
Harem Caravan

Some time has passed since the events of Harem Dynast, so Lorent and Ansandra have a teenage daughter and Lucy has a teenage son. The story follows that son who is childhood friends with the princess and has been placed in charge of a merchant caravan full of beautiful girls and women.

Jonas89 · 奇幻
6 Chs

Harem Caravan: Chapter 4 - The Princess’s Secret

"We were fortunate not to be caught in any wars."

Just as Eulica's relieved comment stated, their journey was progressing smoothly.

They had prepared as thoroughly as possible, but there was nothing they could do if they were caught in a war. The caravans from other kingdoms must have been requisitioned for supplies first.

"You never know when you'll run into a war these days, so you were quite lucky, young master."

They had been attacked by bandits a few times, but Barbara's precise instructions and the efforts of the entire caravan crew had held off any major disasters. And on the business side, Eulica's sharp negotiating skills had left them with a hundred times the wealth they had when they set out.

That naturally meant the crew was a hundred times its original size. Including the temporary hires, they numbered 2000. Size meant safety, so plenty of other caravans and travelers had gathered, giving the overall caravan group more than 10,000 people. No bandits were foolhardy enough to attack a group of that size.

Their biggest concern lately was the Orsini-Sabrina Double Kingdom which could be seen as Domos's greatest rival. That was a dangerous location for Domos merchants, but it was also a promising area for business and a good place for teaching Orfeo about society.

Their fears had proven unnecessary and they had safely finished business there, so they had traveled north to the Melishant Kingdom, a disputed region between Domos and the Double Kingdom.

Orfeo had never seen a more devastated region.

"So this is Melishant…"

He sounded depressed as he looked down at the ruined wasteland.

"Come to think of it, Princess Alesteria asked you to search for that Melishant princess, didn't she? I will arrange for that immediately."

When Eulica heard the boy muttering to himself, she immediately had Torié, Lena, and others to go ask about it.

Orfeo asked a question of his excellent second-in-command.

"Did you know about the tragedy of Melishant's royal family?"

"Yes, it is a well-known incident."

Melishant had tried to survive by submitting to Domos, but the loss of authority had led the top officials to rebel and slaughter the royals.

Holding this region was the same as pressing a knife against the Orsini-Sabrina Double Kingdom's throat. It was not hard to imagine a Double Kingdom plot had been at play in those events.

"I didn't know."

"You were still little then. And every kingdom's fall brings about countless tragedies."

The caravan workers made a passionate search, but they could find no information on the lost princess's whereabouts.

The best they had was a rumor found by Torié.

"They say Mimi the Heroic Thief allowed the last princess to escape. Of course, it's only a rumor. My guess is the people here need to believe that to keep themselves going."

"I see. Thank you."

They had not found any useful information, but they had not learned of the worst case scenario either. In a way, this left room for happy fictions.

Although if they had found some tragic information, Orfeo had planned to refrain from passing it on to Alesteria.

Alesteria had adored that kind person like an older sister, so he would prefer she believed she was living happily somewhere. It was not like keeping it from her would harm anyone.

"But why did that princess have to run and hide? If she went to Domos King Lorent even now and asked for protection, she would be set for life."

Lena said that with a cold look, but Orfeo did not understand.

"Um, what do you mean?"

"Whenever King Lorent conquers a kingdom or major city, you know he takes the princesses as his mistresses, don't you?"

"Of course. His womanizing is famous."

Domos King Lorent was known for his greed. He took kingdoms and women as he pleased.

And he often made mistresses of the royal family of the kingdoms he attacked and destroyed.

One of his women could be found in almost every major city taken by Domos. Eulica explained further:

"That is more than just womanizing. It is a part of His Majesty's ambitious designs."


Orfeo had been shocked by the king's virility, but he had never considered the possibility of further meaning there.

"Yes. The people of a conquered land will naturally resent Domos."

"I imagine so,"

Orfeo had to agree.

"But what if their former princess is violated by Domos?"

"Well, they'd be enraged by the cruelty, wouldn't they? And that would make them hate His Majesty even more."

