
Underneath the Plant

A couple planted a plant outside their house.

They nourish it, water it, and take care of it everyday.

The plant seem very happy.

One day, a caterpillar climb unto her and ate her leaves.

Since the plant long for some friend, she let the caterpillar ate all it want, caterpillar left in the few days.

So another day come and another caterpillar climb unto her and ate her leaves, she let it and also left few days later.

Somehow, the couple knew that the plant wasn't a flower but some kind of a tree.

They don't want tree to grow up covering their house so they kick the plant.

Later on, the plants grew tall on the side street.

She said " I should have been a flower like the other plants, not some lame tree alone in here."

Other flowers we're surrounded by pretty bees and butterflies. She thought that she would have been happier if she's one of those flowers. No one watered her but it often rain.

She knew that some of those butterflies we're the caterpillars who ate her leaves, not looking back or trying to remember her at all.

But there is someone who never left the plant...

And that's the silent soil underneath her.

Plant's roots connecting her to the soil.

The soil holds the root, not the other way around.

The silent soil heard her cry, soil gathers water so the plant would not thirst.

Even though soil was silent and unseen, it's still hoping that at least one plant will talk to him and feel it's presence. At least one..