
Chapter 306 - A Tragic Ocean Accident

In the early morning, before the sun had a chance to rise, Talon was already preparing to catch fish for their daily sustenance. 

Talon, who had assumed leadership among the shipwreck survivors, had organized them into several small groups to make it easier to find food and water for each group. 

That morning, Talon set out to fish with Emily. Emily was stretching her muscles right at the edge of the beach, savoring the fresh morning air. 

Talon stood in the water, not far from Emily, gripping his spear tightly. 

"Ah, this is refreshing," Emily said, lifting her arms above her head, closing her eyes, and inhaling slowly. "Waking up early always makes me feel more alive. Is that why you always do it, Talon?"

"Hmm, no particular reason for me," he replied, his gaze still locked on the water. "I used to do it out of necessity."

He continued, still focused, "And now, it's just become a routine."