
Guns & Gore: Exodus Book IV

This is a Sequel; if you didn't read the first three books in the Exodus series, you will certainly be lost. This is the fourth story in the Exodus series. QJ takes over as the MC. In order to prove he's ready to take on Gun & Gore, QJ agrees to attend the Exodus Academy. Plenty of laughs, romance, and of course, action to come.

BotwaCazador · 游戏
131 Chs

Imperial Order (part one)

Lotte opened one eye, pulling the shared blanket around her. "Is it time to get up?"

QJ shook his head, slipping on his running shoes. "Nope, just getting a run in. Won't be long until you can start morning walks."

Lotte smiled crookedly. "Two months, and I'll give it a try." She sat up slowly, keeping the blanket wrapped around her. "That was quite a party."

QJ grinned and gave his favorite running shirt the 'sniff' test before slipping it on. "Any surprises?"

Lotte nodded. "Who knew Belle would get so wild after a few drinks?"

"Me," QJ admitted. "I'll grab the medkit from your room."

"Thanks," Lotte waited until QJ returned with her medication, which she kept refrigerated in her room. She gave him a quick kiss as a thank you. "I'll probably be logged when you get back."

"Okay, cya at roll call."

Lotte waited until she heard the front door open and close before swinging her feet out of bed with a wince. Increased activity resulted in lots of pain and stiffness in the morning. She sat quietly for a moment, glancing down at the scars on her legs before opening her tacklebox-sized medkit. 

The dozen shots she gave herself every morning were only tolerable because she logged in almost immediately after. The needles were tiny, but once the medicine began to circulate with her muscles, they would ache horribly for the next few hours. Lotte dodged this by going virtual until lunch when she would work out; this was recommended within six hours of her daily EPO treatments.

By the time QJ returned an hour later, the rest of the house was already logged in. Wu sat by himself at the kitchen island drinking his morning coffee. 

Wu gestured toward a plate with some waffles. "Your roommates left you some breakfast."

"Breeze cooked?" QJ grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and sat across from Wu.

Wu nodded and pushed the syrup closer so QJ wouldn't have to get up. "Guess what..."

QJ raised an eyebrow. "Something happen?"

Wu smiled slightly. "Depends on your definition of something. My Aunt Yu is having a baby."

"Really?" QJ pretended ignorance. "That's amazing."

Wu grinned. "Right? I knew she was looking into IVF, but I still can't wrap my head around it. Must have gotten it done right after we left."

"For sure," QJ agreed. "Boy or girl?"

"Boy," Wu replied. "She's going to name him Qiang." 

QJ ate his breakfast while Wu scanned the GnG forums. "We're going to hit Junebug today."

Wu glanced up from his hud. "Define hit."

"Sack, raze, turn upside down, and shake it until it breaks." QJ gathered his dishes and began rinsing them off. 

"Can you do that?" Wu asked. "Junebug is no joke and you can get in serious trouble. Despite its lawlessness, it's still a Maelstrom city."

"No worries," QJ replied. "You can stream the whole event."

Wu clapped his hands together and finished off his coffee. "I'm on it!"

QJ logged into Exodus a few minutes later; walking toward the GnG gate, he opened his contact list and buzzed one of the names. A blond-haired woman with pretty green eyes immediately appeared on his hud.

"QJ?" The young woman gave him a friendly smile. The queen of Maelstrom would only accept direct calls from two players, and the OP Vice Leader was one of them. "This is a surprise."

QJ didn't waste time since he knew Lilly was probably busy. "Junebug is an eyesore."

Queen Lilianna smiled slightly. "Does OP want to deal with Junebug?" Lilly wasn't against a move against Junebug; it was a lawless city that gave no benefits to the realm.

"Yes," QJ admitted. 

Lilly leaned back, studying the OP Vice Leader for a moment. "The Crown has tried to clean up Junebug on several occasions in the past. It always reverts to lawlessness within a few years. I don't want to waste the resources it would take to govern the place."

