
Harem Caravan

Some time has passed since the events of Harem Dynast, so Lorent and Ansandra have a teenage daughter and Lucy has a teenage son. The story follows that son who is childhood friends with the princess and has been placed in charge of a merchant caravan full of beautiful girls and women.

Jonas89 · 奇幻
6 Chs

Harem Caravan: Chapter 6 - The Princess Loves Passionate Affairs

"Alesteria, um."

Alesteria ignored Orfeo and hesitantly viewed the face of the woman behind her. The afterglow of climax had yet to cool, so she was breathing heavily.

"I-is it you? Is it really you?"

Her widened eyes visibly grew damp. To her, this was an emotional reunion after 7 years, but Silvia had no intention of playing along.

"So what will you do? Are you giving Orfeo to us?"

When Silvia smiled mischievously and looked alternately between Orfeo and Alesteria, Alesteria paled and shouted.

"No! Orfeo is going to be my husband, so I won't let you rape him any more!"

She clenched her fists and raised her voice like a child throwing a tantrum.

Orfeo, Barbara, Eulica, Torié, and Lena all found themselves at a loss for words as they focused on the princess.

Silvia finally smiled bitterly and gently rubbed Alesteria's cheek.

"My, my, princess. You've already planned it out that far ahead?"

"Um, uhhh…"

Alesteria seemed to realize how bold she had been and she hung her head while blushing all the way down to her neck.

"But I never knew Orfeo was such a womanizer…"

The pure princess's shoulders shook while tears wet her eyes. Orfeo's chest ached with guilt over how much he loved fooling around with so many women and girls despite loving the princess from the bottom of his heart.

Silvia, however, actually laughed at Alesteria's lament.

"Are you still going on about that?♪ You're such a child. It's honestly really cute."


Alesteria sullenly glared at the woman, but Silvia confidently responded.

"As you can see, Orfeo is a horny guy. He loves women to the very core of his being. You would have a hard time finding someone hornier than him."

Did she really have to deliver a finishing blow like that? With four girls clinging to him, Orfeo felt like the woman was stabbing him right in the heart.

"But what's wrong with that? Horniness has its charm."

Alesteria clearly could not understand, so Silvia gently brushed the blonde hair from the girl's ear and whispered a question to her.

"Just think about it. Do you want a guy who has plain, ordinary sex with you, or do you want one who fucks you nice and hard?"


She must have never considered that question because her eyes wandered in thought. Finally, she found her answer and hesitantly spoke up.

"Nice and hard…sounds good…I guess."

Orfeo's heart skipped a beat when he heard the lovely girl's honest opinion.

"Right?♪ A woman naturally wants a horny man."

Silvia embraced the girl for accepting her view. Alesteria's blush grew even brighter, but she did not deny it.

"So, Princess, how about you become just as horny as him and join in?"

"I couldn't possibly be so indecent."

The princess stubbornly shook her head, so Silvia gently prodded her onward.

"Men, Orfeo included, are such selfish creatures. They love pure women, but if that's all she is, they soon lose interest. They want a woman they can fuck nice and hard."

Even if she trusted this woman, Alesteria found this hard to believe, so she turned to the boy she had feelings for.

"Orfeo, is that true? Do you like horny women?"


When she unexpectedly addressed him, Orfeo looked to the women around him.

Eulica, Barbara, Torié, and Lena were all incredibly horny women, but he was more worried about what he should say here. He did not want to say the wrong thing, so he hesitated as he answered.

"I-I don't dislike them…okay, yes, I like them. I like horny women."


Alesteria could not hide her shock at what he said, but Eulica gave a follow-up blow with her gold-rimmed monocle glittering.

"Oh? That's not quite accurate, young master. You turned us into horny women."

"True. I was a little more restrained in my sex life before meeting him."

Barbara, the dignified knight, licked some semen off her hand.

Those two women continued to straddle his arms as they licked off the cum that had splattered across his lower stomach and chest.

"That's right. There isn't a part of our bodies his fingers, tongue, and gaze haven't touched. He made us into super horny girls."

Once Torié finished licking the dripped cum from his balls, she moved up to the shaft coated with its own fluids. Lena replied to Torié's comment after doing the same with the cum that had dripped down to his anus.

"Don't lie like that. You made me lick your pussy every night well before having sex with the young master, so don't blame your horniness on him."

"Made you, my ass. You couldn't keep your tongue out of my pussy."

Those bisexual girls argued over their relationship while fighting over the boy's cum. Past or present, they were undoubtedly horny girls.

(I made them horny? I do have sex with them a lot, but I'm pretty sure they were all horny to begin with.)

