
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · 奇幻
66 Chs

The Black Needle [ A ] Trouble in Altari

The heroes have finally defeated Dark Spectre, the ultimate evil in the universe. They thought the universe would once again be a safe place to live, but they were only partially true.

Somewhere in the Milky Way, in a planet named Altari, the people were under attack by a deadly doctor who was an expert in poisons. He was one of the few who knew the secrets of the Black Needle, one of the most mysterious and deadliest poisons known. This poison has been practiced by secret societies for thousands of years, and no one else knew the secrets of the needle. The Black Needle was more like a disease, an epidemic that spreads on human contact. Once someone is unlucky enough to get it, soon the town he lives in will get it - and this poison has wiped out many villages without leaving a trace. That is why the needle is so deadly, not only because its victims die fast, but nobody knows what the cause of death is.

"Do you really have to go? Can't you stay here with me?" Margrit pleaded, as she stood face to face with her lover.

"Yes, I told you already." Mason answered. "Earth is my home. I have to go back there. This colony just isn't the place for me."

"Why do you have to go all of sudden? You can be happy here. We can both be happy!"

"Margarita, nothing you say will convince me to not go back. You can come to earth with me, but that is your choice."

"But...I can't…this colony still needs me. This is my home."

"I'm tired. I really am. This place brings back so many bad memories. I just want things to go back the way they were..."

Inside the Command Central of the colony, Jerrell received a disturbing message from an old friend. The computer went on and the face of Stone popped up, and he looked worried.

"Hey old buddy, what's up? What happened? You look horrible!" Jerrell said.

"If you were in my situation, you'd look as tired as me." Stone said.

"What happened to you?"

"It's...it's...our village. My people are really sick, and they're dying. I don't know how it started, but the disease spread really fast. Within days most of the village is infected. It happened so quick."

"What disease?" Jerrell asked.

"That's the problem…I don't know. Even the best doctors don't know...oh help me Jerrell! My people are dying! They're suffering...and I don't know what to do."

"I don't know what to do either...I mean, if you're under attack I could help you, but my colony isn't a hospital! What do you want me to do?"

They both grew silent for a moment. In the background of the screen, a woman was screaming painfully and some doctor was trying to clam her down. Kane noticed that she had purple blisters on her face and all over her arm.

"Stone, what are the symptoms of the disease?" Kane asked.

"Ummm...the victim has blisters on the face and arms, and chest, vomiting blood every so often, and very painful headaches."

"I knew it!" Kane snapped suddenly.

"What?" Jerrell asked.

"My friend, it's no disease that's attacking your people. It's a poison!"

"Poison?" they both responded.

"Yes, I can tell from the symptoms. I've heard rumors about this poison. It is the Black Needle, the deadliest poison known to exist. And that means it's not a natural epidemic. Someone must have done this..."

"But...who would do this?!" Stone asked. "My village has never offended anyone before..."

"There's only one psycho I know who knows the Black Needle, and that would be Dr. Doom." Kane said.

"Dr. Doom?" Stone repeated.

"Dr. Doom? It sounds familiar." Jerrell said.

Kane continued. "If he has access to the Black Needle, then he must have an antidote."

"But what if he doesn't..." Stone sighed.

"It doesn't matter! Either way we're going to pay him a visit. I heard that he's a psycho. Don't worry Stone, I'll send my best warriors to come help your village."

"Jerrell, thank you so much..."

"Don't mention it. What are friends for?"

"Guys, we have an emergency situation." Jerrell announced. "Someone named Dr. Doom has poisoned Stone's village. They desperately need our help. We must get the antidote before innocent people die."

"How horrible!" Margrit shrieked.

"Alright, who's going to planet Altari with me?" Jerrell asked.

"Count me in!" Margrit shouted excitedly. This looks like another adventure, and she liked adventures.

"Hey, I've known Stone as long as you did, so I'm definitely going." Kane said.

"Those people are suffering right now, so it's our job to help!" Zelfire said.

"Mason, aren't you coming?" Margrit asked him.


They all gasped and looked at him with surprise. That wasn't his usual answer, and after all, he saved the colony many times and was always there for his friends, whether he's on earth, Mascus, or Guardian Planet.

"But why?" Leila asked.

"Why? Because I'm tired...tired of fighting. No matter how much I do, it's always the same problem. You can go and enjoy yourselves." He walked away from them.

"Mason! Wait!" Margrit shouted, but he didn't respond.

"I don't blame the guy. After all that he's done for us, I think he has the right to refuse." Kane said. "He's got great skills, but he's not like us...let's give him a break."

