
Final Skill Assessment

Riveting Night was naturally startled by what she saw. This title was even more powerful than the Frontiersmen that Umbra gained when the Vita Settlement had been upgraded into a Capital City. 

The reputation bonus was especially crazy. It meant that apart from Unique Quests where all titles and social relevance were made meaningless, the members of Umbra would be treated with true respect wherever they went, whether it was a Rank 7 power or a Divine Empire. 

This was not something to be taken lightly. It opened up many doorways for the members of Umbra. Their global expansion would become much easier, and their ability to access special areas with lucrative resources, shocking quests, and hidden dungeons would skyrocket. 

There was also the purchase discount. The guild usually relied on Money Lover to abuse his class to buy extremely low and place items into the Guild Shop while he sold the productions of the guild members extremely high.