After sleeping with them so often on their journey, he knew their erogenous zones like the back of his hand, but they knew what he liked just as well.

Cumming once would not be enough to satisfy his lust. Three times in a row was the norm and he had even cum ten times in the same night before.

While Eulica and Barbara licked the semen from his lower stomach and inner thighs, they approached his penis.

After four powerful tongues licked his still-soft penis clean, the four of them took turns sucking at the tip.


Orfeo's dick was sensitive so soon after ejaculating, so his entire body trembled at their touch.

It felt so good he thought his body would melt. It was like his entire body had become a sex organ.

As they sucked out the remnants of the previous ejaculation, it grew hard once more.

He would normally pleasure them to thank them for pleasuring him, but he could not do that today.

There was an icy feeling in his chest even as he enjoyed the pleasures of their female bodies.

This was of course due to the frightening look Alesteria was giving him.


She puffed out her cheeks in front of the women sharing his cock.

"Alesteria, you like sex too, don't you? If you try to act above it all, they're going to steal him away. Do you want that?"


She shook her head and stood up from Silvia's arms. And she slowly approached Orfeo like she was sleepwalking.

The four female beasts surrounding him glanced threateningly over at the princess as they continued to pleasure him.


She spoke so quietly no one could hear her. Then the princess took a deep breath and gave a loud command.

"I said get away from Orfeo!"

Her threatening tone surprised even those horny women. Orfeo flinched and the women moved away.

With the four women gone, Orfeo lay there all alone with his legs spread wide.

He was nude, but Alesteria still wore her gorgeous pink dress, even though Silvia had fingered her to climax earlier. It was awkward.


Orfeo looked fearfully up and she looked resolutely down at him.

He thought he would die as their eyes met.

And after some tension, Alesteria made her move.

She crouched down and looked down at his crotch.

"I-it's small."

He was not sure what to say and she spoke up in confusion.

"Why is it small!? It was so big just a second ago!"

He had only just cum. While the women's efforts had given him another erection, he could never maintain it when they left and he was forced into such a tense situation.

But Alesteria could not understand why that massive erection had gone away for her.

The princess's panic seemed to amuse Torié because the girl needlessly teased her.

"It probably means he doesn't find you attractive."

When Alesteria glared at her like she was going to snap at the girl, Torié shrugged in surrender.

But that princess was a young girl ignorant of how the male body worked.

She had glared at her rival, but she could not think of an alternate explanation and grew tearful.

"You're so mean, Orfeo."

"Mean? This is, um, just how penises work."

Orfeo was unsure what to say and tearful Alesteria was resentful. Silvia was amused by both, but she decided to lend a helping hand.

"Hee hee. There are techniques for getting men erect."


Alesteria turned to her trusted older sister figure.

She saw all of the women around Orfeo as enemies, so Silvia felt like her only ally.

"Hee hee. One way to keep a man faithful is to give him such a good time in bed he doesn't feel the need to sleep with anyone else. So how about I teach you some techniques for pleasuring men that will put you a step ahead of the competition."

"P-please do."

Alesteria set aside her embarrassment to ask.

The unparalleled beauty calmly brushed back her hair and gave a gentle command.

"Then you can start by pulling out your tits."


"Why the surprise? You're trying to seduce a man. You can't have sex dressed like that."

"O-okay. If you say so."

Alesteria tried to remove her clothes, but she was a princess and had never dressed or undressed herself.

"I will assist you."

Unable to watch any longer, Barbara approached and helped the girl.

"Thank you."

With her aide's help, she finally got the chest of her pink dress removed.

Barbara also removed the girl's frilly pink bra bought from the Legins Company. Her breasts bounced into view.


All of the onlookers reacted with awe.

Looking just at size, Silvia and Eulica had bigger boobs, but those melons had much more of an impact when combined with her childish face and slender frame.

More than just big, they were youthfully perky with smallish pink nipples pointed a bit upwards.

Even the other women had to sigh at their beauty. Torié and Lena stared at them with a combination of envy and arousal.

When Alesteria felt their oddly heated gazes on her breasts, she covered them with her hands.

That embarrassment was so cute Orfeo's penis began to grow.

"Oh, my."

It was now Alesteria's turn to stare.

"You gave him that erection," said Silvia. "See? Making men hard feels good, doesn't it?"

Alesteria nodded without taking her eyes off the penis.

Her cheeks were flushed with arousal. Sweat covered her body and she hesitantly lowered her hands from her breasts.

"But pleasuring a man feels even better. So touch it. Don't worry. It won't explode. Not right away, anyway."

At smiling Silvia's insistence, the bare-breasted girl crouched in front of the boy's erection.

