

"that something, see you around page."



Keith received the money from the jewel store job. It was a little les than expected because Norm dropped some of the jewels inside of the store. The problems of having a rookie sometimes out way the costs but Norm had learned something, so he would be better on the next job.

Keith's bank account came up to a total of 275 thousand still not enough to expand his business towards drug manufacturing, but it had to do.

Keith called Malcom, for a job or a some gunrunning.

"Malcom, you got any jobs?"

[Well the lost have been having some troubles to the North, mostly Sandy Shores. Some Guy has been doing business in the area is expanding.]

"You say it like it is one man?"

[Reports indicate that, he was expanding peacefully till some of the O-Neals took his client. Now he has murdered most of the O-Neals and he is suspected of blowing up the outpost of the Lost we have in the area.]

"So there is a job, to kill the man?"

[No, not yet. Most of the lost wants to deal with it themselves. We do have a shortage of supplies. We have a truck ready for transport but it was destroyed.]

"I can get a new one, just point me in the right direction."

[Perfect sending you the details now.]


-Truck location – La Puerta in the parking lot of Maze Bank Arena

-image file

-deliver to East Vinewood clubhouse

"Got it, It will be delivered within the next couple hours."

[See, you there.]


Keith arrived to the Maze Bank Arena parking lot. Just is time to sees a peculiar scene. A black BMW parking in a production vehicle parking spot. Out of the car came a man who looks to be somewhat crazy and Michael out of the driver side.

'What is Michael doing here?'

Seeing them run inside and turn to the recording area for Fame or Shame.

'Didn't think Michael had any talent except robbing people.'

"Whatever, now which truck is it." Keith looks at the three trucks on the parking lot

'it was supposed to be a smaller truck right?' Keith checks the photo on his phone again to confirm which truck he was supposed to take.

"Number 16-AG-43 a that's the Truck." Keith says looking towards the truck parked on the handicapped spots.

Seeing a tow truck pulling up to take Michaels car away you stop the person.

"Hey, what do you think you are doing?!"

"Taking the misplaced vehicle away?"

"And what about the red car parked in the middle of the entrance?"

"That's one of the producers cars."

"And, so is this one."


"Do you want me to convince you?" Keith questions the man, threatening him with violence if he doesn't leave.

"If the car isn't moved within a hour I will tow it." Saying that the man leaves in his tow truck

Having done gods work by not letting the man tow a associates vehicle. Keith felled proud. Turning back to his Job he got into the truck. Starting the engine and starting to drive just as Lazlow – a producer for Fame or Shame running out of the Maze Bank Arena. Chased by the Michael and his friend.

"Dam it Michael, he is getting away." Hearing the friend scream at the running Michael.

Having moved the truck to the front of the red car, stopping the producer from fleeing. Keith sees Lazlow trying to manoeuvre his car so he can escape, but before he can do it he was dragged out by Michaels friend.

"Hahaha, I got u now you little shit." Trevor says dragging Lazlow out of his car

"Guys. Guys, I didn't mean anything by it. Alright?"

"Oh yeah? Well that little girl sat on my lap when she was two years old, and I swore to god that. I would rip the fucking skin of anyone, who fucking wronged her."

"Look, I'm just a dumb A-list celebrity trying to entertain America, okay?"

Keith roles down the window. "Michael, what going on? Who's your friend?"

Michael seeing that it was Keith that prevented Lazlow from escaping sighed. "He is a old associate of mine, but it doesn't matter what are you doing here?"

"Got to deliver the Truck to East Vinewood. Some resupply for the gang there."

"Nice work, Trevor, what are you doing to the man?"

Lazlow could be seen, pants of and embarrassed on the steps of the Maze Bank Arena doing a little dance.

"Revenge of course, so who are you talking to Michael?"

"We did a job together. He is currently doing some side business."

"Interesting, more so that this fuckwit!"

"So you are Trevor? I heard about you being in Sandy Shores, why so suddenly in LS?"

"You know me? Did Michael talk about me when I wasn't there?"

"No some contacts in the lost complain about you?"

"Complain.. about there good neighbour T.P.Inc?"

"No just some people mad about some houses, didn't bother me to."

"That's good.. That's good."

"Well Michael, Trevor see you around. Maybe on your next job Michael?"

"Not doing one."

"You certainly will." Trevor said interjecting Michael


The Drive to East Vinewood was boring and slow.

Driving in LS has always been slow or at least it seems so.

"Malcom, I got your stuff."

"Great just leave it there we will handle the unloading."

Keith sticks out his hand. "How much was is again?"

"fifteen Big boys, as I said."

"Nice doing business with you Malc."

"Yo Keith, I got a transport going the same way as your crib, interested?"

"Na I am done for today, My second bike is going to be delivered."

"Nice, Which one is it Keith."

"The Shitzu Hakuchou."

