

Ray woke up in a vast meadow filled with white moonlit flowers.

Ray: "Where is this place?" He stood up and looked around. "Hmm? Something smells sweet." He started to search. "Oh! The flowers!"

He went to pick a stem of the white moonlit flower. As he went to pick, a deep red liquid started to flow.

Ray: "!!!" (Blood!)

The thick blood immediately spread and filled the plains. It became a sea of blood in an instant. Ray's body started to sink into the red sea. His movement was restrained. No voice came out from his mouth. Fear engulfed him as he sink deeper in the darkness.


"Ray…Ray" He heard a mysterious voice. "Ray…" The voice repeated. He opened his eyes and found himself lying on the ground.

Two large figure was looking down on him. Their faces are indistinguishable.

Ray: "Who are you people?"

The first one has a cold and distant voice while the other has it deep and hoarse. They seem to be conversing but he can't understand.

Ray: (What are they saying?)

The other large figure lifted Ray and put him on its large palm. He was just a size of a grain of rice compare to them. Though still vague, Ray was able to determine what they look like.

Ray: (A man…and a woman)

The two were arguing with each other. The women appeared to be mad and looked at Ray. He felt a sudden chill run from his spine at the stare of the woman.

Ray: "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?! WHERE IS THIS PLACE?! SPEAK IN A WAY THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND!!" He shouted on the tip of his lungs.

They both looked at him astonished.

Woman: "He is my kin. Look how rebellious he is."

Ray: "Huh?" (I can understand them now.)

Man: "No, he resembles like me. Look you can see it from his eyes."

Ray: "Hmm…excuse me. But I keep asking and I haven't received any answer."

The man suddenly threw him into the air. As he fell and looked down, he saw the man and woman opened their enormous mouths.

Ray: "Wait---No! NO! NO!" His heart started beating faster. (THEY ARE GOING TO EAT ME!!!)



Ray suddenly woke up from the sound coming from the door. He was covered by sweat all over his body.

Ray: *pant* *pant* (A dream? But it felt so real.)



Ray: "!!!" (That's the voice of Madam D.)

He rushed out from the bed and opened the door.

Ray: "I'm sorry, Madam D. I just woke up."

Irritation was written on the face of the Apartelle's owner.

Ray: "I---I'm really sorry."

Madam D: "I know. I was knocking for fifteen milent. Why didn't you even hear me?"

Ray: "I---it's because---"

Madam D: *sigh* "Change immediately and go out. Might as well enjoy the festival. The only sloth here is A.I., don't be like her."

Ray: "Ah yes, Madam D."

Madam D: "Then what are you still doing? Your escort is waiting for you outside."

Ray: "Eh?! Sister Nympha?!" He hurriedly changed his clothes and ate his breakfast.

Madam D: (Kids these days.) "I'm going to go down and told her you're on your way."

Ray: "Thanks, Madam D." Ray stuffed his mouth with food and chewed faster.


The Underground City of Ambeist illuminates more brightly this day. Colorful lanterns hang all over the city streets and posts. A lot of people across the realm visit the city to witness its Founding Festival. Merchant stalls, carnivals and different gigs are all over the City Districts. A glamorous parade with a loud band was seen marching along the street. Ambeist is having a grand festivity.

==Guild of the Shield Factions==

GM Esley: "How's things going, Kara?"

Ms. Kara: "I expected a lot of people to come. But it seems the numbers have been tripled today."

GM Esley: "Ho. The incident might be a blessing to the city."

Ms. Kara: "It might so. It seems."

Both of their eyes are filled with enthusiasm.

Ms. Kara: "Guild Master…. I have some concern though."

GM Esley: "What is it?"

Ms. Kara: "Guess we aren't going to make it at the end ceremony."

GM Esley: " Oh, don't say that. I bet we still can."

Ms. Kara: "With all due respect, Guild Master Esley. We are being tied down with a lot of papers here. I can't even move my body. How are we going to make it? " She started complaining.

Seeing the head receptionist frustration, the Guild Master can't help but to burst into laughter. Both are inside a room with tons of papers piled up vertically like towers ready to collapse. They were conversing without hardly seeing each others faces.


Nympha: "Your so weird. How can you oversleep with the noises going around the city?"

Both are busy roaming around the city.

Ray: "Sorry. The bed was so comfy, I got addicted." He made an excuse.

Nympha: "It can't be helped. You---"


Nympha suddenly bumped into an old merchant. He was doing some arrangement in front of his empty stall.

Merchant: "Sorry, lass. I didn't see you there."

Nympha: "You okay, sis?"

Nympha: "Yes."

Merchant: "Here you can have this." The man handed them a strange murky food.

Nympha: "It's okay, mister. You don't have to."

Ray: "Yes mister. Sis is fine."

Merchant: "Just take it please. I want to hear your thoughts. You see, my stall doesn't have costumer." The man looked dejected.

Even though both are quite hesitant to taste the food, Ray and Nympha still agreed to help the begging merchant.

Nympha: "Let me go first." (Here goes nothing.)

She took a small bite and chewed the food slowly.

Nympha: "It's-----It's sweet! Ray, taste it!"

Ray: "Okay?" He went for a bite. *chew* *chew* *swallow* "It's just as you said. It taste sweet and it just melts in your mouth."

Merchant: "Thank goodness, you kids like it. This food is popular in my town. It's my first time here in Ambeist so I want to share it, but it didn't go well.

Nympha: "The food looks strange. That's probably why people don't approach your stall, mister."

Merchant: "I…I see." The man looked disheartened.

Ray: "But! But it tastes well. Children will love it." He looked at Nympha.

Nympha: "Well...If you do some free tasting….and a little persuasion….maybe customers will come."

