
Chapter 323 - The Price of Belief

Several groups had scattered earlier to search for water sources. 

They were now returning, complaining about the limited water they had found. 

Each group reported that none of the sources seemed enough to sustain the needs of their large party. 

They needed to find a much larger water supply.

The sun was now directly overhead, its intense heat piercing through the gaps in the tree canopy. 

It was well past midday, and the decision was made to head back to their camp. 

Talon was deep in conversation with John and Tommy when the scattered groups finally returned. 

One by one, they came forward, reporting the various challenges they had faced while searching for the water sources. 

Each story was similar—either the water was too shallow, or the pools were nearly dried up.

As the group gathered around Talon, a young woman in her twenties approached, breaking through the crowd.