QJ grinned. "We'll keep it swept up."

Lilly returned QJ's smile and, after a brief moment, nodded. "Very well. I'll leave Junebug in OP's hands."

QJ thanked the queen and then closed his hud as the quest suddenly appeared on guild chat.

[Imperial Order]

Major Guild Quest.

Description: You have received an Imperial Order from the Crown to deal with the lawless town of Junebug. 

Reward: Junebug.

[OP: Sato] Holy crap...

[OP: Chainy] Interesting. 

[Whisper: Ringo/QJ] How do you plan to keep it cleaned up in the long term?

[Whisper: QJ/Ringo] The guild reward from Night Rattler. 

[Blackridge Keep] (Instant Build Order)

Bound: One Problem

Description: Place this on Guild Lands and start a new settlement. Blackridge Keep comes with two dozen guards and a compliant portal.

[Whisper: Ringo/QJ] Perfect!

[OP: Ringo] Guild Event at Junebug. You'll have to ride to Yaron and take the gate to the outskirts. We'll assemble there.

QJ closed his hud and continued toward the Exodus Academy platform. A slim, smiling figure fell in step beside him. 

"Hey, handsome..." Barti winked, her emerald eyes sparkling. 

"Hey Bart," QJ noticed she had bought a red scabbard for the [Crimson Thorn]. "You look different."

Bart ran slim fingers through her near-silver hair, trimmed down to a pixie cut. "Cut my hair. Do you like it?"

QJ shook his head. "Makes you look like a guy, with those wide shoulders and square jaw."

Bart's pale face flushed red. "Wh..." Whatever she was going to say was cut off when QJ laughed. "Rascal... Say you were teasing!"

QJ smiled but didn't answer. Even among the Silverleaf women who were known for their beauty, Barti stood out like a winter sunrise on a frosted glen. "How's work?"

"It's great," Barti whistled a tune, seemingly tagging along without motive. 

"You want something?" QJ had known Barti since he was five years old. 

Barti smiled and nodded. "I'd like to go to the Summit."

QJ raised an eyebrow. "Whatever for?"

Barti shrugged. "Call it curiosity or wanderlust; the summit is a big topic among casino patrons. I hear more information is coming down the pipeline. I'm just saying, if possible, keep me in mind." 

"I doubt your boss would give you the time off," QJ countered as he stepped onto the Exodus Academy platform.

Barti wrinkled her nose. "Have a good day, QJ."

"Thanks," QJ vanished an instant later. 

QJ walked down the hall toward the 1st year classroom. The sounds of his classmates talking amongst themselves carried through the open glass doors. 

"Almost late," Ringo leaned against the far window with a slim, olive-skinned man. "You've met Damon?"

QJ nodded. "Just the one time. Good morning."

Damon nodded, his dark hair hung wetly to his shoulders, the smell of hair product wafted from him. "Good morning."

[OP: QJ] Who puts hair product on a gaming avatar?

[OP: Ringo] Easy answer. 

The class slowly filtered in; Lotte sat beside QJ, smiling sweetly. "Morning, QJ."

"Hey, Lotte." QJ took a quick look around the room before glancing at Ringo; she motioned for him to take over the class.

QJ moved to the podium and displayed the guild's current standing before glancing at the class schedule. "As you can see, OP remains solidly in control of the server, followed by Old Skool and Chupa Lupa. The numbers aren't important as long as we continue to progress. Shoot and Ride range is next, followed by stables; that's an easy morning. Questions?"

Breeze raised her hand. "I don't use a firearm."

QJ grinned in response; typically, melee characters are dismissed for free time during shoot-and-ride events. "If you can hit the bullseyes from ten meters with your melee weapon, then OP will award you 1,000 GCP."

Breeze smiled brightly. "For real? I can do that!"

[OP: QJ] (Shoot-and-Ride event.) Hit the bullseyes with a melee weapon from ten meters and earn 1,000 GCP. 

