
Haikyuu!! God of the Court.

Hello Everyone. This is Fanfic of Haikyuu Series with a Mysterious Male Lead, I will change timeline's of some character's arrival at karasuno high, Also as this is my first time writing a Webnovel and being an Author so point out the mistakes i make so i can fix them (Maybe) later. Also Cover for this Fanfic doesn't belong to me if you got problems inform me, it will be removed

Asura_7uh · 漫画同人
15 Chs

Chapter 5 : Winner!




At Karasuno high 

Takada sensei walked towards gymnasium as he had a news for the team as he barely missed the crazy quick attack though he witness something he would prefer more than that attack 

He saw izumi had a smile on his even though it was little takada felt happy about it and thanks coach ukai inwardly as he saw that other kid he knew as kageyama dragged him in the corner he just got next to suga as he also wanted to watch this match

"So what about it? Tell me, do you also trust my skills" Kageyama said as he had many ideas to dominate this game but he also wanted to be acknowledged by izumi

"I do but don't toss to me the way you did for hinata i don't think i can pull it off the way I'm right now" Izumi said as he walked towards the as he had to serve now

'Right Now? Then can he pull it off later on once he is way he used to play' Kageyama thought as they got in position

Izumi hold the and took his time as he was thinking for a while though he did a normal serve which aimed perfectly towards yamaguchi with a little high as he couldn't tell if he should receive it or set it asa he was late in making that decision and couldn't get the ball

'He aimed for yamaguchi's chest' thought tsuki as he frowned at izumi

Izumi again did the same and got another point for their team though for third time he serve towards right side of yamaguchi as it nearly end of the court he got there to get which was clearly out but yamaguchi still got it towards tsuki 

But daichi wasn't nearby to spike

'He baited me' Daichi thought as he was near to yamaguchi, after seeing how izumi was targeting yamaguchi he planned on staying in the corner for a while as soon izumi serves he would in front of yamaguchi to get it but that was trap to get there two players unable to spike as tsuki had to spike it directly which was blocked by kageyama and izumi as they already knew that tsuki would have no other choice but to do direct it as there was no one he could set it to

"Tch" Tsuki was irritated as he realized what izumi just did

'He is not ready physically much but his playmaking style is still in him' Kageyama thought while watching izumi's back as he was going to serve his fourth serve.

This time tsuki and daichi were in back and yamaguchi was Infront as they were stressed since they were thinking that izumi must have another plan which they might play into though it wasn't as he just served in middle of tsuki and daichi as he thought they would have problem as which one should get it but daichi stopped as he saw through it tsuki got it towards yamaguchi who tossed it to daichi who scored it

As match went on even though izumi's team were getting points more than the opposing team and now they were in lead, izumi had receiving all serves and spike while kageyama and hinata were at offensive even though some of them were blocked by tsuki he likes read blocking since it's more logical but as he also saw that izumi was mostly covering defense so he completely focused on blocking hinata though he failed some times because that little toddler was quick to change his positions, tsuki's team tried serving towards hinata and got some points but izumi covered him perfectly and saved lot of points 

'Those three are just perfect with each other, Kageyama as a setter and middle blocker, Hinata as a finisher and izumi as a perfect defense and middle blocker' Suga thought as they were really having fun witnessing this match as while that was going on he also noticed that kiyoko had a genuine smile which was rare 

As match was at it's end tsuki's team got a point by a spike which hinata missed and they got in position to serve

Match score was 19-24 

Yamaguchi was nervous since they would lose if he were mess this serve he felt a lot of pressure on him even though even if they lose it wouldn't matter much to him but it would to his friend tsukishima even though he doesn't show it and act like he doesn't care but he actually does care 

He put all of his focus on his serve which went to izumi 

Kageyama was ready to receive it frowned izumi and toss it to hinata once he get's in position but to his surprise izumi didn't pass to Centre where kageyama was but a little right side where hinata was going 

'Wha , did he mess up me being this close to hinata cut the succession rate of quick attack' Kageyama thought as he got in the position where izumi passed to and he also saw izumi running towards left side and getting in position to spike

'Ah ' Kageyama felt like a message from izumi just struck his mind as his eyes met his, he was quick to adapt to his teammates sudden effort which no one expected, kageyama jumped facing towards hinata and making toss 

'Which one is it? Which one? Which?' Tshuki's thoughts were racing as he saw sudden change of his opponents format of roles they were playing he was thinking of a way as he looked behind for second and smirked and jumped Infront of izumi

'Ah ' Suga who understood tsukishima's tactic and got impressed by him 

Kageyama who saw that tossed to hinata which was a little short but still touched hinata's hand and got over the net but Daichi was there ready to receive it as he did it went in the middle and was a bit high kageyama and izumi got there as they saw tsukishima who frown before getting there to be in the middle as he jumped 


To all of their surprise tsukishima jumped higher than the two blocker Infront could as he spiked it which was for his luck just barely inside the court

'YES' tsuki thought as he celebrated as he felt he just defeated two of the elite players with one spike

Yamaguchi and Daichi also got towards him to celebrate as they reached 20 points

'He knew he couldn't read block it as kageyama could've tossed it any of them as se saw daichi's position and expected him receive anything hinata could send though no one sure what izumi can do so he got their himself and left hinata for daichi to handle' Sugawara thought as he admired this play

"Hey do you feel like you can pull it off now?" Kageyama said to the person next to him while looking at his opponents Infront

"Don't know, I was just playing as a decoy" Izumi said as he got back in his position 

Kageyama is not good at whether what others might be feeling but his instincts told him when his eyes met izumi's as he jumped those eyes are of a person who was determined to score

As game continued after a bit a bickering between kageyama and tsuki, daichi served which hinata received 

which went towards right izumi ran in cross and went towards right side seeing this hinata ran in the middle kageyama tossed it to Izumi this toss was swift but not as fast as the he did for hinata but it got right Infront of him

tsuki got there as he saw that toss and jumped diagonally to block izumi as he looked excited for making perfect prediction




Izumi just tapped that fast ball which went over tsuki's head and fall behind his back which daichi tried to get but fell short 

Kageyama and Hinata exclaimed as they won and tanaka and sugawara also joined in their celebration which their advisor and also their sensei Takada had warm smile 

Hinata kept asking izumi about that last moments as how it looked cool to him even though he had his eyes closed he glimpsed after he spiked air he glanced towards other and saw how it got done perfectly by izumi

Kageyama and Hinata got to Daichi and showed their detention papers to him as they won the challenge he took those papers and looked at kiyoko 

"Hey Kiyoko, Those have already come in right?" Daichi asked her as she nodded and and got a box with which carried their uniforms for volleyball club  which is complete black and had karasuno high volleyball club written on it with white

Kiyoko handed it to hinata and kageyama, suga came forward to help and took two uniforms which he passed to izumi and yamaguchi as kiyoko left after giving uniform to tsukishima with empty box as they started wearing there uniforms as it took a little convincing to make tsukishima wear it which he did reluctantly and they got welcome in karasuno high volleyball club officially

"Alright everyone as exciting that match was i came here for announcement to make" Takada sensei said to get everyone's attention as kiyoko as got back and stood next to takada

"We got a practice match to play" 