She hesitantly reached out both hands and placed them on the rod like she was gripping a sword. Her palms were hot and damp. And with a brave cry of determination, she held it tight.

"Gh," groaned Orfeo.

He should have expected this from the Domos Kingdom's 1st Princess. Her kind face could be deceiving, but she was trained in the martial arts and had decent grip strength. With his weak point in her grasp, Orfeo barely managed to squeeze out his voice.

"A-a little gentler if you don't mind."

"Ah! R-right. Sorry! It's just so manly."

She gradually loosened her full-strength grip. As she slowly grew used to holding it in her hand, she started curiously rubbing and playing with it.

Silvia whispered in her ear.

"Isn't his penis wonderful when looking at it like this?"

"Y-yes. It seemed a little grotesque at first, but it's actually kind of cute."

Alesteria gave a mischievous smile.

"That entered you and thrust in and out of you, didn't it?"

That reminded her of her first time, so the princess pressed her knees together and wiggled her hips.

"It hurt, didn't it?"

When she nodded, Orfeo quickly apologized.

"Um, well, s-sorry."

Silvia stopped him with a smile and said more to the girl.

"But you can't forget it, can you? As time passes, you remember it more vividly and find you want it again, don't you?"

Alesteria was tense with embarrassment, but she still nodded, which made Orfeo happy. Silvia gently pushed her further.

"That is nothing to be embarrassed about. It is perfectly normal for a woman. Oh, some juices are flowing from the tip. Try licking it."


Alesteria watched as liquid visibly oozed from the hole at the tip.

She was clearly hesitant. Even as ignorant of sex as she was, she had to know that was where men peed from.

She froze up for a bit, but then she remembered how much the other women had seemed to enjoy licking it. Her stubborn refusal to lose was written on her face as she stuck out her tongue. Then she licked off the fluid gathered at the tip.


"Well? Tasty, isn't it?"

Silvia asked that question before Alesteria could say anything herself.

Orfeo did not see how it could be tasty, but it may have acted as an aphrodisiac for women because Alesteria began licking away at the penis head.

Licking up the drops was not enough for her, so she poked the tip of her tongue into the hole. Her tongue technique was poor, but it was adorable seeing how much she enjoyed licking it.

Silvia gently rubbed the blonde head of the princess who had just gained a taste for cock.

"You can't just lick it. You see the line running down the bottom of the penis? Run your tongue along that."

The princess licked down the underside of the rod as instructed and she finally reached the balls.

"Hee hee. You can feel the lively balls inside the sack, can't you? Those are the testicles. They're packed full of sperm."

Alesteria curiously played with his balls by poking them with her fingers and tongue, sticking them in her mouth, and rolling them around with her tongue.

He was not rapidly swept away to climax, but it still felt nice to have the girl he liked pleasuring him like this. He narrowed his eyes in bliss as he enjoyed her oral technique.

"And don't forget here♪"

Silvia pointed at his anus.

"Y-you can ignore that. It's dirty."

Orfeo quickly tried to stop that, but Silvia would not allow it.

"Alesteria, you want to make Orfeo feel better than anyone else, don't you?"


"Well, that is an important erogenous zone on the male body. You need to lick it."

Even the lust-crazed princess was reluctant to do that. Her cheeks stiffened and her eyes wandered side to side, but she could not back down with all those rivals watching her. She finally made up her mind and placed her tongue on his anus.


Orfeo writhed uncontrollably.

That pure princess's tongue was touching his most unclean spot.

It felt strange but good. He was a bit afraid that this was a pleasure a man was not supposed to experience. It embarrassed him so much to have all these women see his face distort with pleasure.


He could only cry out wildly at the ticklishness and pleasure racing up his spine at the tongue persistently licking him like a cat lapping up milk.

"It feels wonderful pleasuring the man you love, doesn't it?"


"Then pleasure him even more while remembering what I've taught you."

Silvia was behaving like a teacher, so it was possible she had taught the new entertainers like this. But that speculation was immediately erased from Orfeo's mind.

Alesteria licked from his anus to his balls and up his penis to the head.

She really did look happy licking away at his rod. Seeing that pure princess doing her very best to pleasure him filled Orfeo with happiness.


When the aroused girl's hot breath hit his saliva-wet penis, a tremor ran through his entire body.

"That was well done. Try breathing on it from time to time."

Silvia moved her beautiful face in next to Alesteria while the girl sucked his dick.

"Also, lick below the ridge of the head."

Alesteria moved to the left side to run her tongue below the head there and Silvia moved her face in as well.

The entertainer stole the lips of the princess to whom she was teaching her fellatio technique.


