
Guild Master System *dropped*

Wade was one of many cogs in the machine of modern society burned out and depressed with life, waking in a world of fantasy he always dreamed of only to find his cheat unable to be used unless certain conditions are fulfilled. Feeling dread and anger he sets out to unlock his cheat and no longer be at the mercy of fate. Advanced Chapters: https://www.patreon.com/Blink360

mickro · 奇幻
12 Chs

Chapter 5 "The Strange Book"

  Wade stepped into the bookstore, his eyes widening at the sight before him. The shelves stretched high, almost reaching the ceiling, filled to the brim with books and magical scrolls. It was a grand library, a sanctuary of knowledge that whispered secrets only to those who dared to explore its depths. His heart raced with anticipation, longing to uncover the mysteries hidden within those pages. "Wow..." Wade mumbled. The sheer size and scope of the store left him in awe, and he couldn't help but wonder how long it had taken to gather this many magical books and scrolls. "I mean, weren't magical books supposed to be rare or something." He wondered.  That's how it always was in the reincarnation books he had read in his past life. In his former life, Wade had only read books to survive. But now, his heart raced at the prospect of touching one of these magical tomes, eager to delve into the secrets hidden within their pages. 

At the same time, a male elf approached them with a welcoming smile. He wore glasses perched on the bridge of his nose and a long, flowing robe that added to his scholarly appearance. "Idril..." The elf greeted, his voice filled with affection. Wade's eyes narrowed. There was something about the way he addressed his mother that made him uneasy. 

"Hello, Bera," Idril replied, her own smile warm and genuine. 

Wade coughed, breaking the moment, and both Idril and Bera turned their attention to him. He didn't like the way Bera looked at his mom, and he couldn't help but feel protective.

"It's been a long time, Cirdan?" Bera greeted, his gaze shifting to Wade.

Idril nudged Wade forward, urging him to acknowledge the store owner. "Say hi, Cirdan."

Wade gave a curt nod, determined to assert himself. "Hey," he replied, his eyes locking with Bera's, a silent challenge in his gaze. Although he had only known his family for a few days, he strangely felt a sense of loyalty to Zaos. 

"Cir-" Idril began, but Bera cut her off. 

"It's okay," Bera chuckled. "I'm glad he's finally awake," he added.

"Yeah, yeah," Wade grumbled beneath his breath, looking away. From the corner of his left eye, Wade's attention was drawn to the mysterious shadow that disappeared almost immediately. It moved with insane speed that he questioned whether he had imagined it. 

"Cir, Cirdan!" Idril's voice broke through his thoughts, pulling him back to the present. Wade turned his gaze toward her, but his mind was still occupied with the strange shadow he had seen. 

"Yeah," he replied absentmindedly, his attention already shifting back to the second floor, his curiosity demanding answers. 

"Do you want to look around to see what book you want?" Idril asked.

"Sure," Wade replied, and without breaking his stride, he climbed the staircase, each step bringing him closer to the enigma that had captured his imagination. As he reached the second floor, Wade was equally impressed. Rows upon rows of books lined the shelves, their spines adorned with intricate designs and titles of different aspects of magic. Wade couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as his fingers trailed across the spines of the books within his reach. Suddenly, the shadow he had seen before darted across the store. "Someone is here," Wade muttered to himself, his curiosity now burning within him. Ignoring the possibility of danger, he followed the fleeting figure with determination, his steps quick and purposeful. Rounding the last shelf, Wade expected to find someone, but to his surprise, the place was empty. Confusion washed over him as he scanned the area, his heart pounding in his chest. It was as if the shadow had vanished into thin air. "Was it you?" Wade mumbled, turning his attention to the holographic screen. 

But then, he saw it. 

A single book on one of the top shelves was glowing faintly, illuminating the surrounding books. Adrenaline coursed through Wade's veins as he approached the book, his gaze locked on its faint glow. The book remained the same, taunting him with its strange energy. "Is this one of those moments where the isekai character finds something that would give him great power?" Wade wondered, eyeing the book. He observed the shelf for a few more minutes, contemplating his next move. Wade jumped a few times, but his fingertips barely grazed the book. Each time he jumped, it seemed like book was farther and farther away from his reach. "Come on!" Wade cussed, frustration etched across his face as sweat rolled down his forehead. The awareness of his weak, childlike body hit him hard, but Wade was determined not to give up. He wiped the sweat from his chin and muttered, "It's so hard being a child. But I'm not going to give up. Nuh-uh. This might be my main character moment." Finally, he decided to climb it. Ignoring the ache in his small limbs, he grabbed onto the shelves, hoisting himself upward. His small fingers trembled with effort as he grasped the book, his heart pounding with anticipation. But fate seemed to have other plans for him. As soon as he wrapped his hand around it, five more books toppled from the shelf, causing him to lose his balance. Panic surged through him as he flailed his arms, desperately trying to regain his footing. His fingers grazed the edges of the falling books, but his efforts only resulted in a cascade of tumbling tomes. 

