
Haki in School of Wizardry and Witchcraft

I am where?

Sage_Paragon · 作品衍生
3 Chs

I got to get reincarnated


As You Can See The Chapter Is In English So Of Course, I Know English But There Will Be Major Or Minor Spelling And Grammar Mistakes. Do Forgive.

It's Easy To Learn English As You Can Literally Speak It but Rules Are Difficult Even For Me Who's Spoken In English Only, Ever.

One More Thing, Please Try To Point Out My Mistakes And Tone (as boring, aggressive, or funny) In The Story in Paragraph Comments and Have Your General Comments, And Chats, And Queries In Chapter Comments.

You Know It'll Be Easier For Me To Know My Mistakes And Your Thoughts As Whole.


"I want to live again," Nick said regretfully, "I haven't even done anything worthwhile for my family suffering from hardships."

Oddly, the god looked at him, "Weren't you the one who ended your life?"


Nick chocked at his words and put up an extremely shameless expression, "I didn't think that I would see a god after dying." he said, "and now that I know you are a god I want to live again in the world where I can satisfy my poor ego."

"Hmm, I see..." said god, "tell me what you wish for?"

"Be mindful that I won't pay any attention if you talk ridiculous."

Nick nodded and put his fingers on his chin as if thinking deeply before instantly snapping, "I wish for three gifts from you."

The god raised his eyebrows wondering what this soul was saying. "Speak."

"Give me all three Haki skills along with rokushiki from World of One Piece," said Nick, "give me a small world that can act as my realm."

God said nothing waiting for him to say the last piece of his wishes.

"And finally I want you to send me to the world of Harry Potter." Nick jumped slightly from excitement to just thinking what ridiculous feet he would achieve once his wishes were complete.

God nodded and waved his hand and a light shot through entering Nick. He felt a burning sensation all over. It was very painful but he didn't even groan a bit.

"Alright I've granted your wishes but of course, you have to pay for them," said god as a mysterious scroll appeared in front of Nick, "read it and touch that mark on the bottom, it's a divine contract."

Nick went through everything and nearly lost his soul -- he was a soul. It was stated that in exchange for him having haki and rokushiki, he won't be able to use any magic or magical items ever. For a small world, he'd have to suffer twice as much as any from the laws of the world outside. If one gets hurt and feels pain he'd feel that pain twice as much or if one feels gravity of ten he'd feel that of twenty.

Finally for going into a new world that he already knows about he'd forget everything about that world and only remember that he came to this world.


"You can go to eternal oblivion of souls if you don't wish to fulfill these conditions. "Nothing is free and those who wish for free things are those who never grow."

Nick said nothing but he was already accepting the conditions. He realized why he was not successful in his previous life. He was one of those who wanted something free but nothing was without a price, not even happiness.

"Close your eyes now," God smiled, "when you open them you should be where you wish to be."

Nick did as he was told and heard a distant sound of the god telling him that a new life calls for a new name, 'Sonic Boombam'.

"What the fuck!" Nick cursed pointing at the god, "What kind of name is Sonic Boombam?"

"My point exactly, oh and mind your language please," he heard a chirpy voice, "you said the bad word, you know."

There was a girl with bushy brown hair sitting beside a boy with a big nose and face with frickles and reddish brown hair.

"Who... are you?" asked Sonic, "No, where is this, by the way?"

"Blimey!" the boy suddenly jumped on his feet, "Hermione your magic worked!"

"It did," he heard another voice beside him and it was a boy with black hair and there was a curious lightning bolt-like mark on his forehead, "but I think differently."

"Wait a second," Sonic stood up and realized he was on the train, "who are you guys? And where is this?"

"Where is the god?"

"God?" they said in confusion but both the boys looked at Hermione shivering slightly. He puffed her cheeks and looked at Sonic, "Wait did you forget?"

Sonic frowned not saying anything and his body instinctively took a stance, "What?"

"Well, Hermione here said that she can make your hair shine and you asked her to do so then..." Harry said pointing at Sonic's face, "But now your eyes are shining."

Sonic looked into the mirror and indeed they were glowing in a white hue. He relaxed a bit when suddenly he remembered that he must have lost his memories of this world due to the contract of equality. From what they were saying it must be some world of magic and according to the contract he was not able to use magic.

"So where are we going?"

"Hogwarts, you are acting strange you know."

"Indeed, you okay Sonic? Told you her spell was suspicious."

Sonic looked out of the window eating the chocolate frog which he felt uncomfortable with as it looked like a real living one. As he ate it it was moving in his mouth croaking and shooting its tongue.

