
waiting for the Interview results

Jennie paced back and forth like a lost kitten, wondering what would happen if she doesn't get the job or her allergies got her kicked out or her love for every color made her psychological unfit . she was so lost in thought she did not notice when Lily sat in front of her till she heard a sweet voice say "child you should save all your energy you are going to need it , have a sit " , Jennie heart skipped,her eyes were holding on to tears "I have good news and bad news what do you want to know first" Jennie took a deep breath and asked for the bad news first " you have a mountain of documents to sort alphabetical in the young Master study then you have to mop and clean the study, pardon me asking are you comfortable moving to the maids quarter today, breakfast is by 6, lunch by 12, dinner by 6,fruit break is whenever you are free"...a scream left Jennie lips and the tear from her eyes drops , Lily thought she was having a mental break down only for her to receive a warm hug, kisses on her cheeks and lots of thank you's .

Lily was shocked , Jennie was so excited about not being homeless she forgot about everything and asked Lily to "lead the way to the study". it's was a interesting walk to the study, the house gave old delicate beauty and beast castle to Jennie it's didn't bother her ,Lily already informed her on where everything was, how quite she has to be not to disturb the young Master and how she must give this job her all then Lily pushed her to knock the study door then ran away giggling shouting best of luck child .

The door open and surprisingly she expected babysitting a child or a teenager atleast but a full grown man stood in front of her , with his curly hair and strong jaw line ,his bald dark body was so shiny and beautiful ,he had to be a model his too fit and tall to not be one damnn was he fine she said in her head . before she could introduce herself she heard a deep breathy say "I hope you are not planning on looking at me all day , the documents are on the ground get in or you get out " she quickly enter to see a multiple mountain of paper lined up opposite the study table "I hope you can read you would need it dearly dear maid, don't forget alphabetical order plus I want dinner early today so hurry up or you have no food nor sleep till you are done ".