
Chapter 31: I am awake

It was odd I thought when the hero falls unconscious they are meant to have a life altering vision that would boost there power or something but that didn't happened but what did was the nightmares a replay of my life and it wasn't a pretty one I remember I never had anyone and I bounced from one adoption home to another I remember the first time I did get adopted I was 5 it was from a young couple who seemed perfect and they was for the first few weeks but one night I heard a bottle shatter which woke me up that's when I heard the quiet weak whimpers I ran into the kitchen to see my adopted father had his hands around my adopted mothers throat and her face was starting to turn red from lack of air I screamed and tried to push him off of her but he slapped my away so hard it turned my hole body around I hit the floor crying my last memory was seeing that woman look to me and smile before she died and like that it was nothing but darkness till I woke up in a hospital apparently one of the neighbors heard the battle brake and the fight so they called the cops I remember the cops asking me some questions my adopted father and that was it hell they wasnt even very nice about it soon after that the doctors did some checks on me to see if I was alright other then a hand Mark that took up the hole left side of my face I was fine after that I was back into a shelter I remember I would wake up screaming do to the nightmares so much so that I got kicked from one shelter to another this is soon when I realized no one was coming for me like in the fairytale there would be no Knight in shining armor it was a very hard reality for a 7-year-old child to both understand and accept but I did this is when I started stealing to survive this is also when I started fighting against kids my age and bigger even if I was outnumbered I didn't care how hurt I got as long as I felt the thrill of fighting hell by the time I was 13 I was in underground fighting arenas and the best part was I was getting payed to fight it was thrilling hearing the crowd cheer my name ones I started getting payed for my fights I stopped stealing I had no use to steal anymore sense I had money I got cot up in some gangs and street fights but nothing more and I didn't kill anyone hell I avoided killing anyone o how the times had changed hehe but no matter but even when my body felt good and I smiled and talked to others but they couldn't see I was a dead man on the inside I had been a prisoner in my own head and thoughts and this is how years passed that was up intell I met Red my first friend and the rest is history these nightmares plagued my dreams for years but the dream of seeing that woman being killed was the most common so I didn't get much sleep well that was in till I met Layla and like that my prison was gone it was almost like a bad dream that I woke up from but after this the bad dreams started over and over I wasn't sure when I started noticing things that I didn't before but it happened like one of the street fights I was in was over a shipping house used for smuggling or a car I stole that had gold bars in its trunk the more and more I started to notice the batter my understanding of the criminal world and the more understanding I got the more ideas I started to form but sadly this is when the voices started to come back there was many I wasn't sure if these voices was my own subconscious or what all I knew was they had been with me for a very long time and only just recently stopped when I found out I was a half-blood and met Layla and my family but no matter I was to us to this it didn't affect me much I could hear my own thoughts very clearly and the rest was just noise in the background but the memories stopped and darkness took over and I was left with my thoughts I wasn't sure when I noticed it but after a while I realized I was back on that black sea the souls didn't bother me it was early quiet I looked around my eyes getting sharp you might as well come out whoever you are I can sense your eyes on my and I wasn't lying the hairs on the back of my neck was standing up and my Instincts was screaming at me I wasn't alone I heard a familiar gruff voice chuckle I turned around to see a man walk out from the darkness this man was probably 7 foot or maybe trailer and he was as buff and thick as a pro wrestler he had on a dark red and black leather trench coat that want down to his knees he had black pants and red leather chaps wasn't sure what leather he used but I had a feeling I didn't want to know he had a red undershirt on with a black vest and around his waist was a dark red gun belt on his feet was cowboy boots made from crocodile scales and on the back of his boots I seen silver spurs on his head was a black hat that had two gold Calvary sabers crossed on it as I started at this man who walked towards me the temperature got hot and the smell of iron spread through the air but I didn't mind the smell sense it was very familiar to me the smell of blood the closer this man got the more my blood started to boil in anger but I didn't let that show on my face the man finally stopped probably 5 feet or so away from me I started up at his tan skin face into his eyes his eyes glowed brightly with a blood red fire and I seen the horrors of war but unlike that time with Layla this was way different I could not only feel the horrors of war but it was like I was there I could smell the corpses I could see the arrows and bullets fly over my head the smell of gun powder the screams coming from both friend and foe but the biggest thing was I could smell and sense the fear and despair in the air yes the fear of death and the despair of not being able to live on and grow old these things over whelmed my senses but I calmed my self down in a few breaths and I didn't look away from this man who I knew was Ares he had a huge cocky smile on his face hello nephew I assume you know who I am I chuckled nodding indeed your Ares Greek God of War or so the stories say he laughed you got a sharp tongue lad good you will need it tell me did you like my little gift I raised my eyebrow asking that was you he simply nodded with that huge grin but y I asked he shrugged simple cuz you had forgotten many important things from your passed if it wasn't for all those things you want through this Hunter Nekros standing in front of me wouldn't exist it is time to stop running lad its time to stand and fight it time for blood to be spilt what will you do Hunter Nekros and he poked me in the chest and he had that huge cocky smile huh what will you do lad and like that he turned around and started walking away whistling a town I yelled what do you mean what should I do he laughed your a craftsman figure it out your self and build it with your own two mans hahaha