
Handsome Hero

The story is written about a person who accomplishes many impossible things in his life. Some aspects of his life are highlighted in the story. How he made his life career beautiful, if anyone wants to be like him, but you need to read this book. The protagonist has some extraordinary features in the story which is why the story calls him a Handsome Hero. Reading the story can change a person's life. The whole story is about the rise of a human being. The protagonist did some good deeds to make life beautiful and good which was beneficial for everyone. The difficult things in the story have been made easy to stay good. His name is W. Dr.W Very sincerity person. He doesn't do bad things, he does what he likes, his childhood, student life was all great, but some bad things want to consume his life, the story is about how he avoids it and builds a beautiful life.Dr.W is very good man. author's note :- Social Account & Contact info: #Discord account :@Soft_heart#6019 Server link : https://discord.gg/Ss5X5eu4 #follow Author instagram :@_soft_heart____ Subscribe YouTube :Soft Heart Twitter :webnovel_writer. 25 power stones _ extra 1 chapter per month 50 power stones_extra 1 chapter per week 100 power stones _extra 2 chapter per week 250 power stones _extra 3 chapter per week 500 power stones _extra 4 chapter per week 800 power stones _ extra 1 chapter per day 1000 power stones _extra 2 chapter per day 5000 power stones _extra 3 chapter per day 8000 power stones _extra 4 chapter per day 11000 power stones _extra 7 chapter per day. ..................... _______________ Author : I hope everyreader read this book very quietly & Another speceh author's think the book very popular near to the reader.

Soft_heart · 作品衍生
28 Chs

cheer up

Dr. w a cheerful person. He always stay happy & enjoy his life, He celebrated occasion. One day a occasion he told everyone how to cheer up of life .

He is one of the few who can cheer up in his life.He talked about how to cheer up in life.

There are a lot of strategies a person can use to change their mood and outlook over the long term, however, not nearly as much attention is given to how a person can bust their bad mood fast.

Life is all about life itself and the most important person in life is none other than you. So, with words left unspoken, it is conceivable as to why one should self-care to cheer up life. According to a recent statistical estimation by the World Health Organisation (WHO), nearly 56 million Indians suffer from depression and approximately 38 million Indians suffer from other anxiety disorders. Ever since the pandemic, a visible rise in the number of patients suffering from mental health illness has come to our notice. With the stringent measures imposed on the public to limit the spread of coronavirus, people across the globe have had a tough time getting aligned with the new normal.

Every once in a while we find ourselves in a bad mood in need of a cheer up. Maybe you got a flat tire on the way to work, or the coffee shop messed up your drink order, but either way, you need a pick-me-up. You need to change your mood to happy.

There are a lot of strategies a person can use to change their mood and outlook over the long term, however, not nearly as much attention is given to how a person can bust their bad mood fast.

Still, your attitude in the moment can have a big impact on your day and your life-at-large.

The good news is that if you find yourself slipping into a negative or self-defeating mood, there are ways to quickly right the ship.

Studies have shown that putting on a smile – even if it is forced – can lead to an almost immediate flood of endorphins. This endorphin release is actually triggered by the movement of muscles in your face, meaning that smiling carries this benefit even when your heart really isn't in it.

Endorphins released by smiling serve to improve your overall happiness and reduce stress by triggering the stress-reducing hormone cortisol. Simply put, endorphins are feel-good neurotransmitters, and smiling can give you an extra boost when you need them most.

Second, you can do what is called a "Rampage of Gratitude". Rampages are typically associated with being over-the-top expressions of negative emotions, but that doesn't have to be the case – they can be over-the-top expressions of gratitude and positive emotions as well.

If you find yourself slipping into a negative mood, spend the next minute going on a gratitude rampage.

Identify everything that exists in your life that you have reason to be thankful for, and spend a moment reflecting on each thing that comes to mind. Be thankful for the existence of those things, and be thankful for your own existence. It's even more powerful if you express each thing you are grateful for out loud.

The truth is, everyone has countless reasons to be thankful, and spending a few moments focusing on those reasons can do a world of good for your mood.

What I like to do is just stand up and walk around for a few minutes and appreciate everything I see.

For example:

I appreciate the carpet on the floor. It makes everything much quieter and more beautiful.

I am grateful for the people who made the carpet and the people who installed it.

I am grateful for my computer and the internet that lets me interact with all my students around the world.

I am grateful for my cell phone ,laptop.

