
punishment of a spoiled son!

Holding her breath for a moment of despair, gazed all over the place with wandering eyes as she was doing her best to conceal her anxious from the strangers in the room.

Reminding of his childhood until he gets a well-built man, apart from his eager for power and keen to gain his mother's attention.

He was different from all her children; some sparkle lived in his eye that made Laura's body tremble in fear and excitement at the same time. She hated him from all of her heart, although, at the same time, she couldn't live without his son.

The one who was there whenever she had a problem, the one who always stood by her side when she was in grief, or when she had to make a reluctant decision!

He was his friend all her life and she never really cared about him. Never paid sufficient attention to her beloved boy, she knew that if Brishen wasn't there, she couldn't get rid of her second and even third husband. And still, she saw him as garbage all her life.and now she should get a sinister decision for her son?

Who would do that? After Brenner, she promised she wouldn't harm anyone who has her blood, and Brishen was the one!

Narrowed her eyes to fight back, her tears struggling between herself and her beloved ones. Brayton stepped closer to take her arm, and she let him, why not? , she felt deep in her heart that she needs a company. Someone she could trust and in sought she only had her bastard son, maybe princess was right, maybe Laura never was the queen who people are talking about all the time.

Maybe she was only another proud queen who picks herself before everything, even her own family? She took a deep breath; however, there is no air around to can inhale, the world around her got darker and darker, her knees couldn't tolerate her weight anymore before Brayton could hold her, she falls on the ground.


She heard his familiar manly tone, But it wasn't Brayton's. It was the one who she was thinking about. Felt that she could listen to Brishen voice whimpering for his life, Laura laid her palms on the ground, king and Brayton held her arm and dragged her onto the bed gently as the king ordered to get Laura some water or something.

She felt the coldness of the pillow under her cheek so cold and soft that made her tear run out from her eyes; she felt door got open, and this time Robert got in, of course, he wasn't there! Of course, it was her imagination or maybe one of Noah's tricks to make her pull herself together cause, for now, nothing could help her to get well but his tricks!

Robert sat on the bed, holding her hands on his, leaned over to whisper in her ear, after a few moments of whispering and talking. Finally, Laura cast a smile on her face and whipped her eyes as she noticed it was Brayton who was whispering in her ear, not his father!

Reached out to touch her son's cheek emploring to get more attention from him as he was stroking his mother's silver hair.

Brayton "your eyes always were purple?" he smirked.

Laura nodded although she looked away.

Laura " I can't! not now Brayton! I can't kill him."

Brayton nodded " but he was killing an innocent 19 years old boy."

Laura nodded " Noah always get into trouble."

Noah frowned coughed to remind her about his presence.

Laura didn't notice him; she could only see her son right now. She was drowning in his black eyes couldn't get enough of him, Hamo was jealous about this and tried to distract himself with so,e jewellery she was making for Hanna, felt that Laura loved anyone more than him!even servants of the castle! And that made him cover with anger and hatred.

He never could understand a mother and a son who found each other after a long time, she never had a mother and never had any children, he was a spoiled king raised by his older sister that's all!

Brayton nodded kindly to calm her down as he was trying to wipe all of her tears from her face,

Brayton " you don't have to do anything! I could go and tell them that you refused to kill him."

Laura nodded as she sat up on the bed wrapped her arms around him gave him a warm and tight squeeze as Brayton cast a smile on his face.and smelled her hair it smelled of the childhood he never had, it was like wet meadows after the rain pouring on green land.

Laura gazed into his eyes this time she was the one who had to wipe his son's tear, for a bulky man like Brayton it was hard to cry but he was under so much pressure that he couldn't fight his tears back at all!

Laura giggled " maybe we could build a kingdom and live altogether with me, you, and five other boys with no interruption."

She knew it wouldn't happen, especially now that she was married to a stupid fat man who never let her go out of this cage.

Brayton nodded as an agreement " I wish father were alive."

Laura nodded in despair, Hamo coughed as a warning to her next sentence, Laura noticed that and replied " It would be best for you" as she emphasised on the word 'you' not to make Hamo jealous more.

she retook a deep breath this time managed to say " get him here, and as punishment, he never can get back to the Mainland."

Brayton nodded as respect as he laid a kiss on her forehead.

Brayton " as you say, your grace, now get rest and don't think about anyone but your health."

He demanded as he was making her lay down once again.

At this Hamo offered him to stay in the guest room before going away, at first Brayton wanted to get back but deep in his heart he needed to spend more time with her mother and be under the same roof with her, so he accepted the offer and walked out.

Laura wanted to sleep bt reminded to have to go back to the harem she gets of the bed to walk out as Hamo grabbed her arm to turn her onto himself.

Hamo " this boy, tell him not to make us any troubles."

Laura nodded " why he would do that! we are alliance!"

Hamo nodded " it seemed he has plans in his head, I'm not planning to give up my throne! do you understand?"

Laura stepped a bit back nodded as an agreement, winced as he squeezes her arm a little more.

Laura " He never does that!Hamo you are hurting me!" she tried to pull herself together as she managed to add " also our son will be on the throne as I promised "

she whispered in his ear seductively tried her best not to wince out of pain. Finally, Hamo let her arm go gave her a death glare.

Hamo " leave I don't want to see your face!and tell Samir to get Hanna here, I want to give her that necklace."

It was apparent that he was on;y saying it to make Laura jealous, but a damn necklace wouldn't make a queen joules at least not here!

However, she nodded politely "it's beautiful your grace" and left the room with a quick bow.

As she was passing through the hallway with Samir Noah appeared in front of him.

Noah " I need beast or soul sucker perfume! they captured me!" he snapped stressfully wanted to tell her everything as soon as possible!

This made Laura stand at her place in shock, Samir grabbed her arm to pull her, but she was freeze in her spot.

Noah " I need your help."

Laura looked here and there and nodded at him the gazed back at Samir who was still trying hard to drag her rudely and harshly.

Laura " I need to go back alone, the king wanted you to take Hanna to him quickly," she said sternly but politely, that made her leave as soon as possible.

Laura " What Cordelia was doing! why she let you go!"

Noah shrugged " I was training her and our army as the block soldiers attacked us and took me with them, but Osbert didn't find me yet, please Laura I need perfume! I'm not a whole beast!

Laura " you see I'm in prison myself!"

Noah whispered looked dow made Laura's heart melt for him although she wasn't sure if he was tricking him or not,

Laura " fine, I will do something, try your best to look like others and stay away from beasts."

He nodded as her command looked behind himself.

Noah " I have to go! please, Laura!hurry up!" he was in fear as he disappeared.

Laura leaned against the wall with a loud sigh, didn't know what to do! The whole world needed her as she has to stay in this cage forever!she has to do something about this!now that Brayton is here its even easier to get rid of these demons!

With this, a glint of sparkle passed through her eyes as she walked onto Nirvana's mediocre and cosy room...


What will happen next?

Do you think she will kill the king?

Or she will seduce the princess?

Thank you for reading!

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