good luck lad o and wake up and I heard a snapping noise and like that I opened my eyes sitting up quickly but I immediately regretted doing that cuz when I did my side and chest started to hurt like hell I looked around crazily but I realized I was in a familiar room I heard people talking on the floor below me the room I was in was pretty empty a bed a chest and meer and that was really it o and a window that the sun was shining through I looked down to my chest to see my hole chest was covered in bandages I still had my pants on and around my neck was my necklace and I felt my switchblade in my pocket but I didn't see where my gun belt was or my hat for that matter I through the covers off of me and tried to stand up but I immediately feel back onto the bed my chest burning with pain I grit my teeth and pulled my bident off my neck it formed in my hand and I used it to help me up my legs was shaking but I was able to take one shaky step them another then another after 5 faith step I nodded stepping again but this time I stepped into the shadows I reappeared downstairs in the living room where I heard all the noise coming from when I appeared I feel to one knee holding my chest and black blood rolled out from my eyes Hunter and moving next to me was Layla who looked fully held I whipped the blood from my face standing up I am fine dear and I looked to the others Slade and Evelyn was sitting next to each other holding hands wall Bill was in a old rocking chair smoking from a pipe all of them looked fine and all the damage from the battle was gone it was obvious to me I had been out for a few days Layla helped me to sit down in another rocking chair next to her as I sat down my bident want back around my neck so how long have I been out I asked as I pulled out tobacco and paper and started to roll me a smoke they looked to one another I could see worry and concern in there eyes and in a slow hesitating voice Slade responded a week and 2 days I side nodding as I lit a match lighting my smoke I waved it out and took a few puffs sying again well shit what have I missed they didn't answer me at first but it was Bill who answered me and he filled me everything that had happened apparently some people from camp arrived soon after I want unconscious apparently they was supposed to be are back up and take us back to camp it was one of them that bandaged me up but none of them had any nectar or ambrosia so I would have to heal naturally and get lots of rest or that's what they said after that nothing interesting happened after that but Slade got some more livestock and some hired hands which were good I took a puff from my cigar nodding sound like fun but Layla grabbed my hand and looked at me worriedly Hunter you were talking in your sleep what happened I shrugged blowing smoke out from my mouth I got a recap of my life as a gift from a certain war God Layla was shocked so was Bill he leaned forward you talked to father what did he say I shrugged smiling it was time to stand and fight he said it was time for blood to be spilt and he told me to make something they all was shocked what did he want you to make Evelyn asked I smiled shrugging not sure he didn't say but you have a idea what he meant don't you Layla said smiling I nodding smiling indeed I do but it would take a lot of work and we would need more people then just us 5 a lot more Slade leaned forward seriously what do you got planned Hunter I smiled and used a shadow tendril to grab a certain leather toob that the enemy leader had on her saddle I sensed it was hanging behind Slade my shadow tendril throw it to me and I cot it faster then Slade could react hi you but I stared at him he sat back down in his chair lowering his head but my eyes scanned over them all they all looked away from me and lowered there heads I shook my head opening this toob and pulling out the rolled up paper on the inside as I said you all should know better to keep things from me especially when it's something like this I unrolled the paper and looked it over and I was right it was a map of the East cost it showed locations to hideouts and outposts of the Templars plus I assumed this also showed business and storage buildings on it as well and there was way to many for 5 people to get rid of in a short amount of time I nodded throwing it onto the tea table in front of me and leaned back in my chair rocking it as I smoked Bill leaned forward asking so you got a plan or not Hunter I opened one eye smiling if you call completely destroying these locations and stealing there loot a plan sure but this would take us a year of nonstop combat killing these fuckers and taking in those who surrender but after that Layla and I won't have long after that Bill, Slade and Evelyn was shocked hearing this what do you mean you won't have long after that Slade asked Layla and I looked to each other and side Layla leaning back in her chair saying that's hard to explain but the simple answer is we don't belong in this timeline you see we are from the future Evelyn laughed that's very funny Layla haha there is no way anyone could go back on time ant that right Sir Bill but Bill was white-faced and his eyes was wide like he finally found a lost peace to a puzzle right Sir bill she asked her voice shaking in fear Bill side taking a few puffs from his pipe its not impossible there are a few demigods who half traveled through time but they are very, very, very rare plus most would just come out and say it like they did sense it could change the future so the fact they did means we already knew right and he looked to us we both nodded he side that explains a lot let me guess that story you told me when we first met was a lay I chuckled scratching the back of my head a little embarrassed yea it was Bill chuckled you are one damn good layer but no matter let us not focus on that we still got 2 years with you so let's make it worth a damn Slade nodded I agree and what better way then blowing up a few buildings I laughed that's what I like to hear but that's when a burst of pain shot up my side ow that hurt I said holding my side as I grit my teeth Layla was shot to get up but I held up my hand smiling at her saying dear I am fine its just a bit of pain its fine she side sitting back down I looked to the rest of them smiling well I got to go heal my self we got plenty of souls that will do the job and like that I shadow walked outside and sat down crossing my legs and closing my eyes I spread out my spirit power and I wasn't shocked to sense a few remnants of souls flying around I simply stated absorbing them as I did my body was healed quickly and I felt better then ever time passed and I was pulley healed I stood up smiling time to go and unleash hell onto them let us go have some fun and like that time passed quickly.