[OP: Lotte] That leaves slingers out.

[OP: QJ] Affirmative, unless one of your firearms is a swordgun.

[OP: Ringo] I smell a scam.

[OP: QJ] Hmm.... Let's head to the stables. 

Breeze, Lotte, Sato, and QJ walked down the hall until the OP Chero created some distance by juggling her hatchets. "Where you guys going?"

Sato was hugging the left wall while QJ and Lotte were on the right with Breeze going down the middle. Sato and QJ held the door as Breeze walked through without missing a beat. 

The group paused when the stables came into view. All the second years were in a mounted formation with Damon at the front. 

[OP: QJ] Looks like the calvary is here.

[OP: Lotte] I heard them talking; quite a few want to take you down in a race. 

[OP: Ringo] Anyone make the 12 Bell run?

[OP: Lotte] Three already tried and failed this year. 

QJ saddled Scorch and then led him out of the stables. He paused long enough to check what range their event was on and then took off at a canter. 

"Want to race?" Galaxia asked as she pulled up next to QJ. Her rainbow-colored hair was mostly covered by a bowler hat that should have looked lame but seemed to fit nicely on her. 

Ringo pulled up on the other side of QJ, frowning at the second year. "If you haven't beat the 12 bells, don't waste my Vice Leader's time."

Galaxia pursed her lips, having no comment. "Oh... I was pretty close."

Lotte watched the interaction and suddenly heeled her horse, accelerating away from the group. 

[OP: Lotte] The Last ten to arrive are on range clean-up!

As one, all of OP galloped away in a cloud of dust. QJ quickly overtook Lotte, but she remained solidly in second with Ringo and Enju on her heels. 

[Basilisk: Galaxia] That Ringo seems a bit intense. I don't think she likes us. I was trying to break the ice. 

[Basilisk: Ella] I heard that all of OP turned pro.

[Basilisk: Rori] Bullshit.

[Basilisk: Damon] It's true. They have a handful of corporate sponsors. 

[Basilisk: Roman] What's a base member make?

[Basilisk: Damon] 100k monthly, Officers are 150k; this includes the 3rd years who run the Basara Branch of OP.

[Basilisk: Ella] Those third years are mooching off their juniors; they have five good players, and the rest are average.

QJ pulled up next to the closest popup target. It was circular and roughly the size of a dinner plate. The target had three circles painted on it, including a small red center. The ground beneath the target had three large circles painted on it, placed at twenty, ten, and five meters. 

[OP: Ringo] Switch to range chat. Can you put up a brief, QJ?

[OP: QJ] Sure. 

[EA-Range: QJ] Here's a range brief for those who need it. 

[Range Brief] Hit the target twice on each run. There are two things to keep in mind. The distance you score from adds to your score, and the time you spend within the 40-meter circle subtracts from it. Questions?

[EA-Range: Roman] Can we fire more than twice?

[EA-Range: QJ] Yes, use six-gun-fan if you want. Only the two best hits score. 

[EA-Range: Damon] How come this hasn't been part of the curriculum in the past?

[EA-Range: QJ] I added it while I was Dean.

[EA-Range: Ella] What if you only hit it once?

[EA-Range: QJ] Probably get kicked out of the Academy. 

[EA-Range: Galaxia] For real?

[EA-Range: QJ] No... How is that even possible? Three targets have been set up; choose one and get in line. 

[EA-Range: Roman] This sounds like cake. How about we compete?

[OP: Ringo] Put some fear into them, QJ. 

QJ lined up behind the target start line, a hundred meters away from their objective. 

[EA-Range: QJ] I'll go first to demonstrate. 

QJ patted Scorch's muscular shoulder. "Let's show em, Red!" 

An instant later, Scorch's acceleration pushed QJ back in the saddle. [Roll-Credits] came up as the rider closed on the target. At the twenty-meter line, a single shot was fired.

