
Chapter 58: the first battle

Running through the forest was 20 soldiers one of the dwarfs in a bit more fancy armor yelled gods damn it they just keep on coming I knew allying with you damn long ears was a mistake yall are to soft that's when a woman in a bit more fancier silver armor nash her teeth angrily spotting back saying maybe if you damn dwarfs didn't spend less time drinking and more time on testing your equipment we wouldn't be in this situation they was your bloody weapons the dwarf nash his teeth also spitting back dont you dare talk about our booze like that unlike you damn long ears flat boring drinks us dwarfs drinks gots actual flavor and a kick to them but that's when one of the other elves yelled captions they are catching up that's a white spiked demon dived down at this elf thats when the dwarf in the fancier armor turned around brandishing his war hammer and bat away that small white demon that demon flow back and hit a tree the moment it hit the tree it poofed into black dust that's it I am done running I am going to stand and die like a dwarf juggernaut is meant to go out in battle the ten other dwarfs stopped and prepared to attack with him the elf caption turned around telling no come on Gimli we got to run there's so many there's a monster town close by we can us them as bate and run away but the familiar dwarf Gimli shrugged his shoulders saying you do what you want but I am staying and fight besides no son of thor ever runs from battle no matter the odds the moment he said that his hammer sparked with lightning the army of demons was about ontop of them when the elf caption side unsheathing her sword and walked next to Gimli saying so be it I will die with you my friend Gimli laughed at least you will be in company the same can't be said for me the woman laughed with him before saying fuck you Gimli before raising her metal knights shield in front of her saying one last fight old friend Gimli side one last one indeed it has been fun Stream so let us take as many as these fuckers down as we can and he gripped his hammer tighter the demons was on them at this point the group of 20 let out a battle cry and was about to lunge forward when they heard a cold commanding voice yell archers fire and the demons in front of the group of 20 got filled with arrows the demons hit the ground not turning to black dust but them dying opened a area better the group of 20 and the demon army shield wall that same voice yelled and running in front of this group of 20 was heavily armored snake and lizard folks the lizard in the center was the biggest and strongest looking out of them all he had scales as black as night on his head was a black ploom and a halberd was his weapon he slammed his huge shield in the center as he bellowed form on me the other scaled folk did with fast trained hands they slammed there shields down next to his interlocking them in a line spear out the lizard yelled and like that they lowered there spears through small cracks in the wall that's when a cold wind blow this clearing and the 20 figures turned around brandishing there weapon a figure bigger then the black lizard his scales shined like ruby's in the moonlight his snake hood had purple black and gold patterns in hit on his face was a toothy fanged smile there he had on a Greek style chest plate and helmet with a red ploom but his arms and part of his waste was covered in chainmail on him back was two curved black swords and in his hands was a bident its blades was glowing blue and the shaft was glowing green but the part that made them all grip there weapons tightly was his glowing slitted eyes that burned with an angry fire behind him were skeletons that had a ghastly green echo over there bones this snake waved his hand saying undead to the front we you're with me the skeleton nodded and rain to the front and longed at the demonic beings that were charging forward I walked up to the two captions and smiled at them saying AzmoNekros leader of the tribe you wanted sacrifice surrender or join the dead your choice the two figures looked at each other before the dwarf called Gimli dropped his hammer saying ok mate but do you mind if we keep are weapons till after the battle I laughed y not I don't want to kill yall but if I must I will besides and I walked passed them right when Mesh yelled in the trees fire and more arrows rained down upon the demons who screetched angrily you wont get fare Duke watch them with that I shadow walked in front of the shield wall and slowly started walking forward as I walked my shadow started to move and extend over me till a winged shadow figure formed behind me and appearing on this figures face was a jester mask the huge smile and eyes glowed bright green it held up his hands and my curved swords shootout of there sheathes on my back and floated above me the edges started to glow white as frost slowly came off it as this happened the figure seemed to laugh just before it grabbed my two swords and it appeared next to me as a shadow copy of my body but is face still had that jester mask it matched my speed but it seemed to be chuckling silently and slowly my face was covered under my helmet and what formed was a black snake grinning skull with glowing purple eyes thats when I heard this 

