
GUARDIAN : Where we fall

Angel Monarchious, Angel of guidance is sent by the heavens on a mission and is sent to Earth in a human body to complete it.Everything seems to be going to plan until he meets Victoria Steinfield,a 23-year-old woman who is trying to find herself and deal with her past.Things start to take a turn and he finds himself going on a journey completely out of his boarders.Will he manage to complete the mission or will meeting Victoria change everything?

liz_sung · 奇幻
4 Chs


She opened her eyes and found herself looking into the eyes of Monarchious.He looked concerned yet relieved."Why-why is my heart beating so fast?" Victoria asked herself."Are you alright Ms.Steinfield?" Monarchious asked her.She simply nodded.Monarchious got off her and helped her up."How did you know I was in trouble?" She asked."I was walking this way and saw the situation." "Oh.Well thank you for saving me." "It is my duty to help those in need.Be careful next time Ms.Steinfield." He cautioned."I will." "I will be off then." He turned around and began to walk away."Wait!" Victoria called out making him stop and turn to her."Thank you for the breakfast.It was not too bad." Monarchious smiled."I am pleased you enjoyed it." Victoria smiled at him.He turned around and carried on his way.Victoria watched him leave."I need to find out more about him.I want to." She thought.

Monarchious walked down the street and thought about the incident that occurred."I shouldn't be wasting time on her.I have a task at hand." The imagery of her looking at him spiraled in his head.He shook his head."No Monarchious.You know the rules.I can't get involved with her.Not even a little bit.Focus on what you have to do." He scolded himself but his heart kept beating out of his chest.He let out a sigh."Hopefully I can go back soon." He continued to walk.

Down in the Hell realm the soldiers came rushing into the Room of Fire."My Lord!" One of them called out while bowing."What is it?!" The Lord yelled."An angel has been sighted on Earth." "WHAT?!" The Lord got out of his chair."A-An angel has been-" "I heard you you idiot!" He yelled.He let out a sigh."I can't let them ruin my plans." He told himself."Julius." He called.A man came forth."Yes My Lord." "Get the gates ready.It seems like I have to pay Earth a visit." "Yes My Lord." Julius bowed and left."Parcible will not win this time." The Lord said with a smirk on his face.

Victoria was doing some work at her desk when she thought about Monarchious."He fell from the sky.His appearance and aura is so intimidating.His register is also very formal." She let out a sigh."Who exactly are you?" She asked.She thought about what he told her."I am Angel Monarchious.Angel of guidance." "Could it be?" "Could what be?" Victoria got a little fright from the slight interruption.She looked up to see Samantha by her desk."You scared the daylights out of me!" Victoria held her chest."Sorry Vic." Samantha said as she leaned against the table."Is seems like you were in deep thought.What were you thinking about?" Samantha asked."That guy." Victoria replied."The handsome weirdo?" Victoria nodded."He is just so different.Everything about him.He said that he was walking by but his timing was nearly perfect." "Timing for?" Samantha asked confusingly."The accident.I was almost hit by a car but he saved me." Samantha gasped."Oh my.He is handsome and a hero.You go girl." Victoria shook her head."I need to find out for myself." She got up and packed her things."Were are you going?" Samantha asked."To find out if what he told me that night is true." She took her bag and left."What am I supposed to tell the boss?" Samantha thought.

Victoria spend the rest of her day trying to find Monarchious but she couldn't."I have looked everywhere.Where is he?" She thought to herself.After another half an hour of searching she decided to give up.She went back home with a weight on her shoulder."What if I never see him again?" She thought.She dragged herself to her house and when she looked up there was a sense of relief.In front of her stood the person that she has been looking for the entire day.He was pacing around her house with his hands behind his back."Monarchy!" She yelled with a smile and ran up to him.He looked at her."It is Monarchious." "Same thing.What are you doing here?" She asked."I came to check up on you.I realised that the fall could have had severe impact to your back but I see that you are well and able to walk." "This is my chance." She thought."I want to show you something." Victoria said.Monarchious tilted his head a little."Show me something?" Victoria nodded."Let's go." She held his hand and took him with her.

She went to the company building and went up to the roof.She opened the door and walked to the middle with him.He let go off her hand."If I may ask, why did you bring me here?" Monarchious asked."I, uh, I wanted you to see the beautiful view." She chuckled nervously."Ms.Steinfield.I do not take kindly to lies." He said sternly."You are different.Too different." She spoke up."Your tone, the way you speak, your posture, when you saved me from the accident.Everything is too perfect." "I am surprised you see me in such an image." He commented."Are you really an angel?" She asked."I never lie Ms.Steinfield.What I told you that evening of our encounter was the truth."He said."Then prove it.Right now prove that you are an angel." She commanded."I cannot." He said."Why not?" Monarchious placed his hands behind his back."I do not just flounder my abilities for the sake of boasting or to prove a point to others.It is against the rules." "Against the rules you say?" He nodded."I apologize if I have caused disappointment."

"Think Victoria think." She thought.She looked at him."And if you had to save a life?" She asked.Monarchious frowned slightly."I do not comprehend your sentence." She ran to the edge of the building."Ms.Steinfield!" Monarchious yelled.She stopped and turned to him."If I were to jump right now would you save me?" He went closer to her."Please stop being irrational." He said."But you are an angel.You are supposed to save people right?Unless it is a lie." "Ms.Steinfield, I gave you my word that I am an angel.You do not need to go to such lengths just so that you can have prove to a statement." "Seeing is believing right?" She said as she looked to the lights and cars on the ground."Ms.Steinfield please." Victoria gave a smile before leaning back and falling from the building.