He wanted to know what this world was and what was going to happen next but he could only sigh, hoping that nothing wrong would happen and that he could reach the destination safely, seeing the deep abyss down, from the window.

Sonic clenched his feet when a dim light arose from his arm slowly covering his hand in a black layer.

"What's that?" Hermione shrieked, "Why is your arm looking like a metal?"

Sonic undoes his Haki, "Nothing my special magic."

Ron grabbed his hand examining it, "No wonder they said you can't use magic spells because you've magical abilities and skills." he looked at Sonic, "Are you a dragon?"

"A what?"

"Dragon," He said, "My brother works with them and dragons are the only ones with magic skills and abilities as they can't use spells."

Sonic shook his head. He had not wished to become a dragon or anything so he denied, "No I don't think so but yes you can say I am a bit special."

"Then we've got ourselves two celebrities here don't we?" Ron chuckled looking at Harry who smiled as well though a bit uncomfortable.

Hermione looking at them from the side suddenly stood up, "better get your coats on, we'll be arriving anytime soon now I think," she said, "I am going to the pilot."

Sonic felt it funny seeing her hopping away like a butterfly when Ron made a face, "Mah mah meh... mad she is, that hopping one."

"Why?" asked Sonic.

Harry offered another chocolate frog and said, "Give it some time and you'll know."

The train slowed down and the sky was pink and purple when a voice suddenly announced "We'll be there in five minutes, be ready and leave your stuff, will be taken care of."

Harry and Ron stood up and pulled on their robes. Sonic was already in his robes for reasons unknown. All three boys shivered for one reason alone, magic they did not know. Now Sonic was regretting his wishes. If there was magic in this world then there must be some mind-related spells as well what would happen if someone sued it on him, he'd have no means to defend against them and worse he'd feel twice as much the effect as normal.

He could still feel the clothes being heavier and found it a bit harder to move as though he was under some kind of pressure.

"Firs years! here, all first years here, come over! Hey Harry, alight there?"

They heard a loud voice and saw a giant coming over with a lantern dangling in his hands size of a football.

Sonic felt a bit afraid of this friendly giant when a strange wave oozed out of his head.

"Argh!" children fell on the ground rolling in pain, clutching their heads, "help!" they cried.

The giant raised his brows and walked over to Sonic, "Yeh must be Sonic aight?" he said patting his shoulder, "No wonder they call yeh Arthur's descendent."

He chanted something and flicked his wand and the wave was gone and Sonic himself felt refreshed, "No one gonna harm yeh here boy."

"C'mon, follow me now -- better mind yer steps!" He said taking big steps as the crowd followed behind quietly.

No one said a word apart from a snotty boy's sobbing. it was dark with no light but they could see glow at the end of the narrow path.

"Ready, yer firs look ter Hogwarts!" Hagrid the giant shouted when there was suddenly a loud cheering.


"The path led them to a giant black lake with a mountain in the middle and atop it was a vast castle with towers and turrets. The windows were shining in the night sky and Sonic felt mesmerized.

"On the boats! No more en' four to one!" Hagrid said pointing to the small fleet by the shore. He boarded one alone. Harry and Ron were followed by Hermione and the sobbing boy, "Sonic come with meh."

Now with Sonic and Hagrid in front, they rowed towards the castle where there was a small path light with lamps. The lake was surprisingly clear as glass and Sonic could finally admire his handsomeness in the moonlight. The mood could have been even better had it not been for the giant beside him but a fine lady.

"Head down!" He flinched when Hagrid yelled and held the boat tightly and suddenly entire boat was covered in black glistening metal-like fluid. Hagrid felt that the boat had suddenly become less resistant to water and was moving much more smoothly. But it was not possible to know in the dark.

They reached some kind of underground harbor and climbed out of their boats onto the rocks and pebbles.

"This yer?" Hagrid picked up a toad and pointed at the sobbing boy.

"Trever!" as if he found his lost golden watch he cried out blissfully.

"Don't lose it again."

They climbed a tiring set of stairs and reached the oak gate when Hagrid rechecked the numbers before opening the door. An old lady was waiting. Hagrid greeted her with respect as she told them to follow her to the great hall.

If This Thing Blows Up (which I hope it will) I Will Write More (which is obvious) And if This Thing Doesn't (which I don't believe) I Will Still Be Writing (since I have nothing else to do). So Please Blow It Up (not literally).

Thank You For Reading (at least you read it).

See You In Next Chapter (there will be one better be here).

What Else? (let's spam these fast phrases shall well?)

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