
Handsome Hero

The story is written about a person who accomplishes many impossible things in his life. Some aspects of his life are highlighted in the story. How he made his life career beautiful, if anyone wants to be like him, but you need to read this book. The protagonist has some extraordinary features in the story which is why the story calls him a Handsome Hero. Reading the story can change a person's life. The whole story is about the rise of a human being. The protagonist did some good deeds to make life beautiful and good which was beneficial for everyone. The difficult things in the story have been made easy to stay good. His name is W. Dr.W Very sincerity person. He doesn't do bad things, he does what he likes, his childhood, student life was all great, but some bad things want to consume his life, the story is about how he avoids it and builds a beautiful life.Dr.W is very good man. author's note :- Social Account & Contact info: #Discord account :@Soft_heart#6019 Server link : https://discord.gg/Ss5X5eu4 #follow Author instagram :@_soft_heart____ Subscribe YouTube :Soft Heart Twitter :webnovel_writer. 25 power stones _ extra 1 chapter per month 50 power stones_extra 1 chapter per week 100 power stones _extra 2 chapter per week 250 power stones _extra 3 chapter per week 500 power stones _extra 4 chapter per week 800 power stones _ extra 1 chapter per day 1000 power stones _extra 2 chapter per day 5000 power stones _extra 3 chapter per day 8000 power stones _extra 4 chapter per day 11000 power stones _extra 7 chapter per day. ..................... _______________ Author : I hope everyreader read this book very quietly & Another speceh author's think the book very popular near to the reader.

Soft_heart · 作品衍生
28 Chs

Control proper life

One person can't proper control their life .life has some rules and some steps

Dr. W say Dr. xnfo

Most people want to be in good health, experience well-being, be satisfied with work, accept themselves, be respected, and have supportive relationships. If your life feels hectic, monotonous, or incomplete, then you need to get back in control. Anything that holds value in life requires time, effort, focus, and is likely to cause discomfort along the way. Be the person you want to be, and live the life you want by learning how to change your thinking, make lifestyle modifications, and be productive.

Is it the ability to influence your destiny, regulate your present, keep your negative behavior in check, or do you simply want more willpower? Taking control of your life requires working through multiple challenges, including your own perceptions, building self-confidence as well as taking an action.

The first step to succeeding in anything is to know and accept your strengths and limitations. Show compassion for yourself. Accept not only the good but the bad too. Always strive to improve the things you don't like or that you struggle with.

Understand why you do what you do and forgive yourself. Self reflection is healthy and positive. Self-criticism and feeling guilty are unproductive behaviors that do more harm than good, so if you catch yourself in one of these patterns, remind yourself that there are healthier ways for you to work things out.

Their daily routine included a dizzying array of activities and responsibilities that kept them constantly stressed. Getting their kids out the door to school was an ordeal, involving much haranguing and eating on the run. After working long hours, they arrived home to a laundry list of other duties. Constant interruptions from electronic devices made them feel on call to their workplaces and disengaged from each other. Though unhappy, they didn't know what to do or how to make a change.

For many of us, the pace of life has accelerated to a level where we can't fully adapt. We exist in a buzz of worry that we're not doing what we're meant to do, and the anxiety we feel, in turn, makes it difficult to get things done, creating a spiral of inaction. What we need is more agency: the ability to cut through all of what pulls at us, find emotional and physical balance, think more clearly, and advocate for ourselves so we can take a course of action that makes sense. With agency, we can feel more in command of our lives.

Agency begins with what you let into your mind—meaning what comes in from your environment. If you are lacking agency, it's likely your attention is being hijacked and you need to figure out how to restore it.

For example, research has shown that having a phone present while you work distracts you and interferes with your capacity to think. On the other hand, taking a walk (especially outdoors) is a good way to restore depleted attention in your brain so you can concentrate better later.

To help you increase your agency, practice going to quiet and screen-free spaces to escape overstimulation. That may mean spending time in nature, turning off your phone notifications while at work, or avoiding eating in loud cafeterias.