Eulica shook her head with the look of a teacher who could not give her student's answer a passing mark.

"Temporarily, yes. But the child born of that woman will carry the blood of their former royal family. It will not be in the form they wanted, but they will have their royal family again. The survivors will do their best to serve that child."

Orfeo felt the scales fall from his eyes.

"I see… You can pacify them like that. So if Melishant's princess is found, she can become King Lorent's mistress and live an easy life."

"Of course, His Majesty's love of women does play a role."

Eulica shrugged.

With no real clues, they left Melishant and entered Exstar.

They were entirely in Domos territory now. As they continued their journey, they saw a Domos cavalryman approaching when they were three days out from the secondary capital of Curling.

The caravan prepared themselves for whatever might be coming as the cavalryman spoke.

"I come bearing a message for Caravan Leader Orfeo. It is from Princess Alesteria. She is currently visiting her lakeside villa up ahead, so she asks that you pay her a visit."

Orfeo immediately brought some rare foreign products with him to visit Alesteria at her villa.

He was led to what was really a small castle on the shore of a lake. The building was exactly as stylish as one would expect for a royal villa, but it also appeared to have defenses on the level of a small fortress.

"Ah~~~♪ It's been too long, Orfeo♪"

The blonde girl leaned over the edge of the lookout platform and waved.

"I see she hasn't changed."

Orfeo smiled bitterly, but not because he disliked this sort of greeting. He quite liked it, but it was also embarrassing.

Once inside, Alesteria soon arrived in a pink dress. Since she was breathing heavily, she must have run down from the tower.

Orfeo had his workers carry in a veritable mountain of treasures and handed her a catalogue.

"I must apologize for my long absence."

"I missed you so much, Orfeo. It looks like your trip was a success. Congratulations. Good work from you too, Barbara."

"Thank you."

The head guard was standing behind Orfeo, but she suddenly faced the princess and knelt with the perfect form of a knight. Orfeo was confused.


"I apologize for lying about my identity, young master. I am a Domos soldier and command Princess Alesteria's royal guards."

"Ah, ahhhh~~~!?"

Orfeo finally remembered where he had seen Barbara before.

She had been by Alesteria's side when he visited her at the royal court.

A military officer working as the Domos princess's bodyguard was entirely different from a wandering mercenary. And her royal guard uniform gave her an entirely different look to the bikini armor.

"Well? Did Barbara come in handy?"

Alesteria asked that in an affected way and Orfeo could only surrender.

"She helped out in more ways than I can count. Without her, I never would have stayed safe out there."

"Barbara is my most trusted servant. She is the strongest female knight in the royal palace and it is said even the male knights can't compare to her. When I said I wanted to go with you, everyone was very strongly against it, so I asked Barbara to go protect you in my stead."

That female knight was one of the top servants in the Domos royal palace.

(That explains how she fought off those bandits like it was nothing.)

He had thought she was incredible, but it turned out she was a truly extraordinary warrior.

"They say Barbara is General Lucy's favorite student."

"Eh? My mom's?"

"Yes. General Lucy taught me so very much. She almost feels like an older sister to me."

That explained why she had reminded Orfeo of his mother. She was essentially Lucy's right-hand woman.

The boy had been played for a fool, so he glanced over at the monocled young woman standing behind him on the right.

"Eulica, you knew, didn't you?"

"Yes. But your mother and Princess Alesteria both insisted I say nothing. I am sorry."

"I'm not sure why you had to hide it…"

It did not feel good to know everyone was keeping secrets from you.

Orfeo looked unhappy, but Alesteria had the look of someone whose prank had been a complete and utter success.

She laughed like a small bell, but then she changed the subject.

"Now, Orfeo. You have some stories to tell me, I hope?"

"Yes, of course."

Orfeo fixed his expression and bowed to the women.

The two of them stepped out onto the terrace overlooking the lake.

The breeze felt nice and the view was breathtaking.

They sat side by side at a white table and maids served them cold drinks.

"Now, where should I begin?"

Orfeo began describing his experiences in as amusing a way as he could.

"We ran into bandits in the mountains, pirates by the ocean, and thieves in an inn at night, but there was nothing to worry about with Barbara there."