Alesteria's eyes widened.

She had been so focused on licking the head that she had not noticed Silvia until the woman kissed her with the manhood between their lips. The penis trembled as female saliva covered it from both sides.

"Nh, nhhh."


Alesteria backed off a bit when she saw Silvia's beautiful face and perfect makeup from so close up, but when she realized the woman was licking the other side of the penis head, her rivalry made her move her tongue again.

The woman and girl kissed from either side of the penis and tangled their tongues together.

It aroused Orfeo to see the two so greedily going at it on either side of the head.

They had to be aroused by it too. Drool dripped from their kissing lips and it soaked the cock between them.

Eventually, the manhood slipped out, but Silvia did not release Alesteria's mouth. This time, she stuck her tongue in the girl's mouth and stirred up the inside her mouth before finally letting her go.

"Hee hee. Give you one taste of a man and you get all horny on me. Hee hee. You're so cute♪"


Alesteria seemed overwhelmed by the lewdness of it all. She went limp and collapsed into Silvia's chest.

"Blowjobs are fun, but it's about time we moved to the next step."

Silvia suddenly grabbed Alesteria's bared breasts.

"Hold his penis between these wonderful boobs. He'll love it, I promise♪"


A light touch was enough for Alesteria to sigh sweetly and erotically.

She was so sexually aroused that her breasts had grown incredibly sensitive.

The small nipples sticking out from those large mounds were fully erect.

"L-like this?"

She scooped up those seductive breasts in her hands, leaned forward, and carefully placed them around the raging erection.

The hot manhood was contained within that soft flesh. The smooth flesh brought pleasure and the visual brought intense arousal.

"O-Orfeo, ah, do my boobs f-feel good?"

"Y-yes. R-really good."

She hesitantly asked and he honestly answered.

That pleasured her, so she started massaging her breasts between her hands.

"Ahn, it's hot. Your penis is so hot."

The princess had never even heard of a titjob before, so she looked intoxicated by how indecent it seemed.

"Do more than just hold it between them. Rub your hard nipples against the head. Like this♪"

Silvia had circled behind Alesteria and she placed her hands over the girl's. She then angled the nipples inwards, placed them alongside the swollen head, and rubbed up and down.

Orfeo was apparently not the only one who felt pleasure as that slight hardness rubbed against his penis. Alesteria flushed red and breathed a sweet sigh as she did her best to manipulate her own breasts.

"Ahh, hhh~~~"

Silvia teased the girl whose breaths were so heated.

"My, my. I think you might be enjoying this even more than him."

"B-but it feels so good when I rub my nipples against it."

Her face had sensually melted and she no longer had it in her to deny the pleasure.

"Oh, you're so sensitive♪ What a horny girl. Try it on your own this time. That should feel even better."

Even when Silvia let go, Alesteria continued the titjob. No, it actually grew more intense.

She lost herself in rubbing her hard nipples against his penis while also sticking out her tongue and poking at the hole in the tip.

He thought his penis would melt as her warm flesh surrounded it and her tongue licked it.

"Look how much Orfeo is enjoying it, Alesteria. You're the one doing that for him."

She looked up at him while surrounding his rod with her breasts and licking the tip.

When their eyes met, he knew what she was asking him.

"Your boobs are the best, Alesteria!"

"Oh, they're the best, are they?"

Orfeo heard a displeased comment from Torié and then a wall of flesh appeared around him.


All of a sudden, a topless Eulica, Barbara, Torié, and Lena were standing around him with frightening looks on their faces.

They would not want him to settle on just the one girl, so they would protest even if that girl was a princess.

He was unsure what to say, but those four silently communicated with each other via eye contact. Then they moved in all at once and pressed their breasts against his face.

"Wah, w-wait a minute."

He panicked, but those four ignored-and-very-horny women would not back down.

They pushed their lovely melons in as if trying to cover up his face.

No matter where he looked, it was tits, tits, and more tits. Some were big, some were small. Some were solid, some were soft. Some were smooth, some were plump. Some had small nipples, some had big nipples. Some had cool skin, some had hot and sweaty skin. Was this what you called boobs hell?

"What do you think? Are our boobs really worse than the princess's?"


Orfeo could not answer Lena's question. The breasts kept pressing against his face and different nipples kept entering his mouth. They all had a unique scent and their nipples were all different sizes. The only point in common was the fact that they were well worth devouring. He quickly forgot all about Alesteria and focused entirely on licking and sucking the breasts in front of him.


When Alesteria saw him enjoying those boobs, she frowned while still giving him a titjob.

"Hee hee. You don't want to lose to them, do you? Let's draw Orfeo's attention back to us."