It's impossible not to be affected by those around us—it's easy to "catch" their emotions, for example, and our brains tend to synch up when we associate with other people. That means you should set boundaries with difficult people, disentangle yourself from negative online interactions, and be more conscious of how you might be vulnerable to "groupthink"—pressures to behave or think in ways that are contrary to your values.

Increasing your awareness of how your emotions and beliefs drive your thinking, influence your behavior, and affect your judgment will help you navigate life with greater confidence. While uncovering these inner thoughts and emotions may take effort, being more self-reflective helps you keep grounded by slowing down your thinking process.

For example, try to catch yourself the next time you feel angry with yourself. Don't automatically accept that harmful emotion or, worse, dwell on it. Instead, pause and question it. Why am I feeling this way? Am I pressuring myself too much? Maybe my beliefs and expectations need some adjusting. Start by slowing your thinking down. Take slow deep breaths. Take yourself to a quiet place. Consciously let go of the tension building up in your muscles. These simple techniques will relax you and keep you more self-aware. This enhances your agency by putting you more in charge of what you feel and think.

By learning how to recognize our inner emotions and thoughts, name them, and let them pass through us, we can practice more self-control, which also helps build greater agency.

Think of intuition as deep inner knowledge that is comprised of millions of data points that our brains have observed over the course of our lives. When used wisely, it can be a tremendous boost to our creativity and help us make important decisions, thereby increasing our level of agency.

Many of us are familiar with visceral, gut feelings about people or things—such as when you meet a new boss and sense right away that he's bad news. When you're in situations involving unclear social demands with few clues to navigate them, this type of intuition can be useful to you. However, you must be careful not to confuse intuition with bias and prejudice. In situations where emotions are running high—like during a job interview or when swiping on Tinder, for example—it's best to slow down, take a breath, check in with others, and get more information rather than relying exclusively on quick, automatic impressions.

Strategic intuition, a second type of intuition, is more intentional. For example, you decide to stop thinking about a particularly vexing problem at work and—while on a long run, in the shower, or after meditating—a solution avails itself.

Finally, "expert" intuition happens after long periods, sometimes years, of practice at a particular skill. Here, less conscious parts of your brain are able to take over, provided you stay calm. Think of a pilot handling an emergency landing who allows their mind and body to perform as needed, without consciously thinking through each and every step.

You can get better at using intuition to inform your decision-making if you learn to quiet your mind, develop a greater awareness of what you're thinking and feeling, and listen to your body.

Building self-control can be challenging, but it is possible to create change in your life and manage impulsivity. Feeling more in control of yourself and your actions can lead to feeling more in control of life, feeling more empowered about who you are, and helping boost your feelings of self-esteem.

Having strategies to help you resist temptation in the moment will help you build self-control. Start by making a list of the behaviors you'd like to control and the situations that often trigger the behavior. By recognizing the moments when you get the urge to act impulsively, you'll be more equipped to create a delay between the urge and action.

Creating space in your thinking will help you reevaluate your actions from a more rational viewpoint. This will also help you learn how to create a delay in your actions instead of just acting upon your urges.

For example, if spending money or shopping is one of the areas that you want to build self-control, place a twenty-four-hour hold on any purchases before you buy anything.

Most people want to be in good health, experience well-being, be satisfied with work, accept themselves, be respected, and have supportive relationships. If your life feels hectic, monotonous, or incomplete, then you need to get back in control. Anything that holds value in life requires time, effort, focus, and is likely to cause discomfort along the way. Be the person you want to be, and live the life you want by learning how to change your thinking, make lifestyle modifications, and be productive.

Consider your values. You need to determine what your values are so that you can get your priorities straight. Think about what and who is important to you — Is it freedom, happiness, equality, money, your family? Write down a list of your values , preferably in order from most important to least important.

Think about what you are doing right now to support each of your values, and how your values are affecting your life. It can help to consider what a person that you respect would think of your values and whether this would change what they are.

When you improve beneficial character traits and virtues, you will gain more control over your life. This is because having these traits will encourage you to obtain your goals and taken on other qualities that you want. Good traits to work on for this purpose are courage, temperance, wisdom, and self-discipline.