Martial arts had been all the rage in the ancient kingdom of Ralfint. In Beatrice, a village of swordswomen, Barbara had sparred with a master swordswoman named Irene.

True to her title of master, Irene had easily won.

"Oh, my. There is a woman stronger than Barbara?"

When Alesteria expressed her astonishment with eyes wide, Orfeo grew more confident in his storytelling. He also began speaking more casually.

"Barbara learned a lot from her, so she's apparently even stronger now. Then we went to the southern sea."

"You went to the Jade Sea? Then did you meet Pirate King Ricardo?"

"No, I'm not important enough to do that. But I did see his flagship floating in that emerald green ocean. I also saw a pod of whales crossing the sea… Oh, that's right. I was planning to give you these. These are rainbow pearls from the southern sea."

Alesteria's eyes widened when she saw the pearls Orfeo handed her.

"My, they're so big. Too big to make into earrings. I'll have a craftsman from the Celeste region make a brooch with them."

"I felt the blowing wind on my cheek and saw the many cultures of the world. It taught me just how wide a world it is, but it also reaffirmed for me that Domos is the strongest kingdom there is."

Their conversation continued on and on, so the sun eventually began to set and dyed the lake red.

Alesteria suddenly pressed her body up against Orfeo.

"It is a little chilly, isn't it? Shall we go inside?"

"No, let's stay like this a while longer…"

She shook her head and he could not take his eyes off of her face which was so very close to him.

Her damp eyes and pink lips were right there.

(Sh-she's so cute…)

Alesteria tilted her head as he stared.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I was just noticing you have grown even more beautiful while I was gone."

"Hee hee. You know just what to say. Is that one of your merchant skills? And you've grown a little more manly yourself."

She took his hand.

And he moved his face toward her like it was being magnetically attracted to hers.

Their lips touched. It was a soft sensation.

As soon as he noticed that, he realized what he had done and quickly pulled his head back.

"E-excuse me!"

He panicked as he worried stealing her lips could get him executed, but the princess responded with just one word.



"…Again. Please."

The princess bashfully shut her eyes and held out her lips.

Orfeo felt something fry in the back of his mind. He kissed her again.


She groaned quietly because he had put more force behind it this time.

They rubbed their lips together.

(I love you, Alesteria. I love you!)

Caught by that explosive rush of emotion, he licked the princess's lips and then parted that gate of flesh to stick his tongue inside.

His tongue touched her pearly smooth front teeth. It must have tickled when he licked her teeth and gums because her slender body trembled a bit.

Then his tongue caught the princess's adorable tongue.

They kissed as the sun set over the lake. Their world was dyed red.


He was so engrossed in her lips that he found the sun had set once their lips finally parted.

Alesteria looked like all her bones had been removed. She could not move even after the kiss ended, so she limply buried her face in his chest.

He was fairly certain he could take her to bed without her resisting.

Since he knew the pleasures of sleeping with women, his young body was ruled by animal lust. But the sliver of rational thought left in his mind was afraid what would happen if he laid a hand on this holy and inviolable girl.

He had given up on her because of the difference in rank, but at this point, that hardly mattered.

(I want Alesteria for myself!)

That sliver of rationality was overrun by emotion. He was too impatient to invite her to bed…no, he was afraid she might refuse, so he pushed her back onto the couch instead.


He grabbed her breasts over her dress.

It was through the clothing, but he still touched her breasts.

And that touch told him they were not at all fake. She really did have both a childlike face and enormous tits.

He planned to stop if she resisted. He was not 100% confident he would be able to stop, but he intended to.

But while Alesteria did squirm in embarrassment, she made no attempt to escape his hands.

The way that pure princess blushed was incredibly hot. Now he wanted to see her face twisted in pleasure.

He kissed the pit of her collarbone exposed by her dress and then stuck his right hand up her pink skirt. He moved it between her legs and found her crotch.


Alesteria looked shocked at the sudden attack on her crotch.

His fingertips felt the finest of silks. Domos's 1st Princess of course wore luxurious underwear.