With a resounding thud, Wade hit the ground, the books crashing around him in a chaotic symphony. Pain radiated through his body, aching and throbbing. "Fucking hell!" Wade groaned, pushing the books aside. He scanned the disheveled pile for the book he wanted, and there it was, nestled amidst the chaos. Wade's eyes lit up with a mix of triumph and curiosity. As he crawled forward, his hand closed around the book, the weight of it grounding him. The leather cover felt cool against his palm, causing nerves to shoot down his spine. "I swear this better be worth it." He grumbled. As soon as Wade opened the book, a bright light tore out from its sheets, momentarily blinding him. He winced, shielding his eyes, as the light slowly disappeared.  The light seemed to pulse with energy, causing his heart to race. As he focused his attention on the pages, strange symbols danced before him, intricate and mesmerizing. They seemed to whisper secrets of untold power, tantalizing Wade with the promise of unlocking his true potential. His breath hitched, his chest tightening with a mix of anticipation and fear. This was a pivotal moment, a chance to transcend the limitations of his small body. "Right, although I can't use the skills provided by the system, that doesn't mean I can't improve my stats," Wade murmured, his voice laced with determination as he closed the book, the light fading. His mind buzzed with excitement as he imagined the possibilities that lay before him.



Bera and Idril sat at a cozy table on the first floor of the store, sipping tea and chatting about various topics, while the enchanting aroma of brewed herbs filled the air. In the midst of their conversation, Wade rushed downstairs, his excitement palpable as he dropped the book on the table, right between Bera and his mother.

"I want this book," Wade announced with determination, his eyes fixed on the book.

Idril leaned over to see the book and nodded, encouraging him to show it to Bera. 

Bera, with his glasses perched on his nose, adjusted them and began to flip through the book that had captured Wade's interest. A frown appeared between his brows as he examined the book. He looked up at Wade and then back at the book. "I wonder how this book got there. You might want to pick out another one since there's noth-" 

"No, I want this one. Unless it's not for sale?" Wade cut in, feeling a bit nervous. If the book was exactly what he thought it was, he needed to get it at all costs. 

"Are you sure you want it?" Bera asked, a bit perplexed. 

"Yes. I want this book," Wade affirmed, his determination unwavering.

Bera considered Wade's request, his eyes flickering with curiosity. He took a moment to study the book in front of him, but the result was still the same. With a slight tilt of his head, he glanced at Wade. "Well, I'll give you the book for free," Bera finally said, a resigned look on his face. He pushed the book toward Wade, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. Wade's eyes widened in surprise, his heart skipping a beat at the unexpected gesture. He couldn't believe his luck. If the book was what he thought it was, he had just gotten the best deal - Now it was his, without any cost. With a grateful nod, Wade reached out and carefully took hold of the book, his fingers tracing the embossed title on the cover. A surge of excitement coursed through him as he imagined the possibilities hidden within those pages. By the end of the visit, he also picked up some elementary books on how to harness mana. Shortly after their visit to the store, they met up with Zaos, and together, they had some enjoyable moments, before making the long journey back home. 

Upon arriving home, the first thing Wade did was rush to his room with his new books. Excitement coursed through him as he jumped onto his bed. "Here goes nothing. One, two - go!"


As he flipped it open, his heart raced, the frown between his brows deepening. He picked the book up with one hand and shook it, hoping for some hidden content. "What the -" Wade mumbled in frustration, flipping through page after page, only to find everything blank. As Wade sat up on his bed, a bitter laugh escaped his lips, laced with a tinge of self-mockery. "I knew it," he scoffed, his voice tinged with a mix of disappointment and bitterness. "I had lousy luck from the moment I arrived. There's no such thing as a power-up book." His frustration mounting, Wade's anger flared. "There's no SuCH THinG!" Wade gritted his teeth and tried to tear a page from the book, his muscles straining against the stubborn material. But to his surprise, the pages remained the same, as if mocking his weak state. Each attempt to rip a page felt like trying to tear through the toughest fabric, leaving him panting and defeated. Groaning in frustration, Wade reached for the nightstand, hoping to place the book aside and forget his dashed hopes. But in his haste, he lost his balance and stumbled, his hand scraping against the sharp edge of the bed. Pain shot through his palm, a searing reminder of his disappointment. The room seemed to hold its breath, as if even the air recognized the weight of his despair.

Idril's concerned voice floated up from downstairs, breaking through the silence of his room. "Cirdan, are you alright? Do you want me to come upstairs?" she called out, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Wade took a moment to collect himself, swallowing his frustration and pushing it deep down. "I'm fine, I just…"  Wade trailed off, his eyes zeroing in on the book. One of the pages of the book, now stained with Wade's blood, suddenly lit up. The blood that had trickled onto the pages began to form words and symbols, filling the once-blank sheets with magical formations. "What the -" Wade whispered softly, his heart racing as he watched the pages transform before his eyes. The room seemed to be infused with pulsating energy, as if the very air crackled with anticipation. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the mesmerizing display. Hurriedly, he picked up the book and began to flip through the pages. The missing words had returned, now written in red against the stark white backdrop. The words seemed to dance across the pages, forming intricate patterns and symbols that were beyond Wade's comprehension.

"Wow, this is very freaky," Wade commented, his voice filled with a mix of awe and trepidation. He ran his fingers over the words, feeling a faint warmth coming off the pages. Each stroke of his fingers sent a shiver down his spine, as if the book was alive, pulsing with a newfound energy. Trying to make sense of the strange sentences, Wade squinted at the words on one of the pages. "An Astral indentation only happens as the micro-cosmic evolution combines with Heli - Hmm..." Wade read, a stoic expression settling on his face. Without saying another word, he closed the book, stood up from the floor, and placed the pile of books on his nightstand. As he lay down in bed, Wade closed his eyes, trying to block out the reality of his situation. The words he had read echoed in his mind, each syllable etching itself into his consciousness.

"Astral indentation? Cosmo thing? I'm screwed," he cried inwardly, wondering what each word even meant.

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