
The yethax cup of power

In the history of The word. The Thi university had a race for all students in the yethax forest. The winning class of students would turn into the next super class for five years.

The yethax cup of power was always an attribute to the leader of the ruling class. In Thi university were five classes of students.

There were the subtotha , immortal, riptha, petha and the fitha. All students were given classes according to their acroynm birth reading in their palms.

Only the great Thay bracelet would tell were the student belonged. The Riptha class was only for the high official students in Thi.

Once the Thay bracelet announced the triplets belonged there , all students got astonished. The Riptha class had never taken the yethax cup of power for a decade.

Only the students there showed off at school and took no attempt in getting the cup. The Riptha had there head called Michy Olsen.