She turned toward that kind voice and saw a giant pair of breasts.


Alesteria's breasts were large enough to drive Torié and Lena mad with envy. But when she saw Silvia's, she was reminded that her superiority was only among girls her own age.

These had more than just size. They had large nipples and a perfect bowl shape. The breasts alone had a gentle and mature sex appeal.

When the princess gave them an envious look, those attractive adult breasts moved toward her. Silvia turned Alesteria to the side and then pressed her giant boobs against the girl.

Alesteria's large tits and Silvia's gigantic tits pressed together with the penis between them.

"Hee hee. Now, let's make sure we don't lose to those people up there♪"

With an alluring laugh, Silvia grabbed and shook her own breasts. Alesteria could feel the movement in her own breasts.

When Orfeo felt the stimulation change from two to four, he peeked down through the boobs to see Alesteria and Silvia giving him a double titjob.

He felt faint from the visual effect alone.

"Ah, your big nipples are so hard. They're rubbing against mine. Our hard nipples are rubbing together, ahh, and it feels so good."

With Eulica, Barbara, Torié, and Lena at his face, a total of eight breasts were pressed against it and Alesteria and Silvia were pressing four more against his crotch.

With a grand total of twelve boobs surrounding him, he felt like the air itself had transformed into boobs.

"Oh, it just got even bigger. And it's twitching."

"Hee hee. Looks like he's at his limit. It's about time, so lick it, Alesteria."

That instruction was needless since the girl was already licking at the head sticking out from the titjob. Silvia demonstrated her own experienced tongue technique at the same time.


Orfeo cried out with breasts covering his face.

His male tree was visibly growing between Alesteria's breasts and the head swelled out. The hole at the tip opened wide and it erupted while throbbing between the four soft mounds.



Silvia had likely set it up on purpose, but the cum erupted right in Alesteria's face.

As it dripped from her face, it gathered between her and Silvia's breasts.

Orfeo, Silvia, Eulica, Barbara, Torié, and Lena all watched to see how the princess would react to her facial.

As they all watched nervously on, she stuck out her cute tongue and licked off what was around her mouth.

This was her first taste of a man's undiluted extract.


She frowned a bit, but she stopped the titjob and started licking up the semen on Silvia's breasts and Orfeo's lower stomach.

Silvia asked her a question.

"Do you like how cum tastes?"

"Yes, a lot."

She did not hesitate to respond.

After seeing Torié and Lena cleaning up his cum earlier, she may have assumed that was the normal thing to do.

She finished it by putting the flaccid penis in her mouth and sucking out every last drop still remaining inside. He felt like she was sucking out his soul.

"Oh, no. It's small again."

"Don't worry. Orfeo has inhuman stamina, so it'll be hard again soon enough."

Silvia soothed disappointed Alesteria and then Barbara let out an excited shout.

"You are so cute, princess! Please let me serve you in a new way!"


Alesteria was pushed back before she could do anything.

The loyal knight mounted her master and pressed her breasts against the young, cum-soaked ones.

"Ah, ahn."

Alesteria had never been interested in homosexuality, but her aroused body felt pleasure from this act.

"Oh, dear. She's confused her love with her loyalty as a knight."

Silvia sounded exasperated and Eulica held a hand to her temple like she had a headache.

"Oh, Barbara. So you finally couldn't resist, could you? She's always making fun of me for liking little boys, but she's always had stronger feelings for women than men."

Eulica was her best friend, so she knew how Barbara felt.

Torié clapped her hands together in understanding.

"So the guard chief fell in love with the princess and not the young master. She was only interested in him because the princess liked him and then she used him for sex until she could get at the princess."

"That's kind of messed up," muttered Lena.

Orfeo had to agree.


The way his semen was rubbed between their breasts was incredibly obscene. Also, their montes pubis were rubbing together.

"She really needs to read the room. Interrupting Alesteria and Orfeo's time together is just rude."

Silvia spat out her complaint before slipping aside Barbara's navy blue panties, sticking her thumb and forefinger into the woman's anus and vagina respectively, and massaging the thin wall between.


Barbara was a skilled enough fighter that she could probably strangle Silvia to death with a single hand, but Silvia was currently using just two fingers to make the woman scream like she was being strangled.

Her eyes widened, tears streamed down, drool dripped from her mouth, sweat poured from her body, and love juices squirted from her pussy.

The forced climax was almost hard to watch.

While Orfeo and the other onlookers gulped, Silvia extracted Alesteria from below Barbara.

The breast-to-breast stimulation had apparently been enough to make the princess cum because she had gone limp.

"My, my. Princess, it is still much too soon to relax."