Having courage means you draw on your strength and willpower to accomplish what you need or want to, despite some form of adversity. For example, this can be taking a business risk, doing well in school, or some selfless act that sets you apart from others. Courage is the opposite of fear, and can be developed by allowing yourself to be vulnerable, acknowledging your fears, exposing yourself to the things you are afraid of, and doing acts that are considered courageous regularly.

Temperance (moderation or self-restraint) is important because it allows you to maintain perspective, calmness, self-control. For instance, showing restraint from arrogance by behaving with humility can prevent you from destroying relationships.

Wisdom encourages you to gain knowledge and experience so that you can use information for a higher purpose, such as in service of humanity or living a good life. You gain wisdom through trying new experiences, trial and error, and seeking knowledge.

Self-discipline is imperative to gaining control of your life because it allows you to put all your intentions into action. This skill is developed over time and with practice as you accomplish each smaller goal on the way to achieving a larger vision. Always visualize your goals like you have already met them. Practice self-control every day by making small changes and sticking to them, even something like opening every door with your left hand. Being successful at these small changes will make the larger ones easier.

Decide what motivates you. Many of us have a passion—something that we enjoy and that drives us to succeed. Think about what you would like to do in life if nothing stood in your way. If you don't know, then you will need to write down the activities you like to do that make you feel good. Consider what inspires you as well as your skills

goals. Find out what you really want out of life this year — a house, a good job, a healthy relationship? Write each goal down, and then come up with ideas that can help you accomplish that goal. Write these ideas down into positive action statements, such as, "I will save up money." Then, go over all your goals and ideas, and decide on three goals and three action statements for each one that you will do.

Avoid statements like this, "I don't want to be shy anymore and keep being lonely." This doesn't define a direction to go or an action to take to meet your goal. Instead, try something like: "I will be more open to building relationships with this year by saying "yes" to every social invitation and asking a friend to do something at least once a week."

Consider your options. Don't define yourself by your problems but by the opportunities available to you.

If you are struggling to pay the mortgage, focus on how you can earn a raise, make extra money on the side, or change jobs, instead of ruminating on your lack of funds.

If you want, you can set goals according to different areas of your life, like work, health, relationships, etc. Break goals down into short-term (daily, weekly) and more long-term (monthly, yearly) ones. Examples might be: eat six servings of fruit and vegetables every day, work out four times a week or lose ten pounds this year.

Don't be afraid to modify your goals and ideas as time goes on and you figure out what works and what doesn't. The point is that you take control of your life and the direction you are headed

Too many of us live our lives based on what we think we're supposed to do or should be doing. Without realizing it, we've let others' beliefs become our own. That's fine when those thoughts leverage our strengths and passions and move us toward our dreams. But all too often, these internalized assumptions lead us in the wrong direction and cause us to make choices that are inconsistent with who we are and what we want. So, we take the job that fills the wallet but not the heart. We overcommit and are plagued with guilt and resentment. We give and give and never get back what we want. And we wonder how we got here and what to do about it.

Renting has several advantages over owning. You know exactly what your monthly cost is- you're not on the hook for unexpected repair and maintenance costs. You're free to move on much shorter notice than a homeowner.

Our time is filled with things we have to do, while our dreams are filled with things we assume we can't do. Social and financial obligations dictate most of our behavior, while the remainder of our choices are constrained by fear.

Life becomes a series of things that happen to us.

But it doesn't have to be that way. You can systematically conquer your anxieties and eliminate the external obstacles holding you back. You can take back control. Your life can be yours.

Stop spending time on social media

Social media is by far the number one way that people waste time when they should be doing something else. Worse, it usually isn't even fun- social media has become a cesspit of pointless arguments, unhealthy social comparison, and painstaking image management.

Social media is a useful tool for keeping in touch with people and planning events, but you shouldn't be hanging out there. Check Facebook once a day and focus on living your real life.

Keep your home and workspace clean and organized

Remove the physical clutter, and you remove the mental clutter, helping you to focus on what you're doing rather than how messy your environment is.

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