she could so she could cum with him.

(She's so cute!)

He had long had a crush on her and now intense love for her coursed through his entire body.

His dick trembled and her vagina did the same.

"I'm cummiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!"

He pushed his dick as deep inside her as it would go, like he was trying to skewer her.

The head pressed firmly against her cervix and then exploded.

Hot male juices filled her and she grew drunk on the female ecstasy.

"Ah!? Ahhhhhh!"

Even the most valiant knight's legs and hips would go limp when she experienced a powerful orgasm.

Ursula's upper body slid down the wall and she ended up on the floor.

Felix carefully leaned over her back so his penis wouldn't slip out of her.

"Ahh, now this is bliss. I'd be happy with any life as long as I can have sex with you."

"God, how can you say things like that with a straight face?'

Despite what she said, she looked pleased by his open declaration of love and she placed her own hands on the ones he had around her body.

"I love you, Urs. I love you more than any of those princesses and nobles I've never even met. I wish you could be my crown princess."

"And I've already told you that isn't an option.'

She shook her head. She had rejected that very request on more than one occasion already.

"Do you not like me?"

She blushed and her gaze wandered as she answered his blunt question.

"I-I love you. I am not the kind of person to do these things with someone I don't love. But you are still a child. You can make that decision after growing up some more."

He had known what her answer would be, but he had asked anyway because he liked hearing her bashfully say she loved him.

"Can we do it again?"

She could tell his cock was still hard inside her, so she sighed and accepted it.

"We can. Have I ever refused you, Feli Boy?"

Delighted that he had permission, Felix attempted to do her in the missionary position without pulling out. Ursula held her beloved young prince in her arms and recalled what her colleague had said.

"Don't you spoil the crown prince too much?"

Finding yourself unable to say no when he desired your body may have been the tragic flaw in all grown women with a younger lover.

Louise would also happily let Felix fuck her anywhere and anytime he asked for it. She just wasn't with him all day like Ursula was.

And since Ursula would be away from the castle and unable to have sex with him for a while, Felix was even more eager than usual.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

As the young boy fucked her like a wild animal, she cried out like a wild animal.

Unbeknownst to them both, Magali was on the other side of that very wall holding her breath and masturbating after arriving to accompany the crown prince home.