

With the many missing cases that had been happening lately, the detective Victor finds himself with yet another case, that will change his future forever.

Reve_kun · 武侠
6 Chs

Chapter 3: The show&The begining

*At the  Sinclair Theatre*

A nice noisy, chilly night and a calming, sweet performance  always went well together, especially when that performance is from the Sinclair Theatre and the performer is Catherine himself.

All dolled up, in a nice silk dress, with a captivating red colour and black gloves& big fur, sparkling jewellery and beautiful makeup.  But the cherry on top was her angelic soft voice, the calming tone used for every word in the song and every note being as soft as the petals of a rose..

At least those are some of the many thoughts of the people in the crowd, of all the women who admired her beauty and envied him for it at the same time, of all the man who drooled and watched her, like a hawk watching its prey, ironically, that could be true, but the servants and the owner would never let that happen. But one sly fox was beginning to be more and more smarter, making it more painfully harder to keep the young man away from him, especially after performances..

'Where does he think he's going?'

Derick thought as his eyes followed a certain blue-purple haired man heading towards the backstage area.

This was the 20th time he's done this after the few weeks the two of them have gotten 'together' so to say, if he is going to keep this up then fights with the other man drooling over Catherine are going to rise, and I am getting too old and tired for them..

Derick started to make his way over to Victor who has gotten into the backstage area a lot more earlier this time, most of the servants didn't try to stop him when he made his way in since they saw the owner right behind him, but they still kept an eye close.

Derick-" Oi, The fuck are doing here again Victor? I thought I told you many times that this place is restricted for outsiders."

Victor-" Oh come on now mate, how can you can call me an outsider so casually after all the time we've known each other? But also when I am practically a very close friend to your nephew~."

Derick glared daggers into his sole through his eyes, it was true that they've known each other for over 10 years, but they were never close friends, this man had a habit that the man distasted with his heart, and him getting close to his nephew like that surely didn't help the hatred wash away.

Derick-" Tsk- You keep your paws away from my niece you hear me Madras! I'm not gonna let you turn him into one of your stupid toys that you just play with and then throw them like trash!"

Victor just looked straight into the older mans eyes as they glared deep into him, holding him by the collar of his button up, knuckles and fingers white with how strong his grip was.

Victor-" Careful Derick.. we wouldn't want our sweet Angel finding out about anything she shouldn't know would we?~"

He smiled, a sly, creepy, sadistic smile.

Derick-" Why YOU-!"

He was almost gonna punch him, he was almost gonna beat him to the brink of Death, almost

Catherine-" Derick?.."

'How was this Universe so good on this pathetic man?'

He thought as he slowly let go of the Detective.

Catherine-" Victor? You're not supposed to come here, this place is restricted."

Victor-" I know songbird, but I just couldn't resist! I missed holding you in my arms!"

Catherine-" That's sweet Detective, but we already had a hangout two days ago, so please leave and don't cause anymore trouble."

He looked at him for a bit, kinda taken a back, he thought he would invite him into her room. At least that's what most used to do.  But he just smiled and agreed.

Once he left Catherine turned to his Uncle.

Derick-" I want him out."

Catherine-" out?.."

Derick-" Out! Out of this Theatre, out of your life, out of everything!!"

Catherine-" W-Wait! Calm down a little, please, we can't just kick him out??"

Derick-" Oh yeah? This little Asshole did this 20 TIMES! That is more than enough times for me to be able to kick him out of here and make him to never show his face!"

Catherine looked down for a second, it was true that he did this repeatedly, even after asked to stop many times, tho truth be told, from Catherines perspective.. it was more than 20, they just never caught him.

Catherine-" Please, I know he screwed up quite a lot of times. But please don't throw him out, he has been keeping those creepy man away from me and saving more free time for you and the others! Please Derick!" 

Derick looked for some time at her, but he soon fell defeated.

Rubbing his eyes he let out a deep sigh, letting the man stay, but just on the condition that he would stop doing this stupid game and Catherine agreed to convince him.

*In the changing room*

Soft snoring could be heard in the room while the only thing accompanying it was the sound of pages turning one after the other, until the door creeped open slowly.

Desmond-" A! Cat!"

The young boy carefully got down from the couch carefully placing his little sister's head on the cushion, hugging his older sister.

Catherine-" Des? What are you and Cassandra still doing here? I thought I told the others to bring you two back."

Desmond-" Cass didn't want to leave without you and I didn't want to leave her alone, so I stayed with her. You should have seen how hard she tried to keep awake so that we can all go back, your songs were just too strong for her."

The two laughed softly as Desmond let go of the embrace. Catherine sat down in front of his mirror slowly and carefully taking off his makeup as her little brother watched him, he was always mesmerised by his older sister's beauty and talent, at times, Catherine would put small amounts of makeup on his face like eyeliner or different coloured eyeshadows. He always loved to see all of those colours on his face and how they brought to life different features of his.

Desmond-" Hey, Cat."

Catherine-" Hm? Yes kiddo?"

Desmond-" What happened, outside, when you finished your show?"

Catherine-" Oh, it was just Derik and That Detective that comes here, y'know, the one that gave you guys clothes, sweets and plushies when we first arrived here. I guess they had a disagreement of some sort."

