Every beast has a guardian and everything has its own language. But who does the Phoenix guard, and what happens when she encounters the one shes been waiting for, for centuries? Someone she wants to pull close but should push away.
I didn't know if I was an idiot or a fool but I felt like both. I saw the recognition in the detective's face as soon as I flew outside the window. Nathan Reeves, whose name I learned from his wallet, was one of a handful of humans throughout my two thousand years of living, that had the ability to sneak up on me completely without alerting me to his presence. I had not expected him to wake, to walk up behind me, to speak to me, calmly. I had not planned on touching him, but in a moment's panic to prevent him from asking the question on his lips, I had. The electricity that flowed between us both intrigued me and terrified me at the same time. I had never reacted that way to a human before, it was almost similar to the way my body reacted when I came in contact with other Guardians, but even that wasn't the same. This electricity was tantalizing, making me want to experience it more, making the ever present fire in my gut burn and writhe in a mixture of anger and desire. Then he had seen me in that form, a small innocent bird, and he wasn't afraid, merely awed. But it was easy to not be afraid of a bird, or a cat, or a rat. The beasts that they were so used to, had seen, even the scarier ones like lions and bears, would fill them with an expected fear. But how would they react to seeing me in my true form, my guardian form, that is something I hoped I would never find out, something I hope I would never have to feel, again.
After leaving Nathan's apartment, I sat on the floor of an empty warehouse. I stared into the darkness of the shadows lurking around, waiting for the sun to come up. I had hoped to sleep, but I knew that sleep would be far from my reach.
'Arabel' the voice in my mind made my stomach lurch, a voice that had once belonged to my friend and only companion, now filled me only with sadness, anger, and a sense of betrayal. I had been so protective of my mind but exhaustion mixed the confusing events that occurred had left him an opening.
'Do you really think you can protect them all?' He asked and I heard his sickening chuckle echo within my mind.
'Kristy? You've always had a fondness for the Rockers, haven't you.' He spoke while I remained silent. As long as I didn't respond to his taunts, he wouldn't be able to find me.
'Silent as ever I see. But what of this new friend of yours? Detective Nathan Reeves was it?' I felt my heart tighten and the fire inside writhed in a fury I didn't comprehend. I shouldn't have been surprised though that he already knew about Nathan, nothing slipped past him. I clenched my jaw tightly, wanting so badly to retort but knowing it was no good. But the voice disappeared with a heartless laugh that echoed in my mind long after I pushed my walls tightly back in place to keep him from returning, leaving me alone once again with my thoughts until the sky was dyed with fiery reds, yellows and oranges.
The next day I sat outside Kristy's apartment in the form of a stray dog. I sat there waiting for her to leave, but when noon passed and she didn't emerge I knew she had no plans of leaving the apartment that day. I changed into a pigeon and flew up to the fire escape outside her window. I saw her asleep on the couch, books sprawled around her, a baseball bat at her side, the handle clutched tight with sheet white knuckles, and I felt a wave of guilt over the fear that I felt was inside her. A fear that I knew wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for me.
But regardless, no matter how much I wanted to leave her alone, I new that I wouldn't be able to, not without knowing she was safe and out of harms way.
'Please help me!' I heard the soft cry in my mind and turned my pigeon head towards the cry. So many times had the cries of humans entered my mind that it took me a long, hard time, to learn that I couldn't be there to save them all. But whenever one did enter, within my reach, I always had to try. I listened and heard sirens and helicopter blades and flew towards the sound. I landed on a wire of the Brooklyn bridge and stared as the helicoptors circled a large truck that teetered on the edge of the bridge. By the looks of it, a tire had blown out and the truck had spun out of control until it crashed into the side, where it now teetered forward and back with the vibrations of moving traffic around it. I saw a young teenager at the driving wheel, terrified and frozen in place. The front wheels slip forward even more, threatening again to tip the truck over completely and I heard a petrified scream from the young driver. I fluttered down towards the truck and noticed firemen inching towards it.