"Alright. I think we can handle Dr. Doom without him. C'mon, let's not waste any time! Stone is counting on us!" Jerrell said.

So the volunteers entered the space pods, except for Margrit. She stared at the direction where Mason went, and whispered his name to herself.

"Margrit! You coming or not?!" Jerrell asked impatiently.

"Wait up! Don't go without me!"

And so, the four pods left planet Mascus, and although Margrit's body was in space, her mind was still on the colony.

Once on Altari, the heroes immediately visited Memok, Stone's home. This small village was basically a number of rows of huts and a few buildings, such as the hospital and Stone's home. Their technology was very limited.

They walked through the crop fields towards the hospital. They covered their mouths and noses as they walked through a hallway of people infected with the Needle…coughing, screaming, yelling, vomiting. It was truly a terrible sight. Margrit saw a little boy with rashes and blisters all over him, and couldn't bear to look any more.

"Welcome Jerrell! You had arrived sooner than I had expected." Stone welcomed warmly.

"This is horrible! All those poor people..." Jerrell said.

"I know. I'm just glad you came. Are these your helpers?"

"Yep, as you know, this is my second in command, also my sister, Margarita."

"Nice to meet you." He shook her hand.

"And this is Zelfire, a friend from earth."

"We'll get a cure somehow. Don't worry." Zelfire said as he shook Stone's hand.

"And of course, you know Kane."

"It's been a while." Kane said.

"Yes it has."

"So where do you think this Dr. Doom guy can be? Have any clue?" Jerrell asked.

"I'm not sure. I haven't even heard of him." Stone answered.

"When has this started?" Kane asked.

"The first victim was infected five days ago. He's dead now."

"Please!!! Give me the antidote! I can't take it anymore!" cried the helpless victim chained against the wall.

"Give you the antidote? That would take the fun out of it, wouldn't it?" Dr. Doom said.

"Please! I'll give you anything! Just give me it! I can't take it anymore!"

"That's right, scream! Scream for your life! That's what I want to hear! I want to see you suffer..."

Meanwhile, back on planet Mascus...

"Mason? I thought I'd find you in this mist. Why are you hiding here? What is wrong?" Leila asked.

He didn't even turn around to look at her. "Just leave me alone, okay? I've been through a lot recently, and if you don't mind, I need some peace and quiet."

"Hey, we've all been through a lot!"

"Yeah, that's true, but you have no idea what I've been through, do you? Do you have any idea how I feel? No one can understand me now...so you'll just be wasting your time."

"Oh, no one understands you? Is that why you didn't go and help the others?!"

"What? I'm a living being, aren't I? I have the right to choose not to do what I don't want, right? Since when have I lost that right?"


"Listen, Lees, I'm tired. I'm just tired of fighting. It's meaningless, and...I'm just tired of it."


"Got a problem with that?" he asked crudely. She didn't respond. "All my life I've been helping people, and most of the time I have to fight to do that. I just don't want to fight anymore. It's fighting that takes away lives, and I might be a sayan, but I'm not a killer. It's just that…no matter how much I do, the same problem always comes up. The strong threaten the weak, and the weak cries out for help. I'm just tired of fighting."

"...Yes, you're right. I think you've helped us enough through troubled times. And if it weren't for you, we would all be dead, right? I'm sure Jerrell and the others can handle this situation by themselves. Well, I shouldn't bother you anymore." She paused. "Mason, if you don't want to go, then it's your decision. No one else's."

"Listen, on my way to the village the other day, I saw a large castle just ten miles southwest of here. And I heard some creepy voices from that place when I went there..." Stone said.

"Castle? Maybe Dr. Doom is there."

"How can you be sure? He could be anywhere on this planet!"

"Not necessarily, Margrit. Remember, he has to come to this village in order to poison it, so it'd be logical if he resided somewhere close by."

"Let's go, it might be our only lead!" Kane said impatiently.

So, without any more discussion, the group traveled quickly to their destination. What they didn't know, however, was that Dr. Doom was waiting for them to show up by the mountain range.

"So, this is it, huh?" Margrit asked.

"Yep. Kind of creepy, isn't it?"

"This is the land that surrounds the castle? It looks deformed...." And Jerrell was right. The rocks looked older than they actually were, and the land was dry and barren. Scattered around were the skulls and bones of tortured souls of whom perhaps suffered a fate worse than death.

"Of course. What did you expect? That doctor has probably been doing some weird experiments to this land..." Jerrell suggested.