Silvia embraced the girl from behind and then leaned back onto the floor.

"Orfeo, I imagine you are ready for an active role now, so show her what you can do."

Half-naked Alesteria was pinned in place on top of Silvia who still wore her seductive dress.

Next to them, Barbara continued to shake from her forced orgasm. It was a decadent and sexual sight, but Orfeo was more interested in Alesteria, so he lifted up her pink skirt.

"Wow, you're soaked down here."

"Nh, nhhh."

Alesteria seemed a bit out of it, but she trembled in embarrassment because she could guess what things were like inside her skirt.

Her long, slender legs were contained by white stockings held up by garter belts.

Her white panties might as well not have been there and her inner thighs were so wet it looked like she had pissed herself.

The thin fabric was so wet he could faintly see the pinkish color through it.

He gulped when he imagined what the vulva beyond had to be like.

Her beautiful breasts still had some of Orfeo's cum on them, so she could not have looked more obscenely sexual.

"Wow, the princess looks so sexy and cute. I'll lick off your boobs."

With that, Torié set to work on Alesteria's right breast.

"Teasing another girl's body is always so exciting."

Lena usually tried to remain composed, but she could not hide her arousal as she licked the left breast.

"Ah, wait, what are you doing?"

Once the two girls had licked off all the semen, they targeted the erect nipples instead.


Alesteria cried out and struggled as Torié sucked her right nipple and Lena sucked her left one, but Silvia would not let her go.

While faced by that alluring scene, Orfeo reached for Alesteria's panties and slowly lowered them.

A damp feminine aroma reached his nose.

It had been obvious enough already, but she was soaked with sticky love juices.

He gulped at the lewd sight, but then he reached for Silvia's indigo panties.

"Ah, did I tell you to do that?♪"

Silvia jokingly complained, but she could not move with Alesteria on top of her. He took advantage of that to take away that teasing young woman's sexy underwear.

She had an even stronger feminine scent.

A girl's labia and an adult's labia were lined up in front of Orfeo.

(Wow, they both have such tasty-looking pussies.)

They both had lots of juices coming from their vaginas. Even Silvia was extremely aroused after all the indecent things they had been doing.

They both looked ready to take a cock, but Orfeo took his time to compare the two since he had already cum twice.

The difference in maturity was apparent here too. Silvia's entire vulva looked a size bigger and more of the flower petals of flesh stuck out from the lips.

Orfeo placed his right and left index fingers on Alesteria's labia and his right and left thumbs on Silvia's labia and then he spread them both.

"Oh, you're such a horny boy♪ Is a divine princess's pussy really that different from a nameless entertainer's?"

Having her vulva compared to another woman's had to be one of the most embarrassing things imaginable.

Alesteria's entire body trembled and Silvia's tensed.

Orfeo repeatedly gulped as he viewed the sexual scene before her eyes.

"No, they aren't. But just like their face, everyone's pussy is unique, so I love looking at them."

"Really? But I would rather you licked them instead of just staring. Right, Alesteria?"


By this point, Alesteria had set aside her embarrassment so she could simply enjoy the pleasure, so she answered honestly.

Seeing all the fluids flowing out, he would have felt bad making them wait any longer.

He started by sucking at Alesteria's labia.


She arched her back when the stimulation finally reached that part of her body.

He searched out her clitoris and rolled it around with his tongue tip. He then licked the flower petals that stuck out somewhat and moved his tongue deeper inside.

She was flooded inside, so he licked all through that spring.

"Khh, hhhh."

She could not keep her hips from shaking and her love juices dripped down onto Silvia's vulva. He followed it down and slid his tongue along the lower set of labia.


As an adult, her labia were larger than the girl's. And licking them back to back made it clear that different vulvas tasted different.

The stickiness, texture, amount of fluid, and scent were all subtly different.

When comparing Alesteria and Silvia, Alesteria's labia had a stronger flavor. They were also stickier and had more fluid. That may have been due to her faster metabolism as a teenager.

It was not that either one was superior or inferior. He just found the differences interesting.

"Ha ha. You're good at this. Nhhhh."

Silvia's legs shook.

Orfeo had been helpless in the face of her incredible sexual technique when he lost his virginity, but now that he had a fair amount of sexual experience, he could tell she had her own desires as well.

She knew every possible way to pleasure a man, but she still got wet when she was horny and enjoyed having her pussy licked.

Orfeo felt confident he could make her cum hard if he continued going down on her.

But he was distracted by Alesteria twisting her hips restlessly.

"Orfeo, please don't stop. Ahh."

He was so happy to hear her asking for more that he licked up from the young woman's vulva to the girl's.

