
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · 奇幻
66 Chs

37: The Seven Legendary Anubis Crystals.

After the death of Starburst, things have been pretty peaceful at the colony. Repairs were being made right now, but it will take months, maybe even years to repair the damage.

Somewhere in a secret planet, there exists a legend about seven legendary crystals, and this legend could save and preserve all hope, or cause the end of all hope and freedom.

Mason was still partially blind. He walked about the colony, bumping into things and people. He by chance bumped into Leila.

"Oh, sorry."

"Where are you going?" she said.

"Leila? Is that you?"

"Wow, you really are blind, aren't ya? C'mon, let me help you." And indeed she did. She helped him navigate to where he wanted to go. And not surprisingly, he wanted to go to the Medical Room, to see a certain someone.

Zelfire was outside by the mountains meditating, but his mind was clouded with thoughts. (I have to get stronger...I have to...I couldn't even defeat foot soldiers like Dergoneous or Triclops, how am I going to survive? How will I help Mason with such powerful enemies?! If Mason can do, so can I...)

Suddenly, Zelfire sensed something powerful approaching him. Actually, someone.

Zelfire closed his eyes. Amidst the darkness, there was a powerful force. But the energy was warm and inviting, thus it was not evil. But for some reason, this person's spirit was familiar. Does he know this person?

An old crippled man appeared. He walked slowly towards Zelfire with the aid of his cane. He looked just like an average old man. Wearing poor, worn out clothes. Gray hair and a long white beard.

"Who are you?"

"I'm just an old man who has lost his way..." he answered.

"Lost your way? But you're not an ordinary person. What are you doing here?"

"Ahhh, you're right. So, you have a sixth sense just like the sayans."

"How do you know about the sixth sense?"

"I know more than you think, Zelfire."

"How do you know my name?"

"Before I answer that, let me tell you a story."

"I'm not listening to you!" he said childishly.

He attacked the old man, but he proved to be more than just an average old man. He blocked Zelfire's attack without even a thought, like a reflex. Zelfire continued his assault, but the old man dodged all of them. Now, he threw his stick at him. Zelfire caught it, and the old man attacked. He only needed a nano-second of distraction. POW! WHAM! SWOOSH! It was all over for Zelfire.

"I lost to you! I can't believe this!"

"It's not your fault. I'm stronger than you. Let me give you some advice: know your enemy before fighting him. And know your allies from your enemies."

"Are you saying you're an enemy? Or an ally?"

"You can consider me as a friend."

"Alright, what do you want?"

"I just want to tell you a story..."

"Fine, I'll listen." He sat down on the floor and crossed his legs.

The mysterious man did the same, putting his stick by his side. Zelfire lit a match and tossed it into the pile of wood in front of him, setting it to flames.

The beggar cleared his throat. "Ah hem, ahem. Let me begin..."

"I'm listening..."

He cleared his throat. "Once upon a time, there existed Seven Anubis Crystals on the Guardian Planet..."

On the above, someone was spying them and listening to his story. "What a boring fairy tale! I feel like I'm wasting my time, but I got a feeling that old man will say something useful."

Behind a large rock, another shadow was watching them. "Looks like I've found one of the colonists. I'll wait to make my move..."

The beggar continued his story: "Those crystals existed on the planet known as the Guardian Planet. That planet was full of horrible monsters. It is said that those crystals contain mysterious powers. Whoever possesses all seven will have the ultimate power in the universe...Many have tried to get them, but none returned from the Guardian Planet alive."

The first spy watching was Blaze. "Crystals? Guardian Planet? What is he talking about?"

The other shadow was Kerell. "Seven Energy Crystals? I wonder if they really exist."

Old man: "One day, a powerful leader was determined to get all seven crystals. He fully equipped his army and searched almost the whole planet. After a long and dangerous journey, he finally gathered all seven. In an instant he became the most powerful man in the entire universe...no one could even come close to his power. With power came greed and tyranny. He conquered many planets and enslaved its people. Over the years his army grew bigger and stronger. He was just like Dark Spectre in his time. The people were getting tired of being treated like animals..."

Zelfire: "Then what happens?"

Old man: "Just like now, people began to rebel against him. They plotted to kill his family. He had only one wife, and in their opinion she was the most beautiful woman that ever lived. After a well planned operation, they killed his wife and his allies. When he found out he became ballistic. He was so angry that he destroyed his whole planet, along with himself. He was destroyed in his own rage, and those crystals were never seen again.

Zelfire: "That is some legend, but what does it have to do with me?"

Old man: "It has everything to do with you, child. Believe it or not, there exists another batch of those crystals on the Guardian Planet."

"No way!"

"They're there. That is the only thing you can use to defeat Dark Spectre. There is no other way. You must collect all seven of those Anubis Cyrstals...go tell the others..."

"I don't trust you..."

"That's funny."


"I know that you trust me. You must follow your heart, this is the only way to succeed."

"Yes...you're right. I never met you before, but somehow I just know that you're telling the truth. It's strange, but I feel that I already know you...it feels so familiar..."

"Maybe you're right...someone's watching us!"

"Who? I didn't sense him..."

"Trust me. Look, whoever you are, I know you're out there! Show yourself!"

Blaze: "Looks like he found me. He's no ordinary person. I might as well introduce myself." He jumped down from the rock. "Here I am."

Old man: "So, it's you..."

Zelfire: "You were watching us? Who are you?"

Blaze: "Greetings, my name is Blaze. You must be from the colony. Tell Mason I said hi."

Zelfire: "You know Mason?"

Old man: "Wait...there's someone else watching us...Behind there! Zelfire, go find him…"

Zelfire: "What about you?"

Old man: "I'll be fine! Go!"

Zelfire checked behind the large rock and discovered Kerell was hiding there. "How did you find me?" Kerell said in shock.

Zelfire: "Why were you spying on us?"

Blaze: "So, those crystals really exist, huh?"

Old man: "You heard everything. I made such a big mistake..."

Blaze: "Who are you old man?"

Old man: "Just an ordinary beggar."

Blaze: "I don't think so. With your wisdom and knowledge of the universe, you're no beggar."

Old man: "Hmmm, Blaze, that's your name right?"

Blaze: "I can sense you're really strong. So why don't we see who's the superior fighter?"

Old man: "Forget it. I'm leaving here..."

Blaze jumped and landed in front of him. "I don't think so. It's rare to find such a person like you...you're not getting away so easily."

Old man: "You won't let me leave, will you?"

Blaze: "Let's see what you're made of!"

He attacked the beggar, and he blocked quickly, like a reflex. Blaze continued, and the beggar continued to block and dodge.

Meanwhile, Zelfire fought Kerell. "If what the beggar said was true, those crystals do exist!"

Zelfire: "Well, I'm not gonna let you tell Dark Spectre about this!"

Kerell: "Wrong. It's you who's not going to deliver the message to your precious colony! I'll make sure of that!"

They began fighting violently. POW! WHAM! BANG! After a few hits, Kerell kicked him into a rock. Then he seized the chance and escaped.

"Coward! Where are you going?!" he said as he gathered himself up.

Blaze continued attacking the beggar. The old man finally has had enough. He started to fight back. Blaze sent an energy ball at him, but he absorbed the ball and threw it back at Blaze. BOOM! Everything around Blaze exploded and the old man escaped. Blaze coughed from the smoke. As the smoke was blown away, he realized the old man had escaped, and he was out of sight.

"Where did he go?" Blazer exclaimed. "Why that slippery beggar! The next time we meet you're finished! You hear me? You're finished!" He had gotten more than he asked for.