I am grateful for my Amazon Echo and Alexa, whom I can ask anything of, and she always has an immediate answer.

I am grateful for Pandora, especially the James Taylor and Paul Simon channels.

I am grateful for the weather in Santa Barbara.

I am grateful for my stapler and my scotch tape dispenser that allows me to keep everything in order.

Even the little things matter.

Research has shown that as little as minutes can begin to alter your state of mind. The short-term benefits of meditation are just as beneficial as the long-term benefits of meditation.

If you're in need of a relaxing pick-me-up, take a couple minutes to meditate or perform a few deep-breathing exercises.

Even just a few minutes of meditation can serve as sort of a mental reset button, reducing stress, calming worry and anger, and leaving you in a noticeably better mood.

The power of a few minutes of repeating positive affirmations is something that should be used.

Positive affirmations are a proven technique to improve your mood, reduce stress, and boost your confidence.

The trick is that your subconscious tends to believe what you repeatedly tell it. This is why people with a negative outlook tend to end up affirming their negative views as truth in what amounts to a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Thankfully, the reverse is also true, and positive affirmations can be used to convince yourself that the positive things you tell yourself really are true.

Your positive affirmations will vary depending on your own goals, interest, and current situation, but choose affirmations that will uplift and inspire you, then spend a minute repeating them to yourself.

Here are a few examples of uplifting affirmations:

I am courageous and I stand up for myself.

I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.

I have everything I need to do anything I want.

I am becoming more calm and centered with every breath I take.

I am joyfully and peacefully completing everything I need to do.

I am using my limitless gifts and talents to accomplish all of my dreams and goals.

I always find solutions to any challenges and roadblocks and easily move quickly past them.

The next tip is to simply go outside and get a little sun.

There's a reason that depression rates soar in the winter time when the sunshine is less frequent. In fact, some studies have shown that people who get more sunlight exposure during the day sleep better at night, are more alert and productive, and are less likely to suffer from conditions such as depression.

Sunshine can be just as beneficial for a quick mood boost, too. If the weather and your location permit it, step outside, take a few breaths of fresh air, and soak up a little sunlight. It shouldn't take long before you begin to notice the benefits.

The last tip is to give someone a hug. Physical contact is one of the all-time best mood improvers.

Like smiling, giving someone a hug releases a flood of feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters that are great for reducing stress.

These include cortisol and oxytocin – both of which are powerful mood improvers.

If there's no one around you that you feel comfortable hugging, try giving yourself a self-massage.

Rubbing your temples, forehead, hands, and neck is a decent stand-in for physical contact and has been shown to have many of the same benefits.

Working on improving your mood in the long-term can certainly boost the quality of your life. Changing your mood fast, though, can go a long way to improving your current day. In addition, quick, short-term improvements eventually add up to long-term results.

Try one of the tactics we just covered for changing your mood in 60 seconds or less the next time you need it. You should be able to curb your bad mood and quickly cheer up back into a beneficial state of mind.

Anyone who has spent some time living would know that life is full of ups and downs. At one point or the other everyone experiences down times (which could result from loss of a loved one, loss of job, disappointments etc)

and would need someone to stand by them, cheer them up and help them get through the difficult times. You could be that person for your friends and family when they go through such times.

change is always a good way to self-care. Who wouldn't like to explore a new place and experience a new culture? Traveling to another state, or a country can refresh your mind and soul. Some people prefer to travel alone while others find it more exhilarating when they travel along with their friends or family. Either way, traveling helps one to reconnect with nature and rejuvenate your mind.

People are passionate about various things. To some, photography is life, to others, it may be trying out various cuisines. From designing clothes to doing dance choreography, each one of us has had some or other hobbies which made us happy back in the days.

Knowingly or unknowingly, we tend to compare ourselves with others. Instead of focusing on carving out a better version of ourselves, we keep comparing our weaknesses against other's strengths. This can be destructive and will develop insecurities within oneself which may hinder one's growth. Instead, focus on your growth, compare your present with your past and be happy about the accomplishments you have achieved so far.


is the key to success, while meditation tames a person to become well-determined. Silence is referred to as the meditative state of mind. When in silence, we learn to master patience and keen observation skills. Prayer and meditation are the stepping stones to reconnect with one's inner self. Keeping aside some time to meditate and pray will be extremely beneficial to refine our thoughts and to discipline our minds.