Desmond paused for a second. Wondering if he should tell him what he heard outside of the door..

Desmond-"..They fought because.."

He paused, he wasn't sure if he should actually tell her everything, he actually seemed happy around that man, that special kind of happiness, the one he would read in the many books he had.

Catherine-" Desmond, what were they fighting about?"

Desmond-" They- They were fighting about him being here so many times and how he caused more trouble around the Theatre. Derik was just worried for everyone's safety, that's why they were fighting."

Catherine-" That's everything you heard?"

Desmond shook his head up and down, with a smile placed on his lips.

He couldn't do it, he couldn't dare brake his brother's happiness.

Catherine just placed a soft palm on the top of his head, gently stroking it, while the little boy just relaxed under his touch.

Catherine-" Alright then, let me just go change and then we'll be able to leave, the band is still going to entertain everybody else so we'll go unnoticed~"

He placed a finger on his lips as he closed one eye and smiled at her brother.

He shook his head as he understood his words.

Desmond-" Psst! Cass! Come on sleepy head Wake up for a bit!"

Cassandras eyes slowly opened, her vision being half blurred from her being half awake.

Cassandra-" Mmm, did something happen?"

Desmond-" We're going back home Cas, we need to grab our things and I don't know where you put your stuff, so you'll need to find them."

Cassandra-" Eehh..But Catherine hasn't came back yet!"

Desmond-" Yes she did Cas, she just didn't want to wake you up. Now come on, let's get you up and running!"

He finished as he pulled her by her arms to get up but he almost threw her on the floor rather than just making her stand on it.

* A few minutes after*

Catherine-" Alright you guys ready to go?"

Desmond&Cassandra-" Yup!"

Catherine-" Heheh, Alright then, come on."

*Back at the house* 

Beth-" Ah! Master, you're back!"

Catherine-" Good evening Beth! Yes, uhm, can you get this two upstairs and in bed? I need to wait for Derik to discuss with him about the next performance."

Beth-" Of course master, do not worry these two will be all tucked-in in no time!"

Catherine-" Thank you Beth!"

Catherine handed over Cass who was already passed out in his arms and gave Desmonds hand over as well, which was already pretty loss with how sleepy he was beginning to become.

Beth smiled kindly as she took both of them upstairs and went inside their room.

Cat was right behind them but went just a door further than them, going inside his room and taking the time to take a warm shower, relaxing her muscles&body and then wrapping himself in a cozy towel once she was done.

'Today was pretty exhausting, having to deal with all those people again.. *sight* at least I'm done for today. That's all that matters."

Catherine thought, has he finished drying and changing into her new clothes, making his way now down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Taking out two cups of tea, and two tea bags.

He placed the two into the cups and started to watch as the water that was inside the kettle was slowly starting to heat.

Desmond-" Catherine..?"

She jumped, turning around n' taken aback by the figure of the 14 year old kid that about two hours ago was in bed.

Catherine-" Desmond?? What are you doing up? You're supposed to be in bed.. did something happen dear?"

He looked at her for a bit, then looked down, thinking about how to get his words in order.

Desmond-" I've, been feeling weird.. like something is gonna happen, something bad. I.."

He paused, clenching at his arms.

Catherine-" Desmond.. What happened?"

Catherine got closer to him, kneeling down with one knee on the ground.

Desmond-" I tried to sleep.. but something woke me up, something like, a pare of eyes, watching me from the window.. I think he may be back.."

Right then, the Kettle started to whistle like crazy, as if it was boiling for a longer period of time. Cat jumped at the noise once again, running to close the fire to let the water inside to cool.

He breathed hard.

He couldn't be back, He couldn't..

was all that was running inside her head, like a carousel that would never stop.

Catherine-" Des, get your sister. You'll both sleep with me here, downstairs."

Catherine looked back at Desmond, he was shaking, clenching at his shirt and sleeves.

He turned around to face her little brother.

Catherine-" Hei its going to be ok, I'll keep you both safe."

Desmond shaked his head 'yes', smiled back at her and made his way upstairs as quickly and quietly as possible.

'Where is Derick? He should have been home by now..'

At that point, Catherine too realised something was wrong. That something bad is lurking around, and he knew exactly what it was..

She was frantically pacing around from back to forth, until his brother's screams echoed through out the house.

Catherine instantly tried to run as fast as she could but in the process he hurt herself with the corner of the kitchen table hitting his side, but she ignored it and just continued to run up the stairs, barging into the room of the two but only seeing a dark tall figure, with a tail and claws representing the ones of a wolf and his two children in the man's arms.

He was too late.

She froze for a moment, but broke free when he saw the man taking a step forward out the window, because he knew that if she didn't tried to at least stop him then this will be all his fault.

But it was to no avail the only thing she managed to get was a piece of his clothing from his attempt at clawing at his clothes to try and stop him. In the end, he got away and with him, her precious pearls to..

This is kinda crappy but y'all cant blame me cus I did the end while I'm in school so writing in a chaotic environment isn't the best for inspiration.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and that you will be enjoying the next ones as well! Please remember to stay healthy, stay safe and stay hydrated! Love you guys so much and I hope you have an amazing night or day!!


Word count:2219

Reve_kuncreators' thoughts