Then I felt a familiar presence from the night before and turned to see Nathan barking orders at younger officers around him. I changed into the same white bird from the night before, knowing that it went unnoticed among the chaos. I flew up to him and landed briefly on his shoulder, not knowing what possessed me to make him aware of my presence. But he jumped at my tiny feet landing on his shoulder and eyed me from the corner of his eyes. So I fluttered towards the truck and flew under it and felt his eyes watching me. I changed underneath that truck into my usual body and listened to the whimpering cries of the young woman above me. I braced my legs against the bridge and grabbed the undercarriage of the truck. Slowly, ever so slowly, I pulled at the truck until it rolled backwards, inching backwards until the front wheels no longer teetered over the edge. I heard Nathan's barked orders and the flurry of feet surround the truck. The door opened and they pulled the young girl out. I smelled blood for the first time as they cut the airbag away from her. But the blood was not only coming from any external injuries. As soon as they pulled her away I release the truck and flew out from underneath the truck. I saw Nathans eyes follow me and flew slowly behind a string of police cars where, crouching down, I changed once again into my usual form, calling black threads to knit around me into black pants and a hooded shirt. I sat there waiting until I heard his nearly silent footsteps come up next to the car. I felt him staring at me, pressed against the police car but didn't dare look up.
"Thank you," he said softly with a gentleness in his voice that was unexpected. I stood up slowly when I was sure there were no other wandering eyes around. I kept my head low as I felt the heat from his body emanating towards me despite keeping him at arms length.
"She's bleeding internally," I said quietly, "make sure she goes to the hospital to get checked out." I turned to leave but once again he was able, so easily, to catch me unawares and grab my arm to prevent me from leaving. I spun around on him and he came closer and flicked off the hood from my head like it was a nuisance. I held his gaze as his fingers tightened around me. A smile threatened his lips as he got a good look at me, without the hindering shadows of night. I saw emotion cross his eyes that I didn't understand. But then again, there were many emotions to humans, that I didn't understand.
"Did you get any sleep last night?" he asked, a question I was not expecting, I recognized concern in his gaze. I frowned at him and wrenched my arm free, stepping backwards from him.
"Don't forget what I said last night," I reminded him urgently before turning and running, away from the crowds, cars, and cameras, and away from his pale gray eyes that felt like they burned to my very core.
Kristy left her apartment at her usual time and as usual, I followed. It had been a week since the incident on the bridge, there had been no more attempts on Kristy's life since then, no hidden enemies in the shadows. But I knew better than to risk it. She stopped at a mom-and-pops breakfast café where she sat in a corner booth away from the bustling chatter of the younger crowd. She ordered a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, a side of bacon, and coffee. After realizing she meant to stay for a while I walked slowly into the café, I chose a seat on the opposite end and sat facing the window, with my back to Kristy. I could see her perfectly in the reflection, as well a everyone else around her.
After she finished eating her breakfast and pulled out her laptop, I wondered at her reason for staying. But I didn't have to wonder long, as a familiar, unnerving presence, appeared.
"Detective," I heard Kristy's voice, "I'm surprised you called." I felt a growl bubbling up inside me, that threatened to spill. If he didn't get himself killed, I was half-tempted to kill him myself.
"Do you believe me?" Kristy asked, while I sipped at my coffee and milk, which was more milk than coffee. A waitress came to ask for my order and I gave it to her quickly to be left alone again.
"I wanted to hear more of the stories I read on your blog," his deep voice rumbled and vibrated and I felt a wary flip in my stomach.There was a hesitation from Kristy and I wondered if she would be silent, for once. But of course, I was wrong.
"My grandfather, used to tell me stories about the,"
"Lets hold off on using that word," Nathan interrupted and I felt a flutter of admiration and respect, at least he heeded my warnings. In the reflection I saw Kristy's confusion and then watched as she dramatically rolled her eyes; the waitress brought me my food and I ate as I listened.