Stone felt a strange pinch on his neck and thought that a fly had bit him. "Ouch! Did something bite me?"

"I don't think so. Nothing is alive here...maybe it's just that you're nervous..." Jerrell said.

"Nervous? Who, me? No way." Kane replied.

"Are you looking for someone?" the strange voice asked, and everybody froze. The 'doctor' was dressed completely in black, with a mask covering his mouth, black gloves, ninja shoes and he was equipped only with some needles and a short dagger.

"Who the heck are you?!" Margrit demanded.

"Who am I? Why, I'm shocked. You are looking for Dr. Doom right? Well, you just found him."

"You're him? You ruined my village?"

"Well, we were searching for you. You saved us the trouble of having to find you." Jerrell said, smiling.

"Give me the cure for the Black Needle, or prepare to defend yourself!" Stone yelled.

"You challenge me? You would fight a brilliant doctor like me?"

"No, Stone, wait!" Jerrell screamed, trying to calm his friend down.

Stone didn't listen and went straight for his enemy. Dr. Doom waited calmly and with precise timing, he punched Stone so hard that he fell on his face.

"Stone!!!" Jerrell ran towards him, and Kane followed.

"Are you okay?" Margrit asked Stone.

"I'm...I'm fine. Thanks for your concern."

Dr. Doom kicked Kane into the river, and blocked Jerrell's attack and grabbed his arm and threw him into the river.

"I hope you know how to swim! Ha ha ha!"

Margrit leaped into the air and aimed her fist at the doctor, but he dodged the attack. They started fighting, and Jerrell and Kane tried to get back on land.

She attacked with martial arts, but he avoided them all, and she was getting frustrated. She made a deadly chop, and he lowered his head to avoid it. Then he drew a dagger and stabbed it into her, but it only hit her combat suit.

"Nice try. My suit is too thick for that blade!"

"Don't feel so confident yet!"

He swiped the dagger at her face, and luckily she avoided the blade. They stopped for a second and Margrit thought about what to do next. Suddenly, Margrit felt blood on her face, and touched it. There was a cut, but it wasn't deep.


"I've got you! I've poisoned you!"


"I put the Blue Needle onto this blade's surface, and now it's in your blood!"

"Blast it! How could I have been so careless?"

"Oh darling, don't blame yourself! I never miss my targets!"

"You...you better give me the antidote now or I'll..." She charged at him and grabbed him by the shirt. Her head suddenly felt strange and quite heavy. She began to lose strength and control over her body and let him go.

"You'll what?"

"Uhhh...what...what have you done...to me?!"

"Yes, it's working. The effects of the Blue Needle is instantaneous, and will last until you die!"


Stone ran across the land bridge and stopped a few feet from Dr. Doom. "I will make you pay!"

"I would be careful if I were you." Dr. Doom threw a stick at him and he caught it. Stone looked it at curiously, and wondered why the doctor gave him this...snake? He wasn't holding a piece of stick, it was alive! The snake hissed at him, revealing its sharp fangs.

"Ahhhhhh!" he yelled. The snake wrapped its body around his arms and made its way to his neck.

Jerrell: "What's wrong? Stone? It's just a stick!"

"Get…get it off me!" He grabbed the hideous creature and tossed on the ground, then stepped on it a few times. "Die, die!" It was longer a snake, it became a stick again. "What?"

"Stone? It must be...what did you do to him Dr. Doom?!"

"I think your friend is seeing things. Ha ha ha ha! My poison is working effectively."

"There's a poison that can make people see illusions?"

"Yes, but what's an illusion to you is real to him now." Dr. Doom said.

"M-monsters!" Stone screamed in agony and fear. "Stay away from me!"

"Stone, it's me!"

"Back off!"

"You're seeing things!"

"I said stay away!" Stone pushed him down and put his trembling hands on Jerrell's neck. "Die you monster!"

"Arrrrgh!" Stone got off Jerrell and collapsed.


"I'm afraid there's little you can do for your friend now." Dr. Doom said, as he carried Margrit into the air. "And as for this girl, don't worry, I'll take good care of her."


"What happened?" Kane asked.

"That bastard...he did this to my friend and took my sister...he won't get away with this! I'll never let him live!"

The Black Needle

The villagers in Planet Atari are suffering from an unknown disease called the Black Needle. The one responsible is a madman by the name of Dr. Doom. He enjoys other’s suffering and he’s not about to give to anyone’s demands. Can Terry Spade’s fist change his mind?

BenjaminLouiecreators' thoughts