
Jimy pity hey kha

Grandfather ignored Jimy at that time and opened the apartment door to enter, after the door was opened Jimy held them both.

It made them even more annoyed with Jimy and looked at Jimy with displeased eyes.

Jimy who saw hey kha and Mr. Tan who began to feel uncomfortable with his presence said.

"I'm sorry …, I don't mean to bother uncle and Miss. but I'm curious about one thing."

"Master, curious about what … ??" Ask hey kha to Jimy, staring at Jimy with annoyance.

"What is your relationship with Juan Yin … ??"

Hey kha and grandpa was so surprised to hear that man mention the name Juan.

Hey kha again ask Jimy.

"Do you know Juan … ??"

Jimy who heard hey kha say the name Juan felt there was something else with a title like that.

"Are you Juan Yin's cheating … ??"

Mr. Tan and also hey kha was even more surprised to hear what Jimy said.

Grandpa took a broom and beat Jimy to get out of the place.