The merchant's eyes lighten up.

Merchant: "Yes, I'll do that. Thanks."

Nympha: "No problem. And sorry about that. I didn't mean to be harsh."

The merchant just smiled. Nympha and Ray left the stall and continue to enjoy the festival. Among the crowds, they spotted Berdo.

Ray: "Mister Berdo!"

Berdo: "Well, well, well. You kids are here."

Nympha: "Hello, Sir Berdo."

Berdo: "Eh? Mister Berdo will do."

Nympha: "Yes…Si--- Mister Berdo."

Ray: "You guys haven't seem to be acquainted with each other."

Berdo: "Well, not quite. Nympha is somehow new in the guild. She just started two months ago. Don't you know for a rookie, she perfectly completed all her appointed tasks in just three days? She's famous."

Nympha's face suddenly turned red as Ray looked at her.

Ray: (I can't believe she's that great.)

Berdo: "Well, anyways you guys are right on time."

Ray: "Huh?"

Nympha: "Right on time for what, Mister Berdo?"

Berdo: "Come follow me. I'll show you what the Guild of Shield Faction do for this grand event."

Berdo took both of them to the center of the city. Lots of tanker are doing an exercise training in the area and showing team work formation. Crowds are gathered, watching these spectacular scenes unfold.

Nympha: "Mister Berdo, why wasn't I included in this event?"

Berdo: "Only off-duty tanker has the privilege to join. Maybe next year you can."

Ray was caught up with the scene and was amazed by the performance shows. Tankers do some acrobats and show-off their skills. Someone carried like a hundred people in the crowd with just one arm. Another tanker let some crowds to even use their skills on them. It was simply amazing.

The excited crowd gave way for the announcer to step in.

Announcer: "Okay folks! For the main event…drum roll please…"


Berdo: "Kids. I'm going to leave for a moment."

Both nodded. Berdo went to the center stage.

Announcer: "Whoever moves this guy for even an inch will get two diamonds as a prize!"

The crowd cheers so loud. Everyone wants to participate. Nympha and Ray was shocked when they saw Mister Berdo went on the stage.

Ray: "Eh!!! Mister Berdo?!"

Nympha: (Guess, I have to pass this time.)

Berdo coming into the scene brought more excitement to the crowd. He was smiling and waving.

"Well, well. If it isn't the S rank tanker. This will be interesting." A woman in a robe commented.

"Man, and the toughest among them too!" A sturdy looking man exclaimed.

"I'm open for a challenge." Said by a young lady.

Everyone is anticipating who the challenger would be.

Announcer: "Well it seems the people are pretty excited about the prize. But before we start, we should take some precautionary measures. We don't want any accident to happen."

The announcer signaled the tankers to form a rectangular barrier at the center stage.

Announcer: "Who's up for the challenge?"

A young beautiful lady raised her hand.

Lady: "I am!"

Announcer: "Okay! Our first challenger is this gorgeous lady. Do you think she'll stand a chance to our mighty Berdo?"

The crowds went wild cheering for the young lady.

Berdo: (She seems familiar.)

The young lady went up the stage.

Lady: "I'm Lire. I came here for this event."

Berdo: "Lire, huh? Aren't you from the Scout Faction?"

Lire just smiled and summoned a bow.

Announcer: "Whoa! This gorgeous lady is from the Scout Faction. Let's see what she got."

Nympha: "Ray, watch closely. You can learn from this."

Ray: "Okay." He is fascinated seeing a scout for the first time.

The lady holds her bow firmly. A whirl of wind began to gather at the center of her bow. The strong winds were felt on the stage and even among the crowd.

Berdo: "Well, whenever you're ready."



The stage and the ground shook from the impact. From where Berdo is standing, half of the stage turned into rubbles.

Berdo shook off the dust from his body.

Berdo: "Lire, right? I remember an S rank scout. No wonder you feel familiar."

Lire: "From the first time I saw you in Magna Dias, I wanted to test my power on you. I admit my defeat."

Berdo: "You can try again next year."

The crowd clapped their hands and gave their recognition for the first challenger.

Announcer: "Alright. Who's going next?"

A man holding a large sword raised his hand.

Announcer: "O-ho. Looks like are next challenger is quite the persistent one. Will Berdo going to lose this time?"

The man went inside the stage.

Berdo: (Wait I know this guy. He's the famous SS rank from the Fighter Faction.) "Why are you here, Merc?"

Merc: "Hah. I'm just here to test my move on you."

Berdo: "You always come every year to test your new move on me, Merc."

Merc: "Well, you're the best punching bag."

Berdo: "Come! let's just get over this."

The man released his furious red aura. The amount of energy was large compare to the first challenger. A red light shines at the center of the City. The ground shook tremendously.

Merc: "Don't die on me, Berdo."

Berdo: "Hey! Your line was always the same every year." He teased.


A red giant slash was unleashed and aimed at Berdo's body.


Deafening sound and massive quakes were felt. A thick dust filled the atmosphere. The tankers who formed the barrier were scattered after the huge blow.

Berdo's figure appeared.

Berdo: "That's a nice skill you got. You never change. Haha."

Berdo never had a scratch on his body. The crowd goes wild.




Merc: "I'll be back my friend. Make sure you're still alive next year."

Berdo: "Of course! Be safe and send my regards to your sister as well."

The man disappeared from the cheering crowd. After the challenge more people come to Berdo, but all of them failed.

Announcer: "It seems no one can defeat our mighty Berdo. Who will be our last challenger for this event?"

The kid slowly raised his hand.

Nympha: "Ray??!!"


Hope you guys like the new chapter... sorry for being so late

SweeetPotatocreators' thoughts