
Welcome To The Student Life

'Great, next thing I know, the principal of the academy turns out to be a ladyboy.' Jason sighed.

However, he didn't feel shocked by the revelation. Jason had gotten used to being shocked by a lot of things so tiny things as finding another vessel didn't shock him.

"Oh also, I am the vessel to the Guardian of Dardono." Izzy added while looking at Amber and Jason.

'Now thats surprising…' Jason hadn't expected Izzy to casually reveal that she was a vessel.

{ Not just any vessel. When someone refers to a guardian by the name of their realm, it means that he or she is the strongest guardian present on that realm. Otherwise, this woman would've used the name of her guardian directly. } Hestia reminded him.

[ Also, she feels kinda weird to me… ]

'Noted.' Jason sighed. It was sometimes annoying and tiring to have two voices inside your head.