

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · 奇幻
39 Chs

The battle starts

Akimitsu and oldman were running through the hallway heading back towards the direction they came from.

Old man's moode had changed suddenly and his expression was dead serious.

"What has happened?Who has attacked?"Akimitsu asked trying to keep the pace with old man.

"Who do you think it is,huh?" he replied giving him a look expecting him to know already.

"They are here for me aren't they?"

"Exactly and that's what we must prevent at any cost" he than stopped midway and looked back at him.

He bend down on his knees and held his hand on Akimitsu's shoulder.

"Akimitsu, don't ever let the thought of surrendering for others cross your mind.Get it?"

Akimitsu was taken aback by him knowing what he was thinking.It was true he felt this was all happening because of him.

"You'll understand all of it with time so don't worry about any of it".

Akimitsu just nodded back.

At that moment,he realized how much respect he had for the oldman.

His dad had never been much there for him and not much but most of the things he learned as a man were from him.

He knew the old man cared about him just like he cared about Akiba.

"Yeah,I'll remember it" he replied.

Suddenly,the old man grabbed him by the collar and threw him back.

The wall on their left had been blown into pieces causing the air to be filled with dust.

"The fuck?"

The air cleared gradually and Akimitsu had a clear view of what was happening.

Old man was clutching a sword in his hand which had been aimed at Akimitsu while the attacker on the other side was was looking at who had gripped his sword.

He turned over to look at Akimitsu.

He was weird looking wearing a white suit and his whole skin was white.

Akimitsu couldnt decide if it was make up or his skin colour.

"Oh,I missed" he spoke in a calm voice.

"Akimitsu go down the other hallway and join your friends,I'll be down there in a while" the oldman shouted while he broke the man's arm when he attempted to throw a kunai towards Akimitsu.

He attempted to jump straight towards Akimitsu but the old man pushed him hard and fast into the ground causing even the ground to break.

"Time for a warm-up,don't you think?"

The man while being crushed under his arms scoffed.

"Not bad,oldman".

Meanwhile,Akimitsu made his way through the hallway running as fast as he could.

He had to join the others he couldn't handle all of it alone especially without Ahihito.

"Damn it this whole place is a maze" he went into one hallway and lost track of the other.

Instantly he was pushed into the wall with a hand gripping his throat hard as it could.

"UGHHHHHHHHH" he couldn't breath anymore and a sharp pain pierced his throat.

After a while the pain reduced in his throat and he looked up to look at the culprit.

"The eyes".

His eyes were enough for him he could see through them all. He could see the disgusting figure behind those eyes he didnt need to know anything further.

Akimitsu knew his intuition was correct sometimes and this was one of those times he knew he was correct.

He than realized those eyes were also staring in his eyes.

He instantly fell onto the floor out of fear.

"Huh?Why are you crippling on the floor?Aren't you supposed to be a high-level threat?""

The man than started laughing eratically and after two or three minutes finally stopped himself.

"Well,I thought you might be weak but i did't expect this much" he said while trying to subdue his laughter.

He than pulled out a sword and slit Akimitsu's throat.

Akimitsu by instinct counter-reacted and nearly dodged the strike while getting his arm slit.

He looked at his arms vision blurred.

"Relax Akimitsu relax" he told himself again and again while taking deep breaths.

The man turned towards him and began to observe him.

"Youve still got a little strength in you huh ?"

He gripped the knife hardly in his hand.

"Next time I won't miss"

His knife was exactly at Akimitsu's throat but had stopped there and it wasnt moving anywhere.


He looked to see Akimitsu gripping his both hands tightly.

"Just because I lost my composure once doesn't mean you get to be cocky".