
chapter 1

Greg suddenly found himself in a random forest, filled with sky-high trees. He was confused and in a daze. Just a second ago, he had been taking a stroll in the city.

"Why am I in the forest? How did I even get here? This makes no sense..."

He blurted out the words on his mind, but he did not have the liberty of taking it easy, as one of the forest's deadliest predators were lurking nearby.

Greg was trying to collect his thoughts when he heard it-


A big animal of some sort was growling at him from a few ten meters away. Greg tried to identify it, but dropped the thought because it was coming towards him with an aggressive look on its face.

Greg turned tail and ran as fast as he could. His feet hit the ground with tremendous force as he sprinted. Greg had no trouble running in this terrain, as he often went hiking and mountain climbing. The mysterious forest was covered in very tall trees, Greg tried to see how high the trees went when he suddenly tripped on one of the tree roots. He fell to the ground, hit his face on a rock, and crushed his nose.


Greg was clutching his nose tightly. For a second, he rolled around in agony, but quickly recovered due to his high pain tolerance. Greg often got into fights so he was somewhat used to this kind of pain. He forced his eyes, which had been tightly shut, to open. What he saw when he opened his eyes was nothing but roots. Bloody roots.

Forgetting the pain he was just in, he suddenly remembered that he was being chased and quickly got up.

'I should prioritize my safety first, everything else can come after that'

After speed walking for about an hour, he finally came to a dirt road. The dirt road was wide enough for 2 cars to drive on side by side. Greg followed the road for another 2 hours. His stomach wanted food, but he had none, and there were no berries to be seen. His nose still looked like a squashed potato, and he could still taste the iron from the blood dripping from his nose.

'I must look like quite the mess right now' He thought to himself, when in the distance, he spotted someone on the road in the distance-

"Finally! People! Civilization... um what?"

The "someone" in the distance was not a car, but some weird horse-drawn wagon.

'Did I end up in some amish land or something?'

The wagon got closer and closer, allowing Greg to get a better look at it. The 2 people steering the wagon definitely didn't look friendly. They had rough clothes, big muscles and were very scary looking. One of them seemed to have something like a sword on his waist.

'These people are definitely not amish folk. Where the fuck am I???'

The wagon came near him and as he had no other choice, he tried to ask the men for help.

*clip clop clip clop* The horses drawing the wagon came up right next to Greg.

Greg: "Excuse me, but ca-"


The burly man shouted at him from atop the wagon, then jumped down and stood before him. With a smirk on his face, the man put a hand on the sword hilt at his waist.

'Did I hear them right? Are these guys kidding?' Greg thought as he looked at his clothes. He was wearing his usual black trench coat. Though the trench coat was a little dirty because of the running in the forest, it was certainly leagues above the rags the burly man was wearing.

Greg: "um, what did you just say?"

The burly man pulled the sword out of his scabbard and pointed it at Greg's neck.

Swordsman: "Are ya fuckin deaf kiddo? I said- HAND OVER ALL YER SHIT BEFORE I CUT YER FUCKIN THROAT"

Greg didn't know what to do at this point so he just stood there still. The burly man seemed to get more and more pissed for every second until he finally grabbed Greg by his hair and forced him onto the ground. His friend, who had been just watching from behind until now, approached and began stripping Greg of his clothing.


That is, he tried, but the swordsman holding Greg down seemed to have fainted and collapsed. As Greg got up from the ground, the swordsman's partner yelled, "Fedor! what are you doi-". Right as he noticed the blood seeping out of Fedor's throat, he felt an intense pain and also fell asleep - forever.

Greg hadn't liked the tone of these uncultured monkeys, so he had dealt them a fitting punishment. He had slashed their throats with his karambit knife, which he bought on the internet. He practiced everyday with his collection of knives and he had also learnt military CQC from Youtube.

As he didn't know where he was, killing people would be very risky, but those filthy apes dared to touch Greg with their filthy hands. He'd had no choice. There was nobody around, so as long as he got out of this place quickly he would be safe.

He dragged the bodies of the two men into the forest so that they at least couldn't be seen from the road. Greg got back to the wagon and searched it. He noticed that there was a person in the back of the wagon, his heart jumped. The person was a little blonde girl with pointy ears. Greg had been reckless. He should have checked the wagon as soon as he killed the two men.

Luckily the girl was in a cage. She might have seen what he did to the two men, but couldn't run away. Greg opened the cage and let the girl out while being on guard.

"Did you see what i did to the two men?" he asked as he looked at the girl.

The girl was thin and had bruises over her body. It looked like she hadn't eaten much recently. The girl shook her head, saying "no" when she heard Greg's question. She had a smile on her face and Greg found her very creepy.

Greg cut her throat and threw her into the forest with the other two. He got back to the wagon and set off. He figured out how to work the horses and was on his way.