His tongue carried Silvia's nectar into Alesteria's honeypot.

He licked down along Alesteria's clitoris, urethra, and vagina and continued on down along Silvia's mons pubis, clitoris, urethra, and vagina. Then he reversed the process. He viewed the two sets of labia as a single set and enjoyed the unique form of cunnilingus.

"Ahh, ahn, ah."

"Ahhn, nh, hh."

He discovered that the two of them were more sensitive in different spots. Alesteria's biggest weakness was her clitoris. It was small but extremely sensitive. Silvia's weakness seemed to be the area around her vaginal entrance. She moaned especially loud when he licked there.

Orfeo was on all fours and engrossed in comparing the flavors of the two sex flowers, but then someone spread his butt cheeks and licked his anus with a warm and wet tongue.

A tremor ran through his body.

"Ahh. Young master, your ass is bitter but nice."


A pathetic voice escaped his lips, but Eulica was not satisfied simply licking at his anus because she pushed her warm tongue inside.

Thanks to the combination of the double pussy taste test and the tingling pleasure rushing up his spine from his anus, his dick grew hard once more despite having ejaculated twice.

As it grew erect, the tip was trapped inside a warm and damp space.

He looked down to see Barbara lying on her back between his and Eulica's legs.

In other words, she had been waiting for this erection.


His anus and penis were attacked simultaneously while two sets of labia dripped with a cascade of sex nectar before his eyes.

The arousal nearly fried his brain, so he transformed into a lustful beast and began licking up and down the vulvas in front of him.


"Hyah, ah, ah, ah, ahh."

Alesteria let out a shriek. Torié and Lena continued to suck at her nipples while Orfeo performed cunnilingus on her. Her small body began to tremble.

Pleased by her sensual moaning, Orfeo focused on only her vulva. It was easier to lick since it was on top.

He placed his lips on her small feminine flesh and sucked.


With another quick shriek, her limbs convulsed and lots of love juices squirted from her sexual slit. It hit Orfeo straight in the face, so he wiped off the stickiness with a hand and licked it from his hand.

"Ha ha," laughed Torié. "The Princess just came again♪"

"Hee hee," added Lena. "She's got such a lewd look on her face."

Orfeo looked up to see Alesteria's large chest rising and falling and her cute, coral-pink lips hanging open while drool dripped out. But her blue eyes continued to stare at Orfeo with intense desire.

He gulped loudly.

The hands Silvia was using to hold Alesteria in place moved down to touch the girl's nectary vulva.

"You feel an insatiable throbbing here, don't you?"


Alesteria weakly nodded.

"Hee hee. Once they have lost their virginity, some women cannot be satisfied by anything else."

When he realized what Silvia was saying and what Alesteria was thinking, Orfeo raised his voice.

"Eulica, Barbara, that's enough. I want to do it with Alesteria."

Eulica quickly left his ass and Barbara ended her blowjob.

He stole Alesteria from Silvia, Lena, and Torié's grasp, had her get on all fours, grabbed her round and bright white ass, and spread it.


She writhed a bit worriedly. She seemed to have realized what he was doing.

It was hard to believe his penis was so hard after cumming twice already, but he pressed it against her secret entrance.

It was already soaked with his saliva, Silvia's love juices, and of course Alesteria's own love juices. Her white stockings were glistening, so it looked like she had wet herself.

"H-here I go."


Orfeo's voice cracked with arousal, but Alesteria's was quiet.

Realizing she was likely recalling the pain of her first time, he slowly and carefully inserted it.

The rough and plentiful folds inside wrapped around his manhood. Her vagina wriggled like countless tiny fairies lived inside.

But due to the thorough foreplay, her soaked flesh persistently clung to his rod while smoothly swallowing it whole. Before long, it had taken the entire length inside.

"Ah, that…doesn't hurt?"

The memories of the crotch-splitting pain of her first time were still fresh, so Alesteria looked confused.

Once she managed to relax, Orfeo could not contain himself any longer. He began thrusting his hips like crazy.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ahh."

Once she discovered the joy of being pounded from behind, the princess moaned with pleasure while on all fours like an animal.

"Ahhh, ahh, ahh, I'm, I'm cumming, ahhh!"

A tremor ran through her body. The countless folds surrounding the penis squeezed tight and a shower of love juices squirted out.

For the first time, the princess was brought to climax by a cock.

(Okay, now I need to make her cum lots and lost more.)

Satisfied with making her cum without cumming himself, Orfeo continued his wild thrusting.

Silvia asked a question of the princess.

"So does having sex with Orfeo feel good?"

"Ahh, s-so very good, ah, ah, ah, ah."