The power of the subconscious mind is something beyond our imagination. 'Your vibe attracts your tribe'. Similarly, the manifestation of good thoughts will attract positive energy from nature and only let good things happen in your life. Keep yourself away from toxic relationships and from people who brings you down. Always surround yourself with people who look forward to bringing out the best in you. This is best thing you can do for yourself in self-care

Eat healthy to stay healthy

Health is wealth. To stay healthy, following a good diet is important. A healthy person will be more energetic and enthusiastic to carry out the daily responsibilities in life. Nowadays people often miss out on their breakfast to either rush to school or the office. Our body needs the energy to work and we need to eat on time to gain energy. Therefore, never skip meals and ensure that you eat nutritious food to stay healthy and self-care.

Each day brings you an opportunity to treat yourself well. Buy your favorite chocolates, wear your favorite dress, laugh out loud at little things, call your friends often, spend time with your family and forgive one another, for life is too short to hold grudges.

Most of us believe that we should be happy all the time. And therefore, we feel bad about feeling unhappy or upset.

But it's okay to feel unhappy.

In fact, how can you experience happiness without feeling unhappy sometimes? That's simply not possible.

Besides, if you resist unhappiness, you only make it worse.

That's why it's a good idea to sit with the feeling. Feel bad for a while. Let it happen.

Instead of resisting, notice how you experience unhappiness in your body. What happens within you? What thoughts are you producing? How does it make you feel?

Simply paying attention is a good way to relieve some anxiety. And understand that experiencing sadness sometimes is a healthy part of life.

The beautiful brain you are gifted with is your curse at the same time. But if you learn how to use it, instead of it using you, then you can do amazing things with it.

One powerful way to use the brain is through curiosity.

When you become curious about what's happening, you can instantly change your perspective.

This seems rather obvious.

Yet, somehow people tend to punish themselves for feeling bad. You might tell yourself that you don't deserve to do something to cheer yourself up.

But once again, that's resistance. And resistance won't help you.

Instead, it's often a good idea to take your mind off whatever occupies it. To do something else and return to whatever needs to be done later.

Do something you enjoy like reading a book, watching a movie, playing some games, or literally anything.

Even though you may feel like you don't deserve it, relaxation is sometimes the best way to cheer yourself up again.

Stop feeling bad when you're having a lesser day. And stop calling yourself names whenever you experience such things.

The more you can accept it as a part of life, the better off you will be.

Combine that with one of the seven ways to cheer yourself up, and you will be back on track in no time.

Here are some related articles that might help you further:

You need to cheer up your friend because you don't want them to stay down for good. Chances are, they ran into a problem.

That problem might be insignificant. If you're not around to remind them of that, though, they might not realize that.

Looking for ideas?

Try these:

Board games – Sit down opposite each other and talk while you battle it out. Monopoly and Snakes and Ladders are classics.

Virtual reality – MMORPGs are excellent options.

Sports – Bowling and mini-golf sound fun if your friend is up for it.

No matter how you want to write a note to your friend, don't forget to do it by hand. They may appreciate it better if a personal touch comes with the package.

Here are cool ways you can do it:

Use Post-it notes – Post-its are colorful and can give off a happy vibe. Write chunks of messages then leave them where they could see them easily.

You can meditate in lots of different ways. Walking, breathing, mindfulness, sitting. Any way that works for you is good. Let yourself be with anything other than your thoughts: inhaling peace and exhaling the funk.

Martha Beck trained coaches – like me – talk about the 'Hall of Champions' – the people in your life who lift you up and help you carry on forward. If you don't have this list already, write it down. Then pull them up whenever you need them and imagine exactly what they would say if you were having a heart to heart with them about it all.

The imaginary conversation is not working? Reach out. Ask for help. Great people, successful people, people who seem fuelled by a bottomless well of confidence all reach out and ask for help if they need it. Who can you call and ask "Can you just tell me I'm awesome?"

Can't get up and go do that thing? Images can have an instant, powerful effect on our subconscious. What images help boost you up? Many of my clients say nature-based images – of trees or mountains or the sky – do it for them. Find the, print or save them, and have them where you can easily access them. This entire practice works with one of our innate talents: state-dependent memory. Basically, we can remember something when we enter into the state we were in when we created the memory.

One way to move past the thoughts is to move your awareness somewhere else. Get your groove on. Dance, ninja, dance. Need inspiration?

Simply noticing that your thoughts are not serving you and knowing that your thoughts are not based on the whole truth can help you find freedom from them.

Cheer up of your life can't not be stop.But some times stop.

More power stone ,continue reading the book

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