He rubbed up and down with his index, middle, and ring fingers. In his experience, three fingers would generally cover a woman's vulva.

With the thin fabric in between, it was not all that strong a stimulation. Still, he was applying pressure to her vulva. That would bring pleasure to most women. Alesteria was on the younger end of the women and girls Orfeo had slept with, so he figured a lighter touch would be just right for her.

While applying pressure through the panties to heat up her vulva, he moved the three fingers back and forth, stroked her blonde head, and rained further kisses on her neck, collarbones, and chest.

"Pant, pant, pant…"

Her face was flushed, she was breathing heavily, and she moved her legs restlessly.

Now that the pure princess was showing clear signs of arousal, Orfeo could resist no longer.

He removed his hand from her skirt and roughly loosened the chest of her pink dress.

That revealed a white bra. It was a luxurious piece of underwear made of silk cloth with gold embroidery.

As a merchant, he knew that one bra had to have cost as much as a small house.

It was a fusion of sexy and beautiful, making it perfect for the 1st Princess of the great Domos Kingdom. It had likely been chosen by an aide, but it was clearly designed to appeal to the male eye, to be easily removed, and to show off her royal status.

Once he removed that bra, there was no turning back. Well, he had actually passed the point of no return once he stuck his hand between her legs, but he had no idea what would happen once he did this.

He could hardly complain if Barbara or another of Alesteria's bodyguards rushed in and cut him down on the spot.

He could not tell if it was from arousal or fear, but sweat soaked his brow and his fingers were trembling. However, his male lust won out over his societal obligations.

The bra was nothing more than a scrap of cloth, but it felt oddly heavy as he removed it.

Her beautiful breasts rolled out.


Her soft skin seemed even whiter and shinier than the bra.

She was around the same age as Torié and Lena, but her breasts were massive when compared to hose growing girls.

The twin mounds looked too big for her slender frame.

But as large as they were, they still seemed different from Silvia and Eulica's adult breasts. They were youthful – fresh fruits that had yet to ripen.

As he stared at the beauty of her breasts, Alesteria tensed with embarrassment and hid them behind her hands.

"I can't look at them?"

"I don't mind if it's you, Orfeo. It's just that you have such a dirty look on your face."

She looked up at him with nothing but her hands to cover her boobs. Orfeo placed a hand on his own face and made an excuse.

"Well, of course it is when we're about to do something dirty. And the look on your face is a lot more sexy than normal."


She was used to being called cute or beautiful, but this must have been the first time she was called sexy. Her blush grew deeper.

"I'll make you even sexier. So move your hands…"

"Ahh… I was planning to invite you to my bedroom tonight, but we're going to do it here? You sure are impatient, Orfeo."

She gave in and lowered her hands. And with that confession, Orfeo had no more reason to hold back.

He grabbed both melons in his hands.


He massaged them to feel their firmness and springiness.

"Kh, Orfeo…that hurts."


Their size could put an adult woman to shame, but they were still a girl's breasts.

Her body was still not used to this sort of stimulation, so he had to handle it as carefully as a piece of glasswork.

Her boobs looked soft at first glance, but they were actually quite solid. As he gently stroked the surface, the cute nipples visibly poked out and hardened.

He flicked and rolled them around in his fingers.


She writhed on the couch like a kitten. A girl's nipples were sensitive once they grew erect.

Once those cute pink beads were nice and hard, he began sucking at them.


The sweet smell of her skin filled his nose. She likely took scented baths on a daily basis and the fragrances had soaked into her skin.

Orfeo was fully focused on licking and sucking her nipples.


He could not believe such a lewd moan had come from that adorable doll of a girl.

Emboldened, Orfeo alternated between sucking each nipple while pinching and stroking the other one.

"Ah, ah, ahn, ahn…nnnnnhh."

A tremor ran through Alesteria's body.

Orfeo had enough experience now to guess what this meant.

(Wow, she's sensitive. She came just from her boobs.)

She was so cute. She really was a blank slate sexually.

He wanted to be the one to teach her all about sex.

Driven by an urge to kiss all over her body, he had her raise her arm and kissed her armpit.