Congrats Nekros for reawakening the ability to make undead and ghost 

Congrats Nekros for reawakening a unique ability of your own make shadow jester

Congrats Nekros for reawakening a unique ability of your own make shadow demon 

Congrats Nekros for reawakening a unique ability of your own make shadow mask

I chuckled hearing all of these arrows rainned all around me and my skeleton was ripping, chomping and cutting through the demons who was struggling to harm the undead that didn't mean they didn't destroy a few of them but that was to be expected I got to the front of all this finally a 3 strange huge purple demonic gorilla charged at me for the front and sides I shadow demon and I looked to each other and chuckled as the gorilla on are sides throw a punch at us walk the one in the front banged his chest but I disappointed into the shadows and appeared behind gorilla I thrust my bident through its body the next moment boom it upper half exploded wall at the same time the gorilla that punch at my shadow demon its punch simply passed right through it like it wasn't there my shadow demon side agrily and in one clean swift movement he swung one of my curved swords up cleaning cutting his off the last grills was stunned yo see its to mates die but before it could react my shadow demon appeared in front of it and I appeared behind it I thrust my bident through its chest wall he cut its arms off the next second boom the gorilla exploded that's when I got a cold feeling so I swooped places with my shadow demon and passing through his chest was a bone spear my shadow demon spun around cleaving the head off a strange purple and yellow spiked demon with my bident as I lunged at a huge boney spiked creature if I remembered right these was bone demons scary looking fuckers but no matter I slammed into its side it screeched at me before swinging its very sharped barbed tail at me but I simply spung under it and swung one of my blades up cleanly cleaving its tail off the bone demon screamed in pain as it stood on its back legs swinging its long thin arms at me I smiled and blocked both claws with my blades sparks flew and a load boom noise echoed through the area the moment its claws met my swords the demon was shocked to see I could match its strength I grinned mockingly up at it saying I win the next moment a bident head tabbed through its chest from behind and standing behind it was my shadow demon it giggling happily as he twisted my bident in this things chest when he did boom a huge hole formed in this bone demons chest purple blood and guts rained down onto me but I simply looked through the hole at my shadow demon saying there's azmo it laughed happily as it flipped over the body and landed next to me as it cot a arrow I side looking to who shot the arrow and funny enough it was Mesh she looked very embarrassed that she missed but my shadow demon simply through the arrow like a dart it sank into a huge brown demon that was controlling the chains it was wrapped in at the end of these chains was a very sharp hook the arrow flow and sank into its one of its eye it screeched angrily as it turned around swinging its chains towards me I simply smiled disappearing into the shadows wall my shadow demon just walked forward brandishing are bident menacingly the hooks moved through my shadow demon like it wasnt there the chain demon was stunned seeing that I appeared behind it and tapped one of my swords on its shoulder saying looking for me it tried turning around but I simply thrust my blade into its chest it looked down to the frosty blade that stuck through its chest there was fear and shock in its remaining eye the next moment its body quickly froze I pulled out my blade which shattered the ice sculpture a cold mist slowly rose up from the chunks on the ground I turned around smiling that when I sensed something flying towards me I my body stayed backwards unnaturally and swinging over my head was a huge dark red axe passed over my head I twisted my body throwing my self back using my hand when I stood up I seen a bulky red oni looking creature it had on dark red armor and its faces was angrily staring at me I noticed several smaller oni figures similar to this one was running towards the shield wall this is when I noticed most of my undead had been destroyed I heard Shosa yell brace for impact but I didn't focus on them sense I had bigger problems and I looked to this oni figure smiling it pointed its axe at me before drawing a thumb across its throat I laughed sure big guy sure and I shadow walked in front of it and swung my swords up it tried to block my strikes with his axe but my swings was to fast soon he was taking steps back as small cuts started to form these small cuts soon got bigger in seconds the oni screamed angrily and swung its axe up at me not caring for the damage I smiled at it my body starting to sway unnaturally as I spun to the side swinging my swords and as his axe flying passed me my blade but off one of his arms wall my other sliced across his chest it screamed In pain as his axe flowed out of his hand and stank into a tree his severed arm still gripped tightly around it he held his blooding stump and took several steps back from me there was fear on its face as he stared at me I laughed saying no, no you started this fight dont you remember you did this and I drug a thumb across my throat it shook its head like it was disagreeing with me but could care less of its attempts to beg for mercy I side shaking my head saying you have disappointed me and I walked away towards my army the oni was stunned seeing me walk away a huge vicious smile spread across his face as he pulled out a hidden dagger from under his armed and stood up lunging at my back I heard Mesh yell Azmo watch out but I also heard that commander dwarf yell Hunter behind you I glanced behind me with a huge grin saying I win the moment I said that a bident was thrust through this oni chest and boom a huge hole appeared as my shadow demon stuck its head through its chest and looked at me laughing I chuckled at its action I noticed the other oni was almost dead Shosa was doing well commanding those in his ranks wall Mesh and her group rained arrows down on the enemy I simply sheathed my blade as I sat down on a shadow chair my Shadow demon walked next to me and handed me my bident before disappearing let them fight I mumbled smiling it will be good practice for the future.