
The Hyoton - 1

'You're wasting your time in Leaf, kid. You're from 'that' clan, it's obvious from your abilities.'

'You little monster, hold still!'

'Haku's a Leaf ninja! No way he'd go to the Mist Village for something as stupid as that!'

'This isn't over.'


Haku rolled over. Sunlight that had been flooding through the window had tattooed crimson on his eyelids. His hair was splayed messily over his face, tickling his nose. Without a sound, he blinked his eyes open and sat up slowly.

'Even in my dreams I'm restless.'

Haku had dreamed of his father, for the first time in a long time, who he recalled few fond memories of. He used to think he had resented his father for being so cruel and unforgiving to him and his mother (as well as trying to kill them) until he remembered that he had been the one to end his father's life, 'I didn't mean to...he was not himself.'

He didn't like death, or the fact that he was fully capable of killing so easily thanks to his Kekkei Genkai. It seemed like he couldn't escape it. The guilt he felt for killing his own father out of pure desperation still stung after all this time. Haku had vowed that it would never happen again.

Haku absently groped around next to him for a hair tie, finding one, and proceeded to pull his silky black tresses into a ponytail. His dark eyes were glued to the blank wall ahead of him while he swam through the last of his mottled dreams.

'Why do I have to have the Hyoton? Why can't I just be normal like everyone else? I hate this. I hate that my parents are gone and I'm the reason for it.'

He turned when he heard Naruto mumble something indecipherable in his sleep. It was something joyful, 'Ramen maybe?' Haku smiled. The blonde's face was obscured by the blanket draped over him but he was sure the boy was grinning.

Next to Naruto, Gaara was also fast asleep, snoring gently. It didn't look comfortable, sleeping straight on his back like that, but Gaara still appeared peaceful. His fear of the Shukaku had diminished since Jiraiya and the Third's intervention, but there were still some nights Gaara had restless sleep. The day's excitement had tired him out and allowed him to sleep deeply.

Only recently had Haku been told that his best friends were both jinchuriki and he still hadn't thought about it much. This was because nothing had really changed after he had found out. They were still Naruto and Gaara, his friends who had become closer than brothers, and he was sure they always would be. After Haku had left his homeland they were the only family he knew.

Haku also felt a swell of pride rather than fear knowing that they were demon containers, 'Their sacrifice for holding the Kyuubi and the Ichibi keeps people safe every day from a demon's unrestrained wrath, not just in Konoha but in any village.'

He couldn't see why people were so fearful of Naruto and Gaara back in Leaf. It hardly seemed rational. They had never done a thing to warrant ill-will from anyone. If anything, they should have been treated like heroes for devoting their lives to their village. That was his opinion, at least.

Haku pushed aside his blanket and let himself stretch, listening to his shoulders crack, 'It doesn't matter to me if they jail demons or not, we're friends and nothing can change that.'

Just as Haku was about to further observe the depths of his loyalty to Naruto and Gaara, the blonde boy sat up, still asleep, but looked as if he were reaching for something. As abruptly as he had shifted, Naruto was horizontal again, snoring and mumbling, "Nmm are you gonna...?" Haku kept watching, amused that Naruto's dreams could even touch the physical world, "...eat that...mnf...fishcake...?"

'He's already hungry and he's not even conscious.' Haku noted, flinching when Naruto rolled over again, a flimsy hand striking Gaara right in the face, who miraculously slept right through the sleepy assault, 'Maybe I should go fix breakfast before he eats Gaara-kun's gourd...'

Gracefully rising to his feet, Haku stepped lightly over to the pile of travel gear in the corner of the guest room. He unceremoniously dove into a larger bag and riffled around in search of clothing. He had slept in his pants, so he pulled on the plain, white gi he had extracted and then quietly exited the room.

Naruto and Gaara's snores followed after him as he closed the door.

The rest of the house was silent compared to the room Haku had slept the night in. He continued to blink the sleep out of his eyes as he went down the flight of stairs and turned right to where he had recalled the kitchen to be.

Not to his surprise Tsunami was already there, setting a frying pan on the stove. Haku cleared his throat innocently and she turned to him, smiling, "Oh, good morning Haku-kun. Did you sleep well?"

He nodded, "Yes, I did. Thank you for letting us stay here, Tsunami-san."

"Not at all, it's my pleasure," She waved him off, cracking an egg expertly and opening it over the pan with a sizzle, "Have your friends woken up yet?"

"Not yet," Haku answered, "Would you mind if I helped you?"

Tsunami smiled, "No, over in that cabinet there are some bowls, if you can set them on the table please." He moved to the shelf she had pointed to and discovered a good number of ceramic bowls stacked on top of one another.

Haku vaguely felt nostalgia for the morning routine of his childhood which was spent with his mother preparing meals and cleaning. He knew that his mother was long dead but the memory made his heart a bit lighter.

After aiding Tsunami in preparing the morning meal, Haku returned to the guest room where, predictably, Naruto and Gaara were still sleeping. With a sigh Haku pulled the blanket away from Naruto who shifted in his sleep but did not wake.

"Gaara-kun..." His red haired friend wasn't as difficult to revive as Naruto was. Upon hearing his name his eyes snapped open and he sat up groggily. He flashed a look of slight annoyance at Haku.

While Gaara fought his way back to consciousness, Haku called to Naruto several times and even shook him roughly by the shoulders. He had to admit, Naruto could probably sleep through a train wreck soundly if left undisturbed; he was just so deeply asleep. 'But,' Haku thought to himself, 'His mind does have more developed areas of interest.'

"Naruto-kun, the ramen will get cold if you don't hurry."

"Ah!" The blonde leapt up, clear over Haku's head, "Wait for me!" He ran out of the room, partly-awake at the most, and the dark haired boy listened in slight amusement to the thundering sounds as Naruto half ran, half fell down the stairs, following the delicious aroma that hung in the air.

Haku didn't bother to hide his wide smirk as Gaara continued to laze about and yawn. Naruto was unique in the sense that whatever he deemed to be important, whether it be friends or food, would be something he would give his best effort to, 'Well maybe friends more than noodles.'

"Don't rile him up," Gaara stood, scratching his neck, "He'll scare the people who live here." He moved to lift his gourd with only one arm (He's getting stronger...Haku noted in wonderment), and then turned to leave the room without a second glance.

"Only with his appetite." Haku replied and promptly followed after Gaara.