"Ahn, that tickles."

She tried to wriggle away, but he would not let her and licked her.

He enjoyed that body which was far more developed than her age-appropriate face and he finally lifted up her skirt.


She wore white stockings on her slender legs. Her panties were the same silk cloth with gold embroidery as the bra. Since he had lightly fingered her through them earlier, there was a small stain in the center of the crotch and the shape of the lips below was faintly visible.

The girl moved to lower her skirt on reflex, so the boy changed direction and removed her shoes instead. Then he kissed the bottom of one silk-stockinged foot.

"Wh-what are you doing?

Alesteria watched on in disbelief as he moved his kisses from her foot to her ankle, rubbed his cheek against her smooth calf, and licked her inner thigh.

Finally, his hand reached her white panties. The unexpected series of events had left Alesteria so mentally shaken that tears welled up in her blue eyes.

Orfeo could feel his fingers trembling as he tore the cloth away.


She sounded worried as he removed the panties from her legs.

A warm dampness rose to meet his nose.

It was the princess's sweet and sour sex scent.

She tried to close her legs, but he held the back of her knees to keep them spread.

Her mons pubis bumped out like she was hiding an egg there and a slit ran down from there.

It was more than just the scent. That was a raw female sex organ.

(So even a fancy princess has a pussy.)

Orfeo stared for long enough that tears welled up in the spread-legged princess's eyes.

"Sorry. I-I seem to have wet myself while you kissed me…"


Orfeo was shocked by Alesteria's lack of sexual knowledge.

(That must mean she doesn't masturbate.)

Eulica, Torié, and Lena were all in the habit of masturbating, but the princess was too sheltered even for that.

He was excited by how much there was for him to teach her.

"That isn't pee. Girls get wet like that when they're sexually aroused. And the wetter you are, the more attractive it is."


"So don't worry and get really wet. And don't hold in your voice. Let's let the whole world hear how sexual your moans are."

Orfeo placed his fingers on her labia and spread them.

The bright crimson flower within was nice and wet.

Unable to control himself any longer, he pressed his face to the princess's secret garden and breathed in through his nose.

"Ah, don't sniff there."

"Don't worry. It smells nice."

That was true. Apparently royal pussies smelled different from normal ones.

It was such a sweet floral scent. There was no lingering hint of urine, so it was nothing but a female aroma meant to seduce a male. That was likely the result of the fine foods she ate and the bath scents soaking into her body.

He felt like he was shoving his face into an angel's pussy.

Her more enthusiastic fans claimed she did not even use the bathroom and she smelled so pure Orfeo could almost believe it.

As he enjoyed her scent, he grew dizzy with arousal.

And while the scent could be disguised, the shape could not. That soaked flesh was undeniably a female sex organ.

It was all rather small, but there was a clitoris in its hood, a pinhole-like urethra, and a rose-like vagina.

(There's something whitish there. Is that her hymen?)


Alesteria clenched her fists like a baby and stiffened her body, but her sexual flesh twitched like an independent creature while nectar poured from it.

After observing to his heart's content, Orfeo extended his tongue and soaked the tip in her nectar.

It was not actually sweet. It had a unique sourness that felt tingly on his tongue.

He pushed his tongue into the folds and thoroughly licked around.

"Ahhn, ahh…"

Alesteria had been writhing in embarrassment at first, but once he began licking her vulva, she cried out in sweet sensuality.

A commoner girl and a princess apparently responded the same here.

Orfeo decided the time was right and slowly inserted his pointer finger into her honeypot.


Her body tensed and her virgin flesh squeezed tight.

(Wow, she's really rough inside.)

Orfeo was astonished at how many folds she had inside.

He had experienced a great variety of vaginas, so he could predict just how amazing his penis would feel inside there.

While enjoying the feeling of the many folds on his finger, he slowly began moving that finger.

"Ahh, hhhh~~~"

Her eyebrows twisted worriedly even as she moaned intermittently.

He then moved his tongue to her cutely small clitoris in its hood.


She cried out and her hips jumped when he touched the most sensitive part of her body.

But Orfeo was intent on teaching his princess childhood friend the pleasures offered by sex.