"Alright, he used to tell me stories about them," she said emphatically.
"Them? As in more than one?"
"Two," she clarified, "he would tell me stories about two of them who would live in different parts of the world, their goal always to help the human race,"
"Help how?" Nathan asked, intrigue audible in his tone.
"Help, however it was needed. Farming, building, medicine, protecting, saving, anyone who needed help they would help. They've always been there, saving anyone who needed saving. But my grandfather said, that while the woman was loving, compassionate, loved humans and especially children, her counterpart cared only about power and strength. He said that there was one point where the tension between them was so straining and it was at that time where she was betrayed by the other and it tore such a hole in her heart that she disappeared for 6 years, he said that was right before World War II started." I felt a pang of guilt at this, this part of story was partly accurate, but missing many details. In the reflection of the window I saw a frown on Nathan's face, confusion on his brow.
"So, now there's only one?" he asked.
"What happened to the other one?" I watched as Kristy opened her mouth, and then closed it.
"I never thought of that, Grandfather never mentioned him again…"
"Hmm." Nathan murmured.
"Sorry detective, I hate to run but I really have to get to my part time job, I gotta pay the rent some how." Kristy said in a rush, gathering her things as she realized the time. I listened as she hurried out the door and rushed towards her job and I waited patiently for Nathan to exit after her. But instead found myself face to face with him as he slid fluidly into the seat across from me. A smile once again toying with his lips.
"Almost walked out when I didn't see a dark black hoody anywhere in sight," he said with a teasing lilt to his voice. It was true I had chosen to wear a pale yellow shirt that hugged my body and blue jeans instead of my usual black. I studied him as I sipped my coffee gingerly.
"You didn't care about the stories," I said after a moment aware of the shock in my voice, "you just knew I'd be here." The grin that had threatened his lips submerged and he had a rougish look about him.
"I am a detective you know," he said, a bit smugly, "it isn't difficult to piece together that wherever she is, you won't be far behind."
"Is that supposed to impress me?" I said slowly, watching him as he leaned back in the chair and openly studied me with amusement.
"Hmm, I thought most women were impressed by a man in uniform," he said in a mock offended tone. I frowned and looked away, out the window towards the people milling out on the streets.
"I've seen too many 'men in uniform' die before their time, to find it much impressive anymore." There was silence from the other side of the table so I glanced back over to him. His smile had disappeared and he gazed at me with eyes once again swimming with emotion. Some I recognized, curiosity, admiration, respect, and some still I didn't understand. So many emotions in the human heart; it truly was a wonder.
"How old are you?" his next question surprised me as he leaned forward, elbows on the table. I narrowed my eyes slightly, he no longer had that teasing gaze but there was something in his eyes, that when he stared at me like he was, made me feel like I was burning inside.
"Isn't it considered rude to ask a woman that question? How old are you?" I countered and I saw his lip twitch, the ghost of a smile ever present.
"I'm 32, but that doesn't answer my question." He said and I frowned. How quickly 32 years goes by.
"I'm significantly older." I said, a smile threatening to break through my own façade, but I beat it down. He tilted an eyebrow.
"You don't look it." He said, unashamedly letting his gaze wander. I clenched my jaw at the man's cheeky attitude.
"You must get slapped often," I stated, and he sat back again with a chuckle.
"No. I don't, I just haven't found anyone as interesting as you before." He stated.
"I'm interesting then?" I said, playing along with his curiosity. He nodded.
"A mystery."
"Didn't you just hear my life story from the reporter?" I countered.
"So it's true?" he asked, eyes widening.
"I didn't say that, did I?" I countered and he scowled.
"Is any of it true?" he asked and I clenched my jaw shut for fear of spilling everything to this man. I had never met someone I had been so inclined to speak with, to answer any and all of his questions, and I decided very quickly, that he was dangerous.
