
Greorgorian Marrtellis Book one.

Episode 0: ‘Greorgorian Marrtellis’. ⟨When The Seven Heavenly Pillars Will Be Erected From The Holy Ground, All The Gods Will Dance To Commemorate My Return. When The Red Sky Will Reflect The Sea Of Blood My Children Will Leave Behind Their Trail, All The Monarchs Will Form A Pyramid Of Corpses To Celebrate My Presence. When I Set Foot On The Land Of The Living, My Most Dearest Son Will Praise My Sovereignty. On The New Dawn Of A Foretold Pure World, My Children: Martius The Right, Aprilis The Watcher, Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe, Sextilis The Shrewd, September The Murderer, October The Stranger, November The Warrior, and December The Wrong Will Abide My Command And Mold This Primitive-Unpurified World To My Liking.⟩

HobiTA · 科幻
17 Chs

Episode 13: Transcendental Transposing.

[The user has gone into a coma]

[The user will not be able to wake up]

[The user has died in her dream]


Screamed the young heiress, Novembaria as the death she felt from her dream was so vivid.

Hurriedly looking around, she realised her body was paralyzed.

Grunting and shouting, Novembaria wanted to know what was going on.

And that's when a charismatic man made his entrance.

He went by the name of October The Stranger.

"Stop the fake act.. You forgot to pant, little one. I guess you predicted this.. She and Maius will be here in a few."

Picking her body, she suddenly could feel the freedom of her limbs but her voice was still gone.

"Don't touch your throat, it will come back."

Turning his back on Novembaria, October was not at all aware of the threat Novembaria was.

"It's cause she is not a threat. A little virgin girl who has no husband and still lives with her mother.. The Heiress name has changed a lot..."

Stop breaking the fourth wall,Octie. - Writer.

"Mother.. You knew my mother..?"

Taking the hint, October then started telling Novembaria everything about his past and why she was brought here.

"Isabelle DeLaCourte, The Beautiful. We both first met when Greorgorian Marrtellis wanted to balst the Land Of The Living. She fought against GM alone and won. Back then, she was at her Peak. I also think she would have done some trouble to Deckie...."

Wiggling her feet from the Experimental bed she was on, she quietly listened to October.

"..and it's also at the same time we got together.. It was short because we lived one of the best time of our times. I wonder what our baby is doing right now... I never got the chance to be there with for her."

Taken aback by what he just said, Novembaria kept shut.

She was unsure of what to say.

She just kept on listening.

"But! I will say this. I met the Woman Isabelle DeLaCourte started seeing. A Certain Black Dragon known as 'Maggie'.. When Isabel DeLaCourte died, that became the cue to start the war against GM and her children. Although you may hate me for this, I instigated them into this. To protect the child of Isabel DeLaCourte, I needed to mess with Big Bro's head."

Getting chills, Novembaria was astonished by the words of his one.

"Mess with Big Bro? Who is that Big Bro?"

Asked a frightened Novembaria to a careless October.

"Ahh! My bad, Little one. I forgot to introduce myself: The name is October The Stranger. One of GM's Son. December The Grudge is my Big Bro. I should have started by that."

The dots connecting themselves, it all made sense inside Novembaria's mind.

Though she was trying her hardest to seem unfazed, the realization her finally meeting the Father she always thought she would never meet made it almost impossible.

But it was weird..

Did October knew that Novembaria was his?

The way he was acting...

It felt like he could not grasp the reality of it.

"All that counts is that you are safe, Young Heiress. My plan was a bit crude but it worked out somehow. Now, we just need to make you The Next GM*.."

Novembaria's body shivered from the sound of it.

But it was the truth.

October, Maius and recently; Sextilis, September and November.

With their blood and conviction, they could surely achieve it.

The ritual that even gods feared to try.

*Transcendental Transposing*

"Though you will lose your Monarch title, you will gain something far superior. Power to rival the Greorgorian Marrtellis and the skill to best December The.. Gru!!?-- December The Strong.. oooh no! he is back!"

Losing the balance of his own body, October realised it had started.

GM has successfully brought back December The Strong and cleared his heart from Impurities.

October as well as the other children could feel it.

December The Strong was not an activist of peace but an advocate of World Destruction.

Not even GM could pretend to control him.

"So, that was the weird feeling... It is overwhelming and uncommon at the same time. I feel like puking at any moment."

Snapping back into reality, October did not lose anymore time.

He rushed the process and awaited the arrival of the others.

They still had the element of surprise since GM did not know her children had betrayed her.

"Though I need you to warn you. This is a first in history. You may lose some part of your mind like the memory or instintive stuff like sleep or eating. I'm not leaving you the choice but I know you wanted this more than anybody else. I'll put you to sleep now.. I'm looking forward to the Renewed You. Good night, My Lovely Daughter*."

Expressed October with a tear in the eye.

And just like this, the ritual started.

If their were witnesses, they would be praying right now.

"....it isn't time yet. I shant cry yet.. She is more important. I should have been honest with her from the start....[Smiles]>>Novembaria, once this ritual is complete. Everyone imvolved except you will die. Since Trancedental Transposing is just another word used for Mass Suicide."







2024 is gonna be fun!

Here's a nice Sneak Peek at what the Next Chapter Upholds!



Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe.

Both three looked shocked at sight of the ONE They Used to call as 'The Strong'.

The Mother was astonished and felt calmer as the stress relieved at once.

Taking a knee as a form of respect for the Strongest, their fear couldn't be ignored.

The eyes of that one was a menace.

They could feel this intent from afar.

Despite being on his side, they were afraid of him.

December had never looked this powerful.

On the other side, Gwenn Klauus and her affiliates defending their position.

It was all for something.. or for naught.

"Mother, I hear doubt in your breathing. Are you afraid that you will lose?"

Breaking the atmosphere with a deep voice, even the opps paid attention to his conversation.

"I've never been this stimulated like this before. I guess that's why I am having doubts. Hey Decky, Kill Them All, SLOWLY PLEASE."

Replied Greorgorian Marrtellis to her son.

At that moment, She felt happy.

When the opps was not feeling it at all.

"This should be fun, Mother. Been a while.. Let's try a wide range attack for starters."




~to be continued~