He gently worked open her vagina while thoroughly licking her clit.

He watched the reactions on her face while letting her gradually familiarize herself with the sensations.

"Ah, ahhh…"

He slowly exposed her clitoris with his tongue tip.

Waves of motion ran through her lower stomach and the sensitive bead finally showed itself.

(Good, it's out.)

Orfeo nodded in satisfaction once the entire red bead was visible.


The princess tensed again at having her most sensitive part exposed to the open air for the first time in her life.

That must have been enough to cause some pain and he felt bad seeing the small flesh pearl trembling there.

He decided to cover it with his mouth. And he rolled it around with his tongue while he was at it.


She once more clenched her fists like a baby and shook her head in protest.

The concentrated attack on the sensitive organ was too much for a girl who had never even masturbated.


Just as she cried out, some liquid shot out like a water balloon had burst and it got on Orfeo's face.

The virgin princess had squirted.

However, Alesteria did not seem to know what had happened. She had a vacant look on her face and her limbs were sprawled limply out around her.

She had lightly climaxed just from the caress of her breasts, but this was different. It must have been a true orgasm.

(She came. Alesteria came while I licked her pussy.)

Her chest rose and fell as she breathed. Her legs remained spread, so her glistening vulva was in full view.

When Orfeo pulled out his finger, her small fleshpot slowly contracted.

He gulped as he watched it.

His penis was pitching a very noticeable tent in his pants.

He could wait no longer, so he hurriedly pulled out his penis.

"Can I put it in?"

"Are you saying you will put your penis inside me down there?"


Legs still spread, Alesteria stared blankly at his penis.

That penis had already soaked in the love juices of around twenty women's honeypots.

"That is how men and women join together when they are in love, isn't it?" she asked.

"It is."

The look on her face was incredibly complex.

"I do want to be joined with you, Orfeo, but, well…isn't it a little too big?"

"Eh? Is it? I'm not really sure how it compares to the norm. But men and women are made to join together, so I'm sure it will fit."

"Th-that is true."

Alesteria still looked worried, but she gave a decisive nod.

"Put it in. I want to be joined with you"

"Okay. Here goes."

Orfeo climbed on top of the princess and pressed the swollen head of his penis against the small wet hole at the center of her spread thighs. After preparing to do it in the missionary position, he waited until she had just exhaled to push it in.


He forced his rod inside while experiencing the unique flesh-tearing sensation of a virgin. Eventually, it was entirely contained within her.

She was tight and stiff, but her flesh was so very hot. And she was wet all the way in. The intense squeezing of a virgin also applied pressure.

"It's all the way in. We've become one."

He pressed his upper body against her and whispered to her with his rod buried to the base.

With every other woman he had had sex with, he had imagined what Alesteria's pussy would feel like.

At long last, he had the answer. It was an emotional experience and he sensed love in every last fold of flesh.


He saw tears spilling from her eyes.

"Are you okay?"

She only nodded, so it must have hurt too much to speak.

He panicked when he realized he had focused on his own pleasure when this beloved girl was suffering from the pain of losing her virginity.

"Sorry. I'll pull out."


She suddenly raised her voice and held him close.


"Don't pull out!"

He asked a question while distracted by the soft breasts he felt against his chest.

"But it hurts, doesn't it?"

"It does, but it also makes me happy that I'm doing this with you. So I want you to keep going until the end. Please cum inside me."

Seeing her beg him with damp eyes filled his heart with emotion.

He honestly wanted to thrust his hips like crazy to enjoy her superb vagina.

But as he stayed still out of concern for the princess, he felt the tight virginal squeezing relax somewhat. Then the many folds began to move.

Once that happened, he could no longer restrain his curiosity about how good it would feel if he moved his hips.

"I'm going to move."


When he slowly pulled out, the folds wrapped around his rod as if to keep it from escaping.

(Wow, it feels so good I'd swear my dick was melting. I've never felt a pussy suck so roughly at me before.)

Sex with Eulica, Torié, Lena, Barbara, and the other caravan staff had felt good. Their vaginas had all been different and plenty capable of pleasuring a man. But Alesteria's felt different.