[Aimed Shot]

QJ has scored a bullseye.

QJ rode low in the saddle without firing twice as he blasted past the target.

[EA-Range: Galaxia] He didn't fire twice?

[EA-Range: Ella] Misfire?

As QJ passed the target, he waited until Scorch entered the 20-meter circle on the opposite side of the target and then twisted in the saddle to fire behind him. 

[Snap Shot]

QJ has scored a bullseye.

Ringo laughed at the expressions on the 2nd year faces. It's one thing to hear how good someone is, but it's different when you see it in person. 

[EA-Range: Ringo] That's how it's done. Let's get this started. 

All three lines started simultaneously as both classes began competing in earnest. Every person who tried to emulate QJ's performance missed their second shot. Breeze sat quietly in the saddle, hefting her hatchet while the people with guns finished their first round.

[EA-Range: Breeze] Can I go now?

[EA-Range: QJ] Do it.

[EA-Range: Damon] What's going on? She's a Chero.

[EA-Range: Ringo] It's a bit of guild fun and unofficial. 

Breeze approached the target, screaming like a banshee. She crossed the ten-meter line, and her arm whipped forward, releasing her hatchet. 

[Melee Strike]

Breeze has scored a Bullseye. 

QJ laughed and clapped in appreciation as the Chero grinned brightly. She turned around after she exited the circle since her hatchet was still embedded in the target. 

[EA-Range: Sato] I'm next! 

Sato rode in fast, tossing his dagger at the ten-meter line. 

[Melee Strike]

Sato has scored a Bullseye.

Sato turned in the saddle as he rode past the target, throwing a second dagger.

[Melee Strike]

Sato has scored a Bullseye. 

[EA-Range: Ella] Woah... Can we try that?

[EA-Range: Damon] Go ahead. 

The Academy group watched as the Melee players from both guilds attempted the feat. Only Ella managed to graze the target; the rest missed badly. There was lots of clapping and laughing, no one taking it seriously as they began the 2nd round. 

[OP: Breeze] Had to one-up me?

[OP: Sato] Yep.

QJ was at the front of the line in the middle lane, but neither of the other participants wanted to start at the same time as he did. "Let's go, Red!"

QJ rode low in the saddle as Scorch approached at breakneck speed. He transferred the reins to his teeth just before he entered the twenty-meter circle.

[Roll-Credits] came up simultaneously as a second gun in QJ's offhand. 

[Aimed Shot]

QJ has scored a bullseye.

[Hideout Gun]

QJ has scored a bullseye.

Blasting past the target, QJ twisted in the saddle at the twenty-meter line.

[Aimed Shot]

QJ has scored a bullseye.

[Hideout Gun]

QJ has scored a bullseye.

Sato laughed at the 2nd year faces; even Damon had his mouth open. 

[EA-Range: Galaxia] Why does QJ have a second sidearm besides his shotgun?

[EA-Range: Ringo] Trade secret.

The rest of the rounds went smoothly, with OP completely dominating the scoring. As the two classes returned to the stables, there was lots of laughing and teasing. 

[OP: Enju] These guys are fun.

[Basilisk: Galaxia] I like these guys.

QJ walked back to the stables, leading Scorch; he hung the saddle on the hitching rail and let the red stallion inside. 

Lotte peeked over the rail as QJ was brushing Scorche's red coat. "What are you doing after lunch?"

QJ patted Scorch's flank and led him to the hitching rail from the stall. "Following up on Sam's quest."

QJ grabbed one of the wheel barrels from the wall and pushed it into the doorway of the empty stall. "Time to clean up the gifts."

Lotte laughed as QJ grabbed a pitchfork and began mucking out the stall. "Do you want to take care of Viento's gifts, too?"

"Negative," QJ replied. 

Lotte pursed her lips and disappeared from view before reappearing a moment later. "Pool at lunch?"

QJ nodded. "You know it.