
chapter 10

<p>The next morning before day break Emilia and Tai get up rushing to get ready then meeting Carra outside to eat breakfast after breakfast, Carra gives Tai and Emilia a ruby spacial ring as she holds 4 others in her hand. <br/><br/> " these are your new armor and weapon don't lose it because these items are the best of the best , you won't be able to find anything like them again" Carra said as she nods toward Wei who is standing by 3 horses with a bag he shoves items in and putting the books, scrolls and runes also rare crystals in as he ties the bag. <br/>" here girls you need to study these and remember these are some of the strongest spells around here and also runes so be careful with them." Wei said as he hands Emilia the bag as she puts them into the uby spacial ring to keep them safe.<br/><br/>" I will keep them safe and study hard " Emilia said as she watchd Carra walk over with three small books and 2 small scrolls in her hands.<br/><br/> " I've given Sia the same books on Familars, races and the human view on the war and in this small black book is the truth on the war, read it when we meet and we'll talk about everything. oh especially read up on familiars so your uncle can give you his surprises at the waterfall." Carra said with a wide smiles as she hugs both of them.<br/><br/> Sia walks up hugging both girls tightly as she gives Emilia some cake bread for their journey, Tai notices Carra staring off into the forest with noticable fear on her face.<br/>so she walks over putting her hand on her shoulder making her jump away from her.<br/> " Carra are you ok, is there something out there" Tai said as she scans the forest looking at the creature she released watching the camp.<br/> " no no I'm fine but you all be careful of the dangers out there ok" Carra said as she walks back over to the group while Tai walks into the trees near camp releasing her demon aura pushing it through the forest toward the demons she accidentally released, she meant to release killing intent alone and not her demon aura.<br/> " I'll send you back to the darkness from which you came If you touch anyone of my family or friends" Tai said as she turns off her Aura walking back into camp.<br/> Then helps Emilia up on the white horse as she went to the black stallion and hoisted herself up as she tied th reigns of the other horse that had supplies on it to her saddle as they both waved their goodbyes as they started off on their journey to the waterfall that her uncle owned.</p>