There were countless women who could squeeze tighter, but this was different than that. Her fleshpot was blessed with many ways of entertaining a man.

It really did feel like fucking an angel.

The way the small flower petals pulled back as his rod pumped in and out of her was incredibly obscene. She had such a lewd honeypot for someone with such a pure face.

"P-please, n-not so rough…"


The young boy was so used to letting his youth run wild with young women, so his hips had begun moving at their usual pace.

But when he remembered this was a princess in the process of losing her virginity and who had doll-like proportions, he focused on slowing his hips.

He slowed his pistoning until it seemed like he was comforting her.

The more relaxed pace allowed him to feel the more delicate movements of her vaginal flesh, so this felt quite good as well.

(Pussies feel good no matter how you do them.)

Orfeo made this new discovery while he carefully observed the princess.

Her firm and springy breasts bounced quite a lot with each thrust.

"Ahhn, ahh, ahhhhn…"

It had to still hurt, but her female instincts kicked in and sweet moans escaped her lips.

"Ahh, it feels like…your penis just got a little bigger again."

Alesteria looked resentful. Women could apparently feel every little change to the manhood inside them.

"That's because your pussy feels so good."

More and more of her internal flesh wrapped round his rod as it continued to grow.

Intoxicated by the sensation of the princess's virgin flesh, he finally reached his limit inside that paradise.

"I'm going to cum…"

He groaned and began moving his hips at the same rough pace that had made Eulica cry out in pleasure.


Alesteria screamed, but he was quickly reaching the peak of his pleasure. His hard erection swelled to the limit while her flesh wrapped around it.

"I-I'm cumming!"

He gave a shout just as his rod grew even larger and something passed through it. Alesteria's eyes widened when she sensed it.

Her female instincts exploded when she felt the hot liquid released deep inside her and then spreading throughout her vagina.



Orfeo released all of his desire and then pulled out his flaccid manhood.


Once the object skewering her was removed, she breathed a sigh of both relief and disappointment.

The white stickiness dripped out of her hole with some red mixed in.

Orfeo had done that, but he still had to tilt his head at how much semen he had shot inside that cute little princess.

(I had sex with Alesteria. I don't know how the fact she's a princess affects this, but she wanted to be mine.)

He renewed his determination and held the princess close.

"I love you, Alesteria."

"I love you too, Orfeo."

They kissed each other at the exact same time.

That night, Alesteria's servants prepared a sumptuous banquet for dinner.

It was served buffet-style because Orfeo's caravan had so many people.

"Are you okay, Alesteria?"

"Ahh, it still feels like you're inside me."

Alesteria was all over Orfeo from beginning to end.

Naturally, his other lovers were not exactly pleased with that.

Torié teased them while shaking her side ponytail.

"Y'know, just because you're horny doesn't mean you have to have sex right then and there. Princess, you're quite the exhibitionist for someone so cute."


Alesteria and Orfeo panicked and Lena calmly supplied the finishing blow.

"That terrace is visible from every window on the lake side of the castle. To be blunt, everyone in the castle was gathered around the windows to watch."

"Oh, no~~~" Alesteria blushed all the way to her ears and neck. "By the way, Orfeo. You did seem to know an awful lot about how to pleasure a woman. Were you having sex with them while you were away?"

Alesteria blurted out that question simply as a way to change the subject, but the entire room froze over.

"W-wait, you weren't actually cheating on me, were you?"

"Eh!? W-well, no… I couldn't be cheating on you when we never got engaged or otherwise promised our futures to each other…"

Torié and Lena slapped their foreheads when Orfeo stammered that excuse.

"I am not interested in your excuses!"

Heat flashed in his left cheek. He only realized he had been slapped after seeing the pearl-like tears spilling from Alesteria's eyes.

"Y-you disgust me!"

She ran off before he could say anything at all.

"Young master, you didn't have to answer honestly."

"You might have gotten pretty good in bed, but you still have a lot to learn about the female heart."

Orfeo sat there in a daze while exasperated Torié and Lena's voices rang emptily in his ears.