Silvia shrugged at the princess's melted words.

"Learning the joy of sex is a wonderful thing." Barbara lovingly narrowed her eyes. "A world of endless pleasure awaits you. And I am more than willing to assist with that."

"Young master, you really have gotten good at pleasuring the female body," said Eulica in an exasperated tone.

Orfeo had moved his right hand to Barbara's crotch and his left to Eulica's. He also reached out his head to bury his face in Silvia's chest.

"Oh? Were you thinking of making us all cum at once?"

Silvia realized what he was planning while hugging his head to her chest.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Hee hee. You really are a horny boy. But there is nothing wrong with it. Assuming you can pull it off, that is."

Now that he had permission, he continued thrusting his hips to fuck Alesteria while he fingered Barbara and Eulica's pussies and sucked Silvia's nipples.

"What about us, young master?"

When Torié protested, Orfeo shouted over at her.

"Torié, you and Lena pleasure each other for now. I promise I'll make you cum after I- nph."

Silvia pressed his head against her even harder.

"C'mon, if you have time to make promises like that, then get back to my nipples. Making a woman cum from just that isn't easy, you know?♪"

He had trouble breathing with his face buried in those large mounds, but he kept his fingers, hips, and tongue moving in his stubborn attempt to make four women climax at once.

He knew Eulica and Barbara's bodies quite well. After having sex with them so often on the caravan, he knew the trick to making them cum.

Silvia was a pro, so he could tell she was getting herself worked up so that his stimulation to her nipples would be enough to get her over the top.

The problem was Alesteria. He knew the other three would match their orgasms to hers.

He was very careful as he continued to penetrate that feminine flesh.

"Hyah, ah, ahn, it's too much, ah."

While on all fours and being fucked from behind, Alesteria had no idea what was going on behind her and simply enjoyed the pleasure.

Orfeo was approaching his own limit as he tried to make the women cum and the girl he was inside could tell that best of all.

"Oh, w-wow. It's so big. It keeps getting bigger!"

Alesteria's eyes widened.

"Oh? Young master, are you at your limit? Ahn."

When Silvia teased him, he sucked more strongly at her nipple to tell her he could keep going.

That said, he was fast approaching his third climax while surrounded by female flesh on all sides.

The princess's hot and wet internal flesh squeezed at his manhood and would not let go.

"Ah, ah, ah, yes, ahhhhhhh!"


Alesteria orgasmed. Her sexual flesh moved even more vigorously and sucked at his penis.

It felt like he had stuck it inside an octopus pot.

(Ah, her pussy just gets better and better.)

While that royal pussy tormented his dick, he felt Eulica and Barbara's tits on his upper arms, their wet pussies on his fingers, and Silvia's soft boobs on his face. It almost felt like his entire body was inside a giant vagina.

In that state of ecstasy, he released his seed into the contracting vagina.

The hot liquid shot forcefully into her.

Being cummed inside was a unique experience and it seemed to trigger something inside Alesteria.

She looked like she was simply writhing on all fours, but she reacted quite sensitively to the change in the penis contained inside her vagina.


With a pathetic scream, she began to urinate.

"Ah, ahhh!"

Silvia, Eulica, and Barbara also released sensual cries. They had likely worked to time their climaxes with the princess's.

Their honeypots squeezed at the fingers inside them.

(I did it. I made them all cum at once.)

Orfeo was satisfied, but his knees gave out. He slipped out of Alesteria.


With the plug removed, the milky liquid flowed out of her.

It was such an obscene sight.

"Okay, do us next, young master."

"My pussy is all ready for you."

Lena and Torié embraced him.

"Wait just a second. He only fingered us to climax. Do you really think that's enough to satisfy us?"

"The throbbing is going to drive me mad."

Eulica and Barbara stopped the two girls.

"On that note, he only sucked my nipples and a nipple climax is no more than foreplay."

After Silvia's comment, Alesteria turned her dazed face toward him.

"I want Orfeo inside me more."

Orfeo may have had considerable stamina, but even he looked concerned now.

He was not going to escape this room without satisfying all of them.

Later, Orfeo, son-in-law of Domos King Lorent, became the Domos Kingdom's youngest ever prime minister on a powerful recommendation from his stepmother, Queen Ansandra.

Kingdoms of that era survived using the taxes placed on farmlands.

But he came from a merchant family and he successfully built up a system that was not reliant on such taxes.

The Domos Kingdom began to focus on establishing safe trade routes instead of pillaging agricultural regions or securing pastures.

Domos Prime Minister Orfeo. He went down in history as a shrewd politician who carried out an economic revolution during an age of war, but his name was most often used as an idiom for a henpecked husband.