"And the walls are back up," he said, a sad tone to his voice, "if only I had a wrecking ball." I watched him as he sat back, studying me.
"Why did you call Kristy today?" I asked, surprising him.
"To speak to you."
"Honestly?" he said quietly, "I don't know. I just wanted to speak to you, I've wanted to speak to you more and more, every time I see you." He smiled to himself and looked out the window at people passing by. We sat in silence for a few minutes and then he looked back at me,
"You're right you know," he said, his voice holding an uncertain edge as if he didn't know if he wanted to continue or not.
"About?" I nudged gently.
"Too many people in uniform die before their time in order for it to be impressive anymore." He had a haunted look in his eyes as if he wasn't looking at me anymore. I wanted nothing more than to wipe that look from his eyes and even found myself reaching over the table towards him, my fingers inches from his face.
'FIRE!' The voice in my mind screamed so loudly it caused me to jump to my feet, it was Kristy's voice. Nathan stood as well and stared at me with wide alarmed eyes, not hearing the panic I heard. I turned and stared out the window and saw dark smoke billowing up towards the sky.
"No," I hissed. I threw money on the table and bolted for the door, aware of the silent footsteps following me. I skidded to a halt in front of the burning library that Kristy worked in. Flames rose high in the sky, not surprisingly, for what would burn better than a building filled with dry paper?
"Alex what happened?" Nathan yelled over the screaming women and children to a fire fighter that was dishing out orders and helping with a hose that was already trained on the uncontrollable fire.
"Not now Nate, there's still people inside." He wasn't wrong, I felt three heartbeats inside, one of which was Kristy's.
'Can you save them all?' His vile voice broke through my concerned mind and I felt like I could scream. I recognized his fire right away. I broke for a run towards the library before feeling a pair of strong arms snake around my waist and lift me clear off the ground.
"What the hell are you doing?" Nathan hissed in my ear.
"Let me go detective," I hissed right back but he instead tightened his grip around my waist. I heard a heartbeat flicker with fear and realized that two of the heartbeats belonged to children. I felt a whimper in my chest but I pushed it down and grabbed Nathan's arm that was holding me tightly, I wrenched it free and spun him around until he landed on the hard concrete, on his back, with a woosh of air from his chest. He stared at me with incredulity and I glared back.
"Don't get in my way." I turned and sprinted for the burning doors, ignoring the screaming firemen behind me. I felt the fire licking my skin and arms, it didn't burn, it didn't hurt. Why would it? Fire was a part of me, it was who I am. If only the humans knew. I rushed through the burning building, smoke filling my lungs, which had no difficulty processing it, the pages of books curled, writhed, and wrinkled as flames deformed and destroyed them. I heard the heartbeats on the second floor, huddled together, I heard whimpering and crying too. I took the stairs two at a time and when I got to the second story they collapsed below, we would need a different exit route. I searched the second floor which had more smoke than fire. I heard coughing and followed it to a room that the fire had not reached. I tried the door but found it locked from the outside with a key so I kicked open the door, ignoring the scream of the two young children who were huddled in Kristy's arms.
"We got locked in here," Kristy choked back tears as she stared at me. I looked at the two huddled children then ran back out the room, at the end of the hall was a window, I ran to it and looked out, I wished I could get the attention of the firemen. As if hearing my thoughts Nathan looked up and saw me in the window. He called over the captain he had called Alex and then pointed in my direction. I ran back to the room with Kristy and the children fully intent on taking them to the window but as I stepped into the room the floor below me gave a lurch and I heard the sorrowful groaning of the wood that held us, I looked at Kristy who's eyes widened in panic and understanding. As the wood finally surrendered I did the one thing I hadn't done in years. I released my wings and launched myself at Kristy and the children. I wrapped my large white wings around us in a protective white, feathered, shield as the world around us came crashing down.