
Time skip I

Some time has passed. I don't know how long it's been since I finally descended from the oesophagus and fell into the stomach, but it has to have been a while. There is no day-and-night cycle down here. The only way to tell that time passes is the periodic new food and wines that flow and fall into the stomach.

I have been swimming in acidic fluids for a long time. I jumped from one meat piece to another. It was stressful because everything got digested. After a while, I noticed that my second wish was a genius move as I did not feel pain in the acid. I did not need food or drink as that would be harmful to me and therefore I didn't need it.

I knew that the only way I could somewhat relax down here was if I managed to create a platform that didn't get digested the same day. And the only thing I could think of was the walls of the stomach.

If I manage to cut a big enough piece, I would be able to hang said piece from the wall and stay stationary as well as afloat. And because of the healing factor the titan has, it will regrow again, giving me a limitless supply.

It was hard work to even do little damage to the walls It was saturated by Kronos' divinity and power. Meaning I could only cut it by using a higher concentrated amount of my own divinity.

But to do that I first had to gain some access to my divinity. And it was almost impossible to do that because of the debuffing effect this stomach had. And yet I knew that I will succeed. I was going to become the master of boundaries, I was in fact the god of boundaries and therefore only I could decide what I can and can't do.

Interestingly enough, my boundary divinity was the only one I could somewhat feel. I could also feel others but they were like fireflies compared to a bigger candlelight.

Focusing my will on the task at hand, I willed the wall to be cut. I wanted the flesh to be cut from the rest and give me a platform. Very slowly I managed to make some progress.

It had to have taken me weeks to finally get a big chunk of the wall to create a raft/platform. And I was beyond tired when it was finally complete.

I could feel the connection I had with my boundary divinity. It had gotten stronger over the weeks it took me to complete this. And I knew that it would only grow stronger over time.

So having finished the beginning of my raft, I took some time to relax. The smell was horrendous but thanks to my second wish, once again, I could simply blend it out.

Sleeping was still impossible. The pressure that I felt in the stomach was hard to deal with. It was like constantly staying at 50% of your health even though you were technically perfectly healthy.

I didn't use my immunity to solve this problem. I wanted to strengthen my willpower. I wanted to become stronger. This environment was going to be my whetstone and I the sword.

I used meditation to get over the first few months. Having never used meditation it was very new for me. I had to get used to simply focusing on one thing and not letting other thoughts distract me.

Slowly over many months and after a lot of setbacks I managed to enter a form of trance. I wanted to further my understanding of my divinities. All of them but most importantly my boundary divinity.

I knew boundaries existed everywhere. They were all around us. They made reality what it was. Without boundaries ... nothing would exist, not even chaos would exist as there can be no chaos if there is no order. The one defines the other and without one there is no definition for the other.

And boundaries allowed all things to be or not to be. And I ... had the power to manipulate those, create them, remove them ...

I had the power to rise above everyone and everything and it was exhilarating to think about it.


It took a long time until I made some progress and had my first epiphany. It marked the beginning of my path to power and adventure. I knew that given enough time, there was nothing that could stop me.

The power of boundaries together with my second wish was a match made in heaven.

Normally, I think that most main characters in fanfictions are stupid for making bad wishes. They don't know what will or could happen when they enter a new world. So something I always thought I would wish for was two things.

One: Absolute freedom.

Two: limitless potential.

Absolute freedom was necessary in my opinion to not be bound by fate, destiny, stronger beings and so many more. Limitless potential was something that had to be wished for because what were you going to do if you reincarnated into an animal, a paraplegic or someone weak, stupid or another problem?

The answer is nothing. These two things were essential to live freely in a new world.

Now why did I not choose those two? Easy, because both of those things are included in Boundary manipulation or the divinity of boundaries.

Limits are boundaries that stop you from advancing. Something that holds you back. Let's take Saitama from One Punch Man. It was said that he had removed his limiter. Giving him limitless potential for physical growth.

That limter was a boundary and I could remove it just like Saitama did...

I was free to do what I wanted because there was no boundary that could stop me. I was free and I felt amazing knowing that.


Training in my divinity was hard, very hard. The reason I found was because of what my divinity entailed. There was an inherent understanding of boundaries due to me being the god of boundaries, but to advance in it was like swimming through glue. Very slow.

I started small. The boundaries of space. I tried to create a barrier around myself that shielded me from the acidic fluids. I visualized it and had it manifest. After that, I turned my immunity off and jumped into the acid.

I tried to remove the barrier of space between two points, effectively deleting space. I took inspiration from Gojo Satoru and his Cursed technique: Blue.

It became apparent that I would be able to recreate all of Gojo's techniques with enough practice and understanding. Limitless was an interesting concept.

According to Jujutsu Kaisen, The Limitless technique operates the same way convergent and divergent sequences do in mathematics. The Infinity is the convergence of an immeasurable series, anything that approaches the infinity slows down and never reaches the user.

I knew that it is possible to do the same with boundaries. I would just remove the boundary of space around me. Meaning that the fixed distance between myself and an attack or simply physical objects was removed. That was the theory of it, at least and practically should be possible.

Funny enough, I wouldn't even need to do any calculations as once I manipulate a boundary it stayed like that until I undid the manipulation.

Over the course of all the years I was alone, I also started training physically. I knew that it was not necessary. After all, I could simply remove my limiters and become strong like that. I will do that in the future but for now, I wanted to use physical training as a break from my other training.

Looking at my physique I was still unsure whether many years had passed or Greek gods just grew faster. I did see improvements though. I became stronger and stronger.

Up to the point that normal calistenics did nothing to me anymore. I had to find a way to combine physical training with my boundary manipulation. And the only other idea I had was ... gravity.

If I managed to influence or increase gravity on myself, I would be able to continue to grow stronger. So I did just that.

I tried to feel the boundary that limited gravity which acted on me. This was harder than I thought. I tried to go over mathematics to visualise gravity. First I used Newton's axioms and later Einstein's theories.

An amazing thing happened while I was going over math I thought I would never use or need again. I realized that I was not able to remember everything I once learned about math. I was hitting my 'limit', so to speak.

... and then it hit me. This also was a boundary that I could manipulate. I could start to become smarter and my mental capabilities would improve, as soon as I removed my mental boundaries/limits.

A marvellous feeling that was. And using this method, very carefully I might add, I was able to understand more and more about physics and maths until it was just enough to get a better feel for gravity.


An undetermined amount of time later, something finally changed in my repetitive life. Something new fell down the oesophagus. And after it fell in the acidic fluids, I heard a loud scream.

'Ah ... it seems my first sibling has arrived.'

There will be a few time skips telling us what happens while they're inside Kronos' stomach

Cedric_7512creators' thoughts