"Well, well aren't we the fast type."

"See you around Malc."

"See you around."

Keith arrived back home. The funds he had could be used to set something up. A Job that is, rob a small bank, go for a money truck, set a business up.

A warehouse was for sale in Rancho, it was a small warehouse and could only fit around sixteen crates of cargo, that if full will each be worth fifteen thousand dollars. Normally you would go to trough a agent when buying the warehouse but Keith had contacts, Thus not needing to buy a office but he was still required to hire a assistant – the person that would handle the transections and would inform Keith were the cargo would be.

The price of the warehouse was two hundred fifty thousand dollars, almost all the savings Keith had left, but it would be worth it. If he where to sell one full warehouse then that would make up most of the lost money. Excluding the costs of getting the Crates to the warehouse.


Keith got the call he was waiting for.

[Hello Mr. Keith, I the assistant that you have hired.]

A feminine voice could be heard thru the phone

"Nice to meet you, Stacy right?"

[Yes sir.]

"Great, has the purchase of the warehouse gone to plan?"

[There were no complications in the buying process.]

"Fantastic, Now were could I find the first cargo?"

[Sir the system works by selecting the requested amount of cargo. The system will find a suitable target for you too find and retrieve.]

"Can the system be downloaded to a mobile device?"

[Sir that would run the risk of being compromised.. We have already made an exception by allowing you to not to need a office.]

"So how can I start locating cargo?"

[A SecuroServe laptop will be delivered to you shortly.]

"Fine I was already waiting.. I'll call you when I have the laptop on me."



"Lester could you give me the number of Page?"

[Why would you need that?] A confused Lester responds

"I need her help in moving an app to my phone."

[Can't you do that yourself, you aren't seventy.]

"It's the SecuroServe net that I would like to be on my phone."

[Interesting, I will give you her number but don't be a creep.]

"Thanks Lester, I know I can count on you."

[Why did Lester give you my number? The lazy bastard didn't even ask me.]

"Chill, I just need your help cracking some code."

[What kind of code are we talking about?]


[Do you have a access ID?]

"Yes of course."

[Send me it.]

"I don't have it on hand

A disgruntled sigh was heard over the phone

[Send me it, when you have it. And don't call me next time.]…

Keith sighed

"life is difficult, women even more."


The bike and the Laptop arrived around the same time.

Sending the Access ID information to page resulted in a message stating;

[I will work on it when I have time, I will contact you when I am done doing this pet project of yours… I do expect to be paid for my help. Time is money.]

He had around 40 thousand left, of which some would go to page and the rest would be sunk into the warehouse.

But that would not be enough to continue for long so the plan was simple. Keith could do some work legitimately but he didn't have much experience in anything but robing and motors.

Remembering places that he could work the only things that came up were cab driver or mechanic.

"Wait wasn't LS customs hiring new mechanics? There is a branch in the area, no harm asking for a job."


Populare Street, La Mesa

Arriving to the spot Keith asked the mechanic for work.

He was surprised when he could work but that he needed to be tested first. Keith had to identify the problem with a yellow Pfister Comet.

"So I only need to identify the problem with the car?"

"Well it isn't that simple, I had a look at it but couldn't figure out the problem. If you can figure it out than you are certainly qualified to at least work for a while."

"What did you already check?"

"You will figure it out, I have a lunch break so I will be in the back. If you figure it out.. we will take it out on a test drive and then you will have a job, but that's a big if."

Keith was left alone with the broken car. First trying the engine to see if it would start.

It would not.

Keith checked the battery, it looked to be a older battery. Looking around the shop for a different battery, not finding one you go to the back.

"Jo.. were are the car battery's?"

"Well you checked under the hood at least, the battery wasn't the problem, I checked. If you need anything that is normally needed there is a rolling work station next to the wite car at the front. Also has the battery if you still want to try."

"Thanks I will check it out."

Leaving the back of the shop and walking towards the front Keith thought;

'What a piece of work that guy is, didn't expect anything different, mechanics are all the same... kinda.'

Keith brought the mobile station to the comet, checking the battery just in case it was part of the problem.

Trying the engine with the new battery results in nothing really different except the lights on the dashboard.


While replacing the battery didn't change the result, a side effect appeared.

'The car battery was part of the problem, maybe changing the fuel filter.'

The fuel filter doesn't wear out but it could get clogged, if it gets to clogged the engine might not start.

Looking at the filter Keith found some clogs but nothing to prevent the car from running like it should. Keith removed the dirt and other things that clogged the filter, just in respect for the car.

"if it isn't that then…. The fuse?"

In rare cases the fuse will blow. While it doesn't happened often if it does it will prevent the engine from starting.

Checking every fuse Keith finds a damaged one at the back.

"Haha, found it."

"You did?"

The mechanic managing the shop came back from his lunch.