

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · 奇幻
39 Chs


"I'd rather not try that,beleive me"the man named Yotsuba warned Akiba while not taking his eyes off Akimitsu.

"I beleive you know why Iam here,right"his gaze focused at Akimitsu"Iam here to take Akimitsu with me,the rest of you go unharmed".

There was complete silence,nobody said a word.

They were all petrified by the man infront of them;the man whom they thought to be dead.

"You expect us to hand over Akimitsu without even knowing whats happening over here,huh?"Akiba spoke not taking his gaze off the decapitated head in his hand.

"What was that?"

"Damn you Yotsuba...I didn't know you were one of them!"AKkiba threw the head towards Yotsuba who dodged it easily "you tricked me and Rengoku into killing you and chased us to here,didn't you?"

Yotsuba looked at Akiba for a moment and than his mouth curved into a smile.

"Well,that's right.I intentionally told you all about the plan fastforward so it would lead to this very moment and it worked out quite well,didn't it?"

"In other words,it was all a gamble?"Akiba asked.

"Exactly,that's how it was and it worked quite well it seems"

"Well they call you "Immortal Yotsuba" for a reason,don't they?"Akiba smirked

"Now i guess the nickname fits you perfectly".

Yotsuba than turned to looked towards Akimitsu.

"Akimitsu,the way I see it there is no other way around this situation unless there's something you'd like to try and we both know I don't want to kill anybody over here so just lets get done with this"Yotsuba was obviously agitated and it could be seen on his face.

Akimitsu stoodup against the counter.

"One question" Akimitsu spokeup "Does the boss know that you revealed the entire plan to us?Iam sure he wouldn't take the fact lightly that you told us everything,would he?"

Yotsuba stayed silent for a moment but than spoke up.

"Iam sure he wouldn't but I have what he wants so what difference would that make".

Contrary to what he expected,corner of Akimitsu's mouth slightly turned into a smile.

"Than you made a big mistake,my friend".

An object was thrown at Yotsuba which he instantly recognized was a grenade.

The grenade exploded mid air and Yotsuba had barely managed to avoid it when he sensed a movement through the smoke.

"They are coming through the backdoor!Catch them all quickly!"he exclaimed on the radio givin the instructions.

"Damn those motherfuckers...they must've been planning this for a while.Distract me while they get the chance and try to kill me with the grenade while they escape"he lifted himself up from the ground.

"You always have something up your sleeve don't you,Ahihito?"

"We've captured him boss!The target!"the voice came from the radio.

"Only Akimitsu??Aren't there four more??"he asked again to confirm.

"No sir,the other four aren't here but we are positive we've got Akimitsu"he pushed the yellow haired person infront of him to the ground.

"The yellow haired one,right?"he asked Yotsuba through the radio.

"Wait what-"

Yotsuba was interrupted by the sound of a window shattering above.

He instantly took the radio up to his mouth.

"Tell me what is happening there instantly!What do you see!?"

Meanwhile the guards were looking up at the window which had just broken and four people had jumped out of it.

One of them was holding a girl tightly while the other one whose leg was bleeding was being held by another person.

All of them fell outside the house's boundary wall and there was a huge sound of them crashing over something.

At this point,all the guards were inside the house and none of them was outside.

Yotsuba's voice came through the radio.

"Catch all of them!Catch each and everyone of them!"

At this point,he had realized what had happened.

The guards ran towards the wall and were about to jump outside when fireshots came at them from the outside.

One of them climbed up the wall to see what was happening and saw a car taking a turn at far end of the street

"We've lost em!They are escaping through a car!"

Meanwhile,a car was heading at full speed along the road.

"Is everybody okay?"Ahihito asked while keeping his eyes set straight trying to drive the car straight.

Fumiko shot from the back of the car.

"You just fuckin left Rengoku in the hands of the enemy do you even know that??".

Ahihito frowned.

"Rengoku will be fine.You don't need to worry about him".

"How can you be so sure about that?"she inquired back.

"Well,nobody would dare harm the son of the most powerful minister in the country would they??"

Fumiko didn't say anything but Ahihito kept on talking

"Don't keep on vouching for others when you don't know everything.Rengoku was himself the one who vouched for this just so you know".

At that Fumiko went silent.

"Still that plan of yours was quite risky,Ahihito"Akimitsu spoke while pressing a cloth at his wound which had opened.

"May I ask how so? "Ahihito asked in an irritated tone

"A slight miscalculation and we would've ended up dead"Akimitsu spoke.

Ahihito frowned again expecting Akimitsu to continue.

"You took a bet on the fact that Yotsuba wouldn't kill us even if he had to let us escape,right?"

Meanwhile,back at the house Yotsuba was examining the back of the house from where Akimitsu and others had escaped.

"Boss,we still have Akimitsu.Doesn't that count as something?"one of the guards from the back shouted.

"Idiot!He is not even close to Akimitsu!It's Rengoku!!"he than turned to walk back towards the house.

"Damn it.In the end,I couldn't hurt any of you".

"You know you are so predictable,Yotsuba?"Rengoku shot from where he was held.

"Soft from the inside but hard from the outside.No wonder you are no popular with the girls-"

Rengoku fell unconscious to the ground after Yotsuba had kicked him.

"Pick him up!We're leaving!We've got no time to waste as the riots will start soon".

He than took out a cigarrette out of the pack and lit it.

"Iam gonna have a hard time explaining this one".